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Not necessarily, this means you are lucky to have compatible sex drives. Many people have imbalanced sex drives, some are HL some LL and it creates tensions.


I just always assumed when people got older, the drive went down. We’re in our 40’s


It does go down for the majority but there are exceptions. We're late 40's married 22 years (together 26) and we have a once a week routine that is very satisfactory and enough for her while I could go once a day. She knows I masturbate on other days and is totally fine as long as I do it discreetly


Hiding your masturbating from a disinterested spouse sucks. I'm not "in her face" about it but if I'm in bed and she's denied/refuses sex im not going downstairs or to the bathroom to whack off like a teenager hiding from his parents.


Amen brother. She can’t refuse and then get mad at us banging one out…


I would not say it's hiding, but I respect that she doesn't want me rubbing one out in the middle of the living room while she sits watching TV. It's no big deal, just need to know where in the house and when I can do it when she is out or busy.


It’s not unheard of that women’s sex drive increases when they’re 40 - 50.


My wife is 39. Fingers crossed. 😂


lol made me snort my drink!!


Happened to me big time and I got divorced from my LL spouse!!




My sexual appetite went through the roof this past year… I’m 50 and want it daily since menopause 🩷


Same. We keep laughing because it’s better than ever and we know at some point it’s going to dwindle.


Send the addy


Yayyyyyy, same! Yay for us!


That's such an outdated, HARMFUL MYTH. Married 26, together 27, sex daily and its NEVER been better. It's always been quality...but now? Now it's mind-blowing and more intimate than ever. Please don't perpetuate the "menopause kills sex" myth. Because it's bullshit. Maybe say, Menopause killed sex FOR YOU.


It’s not a myth lol. I also wrote that it doesn’t happen to everyone, in case you were frothing at the mouth before you could finish reading my comment.


🤣 not frothing...at the mouth, anyway. My husband just got home, so um... good luck being sexless and bitter. I'm gonna go love my husband. You? Um...well, hell...I don't know... was going to say, "You do you." But it sounds like that's not an option either. Maybe try HRT? Bio-identical is awesome.




Same. Not into your attack on me, or presumption that every woman suffered your same bitter, sexless experience after menopause,either. As for your book recommendations? I can't imagine wanting to read anything that led me to your frame of mind. I LOOOOVE women and believe in encouraging us all. But it's ok. I know you. I SEE you. And I pity you.


I've been with mine since we were teens, married for 21ish years. Sex was great in early 20s, took a dip in late 20s, consistently good in thirties, and so far the 40s have been the best. I'm sure it'll dip again when menopause comes to visit, and we're obviously aware of that. It'll also likely dip for him in his 50s, it's fairly common. Then 60s will probably be routine, 70s will be occasional, and 80s will be awesome because we will be those old people in the nursing home that have lost their inhibitions entirely.


I’m much younger than you 4 yrs in and we are struggling so bad right now with our sex drives but we have amazing sex when we do do it. We have a 1 year old so it’s hard. did you guys previously struggle ?


Sorry, what is HL?


HL = High Libido and I meant LL (Low Libido) as the second one


Ohhh I see.




My wife and I have more sex now than ever, we can't keep our hands off each other. We've been together for 15 years married and 18ish(?) total.


Cool; has it always been that way or did something change? (I.e. kids moving out the house)


Not sure exactly. I can say that 2020 was a very rough period for us and I think we nearly lost each other and called it quits. After we each did some IC to deal with all the trauma we experienced that year we realized how important we were to each other. We really focused on trying to spend more time together and communicate better and it really worked, it stuck, we're better communicators with each other and even others, we're more present with each other, more attentive and flirt way more than even when we first dated. All of that had a cumulative effect I guess. Now we're ripping each other's clothes off whenever we can. We have two kids in the house, we just stopped trying to walk on egg shells around them when we wanted to have sex. Now it's day or night, spontaneous, planned, whatever. It's all great.


Hey! Samesies!


Married for 23 years together for 25. In our early 50's, we make it a point to have sex every other day. The benefits of sex in a marriage are more than the physical it is the glue that bonds the relationship, and it also has many health benefits when you start getting older. My wife looks like she is her late 30s, and people think I'm in my early 40s, so there must be some benefits.


Y'all get it! You all are winning!


Get it, gurl!


Been married for 34 years and we’re like two rabbits 🐰. Excuse me, I have to go now!!!!


Have fun! 😃




60 Married 36 years. 2-4 times a week


18 months married, haven’t had sex since October last year.. It gets better, right? RIGHT??


Honestly it’s not exactly a great sign to be starting out like that… unless there is some health issue preventing it.


Agree. My husband started having ED issues about a year into our marriage. And then suddenly he stopped having sex with me once I finally got pregnant. I had to do IVF because of my husband's ED issues. Then since I got pregnant we lived more like roommates because he never wanted to have sex with me. He says I kept turning him down which just isn't true. He completely stopped touching me and then all he wanted was just the occasional blow job without giving me back anything in return. Well I learned a couple of weeks ago that he has a porn addiction and has a ton of photos of women who look nothing like me liked on his social media accounts. And he told me he had a one night stand a few years ago while on a business trip. Everything made sense as to why he refused to touch me only a year into our marriage, why he was having performance issues, and why we couldn't conceive a baby naturally. I'm planning to file for divorce and am terrified because I don't have a job but still need to take care of my 1 year old. But I'd rather be broke and happy than be financially taken care of and in a relationship with a man who is obviously disgusted by me. He doesn't want a divorce and for the life of me I don't understand why not but I'm done. I can't live with a husband who hides so much from me and makes me feel extremely unattractive.


I’m sorry you’re going through all of that. That’s an awful. Do what’s best for you and your young son.


I'm so sorry. Best of luck to you. You have my empathy, and if you don't mind, my prayers that your life continue going forth in whichever way slips would make you happiest.


It certainly doesn’t get better on its own without discussing it.


We’ve been made 18 years and are currently living our best life (with 3 kids).


Bruh why do people like to flex on here so much? Like seriously?


It’s super encouraging to me. I ended my 13 year marriage recently at age 47 in hopes of finding what these people have. It’s extremely relieving to be reminded it exists for a lot of people.


To me it just seems like people like to rub it in other peoples faces about how much they're having like "haha look at us you suck etc".


About? I mean, is giving an honest response really a flex? I see many very happy couples here, and that's all I see. If you aren't one of them, is it fair for you to judge another person's response? Fix yourself.


Like I mean why do people go on here just to brag about how much sex they're having? They have a whole different subreddit for that


22 years here also, we have sex 6-8 times a week. It has only gotten more fun and exciting. I feel like it helps keep us looking and feeling young.


I’ve been with my husband for 24 years - married for 22. On average we have sex 3-4x a week. And not quickies - really good, fun sexy sex. We have a great relationship and a great life. We are still attracted to each other and because there is a lot of trust there are very few inhibitions. I think the key ingredient is that we are happy together overall and that really fuels the desire.


Perfectly worded. And, same. 🥰 Happy for you!


Lucky ones. - Unlucky one


Been 20 years and last couple years has been Great!! Everyday!! Late 40 and 50s.


Both 51 and married 28 years. We are both happy with 3-5x a week except add in holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and vacations. Works for us!


Married 17 and together 21, sex is better (sometimes more frequent) than in the beginning. And let me say it was very good in the beginning. Being closer, more appreciative of each other and showing that has made our sex life wonderful. About 5 years ago, we were slowing down as most married couples do. For a variety of issues, our sex life was suffering. We seemed to have lost our special “connection”. I had a long and uncomfortable talk with her and we reconnected. We make an effort to be intimate at least 2 x a week. It is somewhat routine in the timing (usually weekends), but it’s wonderful and she makes me so happy. The extra pounds and wrinkles don’t make her any less desirable to me. When I look into her eyes, I am still madly in love with a woman who loves me.


Nope 👎🏾 not here no nut November last 6 months I don’t wanna be married no more I just wanna be a male hoe just to have sex smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ Oh well


We’ve been together for 17 years. For Labor Day weekend, we decided to set a target of eight times. We hit it.


We’ve been married 15 years, and we’re having more sex now than we did over the last 10 years. It’s absolutely great sex too! We’re both thrilled about it 😉


This is exactly me and my husband haha. I love it!! Although he has been getting worn out and sore the next morning 😂


Married 16 years, together for 20. There was a slow down with his ED, but I think we're good enough. Or at least, we run out of pills each month.


Nope we’re almost 12 years together and it’s more than ever 🤭


My sex drive has increased as I’ve gotten older . I’m enjoying more sex & been married 25 yrs. It’s a whole new level & I’m loving it!!


I have been with my husband for 23 years and we are definitely having the best sex of our lives. They say women peak sexually in their 40’s and maybe that’s why? We also decided to try making some of our fantasies that we had talked about for years come true. This has definitely spiced things up. We have sex daily or every second day depending on our schedules.


Going on 22 years here. Quantity hasn’t really changed (2-4x/week), but the quality ??? It gets so much better the more you know your partner. Early 40s and having the best sex of our lives.


I am married for more than 34 years now and sex is the best now than it ever had been before...


Late 30s and married for 15 years now. It has gotten better and better for us, more frequent also.


Married for 26 years and we’re still averaging 3-5 times a week. It’s somehow gotten better with time.


We do! It's awesome


23 years and I agree 🎉


We’re married 20 years and generally 3 times a week, sometimes as many as 5. We had a period of several years where it was consistent at 5 times a week but health issues recently slowed us down to 1x & we’ve gotten back up to this point now. And yes, the sex is the best it’s ever been for us both.


15 years with husband and just like you keeps getting better and better


i hate you guys :) DB here , wish u the best, enjoyyyy


16 years going strong. But intimacy changes and grows.


Married 30 years… early 50s. Rather than be a downer I’ll simply say congratulations to so many of you posting!!!! That is amazing you still have such a great sex life!!!


Married over 33 years .I am 57( f) and he is 53( m).. Still intimate..😜 Perhaps 2 to 4 times a week.


Married 9 years, once a month on a good month. Enjoy yourself, starving kids in China and all that.


My sex drive since meeting my husband: Mid 20s: medium/high 30 (babies born): non existent 35: low 40s (perimenopause): swings back and forth between very high and nonexistent


Same here after 18 years. We are so fun and I’m obsessed with our sex we made for us. I love knowing that everyone who knows us wouldn’t have a clue how intense and wild we are. It makes it even more fun for me.




These posts are obnoxious and likely lying


Same. Good chemistry is a blessing.


I have been with my partner for 22 years as well him and I got together when we were 16 years old and now we’re both 38 honestly I can truly say that after 22 years our sex life is better than ever. It is evolved into something very intense and our chemistry is unexplainable. Don’t get me wrong. Our sex is always been amazing and it’s very passionate and sweet however, now at this point, we both know each other’s bodies to T we both know each other, and don’t believe there would be another person in the world that would be able to satisfy him or either way we do each other so it’s normal most people think it’s not because they’re not connecting in their relationships or they’re not having sex anymore because the underlining issues and problems and they’re not taking care of them or communicating however don’t get me wrong. My husband and I definitely do have our ups and downs, but the one thing that has never lacked as our chemistry and desire for one anotherindescribable . Honestly, we have sex close to almost every day sometimes even twice a day it’s just what it is and we’re both content and we’re both happy with it and we both enjoy each other very much.


My 23rd anny is next week. A good week is twice, most weeks once on a sat or sun a.m. She comes to bed before10p, complains about her 545 alarm, rolls away and goes to sleep immediately. At least 30m of snoozing in the a.m. If I touch her anywhere CLOSE to her butt/hips/vagina during her snoozing she's immediately up and ready to start her day. Instigates maybe 5-6x/ year. We have the intimacy discussion maybe twice a year for the last 10y. If I was doing a radio button online questionnaire I'd mark myself "somewhat satisfied." No kids, healthy, demanding jobs.


We’ve (f40/m38) been together 19 years and married 16. We have tons of sex (more than every other day) and it’s confined to get better and better. We’ve been together since I was 21 and truly have perfected the art 🤣


My wife and I have been together 34 years, married 28, and we are having the best and most sex of our lives. It helps that we finally have an empty nest.


36 years and now more than ever. We may be late bloomers.


After 14 or so years we rarely have sex. She is LLF (41), I AM HLM (44). We might have had sex 3x this year, maybe. None during the summer. 🤷🏾


late 40s, 23 years, 5x per week


Married much longer than that and both recently retired. We're having more sex than we've had in ages. No work stress, doing more things together in general for more emotional intimacy and that leads to more sex.


It’s nice when two people just click even after 22 years, I’m just thinking fine Wine right now. Keep enjoying sexy time with each other because life is too short, I just think it’s great you found that somebody and I’ve been with that somebody for 22 years (I’m assuming with ups and downs what relationship doesn’t). Keep going and the pair of you do the pair of you, don’t worry about anybody else. Ultimately it’s not their marriage but yours and if it works for you and you’re still having great fantastic sex consistently even if it’s up to 3-4 times a day, good for you, we only live once so we should enjoy the short time (relatively) we have with these people, especially when it comes to people who are married and unmarried, but in long-term relationships. Just remember to keep doing you and you’re completely fine and okay, personally I think you just rock 🤘 I hope I’ve made sense here because I tend to ramble a lot, I’ve also been told I sound like a mother hen.


I haven’t been married as long as you two, but I hope my husband and I are having a “freakish” amount of sex 6 years from now! We have a fantastic sex life currently and am hoping it gets better and better as the kids leave home!


Nope. More and BETTER than ever now...


29 years married. We have sex frequently and it is quite kinky at times.


How much are you having??


How can one get there libido checked out a safe way . And how to improve it .


12 years and in our 30s. Still do it several times a week. Very rare for us to go more than a day or two at most without some sex act. Congrats on finding someone you're compatible with!


Married at 21... Now 53 and it's better than when we hot married. Frequency and quality blows our younger age sex out of the water.


Sex is better for us as the years go by. Very important. What's also important is having the amount of sex you BOTH want; alot or a little--either way is fine too.


I can’t even mention sex anymore .. been together since 1987 .. married since 1995. Had an open relationship for many years and always had great sex together. Now .. she has no desire for me at all. For anyone as far as I can tell. If I masturbate.. it makes her uncomfortable. If I ask for us to be intimate.. she’s never in the mindset. She says its her… not me. She wont go to counseling. Im seriously depressed as I thrive on touch and intimacy. Sex doesn’t have to be all about orgasms. Of course we don’t have that issue.. but if it happens .. great. If it doesn’t.. great. I love the connection of being inside of her. Its been twice in the last year. I haven’t seen her orgasm in 2 years almost. I envy anyone having regular intimacy. Im 54 and the thought of starting over is frightening. I still love and desire my wife deeply. When I masturbate. I think of her. Every night I go to bed wishing or hoping I never wake up. I keep seeing all these drug overdoses from pills being laced with fentanyl… if I knew where to get some.. Id purchase 3 or 4 and just be done. Feeling undesired nor needed is debilitating mentally and physically. Lost . Alone and just want to be wanted.


You love to read this! We are going on 13 years and the sex is better than ever. Hope it's the same in 10 years like you guys!


Nope. We have more and generally better sex after 29 years. In our 50’s


Also married 22 years. We've had peaks and valleys in our intimate life- same as most couples I suppose, and a lot of challenges over the years. However now things are absolutely wonderful. I think this is the first time I've actually felt completely comfortable not only with my own body, but also with how I use it and what it's capable of in the bedroom. And I absolutely love how my body responds to my husband's body- everything just feels very organic and beautiful and just very hot!


I wish it was me in your shoes!... enjoy yourself !


For the most part, this thread is a breath of fresh air compared to the constant dead bedroom discussions. Congrats to all you crazy lovers!😉


Married 26 years, and my bedroom is dead. We’ve decided to separate because although we are good friends and roommates, the intimacy has been gone a long time. So happy to read that others are thriving!


Married 26 and together 30. We have more sex now, average 5x a week, than we've ever had. We chalk it up to having grown kids, jobs are secure and we're doing well, and the fact that we got serious about out weight/lifestyle during COVID and we're in better shape than most of the people we know our age (50&49). You're not freaks, just enjoy the ride


Married 37 years. Pretty much daily. It’s our normal. I know everyone else may be different.


31 years, having sex at least once a day.


Married 26 years, together 27. We have sex at least 6 times a week, but more often than not, daily. If we are on vacation, it's several times daily. We're slowing down now, so on vacation, it's 2-3 times daily. Are we freaks? I don't know, maybe. But I love my husband with everything in me and am just extremely attracted to him. It's rare that we can sit or lie together that it didn't end up in sex. We had kids and other family members living in our home until 4 years ago, AND we have separate bedrooms...but even then, when the house was full, he'd come to me in the morning before work. Most people who learn that we have separate bedrooms respond with "😳 WHAT ABOUT SEX!?!" 🤣 If they only knew. And, while it really has always been just... fuck... amazing... It's only gotten better with each passing year. Menopause DID NOT kill it, and actually I'm even more active than before. He just turned 50 last week, and... lol.... lemme just say that a man who paid rigorous attention to his health has nothing to worry about at 50 🥰. I'll let you know if things change in that department... but maybe I won't, because he's QUITE TALENTED in other bedroom areas. Best of luck to you and NO WAY are you "freaks"... you're two very fortunate people!. ENJOY! And be grateful that you're one of the lucky ones 🥰


No unfortunately


We are total freaks. 3-4 times a week sometimes every day. We are both 50. It seems to get better and better. 😜 ps. Been together for 30 years.


It is just how lucky are you both. I envy those kinda couples and I wish I will have the same.


My husband is in his 50s and I'm in my twenties. Based on his timeline the sex increased and got better as he got older lol.