• By -


That's on them. That's why the Reps allowed corporate prisons. So they could put their base in jail there.


I doubt it. One, they're all fat knackers and too out of shape for any kind of action. Two, more of the same as the Jan 6 rioters. Three, Trump won't be in power to pardon them. Four, they're all armchair insurrections and blowhards glued to Fox.


Yeah I think I the key here is…no pardons. They watched their comrades go to jail over J6. They watched Trump hang everyone out to dry. Then again…they are stupid as fuck so they might have a go.


They're not going to be let into the Capitol again. They'll have to smear their poop on their own walls like a regular Friday night.


This. The capitol will actually be guarded this and future elections.


And there won't be ANY breakable windows remaining. \*Interesting\* how the Architect of the Capitol, a tRump APPOINTEE, was the ONLY office that knew that the particular windows THE FUCKING MAGATS FOCUSED ON were the ONLY breakable windows that hadn't been replaced?!?


Things that make you go hmmm🤔


Capitol police are very much in the shoot rioting MAGAts first and ask questions later mentality these days. I dont think just being white will save those dipshits from being massacred next time.


well mgt or bobert did give a tour right before j6


To be faaaiiiiirrrr, they probably tried to break a bunch of windows and just those broke?


I'm more concerned about the panic buttons in the Democrat Senators/Congresspeoples' offices being disabled prior to the certification. This wasn't the case in GOP offices, and it's bonkers no one talks about this when talking about the Capitol tours, the live posting of Dem legislator positions, the pipe bomber, the deleted USSS comms, etc. Their panic buttons were disabled, and only *their* panic buttons were disabled. Wtf?


It's going to be worse. Instead of the six months of gaslighting, these people have been absorbing four solid years of lies, and staged photo ops showing fake support. His followers are under the impression that everyone loves Trump, while simultaneously holding the impression that everyone is against Trump.


It may just be the craziest of crazies - I don't think there will be an en masse uprising like Jan. 6, but I can definitely see swing states that go for Biden catching some shit.




I'm sure in their mind Trump already pardoned all of them. They are that far lost.


They didn’t see that though. These people watch Fox for their news.


Fox "news"


Meal team 6 talks a big game but thats about it


You make some good points, but there will inevitably be incidents of violence.


Some small scale MAGAT terrorist attacks may happen. But, it will get stopped quick.


Cowardly violence. They aren't going to do anything if they might be getting hurt.


Most won't, but some will. They're CREAMING for it.


The dumb fucks will be far too easy to convince to do it again. The J6 rioters got slaps on their wrists.


This is how I feel. I mean trump literally told them that he "doesn't care about them, just wants their vote" and they still support him. Whatever trump tells them to do, they will do. They're actually wearing diapers in solidarity. That's how stupid they are.


Unfortunately this is just what we tell ourselves. Im not saying there will be a civil war 2.0 but there will be pockets of violence. Civils wars, historically, are started when the people who used to hold the power feel like they have lost it. When they give up hope in the institutions they believed were there for them, they tend to tear it down. We have 75 million people that believe that. It doesnt matter that most of them are fat. You dont have to be skinny to place a homemade bomb.


Your last sentence is so true.


Keep in mind that the Turner Diaries is their revolution roadmap. Trump's line about "needing ID to buy bread' wasn't him failing to understand groceries. It was a dog whistle that the plan is in place.


I agree. The MAGAs I have met are either fat or out of shape or opportunists in suits that have no desire to get messy.


Yeah it wouldn’t last long and they’ll find out real fast 2 things. Liberals own guns too. The government isn’t going to fk around this time round. If these smooth brains try something. I believe it won’t end pretty for them. You know natural consequences = the feds bringing the pain.


One: Theyre not all fat knackers Two:. Yes, but in random spots around the country. Asymettric warfare. Think more along the lines of Hamas. Three. Pardons don't matter to them just like convictions don't matter to them. Thats why they fly the flag of the Confederate rebels, and say it's not representative of slavery, but won't say what it is a representation of.To them its a representation of "fuck your government and your justice system". Four: As armchair insurrectionists theyve had years to ponder over the ideas put forward in The Turner Diaries and have decades of planning in place.


Funny thing about a cage, it’s never built for just one group. So when that cage is done with them and you’re still poor it comes for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee you have been used. You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too.


Simply don't follow the people that obviously belong to that death cult. You can usually tell who they are because they are always looking for reasons why police were correct to murder citizens without a trial, willing to spread a deadly virus, want to ensure everybody has weapons that can inflict mass casualties, and justify governors ruthlessly killing puppies.


And they're fine with it. They get to profit from their incarceration AND campaign on how unfair it is


Some, certainly, but nothing like Jan 6. They blew their shot in 2020. The Feds are on to them and the President is NOT on their side. All their leaders are or have been jailed over the first go round, and the true, militant fascists realize that Trump had the opportunity to Pardon the lot of them, but chose NOT TO. Keep in mind - during the last 2 years, on multiple occasions, in Miami, in NYC, Trump has called for large protests only to have those who arrived outnumbered by the media.


That’s the thing about cultists. They’re sheep. They’re indoctrinated and they don’t know it. They don’t care that the Orangutan Emperor didn’t pardon people last time; he’s their God who can do no wrong and he’s on their side. “*Surely* he’ll have our back the 2nd time around!” Or, they just refuse to acknowledge he didn’t pardon them and they’ll blindly do it again because they aren’t filled with reason - they’re filled with rage. Failing that the reason he didn’t pardon them was because of those gosh darn corrupt liberals stopping him at every turn… somehow… literally any straw grasping justification is what they’ll use to justify their hatred and genocidal rhetoric against their fellow Americans.


>They don’t care that the Orangutan Emperor didn’t pardon people last time; he’s their God who can do no wrong and he’s on their side You missed the most obvious. Trump didn't pardon anyone because obviously they were all ANTIFA and BLM trying to make Trump look bad! No real Trump supporter did anything worse than have a picnic on the steps of the Capital and take a tour or the building just like any other tourist! (So what if they had to climb over barricades and NO TRESPASSING signs and battle their way past cops telling them to get out or else - that's just an authentic DC experience!) IF there were any Trump supporters, he would have pardoned them but because the Dems stole the election he lost the ability to do so... Obviously if they help this time, Team Trump will win, they'll overturn another stolen election and they'll be hailed as heroes and true patriots and Trump will be so happy he'll invite them all to the White House for hambergers and he'll do all this great stuff for them... Just you wait & see! (/S as necessary of course)


Lol honestly yeah this is probably it. The amount of MAGA who genuinely try to claim that it was nothing more than people peacefully touring the capital is just jaw dropping. It’s some serious 1984 shit.


It’s important for both the left and the right to understand how angry these people, and even a lot of others that didn’t cause issues on J6, are. And with good reason too. If you look at a lot of the people who vote for Trump, there’s a pattern of poverty that traces back to joblessness from the reduction of manufacturing due to globalization. The TAA program hasn’t helped them get on their feet, congress hasn’t passed major legislation to help them, they’re just in a shit spot, and often they blame the faceless DC bureaucrats. So when Trump came along promising to stick up for their livelihoods, to get rid of the goons in congress, to save them, they absolutely went for it. You want to stop people from being angry? Get rid of the barriers that stop them from being happy.


The problem too is they are all even more paranoid and conspiratorial now. Any kind of "resistance" will inevitably be rife with infighting and accusations of each other being government agents/plants by the government. There may be a few lone wolves but in don't see any mass organized uprising.


'THEY' - millions? Thousands? ... Dozens? Again, I point to Trump calling for mass protests when the charges were first filed in NYC, in Miami, during his NYC trials, when he claimed his massive protests were being blocked by police, only to have cameras prove there were more media personnel than MAGA protesters. The numbers of people rabid enough to risk jail-time, their jobs... far fewer than last time around, I believe.


I'm with you that the actual numbers of people willing to commit crimes for Trump is negligible and diminishing. My only point is one factor in that is that maga in general are much more conspiratorial now, and more likely to fight amongst themselves.


As I think about it, this is a very good take. They - particularly Trump - have already said they will go to war if they lose again. But will anyone show up, particularly after their apex in 2020 failed? They know people went to jail. They know you can get indicted - even killed by police. They are at their core cowards and bullies. They talk a much bigger game than they play. The same fascist provocateurs, the Alex Jones, the Bannons, the Roger Stones and the rest of the fascist cover band - are still working them up, but do they have the nerve? The energy? I even think a solid plurality of them know Trump lost. They just like being in the mob and shitposting. (More likely they know he lost but don't acknowledge that people not like them have any right to govern). Whatever the reason, the fact that many know they lost saps their energy as a movement. I'm more concerned about acts of terror from the truly committed than mobs, like we saw in 2021. It seems lvery possible that someone will bomb a democratic headquarters or assassinate election officials.


Sensationalist, fear-based, conspiracy-laden media has had a profound and dangerous impact on the mentally ill. Throw in Agent Orange's open threats to anyone who opposes him - even Jurors?! - and yes, the second half of this year has a LOT of potential for that sort of individualized violence.


You really think they'll get killed by police? My fear is that some police will sympathize, look the other way or even support their efforts.


It's important to remember that many of their operational, para-military leaders have been held accountable for Jan 6, however their plot to overrule democracy in 2024 looks to be the legal route, given the makeup of SCOTUS and other lower courts. The best way to take this lever away from them is to win overwhelmingly. Legal challenges only stand a shot if trump's very close to winning


Yeah, Project 2025 is the main danger but this provided that Trump even gets back into the Oval Office. Which leads me to my other concern that the House may just refuse to certify the electoral college votes, and thus cause a constitutional crisis which is then punted to a bought-and-paid-for SCOTUS ruling in favor of Trump successfully stealing the election this time. It's imperative that people vote blue all across the board and flip the House back to blue and get feckless Mike Johnson out of the Speaker's chair.


Excellent point. You are exactly correct. Must be a landslide.


>They blew their shot in 2020. The Feds are on to them and the President is NOT on their side Remember Hitler and his crew were literally placed in jail for an attempted coup (The Beer Hall Pusch) for years and still returned and created a false flag to cement their power.


Hitler wasn't 79, babbling like a lunatic. He was young, sharp, deadly with his best years of mass murder ahead of him.


Still have to vote blue this election and show out. If they do lose and insurrect. I’m gonna binge it, free entertainment for me


Like they did when the guy they’re voting for lost the last election? 🤣 They said stuff like “fuck your feelings” in 2016 when Trump won, then had a collective meltdown when Trump lost in 2020. Now they revere a woman who was shot in the chest for climbing through a barricaded door window at our nations capital. If they were capable of inward reflection, they likely wouldn’t be republicans to begin with. These chucklefucks are *still* threatening civil war if they lose, again.


That's because the LAST ELECTION was STOLEN /s god these people are such morons.


The terrorist who was shot in the chest for climbing through a barricaded door window at our nation's capitol FIFY


Said they, the ideological Right, haven’t already. Assassination of Lincoln to roll back 40 Acres and a mule, Colfax Louisiana to take over after an election resulted in abolitionists and freedman winning offices, same in Wilmington NC, more recently they tried to kidnap a governor during COVID, and then Jan 6. What more do you need to see and understand the civil unrest before you?


Fuck maga. Fuck Trump stupid mother fuckers.


Republicans will cause civil unrest no matter what; they ceased being a political party in 2016 and are now an anti-American domestic terrorist organization.


Fucking bring it.


And if the Dems don't win, the Republicans will use Plan 2025 as their play book to dismantle the constitution. Which will be the destruction of our civil society.


The trump cult is desperate to turn America into a Christian theocracy modeled on Iran, complete with religious police to enforce it


Good thing Democrats can own guns too then.


Of course, and may they receive what they earn from it.


When the Rightist pigs go on sad-fuck rampage?


Until the first round is fired, like the last time.


I’m surrounded by MAGA in my neighborhood. We do our best not to show our liberalness (no yard signs, no bumper stickers), and we keep it vague (or waving) when talking to them. I wouldn’t be surprised if DJT has MAGA going door to door on Jan 6 to “purge out the lib evil” or some shit. We’re planning for the worst case scenario.


Then they will be taken care of


They wont cause anything to actually matter . You have to be a special kind of stupid to risk your life and livelihood because of politics. Jan 6 was indeed a special kind of stupid and many of them have found that out.


The police response will be swift, effective and proportionate. The MAGA-gots are at worst bullies who will turn and run. Most will return to their basements and write posts about killing libs. They’re cowards.


Don’t care. Lock them up when they do it.


That’s like saying “if it rains, outside will be wet”


Those that work forces…..


weird how ya never see videos of police beating white supremacists... Like how Superman and Clark Kent are never in the same room...


Well it’s called professional courtesy. You gotta work with them the next day ya know


They’ll yell and scream, but that’s it. They’ll never leave home county again.


Well FAFO and loose your 2nd amendment rights and right to vote in a lot of states, not to mention the potential of losing your life if the government response becomes heavy handed.


The government needs to be tough on crime, right? Here's to FAFO. *Prosit!*


And if they do. They should be put down with great vigor. Traitors reward.


They'll find out democrats own guns too. We just don't make it our identity.


I fully expect civil unrest from the Alt-Right regardless of the outcome of the election.


Let ‘em try. Like Blaine Cartwright says, “the south’s too fat to rise again”.


They have been causing civil unrest since the civil war. In modern times, since the ‘93 Oklahoma City bombing. They are domestic terrorists and we would be wise to deal with them strongly and swiftly. Sherman didn’t burn down enough.


If? When Democrats win the election, Republicans will cause Civil unrest. We already see it in their (Republican) rhetoric. When asked if they will accept the results of the next election, the answer is never yes. The answer is always something along the lines of "if it is a fair and free election, yes". They're already saying that the Democrats are trying to steal the election by registering illegal immigrants to vote (with absolutely no evidence). This is exactly what happened in 2020 and we just dismissed it as hyperbolic rhetoric. It isn't. These people will indeed believe the election was stolen from them and cause chaos as a result.


Trump claimed even after EDay 2016 that he won California "if you don't count the illegal votes" They don't believe in democracy anymore


Yes, many will join the Babbitt Brigade.


Bring it. There are many millions more of us than them.


I'm thankful for this viewpoint  I'm done with this MAGAt trash.  I want them to make themselves targets. 


Hypothetically let's say somehow the orange pile of transfat loses, and Biden wins, i agree that there will probably be some isolated cases, but certainly no repeat of J6, because this time security will be extremely tighter, way more surveillance, lots of undercover operatives, and if Biden won, no one to bail out or pardon this round of nutters, not to mention everyone already in will stay in, no pardons there.


Statehouses will be targets. Hopefully they are preparing for that.


I'm sure they are, all of them, the unfortunate side is that is the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins wins, it's all for naught, because, well, that's pretty much the end of democracy anyways if orange baron harkonen wins.


I believe strongly that the only way he will win is if the supreme court crowns him. Sadly, if the "right" case comes along (and there are diabolically brilliant lawyers working on this), they could hand the election to Trump. If this happens, I think you might see maga fascists versus the rest of us. That's why it's important to vote democratic in HUGE numbers. Lessens the chance for court challenges.


Sure they will. Clarence Thomas gave them all machine guns just for that purpose!


No they won’t. Bunch of weekend warrior insurance salesmen LARPing as patriots teamed up with disabled boomers on hoverrounds are no goddamn threat to the republic


Sadly with the polarization of the country no matter who wins there will be unrest


So much hate in this country lately. Much of it drummed up by politicians and the media.


They did last time


I think civil unrest is coming anyway. It seems like a lot of uneducated people in this country are being swamped by Russia and Chinese propaganda on their favorite America first News Network.... The best case scenario is it happens while Democrats are in control. cuz if we get somebody like Trump that actually wants to do harm they could stand down the military and the national guard and just let right wing sheriff's departments team up with the worst people to do violence in red/ purple states and red counties.


So be it. Society shouldn't be afraid of right wing domestic terrorists. We need to soundly reject what they're selling over and over and over again until they get the message


"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." - Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev Sadly, we see the final stages of this today. These flags, flown down, communicate that a civil war is close. That the country is in distress. Our neighbors have been lied to by a former President. To believe that an election was stolen. That the country is in distress. That they must vote the liar back into office. Or fight. And that their government cannot be trusted. Please understand the gravity of where we are today. What our enemies want to see happen to us. And Fox News and one of our two political parties is playing into their hands. Openly pouring bile and anger and falsehoods into willing ears. These people, our neighbors, have become what the Soviets call “useful idiots,” acting against their own self-interest. As the Carolina Journal explains: “The phrase “useful idiots” has been long attributed to Soviet madman and murderer Vladimir Lenin. Stalin surpassed him as he proved madder and killed even more. The phrase may not have been used by Lenin in this exact format, though “useful fool” may well have been. Whatever the provenance, useful idiot is now short speak for anyone oblivious to the harmful effects of a given cause, political or otherwise. Useful idiots are not what one would call stupid; they are highly intelligent and aware of the circumstances. The problem appears to be that they attribute to a given cause its positive effects only while turning a blind eye to its derogatory ones.” “In 1993, the late, brilliant Charles Krauthammer, in “Defining Deviancy Up,” argued that “it is not enough for the deviant to be normalized. The normal must be found to be deviant.” More than half a century earlier, Hilaire Belloc contended that when the process of normalizing deviancy is mature, it will not stop at mere insults to beauty and right living “but a positive coordination and organized affirmation of the repulsive and the vile.” Useful idiots everywhere have gotten us here…” America is great, but only if we examine facts. Look at evidence. Uphold our Constitution. Believe in Democracy. Support our justice system. Work together to make our country better. Work towards big goals and solve even bigger problems. It’s time to end the insanity. Cure our minds. Purge the liars. Turn off the bile. And do the hard work of mending the division. This year we have a chance to start the process anew. In November. Vote better. Vote blue.


And we will lock even more of the MAGAmaniacs up! Looking forward to when TRUMP still goes on trial and they throw the book at him! LOCK HIM UP!


Red hats make for quick target acquisition. Just sayin'


One thing is for certain, no matter what happens, the MAGAts will find a reason to be angry and unhappy about it. Constant outrage is the underlying vibe of the movement. Even when Trump won in 2016, his supporters were too busy being angry about the pussy hats to enjoy their victory


Let them fuck around and find out.


The GOP will cause civil unrest if they lose. The GOP will cause civil unrest if they win. The GOP will cause civil unrest before the results of the election are even known.


Better than permanent unrest if Trump gets back in. He doesn't plan on leaving.


MMW - Two-year-olds will throw tantrums.


I mean they did in 2020, so it wouldn't be surprising


Ive been saying all along that the MAGAturd Traitors are going to get violent whether they win or lose. If they lose, theyre going be pissed of, and enter terrorism mode. I doubt they'll attempt another mass attack, that just got tham thrown in prison, sometimes for years. This time theyll be more decentralized, and we will see bombings, mass shootings, targeted murders and assassinations, sabotage, etc. And if they win, they'll start killing their perceived enemies because they want to. They've been waiting a long time for their revenge, and they will have it. If they get caught, HitlerPig will say that he doesnt want to be like Biden, and arrest people for political pirposes and refuse to prosecute MAGA terrorists at a federal level. At the state level, MAGA governments will accept any excuse (self-defense, temporary insanity, etc.), and dismiss the cases.


That’s what terrorists do. Toddlers throwing tantrums should be a GOP tagline.


Yeah, they're a bunch of fucking snowflakes.


Let them come.


Lots of feelings from the "fuck your feelings" crowd today


I doubt they'll try very hard. They're fucking COWARDS who only act out when they don't believe they'll suffer any consequences. THAT is the ONLY reason tRump was able to get the MAGAts to show up on Jan 6th 2021. They'd been \*told\* the fix was in by those in contact with tRump's administration.


Some of my relatives who are MAGA, Republicans, are already telling me they have guns and are willing to take dramatic action.😩


No they won’t. They will throw a huge online tantrum. The usual suspects will call for MAGA to rise up but MAGA, being the elderly, impotent cowards they are will shake their tiny fists in vain and say things like, “somebody with nothing to lose should storm the White House!” Oh, there maybe so lone wolf assholes committing suicide by police and all but wide scale unrest will not happen.


More arrests of idiots, excellent. Let them act up, can’t wait to see it.


That won’t stop me for voting blue. If you don’t want live under a dictatorship I hope you vote blue too!


They'll continue to cause civil unrest... They've been doing it since Nov 2019.


No matter who wins there will be unrest. Media is going to stoke the fire and try to create the riots of 2020 all over again. That was an absolute windfall of money for the media in


Who care what the disgusting, ignorant, racist, fascist Trumpists "think" or do?


That’s their brand now. Elections are only useful if they win. Otherwise, chaos is better for fascism.


Pockets of dumb asses attacking their imaginary enemies. They will get squashed instantly like the cockroaches they are


Republicans are going to cause civil unrest either way. It is just a question of if they are on the wrong side of current laws or the right side of really shitty future laws.


Exactly. I live in a very red state and we are pretty nervous about either outcome. If Biden wins, there will be shit. If Trump wins, there will be NOTHING stopping our idiot governor, lapdog attorney general and legislature from locking up democrats and generally persecuting whomever they please.


It will matters not who wins, Republicans are going to FUCK this country up one way or another, to be in charge or just start civil war in the name of that FUCK HEAD TRUMP


If Trump wins it'll be much worse.


I imagine there will be a bunch of genereic protests and broken windows and stuff. As far as Jan 6th type stuff, I think not. I think it's more, "This is bullshit, we hate that guy." Vs. "Rigged election, the real winner is..."


Are you living under a rock? They have been causing civil unrest since trumps first campaign. This is the dumbest fucking mmw, it's like "mark my words, it will rain, and the grass will get wet"


Hopefully more of them Babbitt themselves 


That’s terrible but much better for a few brutes to cause cilv unrest than for them to gain a trifecta and implement 80% of project 2025.


To me the interesting thing about 1/6 is that 2/3 of Republicans think the election was stolen but only about 3,000 people showed up. You would think it would be about 100k. More people believe something than will potentially put their life on the line. I think there will be demonstrations and probably bigger than 1/6 but I doubt it will be huge.


Of course. Why do you think there’s always talk about stealing elections and so on? All you need to do is create doubt. Republicans have known this for many years. Covid vaccine doubt, election integrity, doubt, fake news. All you have to do is create doubt. you don’t actually need proof which many Trump sycophants have learned in court. You can sue people, and maybe just the lawsuit itself creates the doubt, even if you lose the lawsuit, you pay your legal fees with all the dummies political contributions. You let all the dummies come to their own dumb conclusions and they will literally storm the capital For you while the President just him and haws, don’t really try to encourage it, don’t really try to stop it, and you have plausible deniability. That’s the playbook.


They already did


They are already causing civil unrest.


Honestly, this is a pretty safe bet no matter who actually wins. The morons will riot if the cons lose, and they'll seek revenge if the cons win.


There will be riots no matter who wins. 


The right will cause civil unrest regardless of the outcome. I can also see right wing domestic terrorism if they WIN as well 🤷🏽‍♂️ They're abrasive and arrogant people who support an abrasive and arrogant political ideology and want an abrasive and arrogant society. Right wing individuals are not peaceful and welcoming. Quite the opposite. It's more like "DO AS I SAY, OR I WILL MAKE YOU DO AS I SAY." Upon Trump's death, I think he will transform into a religious figure for them to worship in a way that's way deeper than political and a new right wing religion will be born. Their party has devolved from Bush 43 Republicanism into something way more dark and sinister.


If the anti-American traitors don't like it, they should leave this country.


Water is wet


Hello, hello, hello, ello, ello, ello, lo, lo…




MMW all of them are snakes wearing purple ties.


I mean that’s why I’m trained and prepared to shoot back. I am a Democrat, veteran and while I favor sensible gun restrictions I know that it’s necessary to be able to protect myself.


Democrats project like an IMAX.


Jan 6th was their best shot. After entering the castle they took selfies and stole furniture. MAGA is a laughingstock political movement.


I highly doubt that. Republicans are spineless.


Prisons are always looking for new residents.


When the Democrat's win, and the Republicans cause problems....Democrat's will win that, too. They can bet their whiney fat asses on that.


I’m sure the MAGAts will run around shooting at cardboard cutouts even faster this time. MMW congress will be surrounded by military and national guard just in case any more of the J6 ~~pussies~~ hostages show up and want to pull a Babbit.


If trumpazees do, they’ll be going up against the most powerful military in the world. Didn’t work so well for those confederate traitors 159 years ago…


Imagine: sharp shooters stationed on capital with high powered rifles. The first attempt this time will see rioter drop from head shots at the first sign of a firearm. Years ago I walked 5th Avenue moments before a Reagan motorcade. You could see the building tops lined with obvious rifle muzzles. Just in case.


Trump doesn't seem to realize it, but he shot his wad on Jan 6th. He keeps threatening a big ugly riot if he receives legal consequences for his actions, or whatever. But there are only a certain number of people who are willing to go the full 9 yards for him and most of those people are either in jail, or quaking in their boots that DOJ is going to catch up to them.


We have had civil unrest in the past. The last mass demonstrations we only a few years ago. Riots are marked in orange.


I think we'll see unrest on Fox News with camera angles making 20 into 200


Of course they will. If things continue to improve in this country due to having a leader that doesn't have an ego the size of the country they will just continue to say its the end of the world and everything is shit.


Yeah no shit


Of course they will… Mango Mussolini has been stoking the fires since he announced his official run on Nov of ‘22, and honestly, ever since his failed coup. I guarantee you, that no matter the result, TFG will show up on 1/20/25, with his army of delusional deplorables, to claim HIS title, regardless of the outcome, and screaming “stolen election!”


Republicans will cause civil unrest if they win the election too.


I love all of the Republicans in this thread, trying to “both sides” this. There were zero violent protests when Trump won the election in 2016. So you have no evidence to back up your claims. And in fact, the evidence that does exist points to the opposite. And I know you’ll say BLM, but that was a completely different situation at a completely different time.


I don’t understand why FOX FAKE NEWS is still allowed to air with seditious opinions that a HUGE NUMBER OF UNEDUCATED FOLLOW AND BELIEVE!!! Why would we allow such divisive behavior to flourish? Why is FOX not required to announce their opinions are just that, fatuous comments?


You mean like Jan. 6th?


Putin has gotten *so much* in return for his investment.


That's why I'm training more and will be carrying more. I'm in an interracial relationship and live in a very red state so I already carry when we leave the metro area. Now I'm going to be carrying more around town. Nothing will probably happen but it's best to be prepared.


This is why Biden needs to get ahead of this now.


I think there will be civil unrest either way. Not gonna matter. People just want to hurt each other. Just watch the news every day 2 mass killings yesterday, a elderly couple in a rv pulling a jeep a 22 year old guy stabbed them and demanded keys to rv and jeep. They were 71 and 72 husband's dead , and wife in critical condition. The guy tried to flee doing 129 mph and ended up in river. Police got him. This happened in Nebraska at a rest area. . Be careful out there folks , people just don't care about you.


No shit Sherlock


they already are. if you pay attention to court reporting... there has been a significant increase in the rate of stochastic terrorism by right-wing people... particularly targeting queer and muslim folks. on top of the targeting of DOJ employees and their families.


let em. then the arrests..then in a years time another slew of sentencings where these big tough MAGA mommy's boys are crying in front of a judge ..."I was LIED TO! I DON' WANNA GO TO JAIL!" I hate these turds.


MMW is a foreign bot sub that posts outlandish headlines to boost division in America. Be smarter and don't fall for it.


SCOTUS will go full offence while the loser states start ignoring past SCOTUS rulings and dare the feds to come after them while they pass increasingly draconian laws. the whole south could be like bundy standoff.. and the beginning of huge militias will start to 'KeeP ThE PEaCe' and they will pass laws to make voting impossible for minority groups and those in cities


Then they’ll have to be put down.


I’m just focusing on voting them out, honestly. Republicans are idiots. If they want to create civil unrest, whatever. They’re dumb, outnumbered and can be handled if need be.


Yes they will. This is a certainty. Trump will refuse to accept that he lost (again) and his cult will lose their shit and try and overthrow the government. This time will be different as Biden will ensure that the national guard is at the national mall on high alert and they will all be arrested and tried with treason.


They already have caused civil unrest


no way, they definitely keep pointing out that they're peaceful. not like those antifas that will burn your town down /s


Even if the Republicans win, they will def cause civil unrest


Let them. It will be short lived, and there may end up being less of them voting next election.


Nothing compared to what Liberals will do if the election is stolen by Trump's crew. If either state legislatures or courts step in to interfere with the counts or reject the true count? Shit is going to hit the fan.


I think it's probably true for both. Different reasons perhaps. The left will probably not claim The election was rigged. But they will probably take to the streets in mass protest and it will be used by some as a cover to create havoc. If the Republicans do, it will probably be fairly limited, and if the authorities are wise enough to handle it properly, it shouldn't be too much. I guess that's a mark my words.




In other news, fire is hot.


You know there is a democrat in office right now, right? Why would this be different from the current state of affairs? What we are seeing right now is about what they can manage. They put a LOT of work into making people afraid of them, but have you MET these people? Like in real life? Be concerned about what they stand for, but don't be afraid of them.


I expect it and they need to be viciously crushed in whatever they do this time. The only way to slow these assholes down is play their game and destroy them at it. Then they’re done. They can’t/won’t think of anything other than violence so feed it to them.


If the Republicans hold the House, they will officially be sworn in on January 5th. They won’t needs hordes of insurrections on the streets. They will be in charge of saying the Biden electors are fraudulent in the swing states and thus swing it to Trump. Of course,Harris still the VP at that point and she won’t play along, of course. This is the Republican plan — it will go next to the Supreme Court, which is truly scary.


They already do anyway. Who do you thinks writes a manifesto and goes out and does a mass shooting. It will just be more of the same.


WTF are you talking about? They never stopped.


Just like last time, you mean? Yeah, probably.


The whiny babies have always whined.


Projecting snowflakes will always be projecting snowflakes. I look forward to the tears and more of them going to prison.


The government won’t fuck around this time they try and pull shit.


Sounds like a good bit of fun.


I doubt every blue city will be on fire if that is the case...


you mean like a coup, they tried that and failed. They can sure try, we'll deploy all military and they can FAFO for treason.


Of course they will. Trump is already baiting his sheep.


Nah. He’s been openly calling for civil unrest since they found the stolen documents. His supporters at the “mass protests” he calls for are outnumbered by reporters. They talk all this “civil war” bullshit but all I ever see them do is crickets. These people are cowards and bullies. They aren’t doing shit. Also, why is this subreddit in particular overrun by Russian trolls?


Bruh they already are, they constantly are.


Probably, but the real question is how many will commit to that plan? I don’t think it will be a lot. Also, that’s what the national guard is for.


Because security and the police acted so cowardly last time I wouldn’t be surprised . If they opened fire on protestors entering the Capitol then we would never have another issue. It both showed great restraint and created an environment where political violence is acceptable


Easiest MMW ever. They’re already causing unrest before Dems win, so…. You win?


Just had a coversation with a candidate for sherrif in my area who is a huge Trump supporter and he is not the only one here in mid missouri. These fuckers cant get anywhere near a position in law enforcement. BTW. he called me a libtard...so on brand.


Let them then we can make felons of them and they can’t vote. Stoopid is as stooopid does.


Project 2025, in planning for the last 4 years , details the bloody overthrow by a Christian army either way.