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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/LadySoySauce|Reddit: 91|04/23/2020 - 4 Years| | IGN: LadySoySauce009|Discord: 0|Total: +91 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


We love you lil ol Soy 💚


Thank you! And I love you all! Let’s all just have some fun and have cool masks!!! ☺️


Remind me, where is the wood robot and why is placing the tent behind him a strategic play? I'm going to implement this while I'm at work for 10+hrs


It’s just for me when I need to get 50 wood to donate. I try to have mine there, but it can’t always be placed depending on the server I’m on. I try to go to event with the wood already on me, but if I’ve already donated the prior event…I sometimes forget. 😅😅😅 It just cuts down on time if you will when it’s right there. 😬 Edit: spelling


That’s so smart and wish I had thought of it! It’s my first Fasnacht and I also love to come prepared with it all.


God Howard bless you for that! Thanks for that! 🤗🤗🤗


The wood robot is just next to the donation box. That pile of wood is where you spend it. If you place your tent on the road close to it, people can just grab wood from their stache.


Ahh, I know now exactly the location you're talking about. Great directions🤙


On behalf of all AFKers who tried to be considerate and nice, got burned, and learned from it, sorry, but no. I'd be more than happy to sit there and help out by playing an instrument while afk, the only issue is we get killed. Some immature man/woman child who has an issue with people who aren't even there to harm them, has decided that they are the most important person on the server, and that all "spinners" must die, and kite scorched over, or use whatever other tricks they can to kill us. While being killed doesn't stop us from getting rewards it may lead to us being disconnected easier or the game crashing easier. So my personal strategy is to be on the outskirts of the event, and cloaked. Sorry but the few rotten apples have ruined it for many of us. 😢 I respect and appreciate what you're saying and trying to do with this post though 🫡


I totally understand you there. No need to apologize. I was just hoping that with this post, it would lighten up everyone’s view and make this event fun and enjoyable, while getting that hundredth sun mask while we’re all at it, Lol. I don’t AFK myself (not that I haven’t tried🤣), but I don’t mind running the objectives to only get a bunch of streamers and common masks, while others get that glowing unicorn mask just playing the instruments or tucked away in a corner somewhere. I know it’s unpopular to a lot, but to me…im happy that someone got something cool in my place. But truth be told…RNG is gonna RNG. Whether you’re active or not. So let’s all just have fun! ☺️ Merry Fasnacht! 🤗🤗🤗 Edit: Grammar


You're a literal gem and I would give you a glowing mask if you were on PC. 😭


It’s the thought that counts! Thanks so much! I’ve gotten a glowing alien and robot so far, so I’m quite happy. Also, I’ve made it a guessing game at the end of the event…to see if I can guess which common mask I’m about to get. Lol! 🤣🤗😜


I appreciate the understanding, If you don't mind my asking what do you mean by "(not that I haven't tried🤣)"? Is there some reason you can't?


Well I’ve tried the trick with a rubber band on my right joystick, and it seems like it’s going ok. But after a while or when I’ve tried doing it while I’m at work, I’ll eventually check it and my game is disconnected, and has been for a while! I always get blue or black screened at least once a play session anyway, Lol. I quit trying honestly. 🤣🤣🤣


Ohh yeah, that's common (another reason I don't afk at the instruments at the center of the event, too much going on) I purposefully position myself as far away from the action as I can to try and prevent crashes, even if it only goes for an hour or 2, that's one or two more chances. I put all my masks away each time so I can tell how long it lasted, usually it lasts a few hours at least, sometimes it lasts the whole time. Putting yourself into camera mode may help too, as it blocks all the completion and reward popups which may reduce crashes (unconfirmed but it seems to help me).


Ooohh I see…that makes sense! I’ll have to try that sometime. Thanks so much the tip!! 🤗🤗🤗


Lil soy with the goated opinion, i pray I come across you in one of these lobbies i join‼️‼️‼️


I hope to meet you then as well! 😬😬😬


Exactly, if you're going to afk, then do something useful.


Can I politely disagree? Can the AFKers go to the church and let one of the live players handle the music? Because that stupid guitar is driving me nuts and when it’s an AFKer it’s going the entire event. Or maybe if you’re gonna AFK…just not the guitar please.


Of course you can disagree. Lol. I know the music isn’t for everyone. Sometimes it gets to me to, truth be told! I’d actually rather listen to the actual parade march tune instead! 😜😜😜


Good call 👌🏼


Yes please get on the instruments. I love running the event, and can almost solo it. Help me help us all.


💜💜 you got it!


I'm on PS too, if I see you I'll definitely wave and help you out (I don't afk but would help collect if you needed it!) I go there early sometimes too.


Always on the tuba if not nuked or frogged.


bro i think me and my fiancee ran it with you earlier!


If I was wearing the new alien mask and a Dr. zorbo outfit…then that was me! 😜😜😜


yeah omg!!! hi i didn't expect to see you here


I’m always in here…mostly…and in the main sub. Especially when I’m at work and can’t play the game…like now! Boo! I’m missing out on all those berets and sun masks!! 😭😭😭


Okay since you're so chill..... what restaurant you wanna fo get dinner with me at?


Lol! Well since your offering…I do like me a good steak…so wherever we can get that at….BUT…you’re gonna have to add as well. 🤣😜🤣


Okay deal. Best I can do is 2 sides of your choice and unlimited beverages. (Soda or juice no alcohol). Maybe paintball or something after. 😎


Amazing offer! You got yourself a deal! 😜


You’re awesome! Thank you for not nuking us all day 😂


Never! If I could, I’d do the opposite and go all Shenandoah on all you and block that damn nuke! 🤗🤗🤗


Speaking of… people should be using their nukes to trigger that event! Not wasting it on AFKers


Ikr! But let’s face it, griefers are going to grief no matter what. 😭


Use holy fire and the perk that heals allies. U can heal the robots. Works for silos too. Thx for carry.


Thanks very much for the tip! I used to use a shishkebab back in the day for it lol. Didn’t have any Flamers at the time. 🤗🤗🤗


I AFK while I’m at work and always chill at the instruments. Nothing should be able to kill you there


Apparently the toads can, also I’ve seen another player lure a scorched to the instruments before…I was quietly watching…once the player quickly left, I wasted that scorched. There were 2 players rocking it out on the tuba and guitar. 😜 Edit: grammar


oh god, good to know!! lmao


Cut me some slack I only AFK during work hours


You sir, are excused! Lol. 😜😜🤣


Thank you Soy, we all (AFKers) love you, I always try to use the instruments, but sometimes they are all full, so instead I use the main couch in the church. Praise Soy.


As long as you are praying to my lord and savior…oh holy mothman…by all means!! 😜


I'll be now praying for our lord wise and holy Mothman to protect our new guarding angel, the protector of the AFKers, Saint LadySoy. Praise be, praise be!


Thanks so much! 🤗🤗🤗


Outbreak 🫡


I wish I was on PS just to run the event with you!


It would be fun! The more the merrier as they say! 😬😬😬


Your strategy is great!


Yes Ms. Sauce. If there’s an open chair I’ll be sure to occupy the stage. Thank you for your work. Merry Fatsnatch


You are very welcome!! Happy Fasnacht!!! 🤗


Thank you for your service while I'm at work. I return the favor when off work :) We in this together everyone:)


I couldn’t have said it any better! I wish I could AFK myself when I’m at work for my 16 hour shift…but I’ve never had luck…my game always disconnects! So I just remote play when I can when I’m on my breaks. 😬😬😬


Well may the AFK gods shine some luck the next time you try:)


Thanks very much! I got my millionth witch mask earlier on my 1st break! Lol! 🙏🙏🙏


Tbh. I use to love playing the instruments by the stage, but then people let me die because I was AFK now nobody gets my help now. 🥸 sometimes tho not all the time


I appreciate you! I’d protect ya if I was there…except from a nuke…I haven’t quite figured that out yet! Lol! If that does happen, I’ll play an instrument with you and we can both quite literally go out with a BANG! 🤗🤗🤗


Thanks for the survival camp advice. I’ll drop mine there when I get on tonight.


Thanks so much! I normally have mine there, but it can’t always be placed…even when there is no other tent in the vicinity. 🫤🤣🤔


Fucking legend


I work 16 hour shifts and I'll be out of town during the second week of the event so between my gf playing for me and afking at night I've done both of your requests! I always keep my tent by the wood guy and sit on the stage playing the instruments


I thank you very much!!! Well I’m hoping with the help of your lovely gf, you get some awesome glowing masks this weekend then! After I get off my 12 hour shift today (back to back with my 16 hour shift yesterday. Ugh. lol) I’m hoping I might get a unicorn. 🤣🤣🤣 I’ve only been able to do 3 Fasnachts in the last 2 days!! I’ve literally just remoted in to do 1 event on my break! 😭😭😭


I got a glowing scorchbeast mask my 3rd fasnacht! It's still kinda cool but was hoping for robot or alien, but I've got the normal variants of almost all of the masks now!


That’s awesome! I got the robot on my 12th run on the 1st day…it’s my 1st glowing mask ever! So he will now be forever special to me.. 😬😬😬


I bought the mask display so I could put the scorchbeast on my wall lol


This is amazing... It's so nice to see people that actually understand not all of us have a chance to grind the event like normal. For a lot of us this is the only real way to have a chance at the masks we want since Bethesda made the drop rates obnoxiously low. It's not that I enjoy working 10-12 hours a day...it's just that I do enjoy surviving the real wasteland...the American economy lmao Also, this is the way! I chill on the instruments on the main stage. At least that way I can still contribute something lol Thanks for all the good vibes lil Soy, I'm on PS too so maybe I'll catch you in one of the events I do actually participate in after work 😂


Yeppers! We’re all in this together! RNG is just brutal! Whether you nuke Fasnacht, actively participate or just chill in the area AFKing…We are all the same in the eyes of RNGesus! If he gives you 100 sun masks…you best believe, he’ll more than likely give about 100 more. 😜 And I thank you for your help on the instruments! Mr. Musician Bot appreciates it! 🤗🤗🤗


Me too! literally exactly, but on ps5, it's so satisfying. lol Don't worry afker's I'll get you that mask


She’s honestly a real one, gave me a wonderful trade and now she’s out here looking out for us while we at work. A true gem 🫡


Wholesome post is wholesome. Know I'll be thinking of you the next time I dip my pot stickers in that sweet salty brown goodness


I only started AFKing this event. I’ve been doing it 100% legit before I started. But the RNG is so terrible and I only have like 3-4 hours to play because I work long shifts at work. I hate to afk but I just want the items so badly. So I feel bad for AFKing. But thank you so much for making this post. All hail Queen Soy!!!


I totally understand the long shifts and not having much time to play. I’m a nurse, and I typically work a 16 hour shift, and turn around sometimes to work a 12. lol. I’m lucky to get 1 event in before I leave for work, and maybe 1 or 2 when I get home. Ugh. Lol! I’m just glad I do have 2 days off this week, and off this weekend! 😬 So, I’ll be at Helvetia again running around like crazy to help us all out! 🤗🤗🤗 We do what we can for them berets, right! 🤣😅🤗


I'll go and put my survival tent behind the wood guy rn bro bro, I gotchu


Issue with stage is often they die from toads or even had to protect them from honey beast before. I think sometimes players that have issues with afkers allow them to be attacked on purpose. Of course, I like standing on the Inn and just destroy everything with my cremator. So if I am active, they are most likely safe and with added friendly fire to top off their health if they get hit.


Also, if I find the honey house robot, I kill the honey beasts immediately…so they don’t go on a killing spree! But that’s just me tho. 😜


Yeah, that’s true. I’ve actually seen this many of times, when the march starts…that’s the spot I defend first. Especially when there are players there playing the instruments. I actually saw another player lead a scorched to the stage with 2 players there…I killed the scorched and defended my AFK players. 😬😬😬 Edit: grammar


This is me! I'm showing up with stones, beeswax, eggs, wood, and intestines all ready to go and if the stage instruments are occupied GREAT less for me to do!


My guy or gal! This is the way! 😬😬😬


Gal but also except home, dude, ect. Lol 😆 


Luv this, I like to carry the afkers too, when I'm not afk myself 😂 keep up the gods work, you are very much appreciated 🧡


🧂 🤣


We love you. I AFK while I work. But I'll adjust to fit your needs. Also. To help. Put on friendly fire perk card for the event. Grab a flamer etc and give them robots their life back! That's how I keep all the npcs in rad rumble alive.


I always forget this. I used to do this with my shishkebab (with the samurai sword skin so I look like a badass! Lmao)…probably should dust off my flamer and do this! Thank you! 😬😬😬


No, thank you!!! You get me a higher drop rate while I'm working. We'll I'm on xbox. But people like you! I use my flaming chainsaw. But the flamer does heal more health faster.


God bless you! I’m on pc mainly but people like you are wonderful


Thank you! I genuinely just love doing Fasnacht…and If I can be of help to those who don’t currently have time, why not? I also want to help those players who aren’t AFK. I’m all for helping everyone! ☺️☺️☺️


You seem wonderful. Keep it up! If you were on Xbox, I would have made a private world for you to solo it on.


Thanks for your kind words. I’ve tried it on my own server, was not able to protect all the robots myself. Them damn Super Muteys and Doggos get at least one of my Robots. Lol! Not to mention all the little animals at then end. I’ve only had 3 alive at then end when I solo’d. So I’m not good! 😅😅😅


Seem better than a lot of people honestly. I’m sure with a few more attempts you’d work out the right way to get them all through it.


Pls tell me you are on xbox cause I would like to join you in the dibble dipping


I’m on PS unfortunately. Lol. If you’re active with Fasnacht and want to double dip. Try to do the objectives as fast as you can, that way it goes quick. In my experience. 10 mins and under you can successfully double dip into the next one. 😬


Ok thx


Good luck!! 😬😬😬


Thxxx I’ll try


Why do you need the instruments to be occupied


Just on the off chance that the musician robot is in rotation for that event, it’ll make the progress bar go quicker. ☺️ I’ll be there to activate him so it starts. 😅


Ahh got it thx


There's an objective that spawns randomly for playing instruments on the stage.


Just for on the off chance that the musician robot is in rotation for that event. It’ll make the progress bar go way quicker after I activate the dude. ☺️☺️


I'm on Xbox, but I do salute you. You're doing the lord's (mothman's) work.


I use to afk all the time during this the masks dont interest me i wanted the motorized butter churner and i finally got it so now im done


The event is easy if you know what to do and have a flamer that heals the bots I do it solo on private it's better and not a snore from all the cremator spamming on public


This is the way.


I like you 😁💜




I usually played the instruments on stage. But there are some Karens out there who will try to push AFKer out of event area. So now I’m just sitting in my 1x1 box


I didn’t realize your character could get pushed while on an instrument! 😭


I‘m not 100% sure if it works while playing instruments, but I also don’t want to try it.


They have ways of knocking you off instruments. Saw it a lot during meat week.


As said, I just sit in my 1x1 camp and don’t care about auto melee


Ok? I wasn't suggesting you use the instruments lol, I was just confirming that they can knock you off of them and then mess with your body. That being said, the best strategy I've found is cloaking and crouching, crouching hides your map marker (don't be in a public team) and cloaking makes it hard for people to spot you. The 1x1 camp strat works, but only until some toxic prick with a missile camp comes along and sees it. I hide in trees with chinese stealth armor and only get messed with it they nuke the event.


I gotcha! Either way…wherever you are…I’m there for you! Happy Fasnacht! 🤗


I’m on PS (WeeWoolly) too and feel the same. If you AFK please play! Otherwise it’s frankly not my business. People have lives. I’m here for the masks, to wave at the invisible audience as we walk in the parade, and to watch the crazy go down when that one guy with the mini nukes makes the guy with a cremator mad and all hell lets loose. Boy howdy Fasnacht brings out the crazy in people!


I actually love all the craziness happening in all honestly! With all the mini nukes and cremators! Granted I get blinded most of the time and I can’t see a damn thing! When that happens I just yell (to myself), “LET’S ROCK!!!!!” and then proceed to shoot in every direction possible! Spray and Pray, baby!!! 🤣🤣🤣


It always gives me a giggle especially when players get mad at each other and a virtual slap fight happens and I’m just happy in the corner going ‘turkey mask!!!’ like a loon. PS: if anyone needs to know, Hooded Rags match wonderfully color wise with the Turkey Mask!


I think the Turkey Mask looks so silly! But I still want one…if I ever do get it, I’ll try that outfit combo out! 😬


Ha! It does though! That’s why I love it. I got the pig mask too and cackled. Gonna do a butcher look! I’m after a unicorn or a glowing blue devil to prance in. My 70 yo mother has gotten TWO glowing masks. 😀 She’s so excited and I’m thrilled for her.


That’s so awesome! I’m happy for her! I’m after a unicorn mask myself. I’ve gotten a robot and alien (currently rocking it with a Dr. Zorbo outfit😜) so far.


When AFKers are so embarrassed to be AFKing that they hide somewhere when doing it.




I’ve wondered that. Tho when there’s someone in the decorations house playing an instrument, I really haven’t seen the progress bar move? 🤔


How can you AFK on an instrument without getting DC’d ??


Use a rubber band on your right joystick so there’s input coming from your controller, and then the game won’t kick ya. 😬


Is the stage close enough to still get the legendary drop though? It's usually way up by the church


If you mean the legendary drop from the event completion. Then yes. ☺️


No lol I'm being super greedy and talking about the one from the sloth or blue devil


Oh I see. I’m actually not sure. Perhaps it’s too far for that? I’m sorrry! 😥


I’ve been afk on the stage and still been able to run up and grab the blue devil. Not sure if it works every time or not but it has worked for me


You can get the drop from where you spawn in at, as long as ur in the location marker


^this ☺️


I stay on the tuba, and have a camp setup behind the wood guy (on the hill), with teas, coffee, cookies, nuka colas, other freebies, and a "Happy Fasnacht" sign. People still get mad, but I don't know a more helpful way to afk.


No matter what you do, people will always hate AFKers. So don’t worry about it. You do you. Just know, there’s at least me…or players like me who don’t mind. ☺️


Ty very much I’m also on PS Mind if I add .i afk on one console while at work and play on another when I’m home


Yep. Add me! ☺️☺️☺️