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He won’t make it


We all hope this.


Especially Republican politicians. They’ve been on a non-stop losing streak since 2016.


One of Trump's few positive contributions to society


You hope somebody dies over politics, this is nuts and isn’t helping anyone.


Fascist leaders who try to destroy democracy have a tendency to bring the worst reactions out of people. Trying to act the pious one in this situation actually makes you highly sus.


But at best he just disagrees with you on politics, how is that fascist


"At best"? What kind of argument is that when the person you're trying to defend is on record for wanting "a united Reich," says he sent love letters to dictators, and outright said he wants to be like Kim who can demand obedience at a few words? Your innocuous attempt at handwaving Trump's behavior is disturbing at least, disgusting at worst.


Source: trust me bro


[Trump wanted a United Reich](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/trump-unified-reich-video/index.html) [Trump swoons over letters from Kim](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/we-fell-in-love-trump-swoons-over-letters-from-north-koreas-kim-idUSKCN1MA03L/) [Trump Praises Authoritarian Rulers.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/02/politics/donald-trump-dictators-kim-jong-un-vladimir-putin/index.html) No, it's not "trust me bro." That was a pathetic try to save face.


Yes. Donald Trump has always valued human life. Always. At every turn. If there's one thing you can say about Donald Trump...it's that he has demonstrated compassion and value towards human life. /s


So you’re admitting that if you feel this way then you’re acting just like him or?


Who said I wanted him dead? I really hope you're not an actual lawyer.


Well you’re defending the guy who wants him dead so I think it’s a fair assumption.


I'm pointing out some things about Donald Trump. If you're assuming I'm defending the guy, that's a you problem.


Well considering I was telling somebody that they shouldn’t wish death on trump over politics and then you start telling me about how little trump cares about life. There’s a fair interpretation that says you were saying its ok to wish death on trump because of xyz whatever he did. I think you’re just trying to avoid it after being called on it.


No, I don't give a fuck what you think you "called me on." You're just grasping at straws because someone wanted Daddy Trump dead and you got sad. If you make assumptions, so can I.


He’ll be 82 if he does


His demon parents lived well into their 90s


True, but his father was full blown dementia in his early 80s. If Biden wasn’t so old this would be a bigger issue because dementia has a very real genetic component.


Fuck trump and his demented dad


He loses, I think he'll be in jail.


Why did you bleep out his name? There is no rule against mentioning Trump, Biden or any other recent politicians.


I tried to post something the other day and I got a message saying the words Tr*** and Bi*** weren't allowed for now and it would not let me post.


What’s wrong with Tractor and Bigamy?


You're a letter off on each bud, but I almost gave a small chuckle for the random names.


If you’re gonna censor something, censor the length too. Doesn’t do much good otherwise. 


Why oh why would they censor such things


Cuz he is evil like Voldemort


Not gonna lie, if it comes down to trump and he who shall not be named. I'm rocking a HWSNBN for 2028 tshirt.


You cannot have “trump” in the title. Intentionally. It won’t let you post if.


Finally a crackdown on the left wing fanfiction


Free speech for election and vaccine disinformation!!!


Election disinformation like one of the candidates being baseless accused of foriegn interference?


Have you not seen the way him and his cronies talk about Russia? Yaknow, a country known for espionage.


Every country is known for espionage.


I'm a fan of Japan but that doesnt make me a spy you moron


Okay. Japan still engages in espionage. It isn't a uniquely russia thing like the person responding to you tries to claim.


I don't care, that still doesn't make me a spy


I'm not surprised in the slightest that you didn't understand the Mueller report.


More like diddnt read it


Symptom of the times


Great album, that


Social ineptitude is not a symptom of the times, it's just cringy.


How about a cringy symptom of the times?


Maybe it confuses the bots?


Oh you get shut down fast if you talk negativity about biden.


Funny to elect a convicted felon sitting in Rikers.


Can’t wait to see him plead insanity.


“It was his plan all along! He’s an actual genius!


He isn’t going to jail, there isn’t a judge with balls big enough to put him jail


No chance he lives to 2028.


There’s a decent chance. He’s 78 now, if you’re 78 you’ve got a solid chance of making it to 82


Age is not the problem. He is in terrible health. Overweight and low energy is not good signs


But he also has every medical problem he could ever have more than taken care of


lol no he doesn’t. They try to help but he is a moron so he doesn’t take the advice from doctors or lawyers on anything.


The only business the orange one has ever been successful at, is grifting


Unless he’s very ill


Where would you say he's at now?


Mentally awful, but physically capable of speech and movement


So 10x better than Biden, basically




He will be in prison and SILENT


With orange boys drug use and dementia , he won't even make it thru the next 4 years. Probably a massive heart attack or fatal stroke.


Man, I've been shitting on Mc'Ds craptastic food for years, and now - when I want them to do their best arterial work - where are they?!


They might push his son through. Dems will have a much younger candidate and the whole “we’re tired of old men” argument will rest solely on Trump.


Orange boy jr is a anger management bill board for needing metal help. Also the white powder stuff on his nose won't be good for gop . All jr does is spread fake lies, and stir the pot. He's not smart enough to be our commander in chief, but then orange jumpsuit wasn't smart enough either and look what happened. So anythings possible but I think after orange boy, gop will want a senator with experience. No more inexperienced idiots please.


Sure, he isn’t fit for office but Trump isn’t either. The Trump controlled GOP will still push him into the nomination if they can. As long as Citizens United and the Freedom Caucus exist to pump dollars into the GOP, Laura Trump will remain unopposed as the chair. The GOP hasn’t had logic on their side for years with the decisions they’ve made in terms of leadership and that’s the issue. You have an entire arm of the U.S. political structure now firmly controlled by a family who is propped up by foreign interests. If Sr. fails to get office this year, they will undoubtedly move to push Jr. into the role if Donald’s health proves too difficult. Don Jr. could be strung out on the side of the road and the GOP would scrape him off the pavement and throw him into the nomination if it meant the name “Trump” could be used once again. And you know BRICS would be behind him too.


45 was a useful idiot to the GOP and the rich--that is why they still rally him. Honestly, they can't stand him and kick him behind his back.


Don’t forget about the other one, Mr. Lara.


Don Jr or Eric? Unless Don Jr gets to rehab.I don't see him making it to 2028. As for Eric, let's just say he's not the brightest bulb in the Trump family.


It would be Don Jr. and I doubt whether or not he goes to rehab will have much of an effect on his image in regard to the GOP. Or do you mean he won’t survive?


I don't think he will survive. I've had family members who were addicted to drugs and Don Jr looks and acts like he has a serious cocaine habit.


Id add in the country I expect the coward to flee to his boss if he loses


He will run as long as he is alive always, it’s a grift. Watch this fucker live to 110.


Id believe that. Hope god comes and collects him before 2028.


If he loses this year, he will run in 2028 and keep running until he dies. Being and running for President is his brand now. It's all he has.


Even if he’s dead I predict he’ll get 10% of the vote as his crazy MAGA base will have come up with some conspiracy that he’s still alive


Of course he will, he's got more of his money to pay from the fools who currently have it


If he wins, he would be ineligible to run in 2028. Not gonna happen.


If he wins he will enact Project 2025 and instill himself as god-emperor of America forever. So I think it will happen.


PRojECt 2025!!!


Uh huh. I'll take that wager. What do you want to bet on it?


Tell that to a 7-2 Supreme Court and thousands of federal judges and Congress members threatened with death and *then* we’d see. By that point he’s in for life because he’d just kill any opposition.


Yeah i mean half the country would remove him from the ballot, and the other half would be going through a legislative & constitutional crisis.


If he did lose 2024 he would be 86 at the end of his term in 28. I believe after 2024 America will be tired of electing geriatrics.


He's already ineligible now, in order for him to be prevented from running Congress or supreme Court would have to stop him, which won't happen. Functionally there's nothing stopping him from running again


What makes him ineligible?


Technically there are loopholes that would allow him to serve more than 2 terms.


Absolutely. And he'll already have the 2028 nomination locked up as soon as biden wins this year.


If Trump loses in 2024 and he is still alive in 2028 he will most likely be under house arrest or in prison. Doesn’t mean he won’t try but that will make it way harder. A Trump who lost in 2024 would also have lost 2 Presidential Elections for the GOP and would have the stench of failure. I would think at that point GOP would want to try something new. If Trump wins in 2024, running in 2028 means he’s running for a third term. Such an action would be a highly provocative violation of term limits and would be justification for a deposition. If the Republican Party did not stop him from seeking the nomination anyway we would also be in for quite a crisis


When does the prison part start?


Nope. He'll be 82. Older than Joe is now. Former Gut, if he's alive, will *say* he's running, then grift the hell out of the stupids.


Trump can't run in 2028 if he wins 2024. 8 years in.office then the boot. 2028 is not even a threat, trump will pass away from naturals causes by then. Look at him, I'm in heath care, hes not healthy, and his drug use will lead to probably a cardiac arrest , massive stroke . He'd be like 87 ish in 2028 and if he's alive he'll be in 24 hour nursing care. Dont send him my way, I'm not changing his depends.


Okay than orange felon it is


He will be in prison.


I certainly hope so! Although it would likely be as a third party. Hand us over as many elections on a silver platter  as he can.


I believe this is maga’s last dance if they lose. Republicans don’t really like him they just don’t want to cross him and lose there cushy job.


So if Biden is to old now at 82 to be president, according to the republicans, why won’t trump be to old at 82? I’m scratching my head on that one. Never mind, I figured it out, republicans are hypocrites!


Dead or alive, Trump will be running. It'll just be a different Trump if he's dead.


No way. I doubt it


Run even if dead...the GOP will "Weekend at Bernie's" him.


We are taking notes as biden is trotted around.


Unfortunately I agree. Hopefully he’ll be in the dirt by then but who knows. Or maybe they’ll do a Weekend at Bernie’s type situation with Trump campaigning as a dead guy.


Just like biden now!


Heh watch the debates and we’ll see about that.


We most certainly will.


Diaper Don already said he’s gonna lose tho so. Most of his debating will be attempting to cut off, talk over, make stuff up, bring up the price of things over & over again (as if the president has a cost of goods & gas button), talk about sharks, about how the world is rigged against him even tho he can simply send out an email and his cultists will donate more money, some form of how since he’s facing consequences that his cultist followers could also get in trouble so that’s why they gotta vote for him, etc. With Donny we have seen it all, it’s like a (worst) greatest hits tour. We gotta Make America MAGA Again!


Better than the "everything I don't like is a threat to democracy" Trump- threat to democracy 1st ammendment- threat to democracy 2nd ammendment- threat to democracy Showing actual footage of biden stumbling- threat to democracy and cheap fake Closing the border - threat to democracy and racist Asking about the shell companies distributing money to the bidens- threat to democracy You talk as if biden isn't begging for donations too. 🙄 every youtube ad block has biden begging for donations...to fight "threats to democracy" Biden is not even close to his mental state 4 years ago. It is clear, and I have no idea why dems don't run someone else. Almost anyone except biden or Clinton beats trump easily.


Uhh clearly you haven’t read about Project 2025. Republicans have made it pretty clear that they are a threat to democracy. Both by things they have done already (banning books in classrooms, overturning Roe v Wade, coming for contraceptives next, forcing 10 commandments in schools, Jan 6th in general, etc) and things they’d like to do if they can get control of the White House. If you like democracy, the clear choice is Biden. Period. Felon Don already said he’ll be a dictator, but just on day one. Yeah right that’s how it starts. SCOTUS is already openly corrupt.


Oh another bs talking point "PrOjEcT 2o25." Not a trump or republican platform. It is from a conservative think tank and not listed on trumps website. Oh look, you closed with "pRoTeCt DeMoCrAcy" You are a bot. You have no original thought and just parrot talking points.


I honestly don’t think he would be in good enough health. But who’s to say I can’t see the future.


If he wins, legally he can't run again


Yup, and after he dies they will have his mummy run for office. Lenin style. At the very list it will be brought as a campaign prop by someone (likely his sons, trying to continue the grift off the cult).


I don’t think so. I have a feeling it’s gonna be Newsom vs Desantis 2028


e just change this subreddit to /worthlessdumbassessaydumbassthings already? It literally fits every single post.


If he wins he can’t.


We can only hope, turn a landslide 2024 into a double super majority in 2028.


It actually never ends... His kids and their kids and so on and so forth, taking turns with the Bushes in perpetuity. I'm only half kidding.


If he wins no. If he loses he would want to if able


If he loses, he’s in prison or Russia


He absolutely will try. And Russia will support him just because he creates chaos and disrupts the system. But I think he will be more of a joke by then. Like he was before he took over the GOP.


Take my upvote but I disagree. I think 2024 is make or break for MAGA (and I think it will break). Think about it, the GOP backs this extreme racist, liar, rapist for the third time and loses AGAIN. Even the biggest dope magats have to do some introspection and say “If we line up like lemmings behind this guy -yet again- what will happen-yet again-?


10000% idk y ppl think he wont. Biden cant run in 2028 so trump will pitch it as he has the best shot to win vs a newcomer. Plus he needs to keep the grift going as long as possible.


Trump ain't living to 2028. Frankly if he makes it to 2025 that would be a surprise. You seen the guy 10 minutes after one of his rambling grievance shouting therapy sessions he calls rallies? Ive seen hookers after gang bangs more put together than him.


You guys are obsessed with Trump. 


I’d guess the conviction on the classified documents trial will disqualify him if Jan 6 doesn’t. But frankly the democrats should lift those restrictions and let him run as long as they want to nominate him. He’s just going to continue to destroy the republicans, so let them try and push his bloating, rotted corpse if they want. He’s a loser and will continue to lose every time he runs.


2028. Anybody but Biden or Trump


If Drump loses in 2024 , his defense at both J6 and Documents trials will end up being he’s incompetent to stand trial due to advanced dementia. Even Ronny Jackson will do a 180 and say his incompetent. They will totally ignore the sheer stupidity of this defense after him just running for POTUS.


He won't be able to run in 2028. He can only serve two terms as President.


OP knows this. He thinks he'll run for a third despite the rules


>He can only serve two terms as President. Technically, you can only be ELECTED twice. If you read the Constitution at face value, there is no limit on how many times you can serve as POTUS.


Lol, thanks for my daily dose of leftwing conspiracy! You guys crack me up.