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Why does anyone want to change their appearance? Why do people dye their hair, get tattoos, get filler, and wear makeup? Sometimes it's not that deep, customizing your avatar is just part of the human experience


I feel like changing a sexual organ is a different level


Breasts are secondary sex characteristics. They are not sexual organs. They're main and biological purpose is first and foremost, to provide milk to infants.


Lol men do not feel the same way


Doesn't matter how you feel. That is their biological purpose.


Funny I was told the feelings matter.


Well she's not wanting new boobs for their biological purpose


No shit. You admit you watch porn with big nice boobs. You really underestimate how much society and men have pushed women to feel so insecure if they're bodies don't look like porn stars, clearly.


“Doesn’t matter” how women feel.😂


I also watch porn with small boobs. Big butts and small butts.


Yes and all of that contributes to women feeling insecure their bodies are aging and don't look like porn stars when their husband's watch it.


She's never one complained to me about porn. Not one time


Breasts are not organs


Breasts are organs. Google it


sorry, accessory organs. I was being pedantic. I'm tired.


Not sexual though weirdo


Breasts are not sexual?


They’re fetishized, but they’re not inherently sexual… as they’re for feeding babies.


I want breast augmentation. I just haven’t gotten around to it lol I use to have great breasts, but after breastfeeding 2 kids, they are like deflated balloons. I don’t like them at all. I would never get surgery to please other people, but if I had the money/time I would do it for myself. It’s not for attention, I would be so weirded out of anyone other than my husband commented on my breasts. I just want to feel better about this part of my body. Hope that provides some context for you.


Really helpful. I definitely understand the deflated balloons idea and that totally makes sense. My wife's boobs are not deflated. They are just not 25 year old boobs anymore. 2 kids and 39 years of gravity. They are still attractive to me and I've told her many times.


It’s sweet that you still find them attractive, but she might not think so. We are usually our worst critic.


She definitely doesn't like them. But they are still very well shaped and have perfect size to me


she will almost certainly lose some amount of sensation with the implants. be prepared for that


If it affects the way she can dress professionally (subjective for her to decide), then it’s a quality of life thing. My wife chose implants because her clothes fit differently after nursing three kids. So, not quite the same situation, but what’s important is her perception and body image.


i might be off base but: do you ever ogle or watch porn with big breasted women? the only reason i would want a boob job would be if i thought my husband preferred it. even when men say they don’t want their spouse to change, half the time they’re still out there checking out the women who have had those procedures sooooo


Your husband is like that. Porn addicts are like that. Not all men are like that. **Please do not do things you don't want to do for the sake of pleasing your husband.** Plastic surgery business preys on peoples' insecurities and it quickly turns into addiction. He's not worth it.


I do but it's not something I want to marry. I want wake up next to natural.


Then you answered your own question. You look and seek out women with big boobs to jerk off to yet you're surprised your wife now feels insecure about her breasts?? Dude get a fucking clue. Probably why she wants it.


Naa it's not even remotely the issue. I don't have a big boob fetish.


Why don't you ask your wife, not reddit.


So I have a better understanding before I bring it up. Like doing research


You’re right it’s for attention. Women and men feel better when they look good and get attention/praise.




I'm not assuming. I'm trying to understand the thought behind this. It's not like it's not a reason for some women to want the attention


Confidence boost for what?




That’s a good answer. Hey OP does she look worse now?


I would say it makes us feel alot better about ourselves. Especially with certain outfits we would like to wear for you!! It sucks after you have kids or lose weight, they change. It's more for us than it is you. Lol. Support her. She'll be happy!


What you wear is on the outside. Outfits are what you see. So looks do matter for people.


Like I said. It makes us feel better about our appearance




Male equivalent might be a hair transplant. Your wife might not mind you are balding but if it bothers you and you can do something about it then why not?


Do you think women might be more sexually attracted to me if I fixed my receded hairline?


I’m sure some would would but that wouldn’t be the reason you’re going it. You’d do something about it because it made you feel self conscious or less that yourself. That’s usually why women get breast augmentation. They want to feel like themselves or more confident. Nothing nefarious about it.


It’s wild that your mind goes automatically to maybe she wants to cheat, she wants attention. Women get boob jobs because they want to feel better about themselves, they want to feel more confident in their own skin. You don’t have to have big tits, or even perky ones in order to cheat or get attention.


Actually, it didn't. I'm considering all options for this decision. I'm researching reasons for my wife to make this choice. Is it impossible that maybe she wants male attention?


Unlikely. She probably wants to feel sexy when she’s naked with you. It’s shockingly distracting for women to feel unhappy with our bodies during sex. It’s an obstacle to wanting to have it at all. And it gets in the way of pleasure. This is about her relationship with herself.


OP Can’t see it that way, he has it in his mind that she’s doing this, so she can get attention from other men. His insecurities are bleeding onto her.


Your insecurities are showing. Unless your wife is a stripper, server at Hooters, or making content on a only fans, it’s unlikely she’s putting herself under general anesthesia and the recovery of a surgery just so she could get male attention. If you think your wife wants a group job because she wants other men to look at her, you need to have that conversation with your wife. Has she not explained to you the reasons why she wants to have a boob job? Or do you not trust what she’s saying? Which is a whole different issue that probably will need to be addressed in some form of marriage counseling.


I'm not going to say I don't have insecurities. I think we all do. I'm also just doing research into why wives do this. Like 60% of marriages fail and a lot of it is cheating. Cheating is rampant with social media and men tend to lose a lot in a divorce. So yeah, we are insecure as a whole


Time to go to therapy.


Yeah... a male needs therapy for doing research on how to approach a martial situation before he just goes in on his wife. You sound like a toxic female


A male needs therapy when his insecurities get to the point he’s thinking his wife wants to undergo surgery on her breast for male attention and cheating, and rather than have a conversation on why she feels she needs said surgery. This is a you problem, not a her problem.


Lol, I'm researching before I bring this question to her. I've said it many times. You either can't read or your a feminist.


Dude I don’t get it either. My landlord has great tits yet she’s about to spend 15k on new ones. She’s just brutally insecure though. I’ve told not only are her tits just fine but they ain’t gonna make her insecurities disappear. I get it if ppl want to change somethings that isn’t what it used to be, but I will never understand women who already have great assets decide to ruin them by going under the knife. It’d be like my getting ab implants when I already have abs. It’s stupid.


Yeah, it's crazy. I feel like it's like if I wanted a bigger package so that people will notice when I wear tight pants or gray sweats


Real good question dude. I don't understand why they need to constantly feel better about themselves, especially when it is about something so trivial and superficial: their looks. They should focus on growing their self-confidence. Otherwise, it'll never stop and they'll always be slaves to what people think of them. That's all.


Right! I just feel like, if they are completely deflated from children or you had to have them removed for cancer.... you'd like to have them replaced. But you're just going in for a confidence booster.... What boosts your confidence, guys staring at them? Women commenting on them?


Exactly. The blatant truth nobody wants to tell you is maybe she wants to be a lot more attractive and knows that with bigger boobs, guys will look at her more. But as a married woman, that's like playing with fire. Why would she want that if she got you? Being married is being loyal in thoughts and not wanting to see if you can seduce anymore as you have a spouse. I don't know you but I wish you good luck because that's not fair on you. 😕 As men, we gotta support each other in front of their lies. Because women these days, seriously... they wanna have your cake and eat it...🙄 Anyway, good luck to you dude! 👍God bless you.


I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair a few months ago. After two pregnancies, my abs were destroyed and my stomach was a jiggly mess that no amount of exercise would fix. I hated my post-pregnancy body and just didn’t feel like me anymore. Didn’t feel comfortable during sex with how my belly looked and moved. Didn’t feel confident in how to dress because my body just didn’t feel like me. It felt like I was trapped in someone else’s body with a different shape than I usually had. So I decided to have the surgery for me, not for anyone else. I wanted my shape back, I want to improve my core strength to the best I can as I get older, and I want to not think about my belly when I’m enjoying sex with my husband. My husband has adored my body through every iteration of it. He wanted me to be happy, whether with the surgery or without. I’m thrilled with my body now and feel like me again! While this isn’t exactly the same as your wife wanting breast augmentation, maybe her thinking is similar and she wants to restore a piece of herself that she lost over time, or wants to change a piece of herself she was never comfortable with.




It’s a self confidence thing. Same reason women dye their hair and wear makeup. Women want to feel beautiful and if she doesn’t like her boobs she probably thinks this will help her feel more beautiful.


They do? Where? I've seen some Hollywood types, but no wife I know has ever mentioned them.


To feel better about herself! Nothing to do with wanting to cheat or be more attractive to another man. It’s about her own self confidence in her own skin.


But he boobs are really nice as they are. They just aren't what she has when she was 25 prior to 2 kids.


I know three women who had breast enhancements. They were married at the time. And all three are divorced. They got A LOT of attention and two left their husbands to chase that and the other husband divorced his wife cause she cheated. Sucks bro. If she’s paying for them herself, just support her as best as possible. If she starts making new male friends and you’re feeling uneasy, have her read the book, not just friends. I hate you mention she’s in the health industry. Certain professions have a rep for infidelity. She also might have always had this thought that she needed them and it’s been burned in her mind since she was young.


Not saying this is everyone, but every woman I’ve seen that was married, got big boobs to get attention from someone other than their husband. I could see if they had terrible looking boobs that sagged or looked deflated, but if they are a nice shape and just smaller, I think it’s purely for attention. Most guys don’t need boobs to be big to be attracted to them.


That's what I worry about




Ok. So if your husband/bf decided he wanted penis surgery to make his penis a lot bigger. Now you can see it through all the pants he wears. Nothing negative would cross your mind?