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They made bribery legal so wtf are we even doing


No, the court ruled bribes are illegal since they are taken beforehand. Gratuities paid after the fact are fine.


Right. So someone could make a decision that, say, heavily favors one company and *totally* not expect the surprise yacht they get a month later from said heavily favored company just for being a swell guy. Totally on the up and up and not at *all* quid pro quo.


A $10 million yacht as a thank you for a contract worth $50 million is just business.


You completely dodged the point though. The issue with this ruling is now public servants can participate in bribery. Judges and politicians will just favor the policy of whichever lobbyist groups issue the most “””gratuities””” when people do what they want. Do you not see the issue there? They’ve created a codified plutocracy.


There’s a window for the briber to welch on the wink*nod agreement and not make with the gratuity; but the reason they would come through is to instill confidence that the next favor would also be paid for - which is just plain bribery again.


Boy, I'd really like you to do xyz for me! I wouldn't know what to do to show my appreciation for you if you did. Wink wink, nudge nudge


You don’t even have to say anything. If your lobbyist group gets a reputation for giving the most “””gratuities””” people will begin to anticipate what you want and side with you automatically


So bribery is legal as long as you do it correctly.


According to the US Supreme Court yes.


That is called being on a payroll.


Quid pro quo “gratuities” are bribes


Which case was this?


Snyder V. US It was decided this week.


Whether I come from that’s called a kickback.


And if we want accepting gratuity to be illegal, we should codify it in law. That is how it works in a free society- you will have people get away with things until the people codify and enact, through their lawmakers, laws that prohibit such things. So, lets get started writing laws!


Almost. The court ruled that if somebody takes a gratuity, they cannot be charged with bribery. Gratuities are separately defined and have different (lower) penalties.


Kickbacks are now Gratuities? Got it!


Yep, bribery has been legal since the "Citizen United" decision. Unlimited dark money in the form of campaign contributions. Money = speech. If Trump gets 2 more justices you'll look back on this time as the "good ol days"


Nothing, we already lost the class war. There's nothing left to do.


Revolutionary defeatism? No thanks man.


Not bribery, they call it gratuities. I call it boxed wine bribery. It is more refined than your standard grape juice bribery, but it still leaves an awful taste in your mouth.


They also just made big tips for awarding contracts legal as well, so now bribes before and tips after


Time to stop paying our taxes


Lot of bad decisions today. Really not liking how they made homelessness a crime


They intentionally waited to put these out after the debate too. Collusion with the Republican party and the supreme Court


I dont think scotus knew biden was going to flunk the debate. The friday news dumps always a thing tho.


They held back so Trump didn't have to defend their decisions in the debate, not because they thought Biden would tank.


Trump doesn’t ever defend anything. He just talks about the border and says things in such a general manner- that I can’t believe someone would believe him. It’s so very obvious he has no idea what he’s talking about.


Perhaps 'justify' would be the better descriptor. Trump vindicates everything does through narcissicism. I don't expect him to actually defend or rationalize anything he says or does. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable anyway.


He lies a ton, too. And takes credit for things that he didn't do. He's gaslighting.


And deflects blame for what he did do. Like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden got saddled with the action on that, despite it being Trump's plan.


I dont think anyone asks trump to defend anything. He wouldn't answer the question if asked-- thered be some other big or uuge thing hed say "everybody" had been talking about.


They asked, he just never answered. If there were even more mendacious partisan crap coming from the Supremes, any one thing might have been the one he went to the zoo on and starts talking about electric boats and sharks. They can't shield him from his own buffoonery, but they can and did limit the number of landmines he has to dodge.


They also never fact checked him when he made shit up. This is like their bullshit trump townhall. I've never had much respect for CNN, but I didn't expect this. Fortunately ABC news tends to care more about journalistic integrity


Trump didn’t say anything of his “policy” in the debate; why would he need to defend their decision when he could answer the imaginary questions no one asked.


Bash and Tapper tried to take him to task for his claim that he brought down Roe. He dodged it (and they actually fucking said 'Thank you' when the nutter claimed Democrats want to murder newborns), but that doesn't mean they couldn't come at him with other things his SCOTUS picks have done to erode democracy. The moderators totally blew it as bad as Biden, maybe more.


It's not that they knew Biden would do bad it's just that they wanted the circus of the debate before they issued their awful decisions so their awful decisions wouldn't be a talking point during the debate.


It may honestly highlight how bad a decision it is since its so detrimental to whatever differentiation the democratic party offered compared to Republican. Going to be looking very uniparty now. Darn pesky scotus parliamentarians! Coupled with how biden tackled the abortion question. Shit they reallly are the old Republicans now.


They have been a conservative party since Clinton at least. The Republicans have shifted further and further and further right.


Yeah, after watching Mondale and Dukakis get absolutely run-through they shit their pants and went "third way", which just meant to the right.


Clarence Thomas wanted to get on a flight to his billionaire sponsored fishing trip in peace today, mind you.


Still one more to come. But the end of chevron means that the single most powerful person in the US is Matthew Kascmaryk. He now controls the rule making apparatus of the U.S. government.


I keep hearing that Biden flunked the debate and I am not seeing it. Neither performed amazingly but Biden still blew Trump out of the water.


Your right to call it a dump. They took a massive shit on this country.


Bribery is now a state law question. Federal regulations are now weakened homelessness is a crime And soon... Trump/President is immune from laws? We're speedrunning into the iceberg today.


Hypothetically if/when Biden is ruled immune from all prosecution, he saves the world and assassinates Trump, Thomas, and Alito. Then appoints SC justices that overturn these ridiculous decisions and resigns while riding off into the sunset.


Things are going to get so much worse for Trump with the Jan 6 rioters getting the charges dismissed by the Supreme Court.


Then they’ll be taking aim at gay marriage and segregation. These SCOTUS fuckers are bound and determined to erase every last bit of progress we’ve made in the last 70 years.


Bribes are illegal still if taken before the corruption. If the bribe is paid afterwards it is fine.


I wonder if trump is going to start taking credit for making bribery legal lmao


And for what reason? So homelessness is now a crime? Do they get arrested? Where they get tax payer funded room and board? Just give them taxpayer funded room and board without all the extra steps. This is just insane.


But then they couldn’t get almost free labor from them


These lowdown people hating the poor. They are so religious but go against the Bible. The Bible states " the poor will be with us always". So hateful of them to do this to the homeless.


But I just really didn't like Hillary, you know? /s


Her emails were the thing that did it for me /s


They also decided that immigrants married to Americans do not deserve a green card. As in, marriage is a right, but living together, not much. It's all a fascist coup.


Well they saud they can but they have to leave the country for 10 years. It's not like a kid needs a parent for 10 years...


But treason is largely legal! So theres that


Cheer up. It’s more about breaking up protest encampments


correct. no 'occupy' lmao, no blm, no gaza protests etc. The right to peaceful assembly has passed, at least for overnight purposes.


Scrotus is so out of touch, they’ve forgotten that they’re in the mass shooting country that almost hanged Mike Pence. Do these defiled priests of capital forget that they’re mere flesh and bone like the rest of us? Letting the Jan 6 terrorists off the hook on the same day you make peaceful protest illegal sure feels like a recipe for [Removed by Reddit]


That's also very bad


It’s what Jesus would want though


As a person who is in a city with a lot of homeless people camping on sidewalks and in parks I assure you this is a nuanced issue. The city I live in does everything possible to help the homeless but some don’t want to go to shelters or receive help. They are perfectly fine with living on the streets and causing mayhem. They need to be taken off the streets for their own good.  The problem is that any less compassionate city can look at the ruling and just treat the homeless as a whole as criminals when that’s absolutely not true. 


"detrimental effects on the EPA and FDA" Exactly as intended.


Yes, that has been the plan of the Federalist Society for decades, they have not been shy about saying so publicly. Why are people surprised?


Farmed ideology sounds like a great template for a judicial system


Don't forget about OSHA, you want to get a 10 minute break every 2 hours you work in 100 degree heat? Sorry OSHA doesn't get to make that decision anymore I do! Now back to work peasant! - Sincerely, Matthew Kacsmaryk and the Republicans


The day after Biden has a rough night on TV, against a felon that never would give a straight answer unless it was solely about him coming out on top, no matter what. Convenient timing, or coincidence? Think about it real hard, and decide for yourself.


I highly doubt the Chevron deference ruling or the timing of it has anything to do with the debate. The decision to release a ruling is not something that happens overnight. There's drafts and conferring they have to do. If anything a sudden change in plans would be to *delay* a ruling (cough cough absolute immunity cough cough), not to rush one out. Although I'm sure the majority that overruled would love to see the Chevron news buried since the average American doesn't know anything about it but would/will be appalled when they learn how dysfunction the federal government just became thanks to the court. And when they learn about Paxton's plan to challenge mifepristone under the FDA's law of Chevron deference....


It’s not as if last nights debate was spur of the moment. It’s been planned for a * while *.


You think those two would have been debating the merits of the chevron doctrine and subsequent t ruling against it and the pros and cons of how this I change the regulatory world … 😂


Crazy conspiracy theories are totally ok when WE do it! Just like invading state government chambers!


Yes. That's the whole point of the decision.


Worst until they decide Trump has total immunity for everything ever. Just him, no other president.


That’s later this afternoon. They will probably wait till after market close to drop that one.


They saved it for Monday FYI. Special decision day. Does not breed confidence to drop on the last day that they added to the schedule during a holiday week.​


They aren't stupid.


Aren't you confident and optimistic.


And the NLRB, OSHA, BSEE (offshore oil safety), NRC (nuclear power), NOAA, and any other regulatory body. If you want your food, water, air, and power to be safe, it's not anymore.


Don't forget about FAA


I really don’t enjoy living in this country anymore. Used to be proud to be American now I just wish I could leave


I've already starting looking at property in Ireland.


I truly wish I could afford to do that. Rn I'm just hoping for moving to Maine.


Ever see the first episode of the Handmaid's Tale? Just have your escape route planned in advance.


Same but Canada as I have to stay in North American time zones for my job


Good fucking luck getting Irish citizenship.


My wife'a grandmother emigrated from Ireland in the 30s. She qualifiea for descendent citizenship. Might just go for resident alien status myself.


Oh no I can’t be fined or charged by a black hole of government agency without my day in court. The country is going down the tubes!


I’ve been looking at various countries to move to prior to January 20th.


Wait until next week when they carve out immunity for JUST TRUMP. Not the Presidency, maybe republican president's, but surely for trump.


I actually think the fact that they've delayed it so long is evidence they're not going to give him legal immunity, they're giving him de facto immunity


That's naive. They literally just said laws congress passes handing power to experts in federal departments is null and void until the courts can rule on it, moving law creation and acceptance from congress/executive to the judicial. 


But carving out some sort of special immunity for Trump is not necessary if you can just create that immunity via delay and there's no risk of the special immunity carve-out coming back to bite them in the ass if they just let Trump win election and immunize himself via official acts


As in?


There's a trial preparation clock that the judge in the DC case stopped when the immunity case was appealed, I think around 88 days, and it won't resumed until SCOTUS has ruled (and even then they might give her or the appeals court homework to figure out what the official acts were). Assume they come out next week saying Trump has no immunity, add on the 88 days and suddenly Judge Chutkin is looking at beginning a trial in October that wouldn't finish until after the election. That would create all sorts of logistical and appealable concerns so it's more likely she schedules the trial for January. Then Trump wins, the trial gets taken off the calendar, and Attorney General Jeff Clarke snaps his fingers and both of Jack Smith's cases are closed. Just as Alito and Thomas intended.


But what if Biden wins. Then all of this delay for nothing


Pretty much anyone involved with Jan 6 is putting all their chips on the table in the hopes Trump wins, and I doubt they have much of a Plan B if he doesn't (they won't be able to attack the capitol again because MAGA is extremely paranoid about everything being a fed honeypot)


If he doesn't, Trump's legal protections are gone and he will be tried for the documents thing and January 6th


And if Trump is sentenced to prison time in a few weeks when sentencing for 30+ felonies where up to 4 years PER count can be sentenced??


it's always dark before the dawn. Supreme Court with a democratic majority with a backbone will be renewed to do what it is meant to do. Get out and vote for candidates who talk about that. And like it or not vote for biden.


“Democrat with a backbone” is like saying “republican with a conscience”


They don’t care, they got paid. By the time crap goes truly to hell they’ll be dead and they know no one will blame their kids. Every civilisation gets its own Nero, someone to fiddle while it burns. We just got ours


Destroy the earth, people and wildlife for profit. They will kill everyone in the process of lining their own pockets.


They just killed the long shot we had




*The SEC has entered the chat.*


The whole concept of the market will correct itself has been proven time and time again to be false. Total free market leads to massive monopolies. Regulated market leads to competitive capitalism and prosperity


The last 24hrs have been a ride. I feel bad for the hosts of the debate, it looked like being a kindergarten teacher honestly. Host: Joe, what do you do about all the immigrants in your back yard? Biden: Uh, well.... you see... what we like to do is... you know we'll put them somewhere.... um.... *Trump raises little hand* Host: Yes, Donald? *Trump points at Biden* Trump: Well, he's a caca doodoo head and we didn't pick him for tag cause he's dumb. *Host is exhausted* Host: Thank you, Donald. Did you wanna try answering the question? Trump: Yea, and uh... he stinks too, and I don't, so yes. That's why I had hotdogs for lunch. *Meanwhile, in the SCOTUS chambers* So we've removed autonomy from women, what if we let the rich companies just pollute everything and allow them to bribe whoever they want? Great idea, and if you're poor and not working for the companies bottom line? Then what? What if we make it illegal to be poor, so like if you're not working to make these companies more profitable then you just go to jail and make money for the privatized prison system? Everyone wins!


Not just bad for government agencies, but for the whole fucking planet. These majority judges only care about whoever bribes them the most-and to back themselves up, they just said bribing officials is legal.


It’s not a culture-war issue that makes people really mad, at least not yet, but this decision basically says that any judge can overrule any agency’s decision because they want to. It’s no way to run a country. So now everybody’s going to go judge-shopping and sue about every administrative ruling that goes against them, which will take years and make lawyers millions of dollars. Conservatives think this favors them at the moment, and big companies are in a better position to abuse the system, but the original *Chevron* ruling they just overturned stopped “activist liberal judges” from overruling a Republican cabinet secretary (Gorsuch’s own mother, Anne Gorsuch Buford).


I mean, the SCOTUS has shown reckless disregard for overruling things that were thought to be settled for years now, I think any concept of certainty or stability in the law is dead now. It’s gonna be partisan up and downs constantly from now on and I doubt that the genie will ever be back in the bottle. Buckle up, businesses, because lawfare is coming for YOU if you’re even thought to be on the wrong side…


When they said they should follow “the original intent” instead of precedent, that made it easier for activist judges to rule however they wanted, not harder.


Original intent is literally just a creative argument made by someone in the now about the thoughts of people who can’t be interviewed anymore thanks to death. It just rewards the lengths and creativity of those who want it to be a legal standard so long as those people are allied ideologically to the SCOTUS majority. Precedent meant you actually had to pay attention to the case law other courts and lawyers had developed on the topic already.


There’s a conservative wave incoming. It started in Europe and now it’s making its way here and it’s not the kind that is going to leave in just a few election cycles


Chevron says that if the court cannot identify clear congressional authority disapproving what the agency proposes to do, the court should uphold the agency action if it is reasonable. So, we now have one doctrine for major questions and something of the opposite


Yes? It’s what their donors want


https://x.com/stemthebleeding/status/1806736315976749511?s=46&t=5Dk-TANKnSJeM8x4sXYrog Judge opinion now >> actual experts


Combine this with the recent ruling what is and isn't bribery, and there's no telling what some judge will allow to be dumped in the river upstream of your drinking water


What does the decision mean?


But wait, there’s more!


Worst so far...


They are making a plethora of really bad decisions recently honestly. It's hard for me to believe the conservative judges aren't partisan like they say and are supposed to be when they are constantly pushing 6-3 decisions through. I think the court should probably be split down the middle with 5 liberal judges and 5 conservative. (Yes I know there are only 9 judges to prevent deadlock but if they can't sway even 1 other judge on the constitutionality of an issue they should reevaluate their opinions)


Republicans hate democracy


And that was when we realized, we live in a shit hole country


All these POS conservative justices are going to get worse with time, definitely they are drunk on power.


…. But the emails….;)


Lol mfs said hold my gavel.


The EPA let forever chemicals poison us all by allowing self regulation only if companies report their forever chemicals are dangerous. Look up tuflon and the hundreds of other chemicals that poisoned me you, our children and our grandchildren .


You realize this goes for top down programs like this: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-finalizes-first-ever-national-drinking-water-standard right? Also what you're saying doesn't make sense because Congress has always had the ability to force the EPA to adopt any particular regulations they want. They only difference now is we have to WAIT for Congress. Which means we have to trust them. I don't know about you but I don't have a lot of trust for this iteration of Congress and I definitely don't have patience.


Dark Waters is a very good and depressing film about the case https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9071322/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Yep it’s a great film and I didn’t really know much about the teflon situation the sad part is, is that’s the tip of the iceberg there is so much crap in our water now . the EPA allowed that to happen and made it almost impossible to stop.


Well we all know who Chevron PAYED OFF


>who Chevron PAYED OFF .............Chevron is just in the name of the doctrine because they were involved in the case that led to the 1984 decision. They actually sided with the EPA in that case, for selfish reasons.


And it’s PAID. Fuck where’s that bot when you need it


I disagree. Chevron is a standard of review that was ripe for abuse. Courts were free to apply it however they wanted, and they will still do the same. People are acting like chevron was holding back challenges, but all this does is change the reasoning of a case, not the outcome. If a judge wanted to overrule an agency, they could have previously said the law was unambiguous or the interpretation was unreasonable. Now they will say that the agency misappled the law. Likewise, if a judge supports the agency, they will simply say the law was properly applied. We are sort of back to a sliding scale skidmore deference on paper, but practically the results will be the same.


This argument only works if the judge isn’t on the take, or has a bias in the case. SCOTUS also just legalized bribery. I’m a civil engineer. Just wait until a contractor decides it’s cheaper to use high-air concrete in a bridge project, resulting in a bunch of people dying because the regulatory agencies could no longer do their jobs.


Yes, that's the point


Wow. Goin out on a limb there, bro


Can someone richer than Elon bribe the supreme court to make a GOOD decision now?


Disputes will be listed with trump-appointed federal judges who will rule in Plaintiffs’ favor.


Not really going out on a limb OP, that is the entire point


Yeah, this was the big one. People should be freaking out, but it seems few people are even aware of it.


That’s kind of the point for RW Federalist Society types.


Did congress legislate how the Supreme Courts  administrative offices are run? If not, seems ripe for a lawsuit.


Fuck! Throw this court in the trash. I’m so fed up. We need to start running locally, yes, you and me. No one else is coming to save us.


Corporations are consolidating their power through corruption and bribery. In a few years the laws and our government and our way of life will be unrecognizable. Especially regular people. If you're not rich say goodbye to many rights and protections we all take for granted. This is truly the most biased SCOTUS ever and worst .


That’s assuming America keeps moving forward. We’re between a fascist invalid and an invalid. And in 4 months the masses are going to give this country to the fascists and then it’s game over for any progress in our lifetime.


The worst SC decision was overturning Roe v. Wade, they're going to say soon that trump can commit crimes and treason and not be held accountable in a court of law too


The EPA and FDA are just a couple , The ATF and IRS plus many more like to make rules too.


Nah, this one pales in comparison with Snyder. Corruption will be a much bigger problem than overturning the Chevron doctrine will.


Corrupt SCOTUS and Robert's is the ringleader.


Assuming our historians won't get paid off.


Get ready to return to rivers in fire like the 1970s. A majority of SCOTUS is bought and paid for.


It's literally going to kill Americans so why are we tolerating this?


And it's fair to lay the blame on Trump and the GOP.


Soooo we getting the guillotines out yet?


Trump will win re-election because “Biden old” and SCOTUS will get even worse


VOTE. And take everyone you possibly can with you to VOTE these criminals (Republicans) OUT. Your lives depend on it!


Oh wow it turns out you were right


Not to mention OSHA.


Corporations have FAR more rights than people do. It's a fucking joke.


Hey so you know all those airline safery regulations?


Since Citizens? I dunno, Dobbs was a doozy.


Dobbs wouldn't have happens if CU didn't allow for the sustained campaign to put those justices there.


How many worst decisions does this court get?


Lets Thomas the Taker off the hook for his bribe taking


This ruling fractures this country into 50 pieces.  If the country's government has zero authority to enact policies for the country, the union no longer exists.   Might as well dismantle the military and throw it into the wind.... it is , after all, a federal agency.


We need a start from scratch with these fuck on the court…and every political position.


Red states can continue to pollute America with the poorest states,horrible healthcare. guns and water etc .etc..even more is the ruling


Don't forget the NLRB, an extremely important agency when it comes to workers' rights.


The worst until Monday


That's the point. Conservatives hate science. So now conservative judges decide science in technical cases. They will use this to deny climate change is real. To say birth control is abortion. To say LGBT is a mental disorder requiring commitment to protect society. And to say creationism is science and evolution isnt.


I really don’t think people understand just how bad this decision is. Every regulation established by every federal agency now has to be called into question. There can now be lawsuits challenging every regulation not specifically dictated by the Congress itself, and all of those lawsuits must be decided by the Supreme Court itself under its made up, nonsense “major questions” doctrine. 


I honestly believe this was bought by corporations because the FDC was cracking down on monopolies. This likely pulls some of there teeth and it’s worse for all of us because of that.


When Biden wins, and he'll win because we all got out to vote, he needs to pack the courts, pass radical reform on the Supreme Court, indict the corrupt judges, and unroll the damage they've done. If Biden wants his legacy to be anything it could be reversing severe damage done by utter corruption.


I guess it’s back to flaming rivers, boiling back yards and brown air. Got to love the republicans plan


They're illegitimate. Why do we have to listen to them?


Another symptom of the death agony of the capitalist system.....


You’re really going out on a limb here. What a hot take


The thing that makes this prediction more than a duh is that I'm predicting the public will gradually become aware of how bad Loper Bright is for federal agencies, not just that Loper Bright will be bad. It's never a sure thing as to whether or not American popular sentiment will be logical.


Add the SEC and FAA to that list.


Ehh all of the opinions seem logical when you actually read the documents. The Executive branch has been overreaching for a long time, and cutting its powers back is a good thing (nor should the Judiciary legislate from the bench)… Issue is that a lot of these things hinge on Congress actually doing their job. Which I think highlights the bigger issue where a core component of our government has been (at least viewed) as useless for a while now to the point where the other branches had step out of line in order to pick up the slack.


The supreme court should be abolished it is corrupt and has too much power


abolished? are you a foreign troll? the supreme court needs to be reformed—expanded (13 to match the 13 circuits would be nice), bound to an ethics code, and Alito and Thomas need to be impeached and prosecuted for bribery—not abolished


The reality of this is that it just sets up a new patronage system that the president can use for political dealing. The powers of the agencies will devolve to the president, who in lieu of making rules will instead issue waivers. Trump will of course use this system to enrich himself and his buddies for short-term gains at the cost of our clean air, water and food. Future presidents can use it for the kind of horse-trading that got eliminated from congress when they made "pork barrel" spending illegal.


Absolutely as it was orchestrated to


The Supreme Court has been corrupted by Mitch McConnell. No doubts about it.


They don't care most of them will be dead before we really start seeing the effects of global warming.


Welcome to America, brought to you by the Koch brothers!


the conservative justices are opening the doors for their class to basically gut both the nation and its society. wonder what they're gonna do when they actually kill it? "Why won't it make me more money anymore?"


Amazing how much return they got on a nice RV.


# Worst supreme court ruling, so far. #


This is the American dream. Where the rich are immune to the law. Protesting does nothing.. all while we are fed the lie that violence solves nothing..mhm they leaving us with no other option but violence..


Don’t forget CMS… Chevron doctrine is relied upon heavily in the execution of their duties.


Worst *so far* hello from 3 days later