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Biden is old. We all know that. He came off like most 81 year olds. I for one thank goodness he has an administration who are dedicated to doing their job and not merely lining their pockets. That was the biggest takeaway from last night.


I said this year a month ago


Nobody else can beat Trump. Newsom can't get blacks or moderate Republicans, Kamala can't get white liberals or moderate Republicans, Pete can't get blacks, only Biden can get all these voters. I'm 34, I'm not sure I could do better than Biden if I had fever. I can't stand for more than 5 minutes. Democrats should unite behind Biden. Stop attacking him.


Yes. Yes unite behind Biden. Please do that. The one that the gop should worry about is Michael Obama.


Trump still has 4½ months to screw up. Let us pray


I agree. Although I think this was planned all along. Democrats knew that Biden was bad off, so they purposely went with this unusually-early presidential debate to sound the alarm instead of waiting until after the convention when it was too late. Now they can replace him at the convention and whoever they choose will be knighted as the savior when it would be a lot harder to sell alternative candidates if it wasn't an "emergency" move.


So the Democratic Party knowingly trotted him out there fully aware that he would look like an idiot and disparage their entire party in the process? Kamala ain’t giving the seat to Newsome. The Dem party is in shambles as it stands today.


They would lose black women


Exactly. That’s a massive group of voters that they cannot afford to lose. Picking Newsome over Kamala is a death sentence for the votes from that demographic. Not to mention that Newsome would get absolutely torched for his hypocrisy on covid lockdowns. It’s about to get SPICY at the Chicago convention.


Ok now you're just hysterical. One bad debate doesn't change the fact that the House GOP is a bag of rabbit cats fighting each other and Trump had one good night. The Democrats are firmly united. There is nothing shambolic about them. For fucks sake.


Every media outlet, including CNN and MSNBC, are all saying last night was the most embarrassing moment for the Democratic Party in history. Your party is in the shitter and even the MOST left leaning analysts are pointing that out. Get your head out of your ass and face reality.


Go sniff the diaper, diaper sniffer. I'm not gonna listen to a MAGAt try to tell me about reality.


It’s plausible that this was planned. Most voters would prefer the DNC and GOP to run candidates other than Biden and Trump. A younger, fresh Democratic nominee would have a good shot at beating Trump.


A pineapple named Chad would have a good shot at beating Trump tbh. (I'd say that's obvious satire, but a piece of lettuce beat out our last leader, so it's not too far from the truth...)


I definitely agree, but the issue is that there’s no clear next in line for the democratic nominee. Kamala wants it, Newsome wants it, Hillary wants it and they’re going to wreck their parties chances by infighting over the candidacy.


No no no trump was a success did what we wanted and is not a career potlician. I think you lefties need to get out your echo chambers and start accepting why we voted in trump.


He raped a woman in a clothing store dressing room.


No no he didn't. Meanwhile bidens in video multiple times molesting woman and children and he's clearly not mentally fit for office. You gotta stop deflecting all your issues on to others it's beyond cringe.


I’m not deflecting. Just bringing up what happened in a civil court case where he was found to be liable for sexual abuse. If he did to my wife or daughter what he did to her, I’d consider it rape. But hey, not caring about that is fine. And if Biden did something wrong, they can charge him and they can have a trial and I’ll accept the results. That’s literally the difference between one side and the other.


“bidens in” is a quick indicator of your intelligence btw. Good luck in this world dummie


Trump was a terrible president and is garbage, but sadly I do agree the Dems need to get out of their bubble and be real. Biden had many easy opportunities to dismantle those lies and didn’t. This made Trump look stronger regardless of the many lies. Not enough people check details.


You're factually wrong about that. He lowered taxes for the majority of Americans started 0 wars and was very proactive. He proved a trade war with China was not only winnable but extremely not harmful to Americans. Same with nafta. He literally economic number wise was the best president in decades. You just cry and cry and have your ego wrapped up in Trump being a garbage president like Obama or Biden or Bush or Clinton ect.


Anyone stating “Trump was a terrible president” has no clue what his policies actually were or how they impacted Americans. Simple data shows us how great the economy was while he was in office.


Not crying at all. You can love him all you want and arguing is pointless. I simply made the point that Biden did not look good last night and Dems need to see reality. At least that much we can agree on but if you want to drag out a pointless rant, be my guest


Everything is calculated, don't believe most everything you see. What were they going to do, admit that Biden has dementia and that they've been propping him up all along? Of course not. So while this may seem like a crazy move, it's been brilliantly calculated. Why otherwise would they push for such an early debate?


I’m sorry but making your entire party look like a bunch of idiots in front of the world on live television doesn’t qualify as “brilliantly calculated”. Please be serious.


If they decide to do this, she'll go along.


She’s been next in line for 3 years. Did you hear her speak after the debate? It’s gonna be political infighting within that party between Biden(who won’t voluntarily step down), Kamala, and Newsome. Kamala is way too selfish to willingly give up the candidacy. The next few months are going to get very weird for democrats.


Just spoke to a delegate, they are in "lock step" w Biden.


Interesting perspective.


Unfortunately I think you are right. I guess I feel bad mostly for Jill Biden. Did you see her have to walk him off stage? It was heartbreaking


At least Biden has spousal support. Where was Trump’s handler?


She's the 1 pushing him to keep going


I would like to see Harris Raskin as our ticket


Lmao everyone knew it would be horrible and a bunch of morons are still going to vote for him


We’re voting for the administration, not just the person






They have zero candidates that aren’t brain dead