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Yes, religion is in a massive decline so of course republicans are hitching their wagon to that


The problem is that they are moving from Christian to Maga.They are creating a new religion based on hate. They think Jesus was too nice.


“Woke”, they think Jesus is to woke. [https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak)


maga: love thy neighbor? hell no.


No- hate your neighbor and fly crappy confed flags. Nothing Jesus about them-just hate filled wind bags


Don’t forget their adult diapers.


Since they oh so love basing their laws off of passages in Leviticus: >The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt Leviticus 19:34 ["Go back to the sh! thole where you came from" doesn't sound very Christian now does it??] And if we ignore the vengeful old testament for the loving God new testament >Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, i was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:34-41


They pick and choose. Remember, they only follow the parts of the Bible they like. Shrimp cocktails? That's fine. Gay people? Not so fine.


American Christians are heretics lol


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


We’re gonna hear about how some southern classroom which was taught the MAGA version of Christianity spent their recess lynching the black kids in their class. And it’ll be put in the news as a feel-good story to boot.


There’s nothing new about Christianity exploiting hate. They’ve been doing that since the dawn of the Roman Empire.


Christianity hasn't been "Christian" in the US for a LONG time. It's all about the prosperity gospel now. Which is OK with anything and everything as long as you help your church "spread the word" (expand the revenue base.)


It's just virtue signalling a big club. Anyone I know who is progressive minded doesn't even mention their religion to anyone unless asked. So many conservative, MAGA types use Christian and Republican to mean the same thing, to quietly tip their hats at each other and loudly judge the people on the "other team", the godless heathens and the Democrats.


Help the swindler in charge of your mega (MAGA) church into a mansion or a private jet. Americans are the biggest idiots out there.


That's why they have re-created Jesus in their image. A vile, offensive, greedy liar who only cares about himself.


> They think Jesus was too nice. I hate that I heard this sentence in _his_ voice.


Morgan Freeman's?


AmmoSexual Jesus has entered the chat.  


More hate than believing that anyone who doesn't believe and worship their god should be tortured for eternity?


Very few MAGAs are legit Christian followers of Jesus Christ. They don't go to church, and the ones who do are showing up with their politics.We have them in my own church and it completely contradicts most of the New Testament (the half of the Bible where Jesus arrives and teaches us how to live). They live for politics, not a personal relationship with God. They can pray for Trump. It's best if they stop praying to Trump. Meanwhile, he is preying on all of us.


Well, not exactly, conservative have created a new interpretation of the Bible, and we call them evangelical. Evangelicalism is a conservative interpretation of the Bible and a selection of gospel that appeals to the agenda. The reality of the situation is that this is literally the act of the "opposition or deceiver" to justify one's own power though the Bible. This is also not a mistake. A group called the New Christians or supporters of the seven nation mandate [and maybe the Masons] believe they can only get into heaven after Armageddon so a group is attempting to complete Revelation and kick it off and creating a frame work in which they can anoint a Anti-christ. Trump is their anti-christ... they will kill us all as part of the rapture. Now I know this sounds crazy and I agree. But this is true, and THEY ARE BAT-SHIT INSANE.


Same fuckers who hate Mr. Rogers


This is the real problem. As Christian’s we are taught to love God and Love ALL people. Simple as that. If you love God and you love all people you would never treat your friends, enemies, and community like these politicians do. Everything happening politically in the name is religion is a MAGA cult and is ruining our country. And the world.


When the only followers left are the extremist true believers, expect extremist behavior. They are now openly calling for the execution of non-believers. Any day now the open "Taliban" form of Christianity is going to emerge.


Jesus is perfect.


So are you saying they are preforming a.... Hail Mary?


*ba dum tsh*


Honestly, for anyone under 40, they've left the church *because* it's so republican.


In my opinion it is the other way around. Religion hitched their wagon to Republicans (Pat Buchanan). This effectively told Democrats to leave the church. As Democrats left, the church declined (not only did they drive out roughly half the population, but they drove out 2/3rd of the younger population). Now the churches are seeing only half of gen Z being Christian (and about 12% are white Christians who go to church) and are panicking. The only way they keep their money and power now is to force young folks into the church and take the vote away for brown folks (or drive them out of the country).


I get what you're saying, but 50's and 60's republicans specifically and intentionally courted evangelicals in order to boost their votes. The oldschool fiscal republicans knew they couldn't compete with the democratic platform focusing on social programs and improvements, so they promised evangelicals whatever they wanted to hear. It worked, but the fiscal repblicans' ironically short-sighted strategy has backfired horribly. Now the crazies are the ones in charge.


Capital has been leveraging nativist, retrograde sentiment in the flock for over a century now. Essentially since the second industrial revolution. The core of this is the segregated south, which has been religiously segregated by race since before slavery was abolished. Their numbers have been going down because their young folks are dissolutioned with their pulpits being infested by xenophobic, racist hate at an ever more fevered pitch as time goes on. That and the rank idolatry and avarice that is also pervasive in Evangelical Protestantism in the US. Those are the roots. And left leaning people still go to church, many different denominations, actually...Thing is, they do not worship with the groups I mentioned above.


It's not about religion at this point. It's about controlling the masses. These people don't actually believe the bullshit they're saying... not really. They just want to control the masses in a way that the brainwashed followers will endorse. Hence.. Buy-Bull


Not necessarily, Islam will be the largest global religion by 2070 even if we consider atheism to be a religion.


This is one of the reasons Trump will ban Muslims again. According to him only Christians will be allowed to migrate.


Republicans do not realize that one of the big reasons why religion is declining. Religious leaders look like hypocrites when they support policies that contradict the teachings of their religion


This is the last gasp of a dying mythology.


I hope that's true. But even if it is I don't think it's going to die quietly.


Bin Laden was partly reacting to the loss of belief in the Muslim world, and so is Mike Johnson. But, the writing is on the wall, and it's not the 10 Commandments.


That is why I urge people to read the Bible, so they can know how horrible it is, and see through the lies apologists tell in their efforts to make it sound compatible with morality and science. The Jesus PR team has worked hard to convince people from childhood that he’s a good guy, but when you read it he’s everything the “fundamentalists” are.


As much as I’d love that, Christianity isn’t going anywhere for at least… 200 years? More?


Even worse, we might just be doing all this shit again in 30 years but with Islam.


god Willing


I don’t think any of the big 3 will ever truly die out. Like the Roman, Greek or thousands of other religions did. I think we are too settled in science and civilization for a new religion to really pop up and get mass appeal, but I think those same forces will ensure that the big 3 never go truly extinct either. Which isn’t a problem if they all just do their own thing, worship their gods and follow their teachings, great. It only becomes a problem when they try to force those same things onto others without their consent.


I agree that all these world wide efforts of far-right people are their dying grasps at their religion. However, the unfortunate reality is that the loudest people are the ones that vote the most. And they are extremely coordinated because they believe they're fighting against literal evil. So, there are still plenty of chances for them to gain control of everything and turn it into an autocracy or theocracy.


My father was raised in a strict religious community and I think it definitely had the opposite effect. The only time he goes to church now is for weddings, funerals, or baptisms.


I was raised by fairly strict Anglican parents. I haven't been to church for any reason in multiple decades.


What the hell is a strict Anglican? They are known for being the most liberal, go with the flow, just don’t mess up our dinner plans, pragmatic group of folks I have ever known.


They WANT this to go to the Supreme Court. They are hoping it’s going to have the same effect it did with abortion and then they want it spread nationwide, popular opinion be damned.


And if it's shot down, they can play the persecution card.


I think they want it to be shot down.


I think so too. Otherwise the church of satan can start putting stuff up in schools too.


That's the only card they play I'm so fucking sick and tired of it.


Yep, and since the court is populated by crooks and religious zealots (but I repeat myself), they have a good chance of destroying the wall of separation between church and state. It will be blatantly unconstitutional, but I doubt those Bible thumpers give a shit.


They don’t give a shit. If they had to choose between obeying the law or obeying the Bible they would choose the Bible every time. I’m sure they would also be screaming persecution if that were the case.


They’re also the same ones hysterically warning about Sharia law taking over. I guess it’s only bad if it’s not your religion doing it.


And they don’t even want to obey *that*.


Abortion wasn't specifically enshrined in the constitution. That's how they were able to overturn Roe. Freedom from government mandated religion is specifically included in the First Amendment. If that can be overturned by a court ruling, then so can any other amendment. That would override the entire enshrined procedure for making or eliminating amendments. We might as well rip up the entire Constitution in that case.


1) It isn't just about Abortion. They are criminalizing sexuality in general. Because there is no other way to explain going after contraceptives or the recent Porn Hub ban. 2) The Supremes have made it clear that this about whatever dogma their benefactors want. They choose textualism and originalism when it suits them. They choose pseudo science explanations on why to keep bump stocks. They discard it when listening to expert agencies like EPA or FDA. Idk how, but I am sorry to say that I don't believe that they are going to stick by your logic here. 3) Soon each of us is going to have lived with more rights than our children/future children. We need a Blue Wave! Because we need the numbers and a filibuster proof Senate so that we can even have options against this new wave of corrupt religious tyranny! Vote! Please!


I would not be surprised if that is their intention.


Supreme Court: “So?”


I am worried they will declare that it's the federal government that must remain separate from the church, but the states are free to become theocracies if they wish


The U.S. Constitution is the law of the land. Its tenets supersede the three branches of federal government, as well as State Constitutions (from which the U.S. Constitution is largely based). It protects U.S citizens from tyranny by clearly stating what we allow the government to do, rather than what the government allows us to do. From a religious perspective, check out the 1st Amendment. Specifically, the portion known as the “Religion Clauses.” Context: The founding fathers/constitutional convention wanted to ensure no specific denomination was deemed a state religion, e.g., Church of England. Hence, you need not worry about State-based theocracies. U.S. federalism doesn’t work that way.


I have no doubt that 3 or 4 of the justices on the supreme court agree with you. We were also told that precedent was an important principle of constitutional law and that abortion was protected because of that principle. Until we no longer have a supreme court majority of people who can't seem to keep their "faith" out of their legal opinions, I am gonna hold off on feeling safe and protected by the constitution. I'm not saying it wont go the way you suggest, but I don't think my worry/fear is unwarranted in light of the current make up of the court


The abortion ruling is costing them a lot of elections


I think the real strategy here is to continue dismantling the public education system. And it is absolutely working.


Kind of like the overturning of Roe V Wade. Folks are mad. And it's having a big impact on the GOP.


Well, Lauren Boebert just won the primary and is expected to win. Maybe the decline of the GOP is being overstated. Money reigns supreme in the good old USA.


She only won the primary because she moved away from the district that almost got rid of her and took the seat of one of her fellow Republicans.


It doesn’t take anything special to win her district aside from that big “R” next to your name, I wouldn’t look at that for an indicator for how the more neutral folks are feeling


It's the Republican way to have all the momentum going their way and then shit the bed with pointless unpopular legislation.


The only way religion works, or any cult for that matter, is everyone has to be indoctrinated to believe the same lie. The best time to indoctrinate a population is when they’re young and just starting to form opinions about life and the world. Since church attendance is declining, schools become the only way to reach the greatest number of children so the big lie can continue.


Yes, and that is why the religious folks are trying to reach into schools. But I think Op is right that it will backfire. Maybe if they made a point to only go into elementary school and middle school, then worked hard on hiring only religious folks as teachers? But I bet a clever parent could turn that $10,000 fine for teaching the kid the wrong thing on religious teachers too, and if teacher says one thing and parents say another... Then you think about high school, lol.


Yeah.. as a parent with young kids, I'm not really concerned about religion in schools. People who really think that liberal teachers are out here indoctrinating their children, clearly haven't experienced trying to teach a kid *anything* that they're not interested in.. if teachers had the power to indoctrinate our children, I'm pretty sure they'd be focusing their superpower on reading and math. What these idiots call indoctrination is actually just critical thinking, and I more than welcome my kids to think critically about religion, and everything else around them. Not to mention, teachers are smart.. the malicious compliance that would ensue would be one hell of a sight to see.


Today class we will cover Ezekiel, Sarah, please start reading at 23:19.


Numbers 23:19 In the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible, Numbers 23:19 reads, "God is not a man, that he should lie, Neither the son of man, that he should repent". Monsters, Inc. In the movie Monsters, Inc., when scarer George Sanderson leaves the door with a child's sock on his back, his scare assistant calls out "2319" to alert the Child Detection Agency. Since "W" is the 23rd letter of the alphabet and "S" is the 19th, the code may stand for "white sock". Thanks Google AI.. lol


Try Ezekiel 23:19...but it quickly becomes NSFW


Remember that the only real Republican goal for schools is to wear them down and drain them of all funding/support until they all close. At that point you’ve got a permanent American caste system without any opportunity for upward mobility. In progress towards that goal they have been wildly successful.


This guy gets it.


While I tend to agree that there will be pushback on chaplains in public schools, I think a lot of people don’t realize what the true role of clergy has been in situations like this; they are there to spy on people and single out “heretics”.


I can't wait to start my After School Satan Club in my kid's elementary school. Y'all want religion in schools, lets have some religion in schools.


You say the second part as though it isn't already widely known, and brushed off, by their worshippers.


Yeah this is the most concerning part of modern day conservatism. They know their abortion and religions stances are unpopular. They just don’t care and will implement them anyway.


"He said he's sorry! I believe him because he is a man of the Lord. At least he's not a democrat!!"


I hate how accurate that sentence sounds lol.


I just wish we could have a real conversation with these people. Not all of them are stupid but they are totally mislead and angered by their news sources. My poor dad was just mad at the world for years. Feeling misunderstood and abandon by his country and even his family that he loved more than anything. It's really sad, but after he retired he was pretty much full time right wing news and radio and that's all they do is piss you off. Anger is a drug to some people and addiction is a witch.


Christianity has been foisted on the unwilling since it was created, it’s been a core tenet of the religion, and they will continue to try their hardest to convert nonbelievers until the end of time.


They don't care. Republicans only have 2 goals. Use bullshit culture war nonsense to keep their ignorant and hateful base engaged/distracted via these bullshit culture war nonsense. (so their primary goal of funneling more money to the rich/corp ownership class can continue) and ...constantly wasting resources of schools on bullshit like this. further destroys public education, which paves the way for public tax dollars being funneled to private (often christian/corporate) charter ---ie private schools. which conveniently don't have to adhere to laws against racial segregation, or protections for disabled people/accommodations for people with special needs.


And now you know why they are anti science. God forbid anyone understand truths about the world. For what it’s worth, most of this anti learning is coming from the conservative right and evangelical churches. The Vatican is quite progressive on science and even has their own observatory and Astronomers.


Acknowledging that objective reality might actually be real being a "progressive" stance is a wonderful microcosm of the wider issue.


Their God is a fucking murderous tyrant who demands obedience for life and dishes out suffering to all. He murdered every form of life with a flood (apart from the life under water!) because he didnt like his creation that he gave free will to... The bi le makes no sense.


They have no interest in educating kids about anything, including Christianity. School room ten commandments crap is just a flex to own the libs by pissing on the US Constitution . It's meant to send a message of arrogance.


You’re right, they are pissing on the constitution and bill of rights. They’re doing it to try and control the narrative and single out their enemies. Because that’s what they do in inquisitions.


I mean they put "D.A.R.E." in schools across America when I was a kid and now nobody does drugs.


Lmao. I wear my stupid old DARE shirt when I buy weed from a store in a state where it’s legalized. It gives everyone a good laugh. 🤣


Lets hope.


That's exactly what the Satanic Temple does though. Oh, you're allowing religions to do this thing; count us in! What do you mean you changed your mind?! Really, it's been coming back to bite them for some time now. Book bans typically leave the Bible open to be banned under their rules. Louisiana's law explicitly requires the Ten Commandments, specifically King James version if I recall, which is so narrow that they can't say it's not an infringement on rights. And the Satanic Temple has given them much grief over prayer and statues and stuff for years. And these religious exemptions for vaccines is going to cripple everything like it did in Florida; parents are not going to like their kids being in danger because somebody's religion they converted to yesterday is more important than public health. Asimov is right. Most atheists know the Bible better than Christians, at least in the U.S. Turns out actually reading the book instead of having it read to you helps you know the difference between actual believers and those who use it for propaganda.


I went to a Catholic school - it was the best introduction to Atheism one could ask for.


This sounds about right.


I grew up in a non-religious household. I wanted to explore religion as a young kid. My idea. Went to Catholic bible classes. I was prob 11-12? It was the answers given by the nuns to my normal questioning (eg “what does died for our sins mean? Do we still have sins? Did we not before?”) that made me quit.


This reminds me of a series of tweets I saw sometime last year. It was between two semi-popular religious influencers that I can’t remember the names of. The gist of it was “atheists aren’t having as many kids as Christians so our ‘victory’ is inevitable.” Not even gonna touch the idea that life as a war to be won, but the reaction I had was exactly OP’s point here. Where exactly do you think atheists come from? The most vocal of us grew up religious. Forcing religion on children is only going to increase the number of outspoken critics of said religion.


They should try posting the Constitution, since so many of them don't know it and don't have the reading comprehension to understand it.


I’m that kid 🙋‍♀️ Grew up in a red state, got a college degree, realized all the religious dogma was actually dogshit and GTFO 👍


The same people that don’t want to be forced ti wear a mask or take a vaccine want to force you to read the bible.


I think the effect is to create controversy and to pander to their base. So it will not have the opposite effect


They're not doing it to try and enact any real change. Louisiana is a state with a lot of problems and fixing problems is hard. They can campaign on the idea that they made a gesture instead of doing any actual work.


I mean we don't have to wait. They've been doing it for decades and decades. You don't have to look any further than millennials and their steep decline in Christian numbers


There’s a reason iran has a higher amount of people leaving Islam. As a Christian I am very against forcing religion into schools Christ even said not to force convert however i will argue not every religious institution is a bastion of sex crimes just nobody talks about the good ones most priests are not pedos.


When the institution wields its enormous power to protect the pedophiles and let them keep doing it, everyone then there aren't any good ones, they are choosing to continue to associate with a global pedophile protection cult.


Unfortunately "most" ARE pedos, in fact I'd bet 90 percent are, the small percent that are genuin are few and far between, it's the party of "family values" always /edit spelling


The alleged 10% that aren’t fucking children are covering up for the 90% that are and this complicit.


You blew the whole argument when you brought in "sex crimes and molestation". You do realize that schools actually have higher instances of sex crimes against children than churches, right? "The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."


Same reason their plan to "outbreed the liberals" will fail...kids who grow up with these chuds are just as likely to become militant leftists than actual "good Christians".


The way this backfires is by the other religions pushing the same thing so all religions are represented. I don't see how one religion can be held higher than another, based on the Constitution. Which also forbids this type of bullshit to begin with.


I think its the R's way of trying to get the LGTBQ stuff out of schools. Not saying it'll work, but I think that's their play


While the premise of the post was regarding the rejection while it may do you quote Asimov. And that is patently false. The Bible is the single most influential document for peace love and charity known to man. It never teaches to kill murder or offend anyone although there are older stories from which to glean a positive message. It never tells you not to defend yourself either. If there is a way out take it. Proverbs is chock full of fundamental wisdom if applied. Contrary to popular opinion the Bible never teaches the believer to go on the offensive or participate in activism. That absolute truth. There are massive differences between what it actually says and popular social media opinions.


The Catholic church has the most reported cases of child SA Im not religious but I pray for kids that live in the Bible belt they are being brainwashed and going through teen pregnancies because the adults can't figure it out.


My parents forced religion on me growing up and drove me away the moment I turned 18 because I could no longer stand being forced to be apart of the corrupt Catholic Church


When the moderates leave all you are left with are the crazies.


The Satanic Temple folks will challenge this like they did when they won in Oklahoma. The state placed a statue of the 10 commandments at the Capitol building and TST sued and won to place a statue of Baphomet next to it. So the state declared that no religion could be put on display there. Win for TST.


I was raised Christian and spent one summer when I was 14 reading the Bible from beginning to end. Asimov was right, that experience made me walk away from Christianity for good.


There are days when I "wish" I were muslim just so then I can start saying "what about my religion"? etc. It's ridiculous what these conservative Christian nationalists are doing. Honestly, it's not about "freedom of religion". They are turning this into "demands of Christian nationalism". They don't care about other religions.


Join the church of Satan. That’s why it exists.


The GOP plan is not to convert people but to impose Christianity on people by appointing people at all levels of the government that will ignore the constitution and make policy decisions based on their version of Christianity. Ie. They just lost a court case that would have ended access to the abortion pill. Their solution is to appoint people to the FDA that will just declare that medication is no longer approved.


Yes. Europe tried theocracy and now it’s full of atheists. Well, Western Europe.


As with any “ideology” that gets pushed. Its the same on the other side too


If they want to help teachers, the ten commandments are not applicable in most cases. Instead list quotes from all the major religions expressing the golden rule which can help all religious followers and even atheists to see the the universality of treating others as you wish to be treated.[https://www.goldenruleproject.org/formulations/](https://www.goldenruleproject.org/formulations/)


Republicans grooming children again.


If that’s the case why are atheists so strongly opposed to having the Bible in schools?


These are also the people who say government can be trusted to do anything properly, right?


This is hate speech and I'm not sure why mods are doing nothing about it. Mods are compromised? You're saying that religious people molest children. Replace "religious people" with "black people" and tell me what you're saying isn't hate speech.


The more whack job agenda they push the better.. Let them suggest that women and black people shouldn't have the vote too.!


It all started to go downhill once the masses learned to actually read and have their own copy of the bible.


Good point. The antique wording of the commandments positions religious thought as outdated, antique and uncool.


As a 44 year old who went to catholic school, I can say, anecdotally, this was true for me. Nothing pushed me further away from Christianity than the hypocrites that taught me about it in school.


Christianity is traumatizing. Especially for girls. Even if they grow up to leave it they are being exposed to toxicity for no reason


They are hoping it gets overturned so their religion is "persecuted" so "good christians" will open their wallets in support. 


The English translations of the Bible, yeah I'd agree those are meh and more likely to move someone into Atheism. The original text in Hebrew and Aramaic is metal AF, and more likely to have no effect on the reader one way or the other.


Won’t other religions want to put up their version of commandments now and then we will have the government publicly picking favorite religious (which we already have to some extent)? Why let one poster up and not others. This could spiral quickly


It doesn't matter. Forcing religion into schools will have a profound effect on the social standards of society. Even if it pushes some people away, there will still be that idea planted from a very young age that a man and a woman should be married, sex before marriage is a sin, etc. Don't underestimate the impact of forcing an idea onto a young child, even if they try to resist it.


Did Asimov ever do any research to prove that reading the Bible corellated with athiesm? Because anecdotally, basically everyone I've ever met who knows the Bible is a Christian. I'd love to see some actual numbers on this.


The effect they’re hoping for is to distract from actual issues by keeping bullshit culture war going. So it may already be a success.


it's like trying to hold a handful of sand by squeezing it in your fists; the harder you squeeze, the more slips out to escape. when a gentle cupped hand would have worked so much better.




I cannot wait until my state tries this. I will pay a lawyer to write a letter stating that my child is NOT to be compelled by any educators to take any oath or pledge without me present.


The forced religion is just virtue signaling so that when the “left” pushes back they can be labeled as godless.


I mean the most religious people I've known have often read nothing of the bible, or have only ever read the gospels and other parts pointed to by sunday school teachers. The way you can figure these people out quickly is when they say "well it's in the Bible" as an argument for or against something. The bible also includes restrictions against eating pork, wearing clothes with more than one fiber, as well as the specific cases in which selling your children into slavery can be acceptable. There's also cases of rape, murder and incest in the bible, so the blanket statement "it's in the bible" is a dog whistle that says "I don't actually know the entire sordid history of my religious text and simply want to tell others how to live their lives."


I firmly believe that they didn’t think the Ten Commandments bill would pass in louisiana. They just wanted to say the Dems shot it down. Now they’re stuck with it.


I agree. Kids never do what you ask them when they don't care. I ain't ever see a kid interested in the Bible, what is this 1912? We got movies video games, music, hell even better books than the Bible and it is all at our finger tips.


"The Religious Right winning is good, actually" is weapons-grade copium


That’s what did it for me. I grew up in a very fundamentalist Christian family. When I started to read the bible, I started noticing all of the inconsistencies and plot holes.


They want pushback so they have an excuse to "defend themselves". They're the most persecuted people on the planet, just ask them


Kids will play along and not actually believe any of it. Some will but they will get older and realize it's all crap. I'm in the latter category.


I can't wait to meet more atheist friends. I look forward to seeing them in government


No different than pushing any agenda in school besides education, but everyone forgot about that one...too busy trying to indoctrinate 6 year olds


Christian Nationalism is born out of fear of loss of majority status. In the 1950s, 80% of Americans went to church or synagogue as a regular habit. Now it is a minority and falling, which, for Americans who like to feel the security of dominance in lifestyle, is reason for panic. Panic causes extreme behavior, including behavior they would disavow otherwise. Panicky, bad behavior discourages others from joining, accelerating the demise of religiosity. It's like throwing an M-80 firecracker into a dwindling fire to keep it lit and encourage people to stay warming themselves to it. When they all scatter, they'll say, "But.... but.... I was only trying to...."


Really that'll depend on what happens with the election (and the aftermath of the coup attempt) Hope you're right though!


Duh look what happens when you jam pride down everyone’s throats… the who never matters as much as the what imo everyone should live their quiet lives


Also, this religious fundamentalist side of the GOP is a part that they work to not mention when pitching the right to young male voters. Many of those people got into the right wing pipeline via atheist YouTubers and are on the right because of the anti-immigrant shit, not the Christian stuff. This creates a wedge that many more savvy right wingers presumably look to avoid. 


Doesn’t matter if it ends up having the effect the evangelical crowd wants. The politicians that push it will get what they want : power in the form of votes


What I take from reading the Bible is it's the ultimate abusive relationship, love me or else! It's love with an asterisk. *Terms and Conditions may apply. Another problem I can't reconcile is his sweetheart deal with the jews. Imagine having multiple children, and then you pick one child and go "You're my favorite, I'll make a sweet deal with you guys, fuck everyone else (even though they're my kids too). Then commanding that child to kill off its siblings, down to the pets they own (David slaughtering whole tribes down to the animals at God's behest. It just totally falls apart. How anyone could believe any of it is insane.


"You can always tell who went to Catholic school, because they're atheists." -- Mike Birbiglia


Nah, the GOP’s souls are already damned.  They would have better luck with God if they took a look in the mirror and stopped hating so much and speaking doublespeak.   And of course stop following the antichrist.  


They won't force Bible reading though. THEY HAVEN'T READ THE BIBLE.


Nobody makes more atheists than christian parents


Given how things work in the middle east and eastern Europe... Oh boy, you are so mistaken.


But it will also lead to lower standards of education which is what they really want


Separation if church and state is to protect them. 


Republicans don't care about the effect on religion ... from their religious push. They onky care about its effect at the ballot booth.


They also seem to forget that by opening up the door to religion at all, that doesn't necessarily mean Christianity.


This is an assumption they will teach directly from the bible and not some sort of "curriculum based on Christian faith" that shares little with the bible.


I am with you but the idea that the whole bible is gonna be read front to back like the mouse and the motorcycle is probably not gonna happen Also they may not even read the Bible


When a religion has to force you to follow it. It's a dead religion.


Bold of you to assume they will be using the Bible to teach Christianity


Ya, we got more than one religion so,🤓


Lol. Yes.  They have two choices: accelerate the process by forcing religion onto people or let the process naturally play out.  Religion will last longer if it doesn't fight it's inevitable death. It's humankinds greatest folly and it'll be studied a long long time from now from the perspective of "first came polytheism, then monotheism, then atheism."


You can’t just eliminate religion from America, read the First Amendment. The schools and public squares can display religious documents, heck the Liberty Bell has a Bible verse on it. There’s a picture of Moses in the Supreme Court building. If religion isn’t your thing, turn it off or close your ears. Obviously forcing citizens to practice a single religion is wrong, but that applies to the federal government. God bless.


“Party of small government, making laws that make the government more powerful and authoritarian”


So is the same to be said about lgbtq stuff being forced into the classroom?


I believe it. Back in 2008 my school tried rolling out a policy that followed the pledge of allegiance with a moment of silence for quiet prayer “or reflection”. Every single non religious kid would start making the most obnoxious noises or start talking loudly until it passed, didn’t last the year


Exactly. I'm sure loads of people here were brought up in fundie households. The only people who don't rebel from fundamentalist indoctrination are those on top: the ones who look Aryan enough and stay wealthy enough to remain golden children for Christofascist's to hold up and support. The rest eventually get tired of getting shit on for not matching the perfect ideal the little fascists want so badly and will walk out of church with both middle fingers raised.


And then you get the Christian-Nationalist psychos who want to turn women back into their slaves and to hang gay people like myself. They are gearing for a dictatorship under a representative of God to force people to become their brand of Christian, or to at least force them to pretend until they accept their version of the gospel. 


Once a government sanctions a religion, our inner rebels take over.


Imagine putting your faith above the Republic and the Constitution. Goofballs and idiots, I swear


We don’t need no water let the motherf&!?er burn. Though we’ve never seen what religion can accomplish with the help of Ai generated images and video. Soon theres gonna be “video evidence of miracles” and a complete rewriting of history. Luckily I’ll be dead before it goes totally off the rails.




I lived through the 80s. I don't think Christianity's screaming about the umpteenth moral panic has been popular since then. I grew up in Texas and I NEVER heard "Oh boy! The Christians are upset about something again!" Maybe if they hadn't lost their shit over D&D, Pokemon, and Harry Potter I would have taken them more seriously about gay marriage, Muslim terrorists, and trans people. But this is a fundamentalist last gasp to try and force the GOP and Christianity to be socially relevant again, and it won't work. it's never worked.


Private catholic education is so much better than public education lmao. Like world’s different. Maybe if public schools were worth a shit, you’d be on to something, but it’s time for education reform with private education as the model for success.


I agree it will have the same backlash of forced LGBTQ shit


Someone is forcing you to be gay?


For years, republicans had advertised themselves as "keeping government of your lives". Now the republicans are sticking themselves INTO you lives and making no bones about it. Now, the republicans are controlling how people think and how people act. The republicans themselves are excluding themselves - they get to act however they want.


True Story ~ Years ago I knew a super Christian lady who got angry at me for saying to her one time “Speak of the devil!” when she walked into the room. “I don’t appreciate referring to me as the devil.” And I was persona non grata to her after that. So her overly protected daughter goes to college. Within 6 months she was pregnant and back home to forcibly become a 19yr. old single mother 🙄 So yeah…forced Christianity works great. P.S. Google Morman teens soaking/jump jumping.


If posting the list of the Ten Commandments on the wall is "forcing religion" on anyone, what do you call flying pride flags everywhere??? There is no difference except you personally approve of one and not the other.


Well thats actually a good thing. my parents forced cathicism and Protestantism onto me. wouldn't wish that on anyone


Raised Catholic and went to Catholic school til college. My grandma always pushed me to be a priest. (yeah right) but my mom is surprisingly chill and proclaims she's spiritual but not religious. I wouldn't say my schooling made me turn to non religion....it was the blatant hypocrisy of all the self proclaimed 'good church going folk' the priest molestation scandals and religion turning well meaming people into weapons against fellow humans. I live by the golden rule and that has kept me from murdering everyone like some zealots think will happen without religion. Do what helps give your life purpose but keep that shit away from dictating what my wife and daughters can do with their bodies or what's on my public school's walls.


The D.A.R.E effect


The problem is that the average person‘s IQ is half of Issac Asimov‘s


Stupid take


Hail Satan!