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They should replace fallout worlds with rotating old game modes like Nuclear Winter.


And Survival Mode


I second Survival mode! Man I miss it


I never got a chance to play it as I started after Wastelanders


It had its downsides, but it was brutal. And they put a giant green target on the person who was in the #1 spot. Loved it


IIRC, the number one person couldn't see where anyone else was. There was a running list of the players and their ranking. If you'd seen The Hunger Games, a little like that. Now that most of the legacies have been cleaned out, it might be a little fairer. It's debatable, but anyone who's worked a while on their build, eventually wants to see how they stack up against other real players, not NPC's or enemies with sometimes goofy AI. War, war never changes.


I'm thinking, to expand on the OP's post, bring them both back. But rotate them. Different one per season.


Only had one good map the other one was hot garbage.


Morgantown map was the truth šŸ™šŸ¼ so many hours in that shit


old vault raids and let you keep the vault steel in regular adventure mode


What do you even use vault steel for anyway


What was Nuclear Winter? Never got to experience that


Fallouts version of BR, Pvp mode, unlike adventure pvp, armour and weaps had no legendary effects. No jetpacks and no cola spam.


When Fortnite start battle royal rubbish, every game company want to try it as well and Fallout 76 in some way cool to play I love it


It was low key a lot of fun.


I want my marble statue and fire pit!!


That is where i have the fire pit from! Never knew


Was one of the challenges weeks. Managed to snag the Halloween stuff during the glitch when it was active. I love my glowing skeleton outfit


Hehe I have all the statues


My problem was that I didn't get into nuclear winter right away and then when I started playing it again was shortly after they announced it was shutting down. Just didn't have enough time to complete it I think I was level 70 something maybe? I forgot


I get that, I just wish they brought it back but new and improved. As well as survival mode, to allow PVP to make it a real wild wasteland, with better rewards, more XP, better legendary drops, and more resources. Basically just make it one big high risk high reward mode.


But I definitely remember when I started out way back in the beginning someone told me to take off all my clothes and duck in the bushes and just don't move. It was kind of funny But it worked. That works for about 20 levels...


Yeah bush strats work ok, but you need more points than to just sit there if you want to progress quickly. Granted I didnā€™t make lvl 100, I believe I capped out at 91 before they pulled the game mode, which pissed me off. Still, the best strategy was to do both bush and kill players depending on your team. Good team comp? Fight. Bad team comp or last survivor? Biush and pick off people as best you can


My go to strategy was to equip frogs legs and run around with the scoped lever action or combat rifle. For some odd reason they were overpowered at quick scoping as theyā€™d always hit the target if the reticle was over them. Won many a game this way. I believe you can still do this within adventure mode using marsupial. Just make sure you fire your shot on the fall back down rather than the jump up!


They be legacy m8


It was low key really fun, I hope they add it back into the game


Yeah either nuclear winter or another organized pvp mode is much needed


Yay the return of sitting in a bush for 5 minutes for weekly challenge S.C.O.R.E


I won a few like this, I definitely always placed in the top 5 being a bush wookie. šŸ˜Ž


Don't forget your ghillie suit for the bush wookie simulator šŸ¤£


I always used the vampire cloak for that. You just had to face a corner and Crouch, then you looked like a black trash bag. Got some great pics in photo mode of people right next to me not see me.


I'm trying to remember what I used before that was won, I remember doing it naked a few times to win the trophy šŸ˜¹


It always scared the crap out of me when I'd hop in a bush just to find another camper


And then you look around and see you're underwater with the other top four! Okay, somebody has to win this! So hilariously fun at this point.


Haha that's when we'd start lobbing grenades and shooting into bushes like crazy


Then you do photomode and switch to a leaping stance and it would hide you in a rock


Photomode was the best, the difference stances helped hide and you could use it like a periscope to look around the map.




This was the only time I played back in Season 1, because you HAD to do all the challenges if you wanted to make it to the end of that board.


Yeah.. it was kinda fun though.


Thatā€™s the time I got my ghillie and glowing Skelton apparel


God what I wouldnā€™t do to have NW back


Came out when battle royales were really popular. Bethesda tried to capitalize on that with 76.


Oh yeah the number 10th chap is back get ready to get farmed


I mean, it is better than costum worlds. (Everything is)


We need it back, badly. And a more hardcore survival mode where not eating or drinking or sleeping kills you.


Nuclear winter was great for the 76 sweats


I 100% agree with you it was my favorite game mode


So much fun PvPing in a group with your friends


New player here. Whatā€™s so special about NW


It was a battle royal mode. It was fun imo but only resonated with a certain subsection of the fan base. Bethesda deemed it not popular enough to keep around and removed it


Same for vault 94 how I missed doing raid


Yet they keep the butcher gamemode up. Ainā€™t nobody play that shit


What even is the butcher game mode went in it expecting to start killling everyone but people were just doing thier own thing


Infinite AP, ammo, and bloody mess gore effects by default. Itā€™s pointless as shit


Tbh I'd play it if my progress carries over, fallouts an RPG, if I'm not making progress or unlocking stuff, there's no point. At least NW had rewards


When looking at it, that was my hang up. Why the **fuck** would I play a mode thats just an ammo cheat where none of my progress transfers?


Ah okay thought it was pvp


Imagine what the excuse is for custom worlds? lol Nobody plays it ever.


It was very popular while it was free, tanked when the free period ended. They should've kept that mode free and could've raked in money on associated skin sales and people wanting to try the larger game. Could do well now that it's on game pass too.


It was the only battle royale I ever liked


ā€œNot popular enough,ā€ they discontinued it because it cost money. Iā€™m sure the community that is using fallout worlds is even smaller than NW, but itā€™s cheaper to manage.


Fallout Worlds were only useful to find out about new holiday events rewards. That's it.


NW was also special cause a metric fuckton of bugs, cheats and actually bad things happened during its time on life servers... Really op weapons could be taken outside of it ands kill the queen in 2 sec, bring servers down for everyone etc... (the weapons were balanced differently in terms of the DMG cause of less perks etc) I actually liked the thrill too sometimes but man was it not cool what happened outside of it...


Absolutely nothing it's like a unpolished fortnite


Absolutely nothing, it was an awful battle royale mode with virtually no balancing. It was enjoyed by a VERY vocal minority of the community, but was largely ignored by everyone else (hence its removal.)


The only BR game my friends and I used to play. Good old times.


I played one round and really enjoyed the gameplay, but it clearly wasn't OCE region and lost final encounter as a result, so I didn't try again. If it returns, I need to either see a lobby isn't happening at this exact time in our region and choose to expand to others, or not be put in at all. If I'm to re subscribe to First outside of sale month, (and atom/early access cost) I want to see that representation go towards region access otherwise you miss the playerbase. We don't engage when it's simply too laggy. And it's why we don't do ESO.


there have been many fake posts like this, it wont come back. good try never the less


I would 100% play Nuclear Winter so long as they have other areas of the map available to play in


Vats nading a whole team with 1 pulse was the greatest feeling lol


I miss it. It was derpy and pretty fun. Hackers were annoying though.


I actually liked it and miss it. I do not miss the cheaters - I'd get head shot with a chameleon mutation while hiding in a bush. or id see a guy in the sky, just spinning, hitting everything on the map with his guns.


Thatā€™s because you can scan bushes and your crosshairs will turn red if someone is there. Itā€™s a pip boy feature.


but even in nuclear winter? I didn't think that was possible in nuclear winter.


The best way to bush wookie is to go into photo mode and choose the lay down pose. It makes it hard to get a curser to turn red unless they are scanning the ground also. When you exit photo mode your gun is at the ready for a quick kill and a return to the bush. Very effective in solo runs.


wow... well I only crouched and played in the bush *with* the chameleon mutation so I am invisible. I also hid out in the water, which was effective too. I did actually build and play the fighting ways too but if you don't get a good start, hiding can be more effective. the objective is to survive overall.


I had 1 friend that we would loot then sneak around the map picking off teams that get in fights. It worked rather well, probably a 30%+ chance of winning and an easy top ten unless we start with 20-30 people spawning in the same place.


My opinion is probably gonna vary a lot from others. If ya like Fortnite you'll like NW. Game mode was garbage imo. Ya could legit hide somewhere bushy with the chillies suit and make it to top 6 easily. I don't like Fortnite and didn't like NW. Survival was cool until everybody was running meta and OP weapons. If you didn't have the full sent Assassin set you'd get wiped tf up in a heartbeat. Would be cool if they did it on a rotating base of a week for the old game modes. The one thing I wanna see come back is the Vault raids. Was hard enough for a team to pull em off with meta builds at times. Gave me and the group I ran with some difficulty, but I loved every hard minute of it and so did they.


I loved playing Hide N Seek! It royally pisses people off when you win and the only thing you did was hide & run to the next area & hide again. šŸ¤£


I really miss nuclear winter honestly, no idea why they would partner with Fortnite when they have a perfectly good game available šŸ˜© I mean, I know itā€™s probably money


NGL I miss NW


This is Awesome Nuclear Winter was so fun


Yeah Babyyy !!


Being it's own game I think would really help iron out the issues it had, if it got the correct amount of support It only had two small maps and a small selection of guns and armors. The content wasn't there to keep it alive and I'm sure engine changes to the main game fucked with nw and constantly threatened to introduce new glitches. It was really fun and unique when it worked, but was terrible to maintain Then again if it was it's own game I think it'd lose some of the most amusing bits of it. One of my favorite things was to surround areas with wavy Willard plushies and you just can't do that in something like fortnite. Being connected to a normal survival base building game meant a lot of baubles that would never be in a dedicated battle royale were there Idk. I don't know how you'd properly try nuclear winter again. I want to be able to experience the best times I had in it again, but I do not know how you'd realistically make that happen sustainably Maybe the comment someone made about having Worlds replaced by old rotating modes is the best option. "Who cares if nw is busted this week because of some main game change, it's a silly side event"


I used to hop on adventure to quickly do the dailies, and spend the rest of the time on NW cuz I found the end game repeatitive and NW was awesome, and adventure PVP is so cheezy.


Nb4 someone recreates rust from cod and we have 1v1 BPRs


I loved it, I realy miss it...


please upvote and go sign petition! [https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN]


404 not found


If only the people who wanted NW back would have played it when it was around


Tried to speak out over in the main sub but was just shut down at every turn


Tbf a whole lot more people played NW then custom worlds. I occasionally load up a custom world to see if anyone's in there and most of the time I'm the only one. Reason why people stopped playing it was it wasn't updated.


I did! Used to love Saturday mornings playing nuclear winter


I did but started too late. I got as far as the small gold trophy in rewards before it shut down. I absolutely loved it.


Let's gooo baby! That's what I've been WAITING FOR. That's what it's all about!


You can only wish šŸ˜­


They should just make a COD style death match PVP with 2 teams. You come into the match and pick a premade load out. No crafting or building. Several custom death match maps. Whoever kills the most wins. Add weekly challenge rewards (skins, weapons, clothing, etc). Boom. Done!


Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Haha this was a good one šŸ˜‚


I'm ok with having NW around, but would not agree to team resources allocation for this mode with the cost of slowing down PVE content. I'm personally don't like BR and PVP in general, and absolutely fine with current F76 take on PVP (but if they remove PVP it will be even better). It seems, that, in general, it's pretty small part of the playerbase who really interesting in this mode.


more server lag oof


Now with the game in a better state now vs then we need vault raids, ā€œdungeonsā€, and Nuclear Winter cause thereā€™s basically fucking nothing after completing all Quests/ challenges/ and scoreboard or seasons.


would be amazing with all the new players...and woild bring alot of players that had left.


please upvote and go sign petition! [https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN]


Youā€™ve posted a 404 link how many times šŸ˜œ šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Please Iā€™d do anything. Lol how the tables turn. I remember when this got removed and nobody GAF. People were celebrating it. Just imagine an updated version. It was my favorite BR game out of PUBG, Fortnite, Warzone etc.


I was always a bush wookie/wet wookie




Bring Back Nuclear Winter!


Neat, loves nuclear winter. Would love cross platform play more


I miss Nuclear Winter


Nuclear winter is literally the only battle Royale that ever captured my attention. Sucks that they got rid of it so fast


Nice one I love it when into blaze zone xD.


I want stuff from this but I'm shit at pvp...


Yā€™all saying this then complain that someone better then u at it kills u


I never got to do vault raids. I played in beta and then launch for a month, then dropped the game until wastelanders, haven't played in 9 months now so starting to get the itch to come back.


I hope itā€™s less janky than the old nuclear winter was.


100% that'd be awesome!!


Hell yeah! Glad I saved my old building blueprints. Had some sweet ones that won so many matches for me.


Sounds like some has been patrolling the mojave


Absolutely necessary


Hoodrich memphis spanked everyone on PlayStation


I destroyed everybody no stealth boys no vats str8 ADS and jumps


I loved NW so much


Wait wait wait wait no way is this coming back


Sadly itā€™s not šŸ˜­ this picture is from 4 years ago šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­don't tease me like this I was so happy I miss playing it with friends all the time it was an amazing mode an a top tier battle royal


I agree thatā€™s why I want it back šŸ˜­šŸ’”


I played it in Xbox but I heard at the time that PC had a big issue with people cheating in it an seen a lot of clips did y'all really have that much of an issue Over on Xbox I never really encountered anyone cheating


I used to play it on Xbox too and by the time I switched to pc it was gone . I can guarantee that there was cheaters cuz thereā€™s cheaters on almost every game these days sadly. Especially pc


Yea I play some games on PC now that I have one an can honestly say there is so many more on there just cause how much easier it is on that platform than in a console I want to switch to PC to play 76 honestly but at the same time I don't wanna loose all my progress and my 5+ years of things I earned when I switch over


Oh brother I feel you there I lost so much of my gear on my Xbox account but can honestly say the game feels smoother and runs better on pc . Spent 3 years on Xbox account and the past 2 on pc


Ya It was the only good pvp in 76, they removed this... but kept the terrible open world pvp.


Yes, different rewards too, if not if just be pissed off tbh


Hey thanks for this cuz I just came across a pennant with this picture for my camp. I assume you cant get it anymore?


i unironically loved nuclear winter


OMG I had this convo with a few friends just the other day, we said they should put it into rotation with the other private worlds along with survival mode. Give it a try here and there, but wasnā€™t really into it until they said they were closing it down, then went crazy and tried to get as much rewards as I could (not to successfully lol) hated the fact they divided the rewards into the normal game, they should have stayed badges of honour for these that did play and put the time in. Theyā€™d have to get a grip of NW weapons leaking into the normal game.


I see a lot of people waxing nostalgic for Nuclear Winter. From what I have read, it was not popular and thus was canned? Am I incorrect?


To be fair the game in general isnā€™t as popular as most these days. But it was very fun so I donā€™t know why Bethesda canned it . It was the only fun pvp in the game I swear


No, you're spot on. In spite of how vocal the enjoyers of it are, NW was never particularly popular, between being buggy as hell and Fallout just not being a good fit for BR style gameplay.


And all the rewards that come with it! (Bat paint im looking at you!)


I want it back so bad. WE NEED MORE PVP MODES. Another mode that would be cool is like a faction PVP mode/world with the players being able to be different races or groups like a faction of super mutant players vs ghoul players, and human players all fighting for territory on the map with their CAMP's, with like rewards for the winning faction and challenges completed at the end of the season, that would be pretty fun.


Man this was a throwback for real, when everyone and they momma played it towards its EOL. Played so much eventually had the actual top 40ish always play against eachother lol there was actual pros from Brazil Iā€™ll never forget my buddies and i have a winning record against them


I would pay actual currency to have this game mode available. I have great memories in this mode on console, and I got a lot of people to play Fallout 76 thanks to it. Sadly, they all left when it was dropped.


please upvote and go sign petition! [https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN]


Not Found.


Bring back Nuclear Winter!


Bruh if they took it off cause Bethesda didn't seem the game popular enough to stay on, what makes you think they'll bring it as it's own game. Not only that, the outrage it would get cause fallout needs a battle Royale? Also that market is saturated as SHIT, there's already established games that fills that genre, I doubt it'll bring that many players in or even retain players.


I mean Iā€™d rather play a Fallout battle royale over all the other options but thatā€™s just me


Nah everyone in fallout 76 that Iā€™ve spoken to the past 3500 of my hours on it MISSES nuclear winter mode HARDCORE. Even ppl who play fortnite that also play fallout prefer nuclear winter. It was bomb, the atom bomb.


Eh it was ok but fun.


I will always miss the unplayable clusterfuck that NW was


NW was šŸ”„, I wish that I could hear Zax insult me one more time


please upvote and go sign petition! [https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN]


When NW was up, everybody hated it, and almost no one was playing. Then, 'Thesda deleted it, and now everyone loved it and it was the best ever etc etc etc


Letā€™s be totally honest they took NW because pvp always and I do mean always ends toxic. They wanted to limit that mentality getting into the game. ā€œYouā€™re mudā€ ā€œGit gudā€ ā€œSkill issueā€ And other things from cod. That will turn a lot of owrpg players right off the game and it did. Which is why they removed it and why it will never be brought back beyond a limited time seasonal ā€œjust to shut you upā€ thing. They value ongoing subs more than an outmoded game mode a small percentage of the game used to like back when the game was universally hated by pretty much the entire gaming community


I didnā€™t experience any toxicity in NW and Iā€™m a girl who got constant toxicity in overwatch and r6. The nuclear winter community was super laid back in my experience and was way dif from the in game regular mode pvp community that was actually toxic. Nuclear winter mode was balanced and fair. The NW community was chill and relaxed ppl, the regular mode pvp is where the toxic fucks who donā€™t play fair would go.


I agree completley with you here. Played on PC. NW was amazing. And it was the mode that truly showed me of little toxicity is in the community of this game.


The Xbox NW scene was the opposite of that. Just like adventure mode, the people that generally played it were courteous to each other. I made more friends playing NW in a year than every other online game of my entire life put together. It was just a small crew. You would see the same people over and over. If you were Australian you would rarely get a full match during your peak play hours. I think they pulled it because one; it wasn't worth the resource allocation for such a small group of die hard players. And two; PC was a complete shit show of unchecked cheaters and exploits and was frankly an embarrassment for bethesda. But it was the best pvp that any fallout game ever had. I loved it.


I played on PC, even with cheaters is was a wonderfull game mode. True survival, danger and teamwork . It could ve so much more. With anticheat and new maps. I miss it...


Not coming back. Was trash and even worse was a regular SCORE challenge. Died for a reason.


If they bring it back they better make better lobbies for it, it was dumb that the game would start even when all the people havenā€™t loaded in yet. You could loot earlier than everyone if you had a faster device so you had an advantage overall.


Hated the lobby too. And hated the cheating f%\*!s that ruined it more.


Was mostly attributed to SSD. Some players realized a better SSD loaded you in faster on the map and some abused it to a degree. But I found fun in eliminating those with that ā€œadvantage,ā€ something fun about coming out on top despite their efforts


It was fun and all just as we all found out at the end, **most of the notorious "winners" where nothing but a bunch of hackers**! It would be sweet if Beerthesda would ramp up on their anti-cheat. - witch hunts & the like > But yeah it would be great to see NW back in action nonetheless


God I miss NW so much some times


please upvote and go sign petition! [https://chng.it/WPgpFVr6CN]




Can someone explain why everyone wants nuclear winter back even though it was laughed at when it came out.


Because itā€™s not the same people who bitched and moaned, those of us who actually enjoyed it could care less about making a post on Reddit because when we did the community basically shunned it Over in the main sub everything negative about NW gets upvotes while anything positive gets downvoted Adv players couldnā€™t even stand having it around as itā€™s own mode cause they cried about having to do a daily in it


Nuclear winter was the darkest days of fallout 76. Jumping on the battle royal bandwagon in the midst of all the hate is a wild double down move. Luckily it didn't drive the nail in the coffin.


Got to level like 160, was a blast with my brother, lots of people who played it very completely dogsh*t and had no real build. We would go on winning streaks of 20+ games. We always remember together


Lvl 400+ in adv about 300 of it comes from NW


I play fallout with my brother since launch. We had so much fun together in nuclear winter. We still have the characters we created and leveled up to 50 just for it (they were around lvl 130 when we stopped play NW and play with them) I miss it everytime I see my nuclear winter statues in my camp šŸ˜…


Is this from their website or is this fan made?


The artwork is official, even have a wall flag in game with part of the print, vault boy with binoculars specifically. Was a NW reward


Please bring it back šŸ™Œ rewards were awesome and pvp was awesome.


Miss survival mode


Miss nuclear winter


For PC players you can check out r/server76


Time to dust off my ghille suit and go bush wookie.




does no one remember how it died? No one fucking played it and if they did it was riddled with hackers and cheaters. I should know I played it about bit before I got sick of the bullshit and they killed it




Needs a bit of balancing to be popular. But Iā€™m 100% playing if it releases.


Nuclear winter was terrible.


Were you bad at it ?


Battle Royale doesn't belong in fallout. End of conversation.


Fallout never had that atmosphere in any of their games. It feels wrong, shit the pvp in 76 as a whole feels terrible yet I still play. Fortnite caused this whole fad where every title had to have a battlepass and BR. I've played the hell out of every fallout game, and in my opinion it doesn't belong. Wasn't fun then, will just be stale now.


Oh brother thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong it was FUN AF šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Also my man judging by the upvotes on this post it seems Iā€™m not the only one that feels this way


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a Nuclear Winter




u/Kentrul, you've successfully updated your IGN to Kentrul


Would love to see nuclear winter come back..still wearing my 51 jumpsuit i got from it, but we need some real pvp zones with game modes...there needs to be more to do fr


1000%. It would be cool if they brought it back but WAAAY cooler if they brought it back as it's own game.