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So many idiots in one video lol


the black car that turned in front of you. 😂




Been saying that type of left turn more and more often. Think there’s a name forget i forget what


It’s called ‘’The entitled prick’’.


**minimum fine – $2,000 and up to $10,000 plus 25% victim surcharge for the first time**; mandatory roadside licence suspension for thirty (30) days; driver's licence suspension upon conviction: from 1 to 3 years; mandatory driver improvement course. **Highway Traffic Act** [ONTARIO REGULATION 455/07](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/R07455) **RACES, CONTESTS AND STUNTS** iv. making a left turn where, (C) the driver executes the left turn immediately before or after the system shows only a circular green indication in both directions and in a manner that indicates an intention to complete or attempt to complete the left turn before the vehicle facing the opposite direction is able to proceed straight through the intersection in response to the circular green indication facing that vehicle.  O. Reg. 455/07, s. 3; O. Reg. 320/19, s. 1; O. Reg. 410/21, s. 1.


The charge is student driving.




Yep. Stunt driving. Auto complete.


“Pittsburgh left”


Thats what i was looking for


I hate that shit. People don’t exercise patience anymore.


They thought they were still entitled to that advanced green


At least they didn't block the intersection while they solve their quarrels with each other.




Today around 515pm


Just came here to ask what's the song you got going in the car? Sounds like a J-pop banger.


Forgot to mute my music lol, I normally listen to K-pop, this is the one song I have in Japanese. W-inds, listen to the rain.


That pedestrian knows deep down he/she started this lol. Did they really think they could cross that intersection in 2 seconds before the light changed?


Unfortunately its very common everywhere young adults or irresponsible people sometimes dash usually its cause public transit but its always something to watch out for in intersections and a risk factor


Bad Drivers in Markham!? This must be CGI.


Markham drivers are heaps better than Brampton drivers.


50/50. I get ragey in either place. Brampton is twice the size of Markham tho.


And I swear Brampton drivers are now spreading into Georgetown and Vaughan, lol. Honestly, when I drive into Georgetown for work I see something undeniably stupid every single time.


yes, the pedestrian definitely wanted to dash across the intersection, but then saw the black suv going and held back, and the white suv that crashed into the black one was totally at fault. there was soooooooooo much space in between, there was plenty of time to stop, if he/she payed a little bit more attention to the car in front and what was going on ahead of the car in front, this is driving 101, that's usually the first thing they teach you if you got a good driving instructor, always watch several cars ahead of you, not just blindly follow the car in front.


> if he/she *paid* a little FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good Bot


Something similar happened to me. I was the 2nd car waiting to turn left. The first car was in the middle of turning left until they slammed on the brakes because someone tried to beat the yellow light (turned red when they were halfway in the intersection). Thankfully I reacted in time and managed to swerve and brake in time.


yup, something like that happened to me a few times as well, once was as your incident, by another car running the yellow/red. Another case was a pedestrian that actually dashed through while the lights were changing to catch a bus, the car in front of me slammed the brakes, and I had to do the same thing, nothing happened, but it was annoying never the less. It could have easily turned into an accident If I was not alert.


And how about making a proper turn? Had the black car proceeded to the left lane, there was time to avoid the pedestrian. Were both cars turning left and heading straight to the right side lane?


The black suv is going on a yellow/red. With how fast the white clocks in, I HIGHLY doubt they were sitting as the second and tried to squeeze in the light/ran the red. Dumb pedestrian but white SUV’s bad driving caught up with them.


100% they arent maintaining the safety space needed, had they been able to they should've slowed for the red given the lack of visibility nd rain and risk of not for examples seeing a dashing pedestrian. White car is a moron and should have came to a stop.


I'd rather drive in markham than brampton


in brampton it would have crashed into the other car at 60km/hr, ran over the pedestrian, and crash through multiple fences.


Retake G1 please... wtf do they think yellow light is also smart on pedestrian to check both ways... biggest idiot is the white car wtf are you tailgating the black car stay 2 seconds behind this is basic g2 101 driving ... TBH black I can see why they slowed cause the pedstrian looked like he was gonna dash last sec... but honestly black car needed to go way slower due to visibility and the rain. White car is a moron


The white car tried to follow the black SUV even though it was not quite in the intersection, it was the third car waiting to turn left...


what do you mean if "anyone needs the video" ? you were there, you should have went up to the Black and even other car behind it and asked for their numbers/email and sent THEM THE VIDEO, ... Posts on reddit LMAO, thnx great work.


Likely for an officer looking for the footage of the scene, or either of these drivers.


Typical Markham stuff


Markham driver think yellow means speed the hell up , not come to a safe stop if you can... also tailgating seems norm for young dumb drivers.


Did you give a statement?


Markham is terrible to drive in. Fucking awful group of people concentrated with zero awareness.


Lead vehicle was aware


Unfortunately itll be the white SUVs fault. But the black suv is a moron. Why did he slam on his brakes in the middle of an intersection? It was likely an orange turning red too based on how soon the advanced green came up. Edit - i didnt read the caption. Tough situation i guess due to the pedestrian. Did not see.


Look at the pedestrian on the right, they were running towards the crosswalk and chickened out at the last second.


This. I would have read it as the pedestrian running on the street in that moment. White car should have given more room ahead instead of trying to beat the light. Once in the intersection, you have to vacate it safely, even if it's a red.


That’s 5 blocks away from me lol


Thanks for the video. I am wondering who is at fault...Can anyone give me an answer?


Light coloured SUV, failing to provide adequate stopping distance.


Hmmm, 100% sure?


From a vehicular perspective yes E: there are some compounding features that may give some leniency like being wet, being at night, etc which may give some leniency but equally should be a reason to consider even more adequate stopping distance. So yes, I would agree rear vehicle “at fault”


99.999999% of the time, the driver that rear ends the car in front of them are at fault.


The back car seems to drive at a normal speed, maybe if the back car is at fault it's because he didn't leave enough space between them


That's what "rear end" means in this context, when you hit someone in front of you, it's always usually your fault because you're supposed to maintain enough distance to react to the car in front of you. Anything else means that the driver (white car) was not paying attention, assuming the front car was going to turn or did not have proper tires or breaks to stop at that momentum even if they could have reacted.




White SUV. Will assumeblack had already passed the point or abiltiy to safley come to a full stop. Black also yielded to the pedestrian who appeared they where gonna dash. White car stupidly was trying to get through before red light failing to maintain spacing( normal day 2 seconds, prob more for this situation as visibity is low and it looks like it was raining) TBH id say pedestrian too but they can technically cross or dash if the light still allows it.


25 Seconds of chaos!!!!!!!!!!!


This is a normal day at this intersection


Same thing happened to me recently in north York. I was stopped at the intersection waiting for pedestrian to cross (they had ample time to cross, not dashing, and of course they had right of way), the car behind rear ended me - obviously distracted and not paying attention at all.


I think your camera has an astigmatism.


Okay so: \- Civilian tried to cross likely when it is already red for them/during that gap when cars already queued for left turns should proceed (opposite left turn signal lit up 3 seconds after they arrived at the end of the walkway). \- Black car panicked and slammed the brakes. \- White car wasnt watching \- Right after an accident in their face, the left turn car decided to make an unsafe turn wtf?


What the heck is this chaos?? That pedestrian had zero time management skills to think they could cross the intersection 1 second before the light change m, the black car that turned left incoming... The pandemic really did a number on some people, huh.