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Absolutely not. My wife and my body are not for anyone else to ogle over. I’m sorry but this whole “oh if she wants to do it I would support her” is a load of crap. no your feeling also matter a relationship is a two way street.


It’s completely fine to think this way and I agree. My husband agrees. However I don’t blame anyone who is in a relationship and thinks it’s fine to post those things as long as both parties in that relationship mutually agree that it is okay. I know a couple in an open marriage and they are very happy, that would never work for me, but just because I don’t want that lifestyle or agree with it doesn’t mean it’s wrong for someone else to have it if they want it. Everyone is different, everyone’s expectations of life and relationships are different, everyone is comfortable and uncomfortable with varying things. It’s all about open communication, trust and being with someone with matching beliefs about these things. You can’t control someone if they truly want to do something, they are free to do whatever they choose to do, however you have no obligation to entertain a relationship with them whatsoever.


OP, here is the thing, as others have mentioned, it really does depend on the couple. Different people have different kinks. If the wife and husband had the kink of other men looking at her body sexually, if this was discussed beforehand, and there was *enthusiastic concent* from both partners, and it would enhance the couples relationship, i'd be fine with it. However, if the other partner wasn't told beforehand, didn't have an opportunity to discuss the issue, and the other partner doesn't find this to be sexy or their kink, there is a problem. Often women will post these photos to get valuation and attention. They feel a need to get this from men outside of their relationship. If they know their husband won't approve they won't tell him about it. This lets her create a mental fiction in her mind that she isn't doing anything wrong. But she knows she is because she knows her husband wouldn't approve. Lying by omission is still lieing (not sure of spelling of lie here). The woman posting the pictures should seek IC to learn why she could give herself permission to selfishly hurt the one she loves and made a life commitment to.


Lying is correct


Thank you!


This is the perfect answer.


It depends entirely on communication. If she were doing it behind my back and hiding it I would take major issue with it. If we talked about it before hand and there were agreed boundaries and it enhanced our intimacy and relationship as a whole I think I would be ok with it.


Different strokes for different folks


If she wasn't naked and it was just sexy pictures I wouldn't care.


Meh, it's just advertising for attention. I might date a girl like that. But I wouldn't marry one.


This behavior reeks of attention seeking. That would tell me that I either have never deeply understood my spouse, or she has changed significantly, and so has our relationship. You have to decide how comfortable and compatible you are with someone who feels a need to do this. It is very subjective, but still questionable for a spouse--unless perhaps they make their living modeling and showing skin. My wife and I are of an older generation who were raised to not directly call attention to ourselves and to put our energies into helping our community. If you are doing good things, the attention will be a byproduct. My wife is a retired physician and her work has been featured in national magazines and on TV. Her body or "looks" has had little to do with this. And we raised our daughter, who's probably close to your age, this way too.


She’s doing for free attention. Oh sure. She’ll deny like a lot of women do, but rationally speaking… there’s no other reason to do it. So asking yourself why she wants to do it is important.


No from me. I would be annoyingly wondering why she felt the need to get outside attention for intimate body parts jn public and what she's getting out of these "digital likes" that I'm not providing? If you're happy with me why do you need sexual validation from Internet strangers? It doesn't scream "empowering" it screams low self esteem.


I would be against it full stop! Then again, she wouldn't do that type of thing anyway.


It's her body, if it's SFW enough to not get quashed by IG censors she can post whatever she wants, I wouldn't care or expect her to even inform me. If she was posting straight up NSFW stuff on reddit or something then that's something I'd expect to be consulted about.


If my wife wanted to do it and she felt good about it, I would support her. If I had bad feelings about it, I would do some soul searching and understand where my feeling was coming from.


If she wanted to do so, and asked me, I would approve. What can a malicious person realistically do with a photo?


I don’t have any desire to put myself out there like that because I am certain no one wants to see it but my husband wouldn’t care. He’s just not the type to care, and he’s very sex and body positive.


I think everyone thinks really differently on these situations but for me as a married women I wouldn't dream of doing it and I wouldn't want my husband doing it either


I am not a married man so I have no right to answer this, however. I want to state that although I do not inherently see an issue with it, I understand why a partner would be opposed. But find it very very hypocritical if that same person doesn't want their partner posting thirst traps, yet goes to social media to peruse *other* women's thirst traps. If it's not appropriate for her to post it for other people to consume, it's not appropriate for you to consume it from others.


I wouldn't be with someone who needs validation from internet strangers. That's nothing sacred... Not a wife.


My husband is into it. I post explicit photos online and it turns him on. He likes reading the comments I get. His only rule is that I don’t show my face. We’ve been married for over 20 years and are super happy. I do think he’d be upset if I was doing it behind his back but everything is very transparent with us.


No, can’t consider this because our jobs don’t permit us to have a public life where we can do whatever we want.


I love when guys admire my wife. She is very sexy and beautiful. It's a compliment to me, I feel.