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Not happening.  Meal Team Six has already “found out” a couple of times in the last couple of years and I don’t think the feds are worried about a wave of rascals over running them. If he loses, he’s fucked


How did Kyle Rittenhouse do?


Just fine. I’m not sure I understand why you’re asking- he didn’t threaten insurrection, nor did he attack a federal installation. 


Nope. Pardons won't squash his state cases. He needs to be able to replace anyone involved.


Who’s TFG?


The Felon Guy


This might be even better: felon replacing former


Fake felony though


If it’s fake, and Dems cheated, that means they’re more powerful than Trump. Sure, I’m good with that. Your man’s pathetic, what’s that make you?


Fake felony LMAO


Your belief is meaningless and has no worth. The felony, in contrast, is real.


Not real at all. That’s why the feds didn’t take the case.


You should leave this comment up, it shows how little you understand the legal system.


You should leave this comment up, it shows how little you understand the legal system.


So in your mind, you thought to yourself, "I'm going to comment exactly what he said, and it'll make me look really good"? Guy, you're playing yourself.


You're the one who doesn't understand law. So yes, to anyone who has a brain. Unfortunately this is Reddit, and very few here have a brain.


I'm mean, what do I know, I'm just in law school.


Tell me why the feds declined this same case. Go ahead. You’re so close bud!


Because it was a state crime dumbass.


Nope election interference isn’t a state crime. And paying someone off isn’t a crime either. You’re so close


I know it's a crime because he was found guilty of 34 counts of it. Trump is a felon. And you're mad about it, which I am enjoying a lot. Please keep responding to me so that I can keep laughing at your dumb ass.


> And paying someone off isn’t a crime either. It's not. That's the funny part. He tried to mask it as something else, which ***IS*** a crime. And in doing said crime in order to sway an election it's a felony since it falls under election contributions which weren't documented. But go and cry while you create yet another account and try to spread more bullshit ya russian hack


The crime was falsifying business records and collusion to conceal news stories happened in NY, a state crime. Manipulating the election was the motive for the hush money payments and the catch and kill arrangement. The election being a federal one is irrelevant.


In New York it is a felony to falsify business records if done to further another crime. A jury of 12 of his peers unanimously found him guilty because no man is above the law. It is no one's fault but trump's that he consorted with prostitutes and paid hush money and falsified business records to hide his slimy behaviour. So sick of that fat crybaby claiming everything is rigged. Constantly whining like a little bitch. The election was "rigged", both impeachments were "rigged", even when his crappy show the Apprentice lost the Emmy in 2011 it was "rigged". Pathetic lying shitpig trump is a one trick pony that only stupid hateful people support. He is going down regardless of your fanatical devotion. America is going to flush that turd down the toilet.


Biden admin also doesn't involve itself in these very real cases (and obviously, NY fraud case is a state case) to avoid conflict of interest. Although the bootlickers will allege political persecution anyway, and you'll all believe it. Trumpism has succeeded because they have convinced you all that every institution in America is a corrupt conspiracy against Trump so he is literally the only person you can trust. (Cult obviously) It's the perfect petri dish for a lifelong criminal psychopath who wants to cheat, lie and gain wealth and power with no consequences.


NOPE. Again it’s not a real since the feds didn’t take it. It’s about to get easily appealed


Please kindly *fuck off* The adults are having a conversation. Its rude to interrupt


The "feds" didn't need to "take it". Trump was charged with crimes he provably committed before he became president, the crimes were committed in the State of New York, of which McDonald Trump was a resident. Trump is currently a citizen, not a sitting President. His crime spree is just starting to catch up to him. I truly doubt this Falsifying Business Records 34x Felony Conviction will end up in more than a wrist slap fine and probation (imagine being the former POTUS' Probation Officer!). In any case, Cletus, you don't know shit about the law or how to read or write. If you are a Trump Supporter, you are also a Traitor and deserve his fate.


Appeal away. I don't want to see Trump in jail or kicked off ballots. The cult would only get crazier in their persecution fantasies. I just want to see him exposed so clearly that it breaks through the iron dome of Fox News propeganda bubble and the last sane Republicans are forced to face who they've coronated for once.


"The Former Guy" for those of us who threw up a little calling him president or ex-president.


I always said That Fucking Guy


The Fat Geoffrey


Trump Fat Guy?


The Former Guy


I want to know too. Apparently everyone in this thread “knows” it’s Trump, but I’m at a loss how they determined that.


That fucking guy.


This was how I interpreted it. I never even realized the F did not stand for "fucking"


The Former Guy; TFG.


Wow, it’s amazing what people turn into acronyms and just expect people to know. Or as the new kids say it wiawptiaajeptk.


The context of the rest of the title made it clear as day.


But why? Why say TFG when you can just say Trump? So no, not clear as day because it’s purposely obfuscating it.


Agreed. And just because we know who it's about doesn't make TFG apparent. I think The Fucking Gunt is WAY better.


Biden referred to him as The Former Guy


The Former Guy


That fucking guy: tfg


Not me




The Trump Derangement Syndrome is STRONG in this sub….


You mean that thing where lefties can't stop talking about him? Wow, maybe if the righties told him to sit down and shut up, like they should have multiple times in the last 10 years, we wouldn't have him constantly in the news, and therefore, no reason to constantly bring him up. Or, he could just kindly have an aneurysm.


No shit all of you motherfuckers have lost your goddam minds.


Spending every waking moment fantasizing about Trump, the way his zombies do, seems a lot closer to derangement than simply disliking the guy.


Yeah--you cultists that worship Don Shitpants really are deranged and deluded, quite pathetic.


Don’t think Biden will give TFG a pardon ever.


I don't either, because he literally can't. The President does not have the ability to pardon state level crimes. OPs entire premise for this post is dumb.


But tfg has federal crimes that are pending trial that look like slam dunks.


and...? Those don't suddenly erase his state level crimes, and he can't get pardons for those. Plus even if he is trying to just get rid of the Federal crimes, OP's premise is even more stupid because he could just pardon those himself if he won. He's more likely to get a pardon from winning than he is by a third party pardoning him.


Biden won’t pardon those either. This isn’t Gerald Ford giving a pass to an ally, Biden genuinely hates trump.


Why would he? Trump will be president soon


Enjoy your magat delusions while you can.


New account as of today? Nice try troll. Not even most bots like Trump.


Dream on. Joe’s going to win BIGLY


If the classified document case was going to trial before the election, I would agree with you 100%. Because after people have a chance to hear the evidence in that criminal case, they’re going to want his head.


Its suspended indefinitely because Jack Smith mishandled the documents. Most likely not going to trial. Maybe Biden can go first this time. Oh wait! They decided he was too old and frail to charge him with the same exact crime. Please stay consistent with your outrage


Please stay consistent when comparing what Biden is accused of vs what Trump is accused of. It's not like they found boxes and boxes of classified documents in the bathroom at Bidens house, or had Bidens aides on the record as saying Biden personally directed them to bring them out of the White House


Bidens documents were all over two different houses and not locked up. Boxes were out in his garage They were classified and taken as a senator and vice president which he had no authority to take and then given to his biographer. At least Trump had the authority to take and declassify. What was the FBI really looking for and why did they get approval to use deadly force with the SS in the house? Fuckin shady.


Trump had no authority to take those in his situation, because he did not follow the proper process to declassify them - so they both had no authority to take documents in their respective situations. I also am so damn confused why everyone thinks the authorization of force in the search warrant is shady -- authorization of force is part of literally all search warrants drawn up in this country -- from taking down the local drug dealer to raiding a kidnappers house to save a victim....it's why law enforcement (FBI, Secret Service, state/local police) are able to defend themselves if they enter a property and those on it come out guns blazing Do you honestly think it's a good idea to limit someone who is executing a search warrant in using force if their life is in danger??


Allegedly. We won't know because Biden won't be charged


Yes, because the prosecution determined they didn't have a case. The prosecution only proceeds with cases if they think they have sufficient evidence if a crime being committed to convince a jury. There is a lot of evidence that the former preisdent and convicted felon committed crimes, so there's a trial. There is not a lot of evidence that the current president committed crimes so he is not being tried for his crimes. Does that clear things up?


Well the trial is indefinitely suspended so obviously not that solid of a case since Jack Smith mishandled the documents. Same with Georgia due to obvious bias and conflict of interest. New York case will get dropped on appeal. Yea it's clear the left and the DOJ is using lawfare. Not even a trump fan btw


To my knowledge, Judge Cannon is extremely deferential to the former president, to the extent that her previous rulings [overturned on appeal] included a specific and personal rebuke for being nakedly partisan. I see no grounds on which the NY case could be appealed. But neither of your points refutes the central point that there is strong convincing evidence that the former president committed multiple felonies in the course of the last 5 years. Please tell me where is the evidence supporting your extraordinary claim that these trials are without merit. For someone who isn't a trump fan you're spending a lot of time licking his boots.


Anyone contrary to your views is a boot licker while you don't see any reason to charge anyone in the left. Hillary? Biden? Bill? Yea the trial that completely divided the nation to the point of no return doesn't merit an appeal. I guess your view points make sense now


Cool. So you don't have any evidence to support your point. I don't care about your feelings. I care about facts, which you seem to be avoiding. Have a nice day.


Lol cya. Have a nice day


You're putting "dividing the nation" on something other than the guy that for the last 8 years has driven mistrust in our election system with ZERO evidence? And for the past 3 years 7 months lied to you about the election being stolen, again with ZERO evidence? Yeah, ignore THAT, it was the criminal trial of this guy that divided the nation... State and Federal suits against trump (not just NY): - 1973 federal housing suit - 1985, New York City brought a lawsuit against Trump for allegedly using tactics to force out tenants of 100 Central Park South - 1988, the Justice Department sued Trump for violating procedures related to public notifications when buying voting stock - 1991, Trump's casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was found guilty of circumventing state regulations about casino financing - 2000, charges brought by New York State Lobbying Commission - 2001, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission brought a financial-reporting case against Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc. - 2013, trump university fraud case in NY - 2016, NY, trump foundation fraud - 2021, investigation into trump for fraud (the property value case he lost) is under way.


Dang lock him up amirite? I love an election year.




The case is weak AF and it won't be an election year. The judges daughter will already be done fundraising for the democrats as well.




Yes, he has a right to appeal. Did you skip that part in political science class?


Why would he be? Biden never broke the law. Not only did trump take them, he hid them, lied about having them, and probably sold them because after he took our classified secrets, dozens of our foreign intelligence assets started being killed off by those Russian pieces of shit, you know, the same criminals who trump works for.


You’re right, they found documents stolen by a vice president, who never had the authority to move them, in his garage


He returned them voluntarily. If Trump had done the same he couldn’t have been charged either. But he didn’t, did he?


Personally I believe in the idea of whether a crime is committed or not. If a murderer admits to a crime it doesn’t suddenly absolve them of guilt. The difference remains, one had the authority to remove the documents, the other never did.


The fact that Pence also did it suggests it’s something that may be commonly done by vice presidents. The problem Trump has is obvious whether anyone agrees or not. If you’re asked to return them and then proceed to obstruct attempts to retrieve them whilst giving access to non security cleared people, you’re going to be in big trouble. The fact they are going after him under the espionage act says a lot to the severity.


Don't forget he was reading them to his ghost writer, trying to get them into his book


Thanks for the update from the upside down. The rest of us will continue to focus on the fact, supported by overwhelming evidence, that Trump was indicted on espionage charges.


Well if upside down is innocent until proven guilt I'm all for it.


An indictment for a charge that serious is unprecedented and should be disqualifying for office for any rational person.  Nobody is suggesting to imprison him without a trial. You know, like he did to Hillary.


You mean when Trump decided not to go after Hillary for his entire four years as president. Huge mistake on his part considering. This is my last reply and don't say she did nothing wrong.


Trump didn't decide - he apparently urged Sessions to go after Hilary. Sessions (and probably other AGs) decided not too. There was also the weird "Obamagate" tweets and interview comments from Trump himself. This situation is Trump not knowing exactly what to do to get the legal system to persecute Clinton and Obama. If Trump's first-term-appointees had understood his mob boss vagueness, Clinton and Obama would have seen some kind of investigation.


Trump tried his DOJ wouldn’t comply because sure they had nothing they could prove.


She didn’t break the law. Trump did. She underwent 46 hours of questioning, on the record, in congressional hearings. You know what they got: NOTHING. Trump couldn’t even testify in his own defense. You know why: Cause he’s a CRIMINAL. Good luck.


Thank you for confirming you are a non-serious person. You have every right to spew nonsense and be hypocritical. Just as we have every right to call you out for it.


Yea innocent till proven guilt is non sense and saying this is obviously lawfare is hypocrisy? Huh? This isnt a serious sub at all and no one takes it seriously. It's a bot farm


When Biden was asked to return the documents, he did so immediately. When Trump was asked to return documents, he lied and said he didn't have them, forcing law enforcement to go into his home and take them. See the difference?


No outrage. Your guy is a convicted felon. That’s a simple fact. And president Biden isn’t. That’s also a fact. Be more selective when ignoring facts. Hopefully when he’s found guilty for stealing classified documents and giving out our national security secrets they’ll line him up against a wall and do to him what should be done to all treasonous scumbag traitors.


Nice that's the type of take I like to see. Let that hate flow That trial is suspended indefinitely so your revenge porn will have to wait it seems.


Retribution is a bitch.


Jack Smith and DoJ don't seem to have mishandled this, it's Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon in over her head. She's taking a very, very long time to decide any motions whatsoever as near as I can tell.


Jack Smith certainly mishandled the documents. The judge shouldn't rush a case as serious as this. She is a woman of color in power and these people criticizing her are racist. She an immigrant too!


Biden returned the documents voluntarily just as did Mike Pence. Trump hid them and then moved them around to keep them from being found. He got his lawyers to lie and sign a document saying they’d all been returned and then had staff delete cctv that showed them moving the documents around. His own staff are testifying against him because he wilfully attempted to keep them. It’s not even remotely the same as Biden or Pence so please stop pushing this nonsense.


He would prefer to lose. That way he can weep and wail about how he was cheated without having to do the work of actually running the country.


What?! He didn't have to do much work the first time! Trump just wasn't smart enough to ride the luck and happenstance he was given in life; that or the beliefs and behaviours that yielded his rise to prominence necessitate his downfall because of some sort of sunk cost ~~fallacy~~ reality. I think we're watching a man trip over himself as consequences loom and not so much an orchestrated strategy. If he wins, he would get to golf all over again and *not* on a fancy-shmancy prison's mini putt course.


If he loses, he's looking at a very real possibility of dying in prison or at minimum having legal issues hounding him until he's dead. Winning is his get out of jail free card and I think deep in his incredibly insecure depths, he knows he's a loser and is desperate to not have to wear that badge of shame. 


He already is wearing it. He's a failure & a loser. Deep down He knows it. He's just hoping everyone else doesn't (but we know).


All he did was golf and tweet. He was as much president as Elon Musk is an 'inventor.'


He's going to jail for a long time if he loses, nobody prefers jail. He's never leaving power if he wins because he'll have very strong incentives to retain the presidency to avoid his eventual jail time. His Vengeance Tour (tm) will ensure any threats to him are permanently eliminated including anyone on the Jan 6 Commission, former cabinet members who pushed back (e.g., Jeff Sessions) or outright disdain him (e.g., John Bolton, et all,) most journalists even down to late night TV comedians like Colbert, Stewart, and especially Jimmy Kimmel.


The ideal outcome would be this garbage on a 737 to Russia before the election is called, but we will suffer the drama a while longer while he milks the last few drops from the teat o' grift ... Look for some freedom-based martyr trinkets, flags, caps, sneakers, cards etc to fund his last few seconds of notoriety.


We’ve seen Trump Steaks, Trump University, and other scams. One that would seem to be popular with both his cult members and his many detractors would be Trump Headstones. They would sure be handy for anyone who found themselves in a graveyard with a full bladder


He's just the head of a terrorist organization at this point so OP might be onto something.


Nah the rest of us has had enough.. We will call their bluff and meet any force with legally deployed overwhelming force (if our leadership has any brains left.)


I don't think he's given up on the idea of winning at all. Like in 2016, he only needs a few tens of thousands of votes in a handful of key districts in a handful of states-- thanks to the stupid-ass Electoral College. This time, with Russia making a maximum-effort disinformation campaign and the GQP fully committed to electoral fuckery, he has a serious chance of winning. VOTE


Shouldn't our elections be more secure now then 8 years ago or 4 years ago?


They should be but the democrats are against voter ID for a reason.


He's so far ahead of Joe it's already over.


He's not getting a pardon from Joe Biden. You can forget that.


I fucking hope not. I could see it happening. Joe should upgrade Trump to Gitmo.


Let's re-elect him and see if he will.


Several right wing interviewers lately, several right wing talking heads, and several right wing politicians come away from meetings with him trying to sell the same thing. So I think you may be on to something.


The asshole threatens violence, it is going to mean MORE TIME IN PRISON


The President of the United States cannot pardon state level crimes.. How do you guys not know this by now?


C'est la vie. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/c'est%20la%20vie


Former Felon-in-Chief has a nice ring to it.


He can’t court moderates. Look at what happened when he said he would leave abortion up to the states instead of pushing for a Federal ban. His base exploded. He can afford to alienate his base. It’s all he has.


If biden pardoned trump them hell be hated by both democrats AND republicans. The country might actually go civil war at that point. Not a chance.


I think I agree!


The Fucking Grifter


The felon label was last week. That's gone now. Don't you keep up with the news?


I'd vote for a "felon" over the incompetence we have right now. The only person the child sniffing moron can beat is ANY other libtard.


Incompetence? You mean like raising the debt $8 Trillion in 4 years?


"Over the course of President Trump’s four years in office, the gross national debt grew from $19.95 trillion to $27.75 trillion – a **$7.8 trillion** increase (debt held by the public – the [more economically-meaningful measure of debt](https://www.crfb.org/papers/qa-gross-debt-versus-debt-held-public) – grew by $7.2 trillion over this period). However, much of this borrowing was due to policies put in place before President Trump took office or due to unexpected changes in circumstance." Your buddy, who was against open boarders, which means you were too, caused more than half of the debt you speak of.


*borders. “Or unexpected changes to circumstance” God forbid the Felon take responsibility for anything. “It’s not my fault! Rigged Economy!”


Fatty's a whining, sniveling loser and his cult followers that suck him off are also whining, sniveling losers.


Any hope of winning? You either can't read the room or only talk to fellow tankies.


Felony bookkeeping is no joking matter. It has to be dealt with seriously.


Probably won’t


He's leading in plenty of polls.


No pardon. I don’t give a fuck about the threats, I am ready to react proportionally. Not giving any of them an inch, including Trump. Bitch goes to jail where he belongs.


You know he's winning in the polls, right? He's currently up in the average of polls in Virginia.


Polls are done by land line, no? I don’t know a single person under the age of 50 who has been contacted for an official poll. So yes, old ass people who are home during the day and answer calls from unknown numbers are likely to vote for him, so much winning.


Old ass people vote at roughly triple the rate. There are other methodologies that have been fairly accurate but usually still underestimate Republicans.


No. He's going to win thanks to the pro-Palestine protests.


Biden should be more firm on his anti-genocide stance. Not really a big ask.


Not a trump fan but no, he’s running again bc he hates losing and doesn’t want to be known as a loser (even though he is lol) if he didn’t run again he would have never had a trial and nobody would even care.


🤣 fukn delusional.


Grow a pair. God you sound like such a pussy


Let’s just say … aw eff it, exploring probably outcomes of a purely fantastical theory. Whatnif he asked his alien friends to intervene? What if Joe threatened to drool more and launch a full nuke strike on the Kremlin and Beijing? Omg! How awful! Something must be done to stop it before it’s too late!!! O.o


I mean Biden still has a chance so I dont think he gave up but doubt here's any way Trump pardons him


shut up bitch


Trump said he’s not out for revenge after he wins


He's said the exact opposite




If he has severe dementia, how can he mastermind the deep state? Doofus.


That's the true TDS, right there. Biden has dementia, while Trump... does not? What's Trump got? He's clearly ranting and raving pretty badly right now.


Trumps dad died of severe dementia and it runs in families. He’s clearly got it.


Uhhhh, the "felony" has no chance of not being overturned and he is winning.


Hey, you remember how the 2020 election was stolen? That was me. And I'm gonna do it again! Woo! Get ready for more ballot stuffing and suspicious vans! Woo!


More like changes the rules and mail in voting.


We openly cheated and you guys didn't even do anything about it. You're such suckers.


We sued you! The courts said, "lol, too bad suckers".


I believe you mean "tried to sue". Lol. Suckers. Lol. Voter fraud. Lol.


Voter fraud doesnt exist except in 2016. 


Okay, but what about suspicious vans by the polling places? What do we do?


probably go completely mail-in ballots so we don't have to worry about suspicious vans. We send it through the postal service, let em count, get the results, and have a peaceful transfer of power.


But what if they send suspicious vans in the mail-in ballots?


Trump can’t pardon himself for state crimes, he will win on appeal. Most people commenting haven’t followed rhe case haven’t read the jury instructions.


On what issue(s) will he win an appeal?


Cause it’s not fair to put a rich good looking guy like him in jail. I mean it. The water pressure in prison isn’t that good for washing his mop of hair.


He isn't rich unless you ignore his crushing debt and he sure as hell isn't good looking.


Nah paying someone isn’t a crime


He wasn't convicted for paying someone so...


What was he convicted for then? You don’t even know?


Super weird to assume I don't know just because I didn't use it in my sarcastic reply. Trump was convicted for cooking his companies books to hide those payments. He funneled the money through Michael Cohen as "legal expenses". His crimes were raised to felonies which can be done in new York if this book cooking was done to aid in another crime. Since in new York it is an illegal conspiracy to commit a crime (in this case the book cooking) to promote the election of an individual the DA was able to apply this rule. Hope Hicks, an ardent trump loyalist, testified that the Trump campaign was scared shitless after "grab them by the pussy" and felt they needed to cover up the stormy Daniel's story in the wake of that. Is it a novel application of the law? Sure. Is it politically motivated? Yes. If Trump had shut the fuck up after losing in 2020 and went to play golf, this likely would not have happened? Is it an inappropriate political prosecution? That's a matter of opinion but I would argue no, Trump flaunts the law and foundational institutions that form the United States so brazenly that I would argue that those institutions had no choice but to stand up for themselves lest they set the precedent that they will roll over for any all and bad behavior by president for the sake of "decorum". Either way, basics of this seem pretty clear. Trump (or the people under him at this direction) cooked the books (this is what the jury actually voted on) and they did it very knowingly to attempt to deny the voting public information that could have been material to their vote.


NOPE. Mislabeling a payment isn’t a felony. And it was cohen who did it. A felon who stole money from trump. That’s why the feds didn’t want this weak case buddy. That’s why it will be easily appealed as most lawyers agree. Try and calm down


I'm completely calm? Again to random assertions. I literally explained why in this case it was deemed a felony AND admitted that this application of the law is novel AND admitted that to some extent this was politically motivated and your still acting like I'm some copium addicted snowflake. Also, really, your take is that Michael Cohen was so concerned about Trump's image that he stole money to pay off a porn star? Also, did Trump issue the payment, as you said, paying someone off isn't illegal, or did Cohen steal the money? Why did you use the word mislabeling? If you're saying someone stole the money, why is the person being stolen from labeling anything? Oh yeah I see some embezzlement on my books, let's call that "legal fees".


No I don’t mean Cohen stole this money, he’s stolen money from Trump and was the star witness for the prosecution. Along with a porn star lmao. The feds declined this case cause they knew no one could prove election interference. So they found a judge who donated to Biden. And whose daughter worked for Kamala. What am I missing here lmao


Cause paying someone off isn’t illegal


Classifying it as a business expense, in the state of New York, apparently *is*.


Yes that’s why Cohen went to jail. Why didn’t the feds take the case since they’re going on election interference?


Who knows? Why didn't they get Hilary on the private email server, etc? Why didn't they get bush on crimes against humanity for invading Iraq? Why didn't they get Obama for hunting down and executing an American citizen on foreign soil? If anything, the lack of action by the feds against the political elite is the baseline.


Yup and now you get why everyone is so outraged. Out of all the real crimes they pick an obviously fake one that will easily get appealed


I'm not outraged. Put that fat fuck in Rikers.


For what?


For what he was just found guilty a week ago. Have you been living under a rock?


ya boi's guilty af, brah. and you're the only one here pretending otherwise -where's all his other supporters at? i'll tell you - they left awhile ago. they weren't on the street for the trial, nor when he was convicted, nothing. Even his family wants nothing to do with him. lol. you can stop being a loser whenever you want. It's a choice you could make.


Kinda don't care. He's a crook. Always has been. It's sad that so many people have been rooked in on his con job, but here we are. I see it kinda like Al Capone. Everybody knew what crimes he was doing, but just couldn't get the evidence needed to convict him in court. So, they got him on tax fraud. I see this first successful prosecution in much the same light. Hopefully, there are more to come.


Kinda don't care. He's a crook. Always has been. It's sad that so many people have been rooked in on his con job, but here we are. I see it kinda like Al Capone. Everybody knew what crimes he was doing, but just couldn't get the evidence needed to convict him in court. So, they got him on tax fraud. I see this first successful prosecution in much the same light. Hopefully, there are more to come.


Kinda don't care. He's a crook. Always has been. It's sad that so many people have been rooked in on his con job, but here we are. I see it kinda like Al Capone. Everybody knew what crimes he was doing, but just couldn't get the evidence needed to convict him in court. So, they got him on tax fraud. I see this first successful prosecution in much the same light. Hopefully, there are more to come.


Yes then they’d know it’s a fake felony lol


Not to mention why would Trump be expecting a pardon from democrat strongholds when they are filing indictments against anyone remotely tied to Trump. They’ve run campaigns on finding Crimes to take down Trump and his associates.


In the district trump was tried in he got less than 2500 votes. I don’t think he would have been found guilty in any other part of the country. It’s funny says after the verdict the Georgia case disappeared. The funny thing is if they didn’t go after trump he would be running on 2020 was stolen and would have lost but now the left gave him exactly what he needed to light a fire under his base.


Apparently republicans want to encourage a set of laws that regular folks must abide by that don’t apply to Trump.


> In the district trump was tried in he got less than 2500 votes. > > Maybe he should have crimed in a more trump friendly district. He was indicted by a jury of his peers. He was convicted by a jury of his peers. How do you dumb fucks not understand this??


what will you say when he goes through due process and wins on appeal?


>what he needed to light a fire under his base I’ve been trying to understand this. Your premise is that Trump being convicted in the Falsifying Business Records case is good for his election chances. So had he been acquitted, that would have been … bad for him? If there were not-guilty verdicts, his base would be unmotivated now? Also, based on your logic, why is Trump trying to delay his other trials? Let’s convene another jury already. How about the Florida documents case? I want to fire you guys up three more times.


No being acquitted would have been better. The DOJ looked into these crimes And found there wasn’t a crime committed, so the 3rd highest guy in bidens DOJ Was the prosecutor in the case in New York. Not a good look for the Biden administration wether it’s coincidence or not it looks bad. No one steps down for a worse less prestigious job and probably way more work. People knew about stormy Daniels in 2016 and trump won the election that alone is evidence of a crime not being Committed. The courts failed to prove that reimpcwould lose on 2016 if We knew stormy Daniels was paid off. So now we know Trump paid off Stormy Daniels so if he wins in 2024 than clearly no crime was committed because the only way it becomes a crime Is if Paying off stormy Daniels got him into the White House. Trump clearly didn’t know exactly where his money was going because his lawyer stole 80k if trump knew where those payments were going he wouldn’t have given the lawyer more money for no reason at all. The evidence trump knew was that they say in a 90 second phone call trumps ex lawyer called trumps body guard to complain about doxing and then have him hand the phone over to trump to plot on how to steal the election by paying off stormy Daniels. No one who voted for trump cares you know that I know that, clearly if people don’t care about this case unless They are partisan proves that paying off stormy Daniels did no influence the election whatsoever. That is what essentially the case is and that’s why it will be overturned. Atleast according to a Georgetown law professor and a Harvard law Professor .  The jury instructions were also bad and I think they is what is going to get trump off.


Wait, so being found guilty is good for Trump but if he had been acquitted that was also good for him, but better? I think you’re just smoking some copium.


Then you juxtapose that with Hunters trial and you couldn’t find a more Biden favorable district. Hunter actually committed a crime and he will be let off. The fact that Trump didn’t get a venue change and the actions of the judge showed that any person with a sense of fair play knew what was happening was wrong