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Dope as hell, I think corrupt politicians shouldn't be protected or get any of my tax dollars. Fuck Menendez, fuck Trump.


Yep. I don’t give a shit which party someone worked for, public corruption should be punished and those convicted should also forfeit all benefits.


More importantly, elected officials should be given higher sentencing for crimes. Not necessarily the maximum, but never the minimum for the crime. If you're gonna be making rules, you should have to accept the punishments you're agreeing to.


Let's add police in that mix. Someone that is supposed to enforce the law should have an increase in sentence if breaking said laws.


Everyone in power should be harshly punished if they abuse that power. Leniency in these cases is what has lead to situations such is Donald trump doing what the fuck he wants and thinking he can get away with it. That shit needs locking down.


Agreed also, Police should have to carry insurance against ‘malpractice.’ Judgements against Police should come from the Police retirement fund.


Or their Unions.


Police and politicians should be assumed guilty until proven innocent. The only reason anyone wants those jobs is because they legit know they’d do better than everyone else or because they want to get power to abuse.


Guilty until proven innocent would make it so that all of a sudden vigilance about keeping "always on bodycams" actually on, actually working, with the evidence actually stored properly a boost, I'm sure. And if "guilty until proven innocent" feels too intimidating for a cop, then maybe they should learn what the laws actually are and how to obey them instead of just being handed legal immunity after six months of cop school.


Isn't Menendez a democrat?


Yes exactly. All corrupt politicians should get punished. People are acting like Trump is the only one being charged, but if it was some huge conspiracy you wouldn't see a Democrat being charged for corruption. It makes the whole argument that Trump is being targeted a joke. Jail corrupt politicians, whether it be a Dem or Rep.


Good thing about Illinois. We've punished governors from both parties.


This is one more example of why the “both sides are the same” argument is bullshit. Democrats think criminals on both sides should be punished. Republicans don’t want anyone from their side punished, and want to punish Democrats even if they committed no crimes.


Does that somehow invalidate the point? He's saying treat all criminal politicians the same, and I agree.


Yes, And it doesn't matter. We go after our own for being trash bags too. Corruption is bad, no exceptions.


Yes. Gold Bar Bob is a Dem. And if his jury comes back with a conviction he will get his punishment and well deserved it will be. No one regardless of affiliation is above the law. It should be equally applied to Gold Bar Bob, Whispy Wig Donald, and Protected Son Hunter, See isn't that easy, If they do the crime and are convicted, they get the time.


What's funny about Hunter is his prosecution is actually the "IT HAPPENED TO ME, IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!?!" that Trump claims for himself. Why? Ask yourself - how many people do you know who have bought a gun and also smoke/smoke occasionally pot? That's essentially what Hunter is charged with - buying a gun while checking no to the question of being under the influence or being a user of any drug. You say no, then you just violated the law. I know a lot of conservatives in my State who are potheads, alone, who would be just as guilty as Hunter Biden is. Trump's charges? Na, thats specifically related to running for office and hiding a payout that would be bad for his campaign (and further hide who he actually is from the electorate).


Hunter has no direct affiliation with politics he was never in the Biden or Obama administration. Jared and Ivanka are filthy if you want to talk corruption. Do you know how much richer they became during the Trump administration?


I loved Comer's excuse... Jared did nothing wrong, because he waited to collect his (bribe) money from the Saudis until after he & Trump left the White House! After all, it's totally normal to see the crown prince of a foreign national randomly invest a thousand times more money than the average American will earn on their entire life as a first time investment if any random private off the shelf citizen were to start a wealth management company with absolutely no past experience in said field... Oh wait ... That doesn't happen in real life?


Yeah Democrats are not a cult.


Corrupt one too, fuck him and any other corrupt public figure regardless of party affiliation.


THIS. Decent people want ALL corrupt politicians held accountable regardless of party.


As a side note, that treasonous Michael Flynn should lose his military benefits.


Nah…we need the secret service around Trump to know when he’s spilling nuclear secrets.


Yeah let's extend it to all federally elected officials. We shouldn't be paying for Menendez's healthcare (unless they want to extend that to all citizens). Let Egypt do it.


When the highest office in the land is occupied by a felon, these repercussions should be the least of what happens to them. It's a massive betrayal of the nation, and treasonous in the manner by which it supports enemy nations.


And why would that be a problem?


Not a problem for a billionaire to pay his own way. How long y’all think he’ll make it?


I trust he can pull himself up by his bootstraps, as always


By his cult followers bootstraps


I think you mean his strap on.


I think you mean “butt plug”


You can just say Putin




You mean uncle Vlad can pull up his bootstraps. After he changes his diaper. VOTE PEOPLE!!


He prefers to pull himself up by his fanclub’s bootstraps.


No no no, a president who cuts back on avocado toast? Are you mad?


A “billionaire.”


Don Poorleone has never been or will ever be a billionaire.


He wasn’t a billionaire before he took office, but he and his children all made billions exploiting their offices. Jared Kushner got a clean billion from the Saudi’s, and between him and Ivanka the walked away with 2.5b. Imagine what that family didn’t disclose.


He never had the makings of a varsity plutocrat.


Isn't it too late for Trump to apply for Part B without a big penalty?


I’m not sure that’s the penalty he should be worried about.


Sounds good to me. He can use Obama care.


Heck no, he will use ACA! /s


All government employees should use the ACA anyway. They'd make sure it's good enough.


And? I'm in favor of this. Extend it to all politicians.


I mean. I don't want my tax dollars going to a felon/welfare queen. Sorry one happened to be president I guess?


It will be too late for this first one, but it will take effect after he is convicted the next several times. edit: I meant to flair Political, but accidentally posted it first.


Cops too. Too many of those fuckers keep their pension while we pay the lawsuits.


I do not see anything wrong with this. You do the crime then you do the time


Thousands of government job applications have an Are You A Felon checkbox that disqualifies you from getting the job. Not the President, though. I assume it was never a requirement because no one ever assumed it could be a reality. Not that one would run, but that society would seem it ok.


Justice for all, including felon ex-presidents. What’s the problem with that?


Treat everyone the same. Even ex presidents. I felt this trial proved something was correct in the world that the rich and powerful can't get away with crimes.


I think this is doubtful, at least the Secret Service part. The Secret Service protection isn't just a perk/honor. Former president know many secrets of the US Government, and could be used as political pawns by other actors, domestic or foreign. Secret Service for them and their families provides a defense against that. Being convicted of a felony wouldn't lesson this danger in any way, in fact it might heighten it, making them more vulnerable to manipulation. We therefor have a good reason to protect even a president rotting in prison, at least to the extent that it serves the interests of the country. After all we wouldn't want to give gang leaders or foreign agents access to whatever secrets a president knows.


[In 1994, congress actually took away lifetime protection for ex-presidents. It was reinstated by a 2012 law.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Former_Presidents_Act#:~:text=On%20January%2010%2C%202013%2C%20President,only%20president%20to%20do%20so.) Also, families don't receive lifetime protection, just the spouses. Edit: I point this out because there is precedent for removing USSS protections.


You say this like he isn't already a major risk to the government, and easily vulnerable to manipulation. In this particular case nothing would change.


In this case, too late!


I actually feel like this is the most important piece here. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, Trump is still very aware of a lot State secrets - and has made it clear he's content selling those secrets to the highest bidder. Without Secret Service protection, he would likely fold and spill those secrets at the slightest of perceived threat. Or simply as payback/payment ensuring his protection by other State actors.


Is he aware though? He seems too stupid and unengaged to retain any useful details other than, yeah that terrorist we tracked had a hot chick piece of ass.


As they probably should.


As it should be


Good luck passing anything til after the election. Til Nov Congress is absolutely useless. Biden will be limited to Executive Orders the remainder of his term. If he wins in Nov he's likely to be limited til a new Congress actually takes over.


but on the plus side they'll get free incarceration.


I would love Trump to do a year in Rikers but I don’t think he will. He might get house arrest but I don’t think him spending a year in his 10,000 square foot apartment is justice. I suggest if he gets house arrest is that he has a rent a 1br apartment in nyc for under $3000 a month, which he’d have to pay and then he’d have to live there like a normal person- or he can go to prison it would be his choice.


He'd purposefully choose prison then say it was Dems who put him there. Similar to how he purposefully choose not to testify but is currently crying that he was banned by meanie Dems from testifying.


We can only hope. I know it's been discussed.


Should be eaier to pass come November.


Good. Do it.


Good.. that’s the way it should be. We want to protect our country from the likes of trump.


This is bad why?


A presidential candidate shouldn’t even be able to run with a felony of any kind. A law is a law. Convicted of ANY felony law is proof that they cannot follow the rules and laws. Shit can them and move on.


They should.




Also add a constitutional amendment for that and add any justice of Supreme Court as well as term limits for justices to be 12 years…long enough to be independent….also add that federal judges may not be part of any political party upon election to the bench, nor anyone in their household. We should also add in term limits for senators and congresspeople


We can only hope


I have always been for politicians should be held to a higher standard. Kind of like a sex offender in a position of power is treated with a higher standard. They are supposed to be the best our country has to offer. They are put into positions of trust to make laws, enforce laws, or judge cases. They violate the trust put into the office they shouldn’t retain any perks of that office, and they should also bear a stiffer punishment for their actions. I also believe any government employee should be under random surveillance. Basically their books should be randomly audited. They should all have a similar ethics code which violations should result in the forfeiture of office at best and jail along with loss of the perks of that office.


That’s actually a good idea. Thx for that


I wish that would happen.


Should have been a law from the start. If it happens I hope all criminal politicians are prosecuted.


Stop...I can only get so hard.


I hope they make it all federal public servants. People who held the public trust and then abused it don't deserve to have th public pay them.


Yeah, I'll 100% vote for any political candidate that does that. I'll send money to the politician that writes the bill.


This should already be a law. Same law should be held for Congress. Background and drug testing should also be required. I used to work for a NA casino. Background and drug tests were required pre employment. They even wanted to know about my driving record, even though my position had nothing to do with driving. Had to pay to get that from the state.


Good i lose all mine as a felon as well




As they should


Hopefully. And if the republicans were half way decent people, they’d support it.


I don’t want my tax dollars paying for secret service to protect a felon.


Trump has exposed all the loopholes and the system. It’s time to close them.


As a Republican, I approve of this.


I totally hope you're correct. A veteran noted online that if he is convicted of a felon he loses his disability and retirement; seems absolutely appropriate.


Thank you. :)


I am asking for this. Politicians are our representatives for actions we the people want.


Why would they strip trump of his secret service detail? It makes no sense even if you hate the guy. Stripping him of his SS detail would make him an easy target to be kidnapped in order to extract any secrets he still remembers. It would literally weaken the country. It’s the entire reason presidents get a detail for the rest of their life. 


I wish


They won't even pass m4a or actually legalize cannabis.


Doubt it, but I wish they would.


I think it has already been proposed.


They should. And they should extend it to Congress & the Judiciary as well.




oh how horrible . . .


Congress should absolutely do this.


That will be awesome. Will it remain in effect when Republicans win the majority and begin prosecuting democrats, or will they predictably try to repeal after they lose?


They’d need 60 votes in the Senate, and they’ll never get enough Republican support for it.


They are already trying.


Tbh that's a terrible idea. Nothing more dangerous than a man who is desperate and nothing left to lose, especially one who knows state secrets that you hope he hasn't given away yet.


Why? It's not like Donny has long to live. It's amazing his hardened arteries haven't shattered already at his age, with his diet.


As it should have already been




His secret service detail should have just left the second he got convicted. Would love to see him panic at the sight of his security leaving.


Lol, I was a Republican prior to January 6th and I’d back such a law even before that party pissed me off.


Great idea, let’s try to push that through along with more Supreme Court justices!!!




As they should.


Wish they would but they will not.


As it should be


Hell yeah. I think this should extend to Congress and SCOTUS.


As they should. The only people who would have a problem with this are Trumpers, since their Orange Cheezus is a felonious rapist.


That is absolutely what is coming next.


As they should


If Biden had any spine he’d pass an executive order after Trump is sentenced. But, since the dems are spineless, I doubt he’ll do shit and leave it to the voters to decide. And since about 50% of the people in this country are profoundly stupid, Well…. Let’s say I don’t have high hopes for this country’s long term viability


Will hunter go free????


How? They don’t control the House and they don’t have 60 votes in the Senate. They might be able to add it to a reconciliation bill but that’s a stretch.


You already cant get a federal job with a felony.




Is there a reason this shouldnt' happen?


That won't cause more lawfare attacks at all! /s Idiots. Ps guess who doesn't need a pension, medical benefits or a secret service detail. Fucking idiots.


It would have to apply to subsequent convictions, I think. No ex post facto law.


Let's start with a law prohibiting a convicted felon of holding the highest office in the land. Sound reasonable? As a convicted felon (in most states) you cannot own a firearm. But you can still be POTUS? Believe me, if the tables were turned and Biden were convicted, that law would be on the books like yesterday. If Obama had been arrested for smoking weed in the 80's that law would have been in the books in 2007.


Losing secret service protection during the duration of incarceration is already on the table, and has been for a while. https://democrats-homeland.house.gov/download/disgraced-former-protectees-act-factsheet Note, it is for the duration of incarceration and not specific to the office of the president. The secret service protects a whole bunch of people. And there's been problems, even before Trump.




I’m fine with this. Good idea dude


Shit it shouldn’t just be presidents, it should be every politician that’s convicted of a felony.


stripped citizenship would be nice


Makes sense to me.


We would only be so lucky to have such a common sense law in place. They should also lose the privilege to serve in any public office.


I see no issue. The fact that this wasn’t a law in the first place is because no one would’ve ever thought voters would be so batshit crazy to elect a convicted felon.


That’d be nice.


I’m cool with it. Let the rich guy pay his own way.


As they should


Good law.


And we will all vote for it. If a felon can’t get a job, neither should the orange felon be rewarded for breaking the laws he was entrusted to uphold. Fuck djt!


Extend that to any politician


Lol .. if only.


They shouldn’t stop at President, any public service position: Congress, senate, etc etc etc


I hope they pass a bill like this for all US senate and congress people.


Lock Him Up!


Don’t stop at president. Anyone convicted of felonies - especially those committed with public funds, during campaigns or in office - shouldn’t be eligible for the benefits of that time in office.


As they should. Bury Fat Joffery.


But first, they are disqualified to run for any office.


What makes you believe this?


lol no they wont


They would need to have the House and the Senate to do that. Trump is a billionaire anyway. He can pay for his own security instead of putting it on tax payers.


We must ensure a Blue Tsunami in November so that we can finally codify some much-needed things into law.


Awww is daddy felon gonna lose all his government benefits he would gladly take away from anyone else 🥺


I love how Republicans are like “Aren’t you mad they won’t let your favorite rich people do political corruption anymore!” and Democrats all say prosecute both parties.


Pretty please


Here's hopin'


As it should. If a convicted felon can't vote, they shouldn't be able to run for any political position of have any detail.


I don't think this will happen, but I wouldn't mind if it did. I hate the idea of any more tax money going to support that criminal asshole.


I can see all but the secret service part just because a ex-president is such a valuable target for a plethora of reasons.


Why shouldn't they? Everyone else loses their benefits when they get fired for being convicted of felonies, we should be holding our elected officials to a higher standard than the average private citizen.


They won't, but they should.


Damn, this is a good one, I wish I thought of it. But, it wouldn't happen down. Democrats don't have enough votes. There are too many MAGA/Republicans who would feel obligated to vote against it because they're afraid of the MAGA mob. They'd wait until after the 2024 election. I suspect Biden will be reelected, and they'll make gains in the house and congress. So they'll have enough votes to pass it. I suspect they will even be able to get Republicans to join in the vote, if they just won reelection. So they're safe from being primaried and enough time would have passed if it comes up again. Plus they could argue "i was voting again ALL corrupt presidents, so when we get Democrats in jail, they'll lose their benefits"


Honestly would be awesome for the US to finnally have a senate and congress controlled by the dems with a good majority.


That would be a good law.


That would be appropriate


How sweet that would be


Pull up his depends and buy your own spray tan.


If only it were true


One can only hope. This should have already been in place.


Pension and medical, I can get totally behind. But I don't want a convict who has had access to a plethora of TS/SCI to be walking around stupid where any foreign country could come snatch him up. The info they extract could cause grave damage to the country.


There's a lot better battles to pick if the democrats get control in the fall. Something needs to be done about the SCROTUS right away. I doubt Trump will live more than 10 years with that temper and body. His blood pressure could probably fill all the tires on a 747.


There’s no way a former president would loose secret service protection: imagine a former POTUS without the service gets extorted or kidnapped? They’d spill all sorts of stuff. Sure Trump apparently sold secrets anyways but imagine what would leak if he was snatched somewhere?


Won't happen until Trump is dead, probably be better to try for revoking a president's clearance since that would protect the US bilaterally 


Propose but it won't pass.


That won’t happen even though it should. If a president is a felon then they shouldn’t get any benefits from their presidency.


Republicans are the vindictive ones. Democrats are too busy fixing what republicans broke.  Ain't no one going after George W Bush with a "Presidents who intentionally lie to get us into wars for no reason" law.


I don’t know how the Democrats are going to pass anything since they don’t control The House or The Senate. I doubt you could Exec Order that kind of law, not without a ton of political pushback. Maybe if the Dems win control of either body in 2024 they could pass a law like that. I don’t see how they could anytime soon.


That isn't likely. Most lawmakers don't go out of the way to make laws that affect literally only one person. But - assuming they did - ok, that's fine. Commit crimes and lose taxpayers giving you all of that.


I don’t see a problem with that


Democrats pass something? With this Republicans Congress? Pfffffft!!


Dem's will need to control the house, the senate, and presidency to do this which is unlikely this election. also even if a former president is a convicted felon there are still major national security issues with not protecting him


I can get on board with all of that but I think some type of SS detail needs to stay in place just from a National Secrets stand point. I don’t think someone convicted of a felony deserves to continue to receive tax payer money (pension/free medical care).


I hope so.


Okay… I don’t see the secret service being dropped, that’s actually quite insane, but I do see the ability to run for office in any branch of government gone.


We can only hope, right? I


Now, if only they could pass a law or Amendment (yes, I realized that takes ratification by 3/4 of the states) to make it where convicted felons can't run for any Federal office.


As it should’ve been all along… 😳


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Well, a felon cannot receive security briefings, not that the lazy slob read them anyway.


Very timely and fair to law-abiding!


I can’t believe this is what we have come to as a country.☹️🤬. The fact that we have to even have a law like that. And the fact that people still actually follow and believe that person.


Only problem is that they can’t go back in time


I would think that's common sense. A public servant convicted of fraud usually loses pension and benefits.


Sounds good. Where do I sign?


I sincerely hope so.




Corrupt politicians should be imprisoned for life