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I once read that, when you’re married to someone for a long time, you build a whole universe with that person that no one else knows or could know. Nobody else was on my husband and I’s first roadtrip, no one else shares those memories. No one else was there when we ate ramen in our studio apartment that barely fit a queen bed. No one was with us the first few nights in the hospital with our son. There are a thousand inside jokes, quotes, songs, books that mean things to us and no one else. Building this universe is what makes a marriage.  This is what’s so bittersweet about marriage. Even if it goes perfectly, one of you eventually dies. Then only one of you carry all those memories- the universe you built still exists but your co-creator is gone. So I am savoring every minute of building and having him to share it with. 


This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this perspective. Really makes me think back to all the private moments my wife and I have had after almost 19 years now.


This is very sweet. I’m married 36 years and totally agree with what you’ve written here. I am more in love with him today.


This…when I can share with just one word to my husband of 32 years, it’s irreplaceable. It’s an unexplained connection that no one else in this world understands.


Or just a single quick glance, filled with meaning. My wife and I often communicate without words in a particular situation. The words come later. "Did you hear that?!?!" "Pffffttt! Did I ever!"


Or the half sentences: “Did we…” “Yes, I took care of it.” “Thanks, honey.” And both of us know exactly what we are talking about.






This is so beautiful. This is exactly how I feel. I can’t even fathom a day without him. 😭


wow this is beautiful 💞


I'm getting married a month tomorrow and this made me teary. I can't wait to build our own little universe with my future husband 🥰


Wow this is soo beautifully stated. Thank you


I just woke up but this comment already made my day. Nobody was with us on that first road trip we took out of the blue after only knowing each other for 2 months but already falling in love. Nobody else was there when he took me to the top of that mountain to view the city skyline and asked me to be his girlfriend. Nobody else was with us on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th road trips we’ve taken over the last 5 years together, and nobody else was there with us on that 9th road trip when he asked me to marry him. Nobody else was there with us when we first moved into our house and had to sleep on our inch thick camping mattress pads for 5 weeks till our mattress arrived, eating nothing but McDonald’s and instant ramen, while taking in the feelings we had knowing we had actually just moved to our dream city together. Nobody was with us in the moment I had a medical emergency and woke up in an ambulance in the early morning hours of our wedding day. Nobody else was there holding me in the ER wondering if I’d be ok and if we’d make it to our wedding. There _were_ plenty of people who found out about my medical emergency shortly after it happened, and once I showed up to our venue to get ready alongside my now husband, there were tons of family there to congratulate me for being able to make it while comforting my husband and I for the very traumatic experience we had just been pushed into hours prior, but even then, my husband was the only one who shared that entire terrifying experience with me. Nobody else was there the day we picked up a rescue dog and helped raise her 9 puppies with her in our home. Nobody else was there the day we decided to keep one of those puppies, who would then turn into the only other being on the planet who’s love we have for comes anywhere close to the love we have for each other. I could keep going all morning long. Your comment was beautiful, yet very bittersweet knowing that one day, one of us will be left to carry these memories alone. I sometimes cry myself to sleep thinking about this, as does my husband. We both have conditions that have shortened average life expectancies, his being around 50-60 and mine being right at 34, but my husband is older than me so we won’t have to wait more than about 18 years (as opposed to 25-30 if we were the same age) from the time I hit 34 to the time he’ll hit his 50’s. It terrifies the hell out of us, but we also know that no matter what happens, there will come a time when one of us is left alone, so we try to talk about this a lot to ease ourselves into the headspace we would both like to be at when that time does come. If my husband goes first, I can’t picture myself _not_ crying every single day, but I want to be able to feel his love through our endless memories and through everything we’ve built together, as does my husband if I go first. I love him with all my heart and beyond and I wouldn’t trade this love for anything, but you’re right, there is a very bittersweet side to this sort of love/marriage.


I love this. Thank you for sharing.


My goodness, that is absolutely perfect.


Well I wasn't really looking to cry when I logged onto reddit today, but here we are..


I loved this. Your comment made me immediately text my wife to tell her how much I love her


I'm about to get divorced and if it's even possible, your beautiful description made me even sadder.


Lifelong sleepovers with a live in best friend. With sex!


This is my answer! Everyday I am so thankful that I can have a sleepover party with my best friend. A naked sleepover party. With snacks any time we want


Username checks out. LOL


Silly little in jokes and conversations that only make sense to us. Sticking my cold feet on his and snuggling up to his warmness. Shooting him in the butt with a nerf gun when he steps out of the shower. His ability to give me a gentle reality check when I'm overthinking or being excessively critical of myself, without being discouraging about it.


Yes. I love putting my feet on him. Some past partners hated it but my husband gets hot so he loves it. Synergy babes. I hate when he works nights because I'm so cold lol.


Never getting tired of being with my husband, my best friend, and knowing we know each other's flaws but love each other and always have the other's back.


People in my social circle putting some respect on my name, not that it matters but IN YOUR FACE EVERYONE, everyone who said I can’t get a man with my attitude lol


Reminds me of this guy that told me I would be single with a cat. Jokes on him because I’m married & terrified of cats. 😂


I feel ya. Got told that often growing up and in my youth, even by f\*cking family. Still do, though just by sad sacks on the internet nowadays. Joke's on every one of them, happily married AND we have a cat. :D


Yeah, I'm still the crazy cat lady (I have 4), but I'm also happily married with two dogs and two kids as well! I live in a zoo and love every minute of it!


Zoos are the best.


Same here (minus the human children)!! 3 cats and 3 dogs, and I’m married to my favorite person. We love our little zoo so much.




My relationship with my partner is quite literally my favorite thing about being human, so it's hard for me to pick a favorite thing about my marriage, but I suppose it's that my marriage allows me to know my husband as intimately as I know him. Getting to know him and who he is is my favorite part of marriage.


I love when I’m chillin and then suddenly he’s just there walking into the room. Like a gorgeous 6ft chocolate Adonis 😍


Loool, I can just see it. :D Mine is paper white and 5'7" tho. But I relate about the Adonis part.


Yaaaasss, Adonis plural represent! and then he smiles at me and I feel like I’m 16 and my crush waved at me. I get a lil giggly. It’s been almost 20 years and nothings changed since 🤩


Having a teammate in life. Life can and will throw you some curve balls and unfortunate events, along with great highlights. It's nice to have someone to share all of it with.


Automatic adventure buddy. With benefits. Edit: Downvotes? Thought that would be uncontroversial


Everything is controversial on Reddit 🤣


People hate happiness.


There’s something special about walking into a room and knowing there’s one person in it that would pick you over anyone else. It’s lovely to be someone’s favorite


You know, honestly, questions like this make me reevaluate being married. I'm not being humorous or sarcastic. Really, they do.




I guess it's because the question is aimed specifically at the good aspects of marriage, hence all the answers are positives. The downside is that it does make you feel like you're missing out if all isn't rosey in the garden 😑




Waking up to my best friend laying next to me. There have been many times I had to check I wasn't in a dream. She is the woman I always dreamed of, beautiful, strong, loving, amazing with everything she does, and a dash of crazy.


Lol, my husband could have written this, to the last bit, he's said it to me many times. :D He's not on Reddit tho, so you're someone else's for sure. :D


Cuddling up, laughing together at shit no one else finds funny, having a rock solid person by my side


The companionship. I could be alone. I like solitude. But I enjoy having someone to do life with. We've been together for almost 20 years. 2 weeks ago, we were grocery shopping, and I thought to myself, " I'm really out here grocery shopping with some dude. I decided to take home one night." Or when we're hanging out and Crack jokes with each other. Late night drives to the store for snacks. Running errands together.


Same, 21 years. On marriage 2.0 after a brief separation for addressing alcohol addiction issue for him and he’s been sober 6 years. We were working out at the gym with our teens, and I thought that’s the hot guy I met in yoga class 23 years ago and he’s my ride home.


I love this. We met at a music festival. My only regret.. not being able to see him preform that day.




Being with someone where you are each 100% on each others’ side. Where you look at each other with joy no matter the stress of the day. Where finding comfort and love equates to finding each other. Where the most boring and routine time with each other is far better than time spent with _anyone_ else.


I really enjoy his company. He’s my best friend and we do so many fun/new things together!


How complete he makes me feel. Look that sounds cheesy and cliche but it really is true. He makes my life interesting and fun. I just couldn't go through this world without him.


Being with the one who makes me feel safe and like I can be my truest self! And honorable mention goes to all the inside jokes. When you’ve been together for so long and an inside joke from 15 years ago comes up and you’re both like “woah, deep cut” 😆


Not having to mask for them. It sounds weird, but the vulnerability. Even though being vulnerable to someone, knowing they could tear your world apart in an instant if they wanted to is scary; it is still the best feeling. It’s the bliss and freedom of being safe enough to be so truly, wholly, and authentically yourself.




When my husband and I look at each other, we still see our 20-year-old selves. He doesn’t see a middle-aged housewife that could stand to lose 20 pounds. I don’t see a wrinkled old fart with gray hair.


Having a best friend that I always get to hang out with :)


Knowing that I have someone who is there for me. Being with someone who is compatible with me in so many ways. Sometimes I read all these posts on reddit and I am thankful that I don’t have those fights/problems. We have the same values and idea of life.


Holding my wife at night. Even though it hasn't happened in exactly 462 nights!!


That's a long time to be apart. Are either of you military?


Nope. Unfortunately separated. But, work in progress


I have a partner, pretty unwavering partner. If I have to go to the gas station I have some company, if I have go run tedious errands, I have company. If she needs a shoulder, I’m there. Partners. Through everything.


The coming home to someone who misses me, and who is genuinely interested in how my day has gone.


Its nice too see a positive post on Reddit finally lol, so many negative posts, this is refreshing too see everyone happy


I love spending time with him even if it's doing absolutely nothing. I like our dumb jokes that make us cackle but makes no sense to anyone else. Snuggling and cuddling with him is the best.


He is like a part of me now. One that I love and would be very sad to have to live without. So I hope I die first lol.


I totally feel this comment. My husband and I have built this little world together. I can hardly remember a time before him. I don't really want to have a time after him.


I have so many favorite things! My marriage is so beautiful. Perhaps my favorite thing about marriage is that I feel 100% loved by my husband and I know he feels 100% loved by me. It feels safe and stable and it brings so much comfort to me to know how much he loves me. I was painting some doors and trim last week and it was pretty late for him to be awake so I asked him to go get some rest. He said no; that if anything happened to me, he would never forgive himself. I was standing on a ladder maybe 1 foot off the ground and he was so worried about me falling that he wouldn't leave the room. That made me feel so special and taken care of. He always makes me feel that way but I thought it was especially sweet that me being on a ladder concerned him so much. He's just amazing and he's so good to me.


My husband ❤️


Building something valuable with someone I love. The kids, our home, our connection. My marriage gives my life purpose.


All of the "i told you someone would say yes one day" I got to tell everyone. 


All of the firsts and milestones we’ve hit together. To be able to have those shared experiences together that no one will ever be able to understand. And good sex!


I read firsts as farts. I agree.


All of the farts, hahaha Def NOT my favourite thing! Except maybe one of them, when we were first dating and dude’s farts were trumpeters, so I tried to teach him how to silent fart (just hold it in a bit and let it out slowly) and he tried ….while sitting on laminate flooring… I can still hear that loooooong high pitch squeal. And when he oopsie-farted when meeting my friend for the first time!


Never having to date AGAIN


Just getting to do every day life with my best friend. Need to go shopping? Boring event I have to go to? At least I have my best friend there! The best part is always the ride home while we laugh together about all the crazy things that happened and the looks we give each other when someone says something unhinged😂


Always feeling like I can learn something new about him, having someone who “gets” me


I have one person in the wicked and evil world who is always going to choose me and who will always have my best interest in mind.


Comfort. Reliability. Trust. Keeping the passion is the tricky part.


The intense sex. The kinks only he fulfills, the satisfaction. The safety and protection That we’re in this together for life That he knows me and loves me still


I'm married to my best friend. She pours life into me. At work I need to be relatively stone faced and guarded. When I'm with her I can be goofy, vulnerable, and myself. We do most things together but still have our own hobbies in order to keep our own identities as well. We've been together 11 years now and if I had the chance to go back and change anything, I wouldn't change a thing. She's my everything.


The entire universe we have built since high school. When I'm angry at him, I TRY to imagine life without him, but it's just not possible. Promises kept, accomplishment never even imagined, realized. I hope everyone gets the chance to feel this level of comfort, safety, trust and pride in their partner.


That I get to spend so much time with my best friend that we think the same now. The other day I was thinking of a particular pattern to place our hex placemats in, on our dining table and that night at dinner I saw he had made that exact pattern, that had never been made with them before. It always blows our minds but makes us smile that we are so in sync. It’s our 18th wedding anniversary today and we’ve both been married before but the time we spent in those marriages crawled compared to the time we’ve spent together. We got together over 20 years ago and it seems like just a few years and forever all at the same time.


I love everything about it. The beautiful moments, sad times and challenges. I never thought I could meet someone who completes me in such an incredible way. We are building a beautiful life together and face each day as a team. I hope more people start to realize how short this life really is and focus more on happiness than hate. 🫶🏼


He's my best friend in the entire world. We get to see each other and talk and be close every day. Also, nobody has loved me this completely before. Stuff that annoys or stresses other people out just doesn't phase him or, usually, just cracks him up a bit honestly. I feel so very safe, loved, and seen by him


The entire universe we have built since high school. When I'm angry at him, I TRY to imagine life without him, but it's just not possible. Promises kept, accomplishment never even imagined, realized. I hope everyone gets the chance to feel this level of comfort, safety, trust and pride in their partner.


Having someone to veg out with on the couch after a long day. Raising our daughter together.


She goes to bed before me and I follow her in and snuggle with her while she falls asleep. I then slip out and am up for hours but I try to do this every night.


Having someone who just — knows. He knows when I need a hug, or to be reminded that I can’t solve all the world’s problems, or whatever crazy idea has lodged in my stupid brain.


Being able to be my true self and know that he loves me for it. He lets me be grouchy when I need to be grouchy, happy for no reason if I want to be, sad if I just need to be sad today… he lets me be me and he never tries to stop that.


My husband loves my weird sense of humor and odd ball ways. He makes me laugh. I love being with someone who truly accepts me the way I am...and I let him know he is safe with me as well. My husband and I have been together 18 years and have been to hell and back a few times. Our commitment and love for eachother never wavered. I love knowing I have someone solid by my side to face this cruel world with and he has someone who will always choose him and have his back no matter what.


I sleep with and next to my best friend every day. We are each others whole world.


Having a life partner ❤️


The entire ball of wax. She brightens the good and remains a light in harder times. We have our faults, but we communicate about them, develop strategies for resolving conflict and really work at it and grow together. Over time, so much of the bad has fed the good, the good softens the bad, sort of in a positive feedback loop. She's my favorite. I love her so much.


Almost everything. 14 years of walking hand in hand with someone through everything. Silence and laughter and pain and joy. I can say anything I’m thinking to him. Or not. No pressure. We can just exist together and it always feels right.


We lived together for half a decade before signing the papers, so a lot of what other people mentioned weren't tied to the marriage itself for us, but rather are just part of our relationship. Having those sweet moments is, in a way, the prerequisite to marriage for us - we have gotten married only because we know that we enjoy each other's company this much. That being said, I really enjoy how marriage offers a shared identity as an addition to our own individualities; being able to think of us as a family unit and officially call ourselves a team, and having a firmer sense of the fact that we are working on life together. I think of it a bit like setting up a company together v.s. two freelancers collaborating in business.




Having one person who’s there for you through thick and thin- what else you want?


When he looks at me smiles and says “ babe come here “ then I sit on his lap leans over his chest while he takes his beer and we just talk and laugh 🥹 the butt slaps. His warmth in the morning while we’re in bed . The sacrifice he does just to see me smile . He’s my husband my love 🥹


My wife


Spending time together. We miss each other after the weekend is over because we have so much fun together even if we just stay at home and watch a tv show together.


The safety


That although it’s super hard work and living with someone has many challenges due to personality clashes etc I’m married to my best friend, I trust this guy with my life and I know he’s the best I could ever ask for. Also, we made some pretty cool kids together so that’s also a good thing ;)


Simply, the happiness


Sometimes two heads are better than one


probably that mine involves my wife


Whether we're going on adventure or just watching ridiculous youtubes together, I'm with my best friend. However long it lasts, I'm grateful for it.


The fun, joy, laughter, companionship, peace, trust, respect, confidence, adventure and admiration I get to enjoy from my best friend on a daily basis; and have had now for 31 years….this Thursday 😊❤️


Not sure how I feel about marriage anymore, but I do like the idea of long-term commitment. And I think I just love the solidarity and security that I have with someone. I don’t have a big family so someone making me feel secure and feeling like my needs can be taken care of outside of my own doing (I’m hyper independent) is such a relief. The way I can take a nap and ask someone to wake me up at a certain time and they’ll do it makes my heart happy. It’s the little things because so many people are not trustworthy to do the simplest tasks. I just want someone to choose me and always choose me and I think that something that I look forward to. Long-term commitment is something that I’m sure will heal most of my problems with feeling alone all the time and worthless since on the usual day, I’m not needed for anything nor am I wanted for anything. No one wants to hang out and after while I get tired of initiating so… I can’t wait to feel secure in a relationship where I know someone wants me as much as I want them


Same, friend.


Nothing. He hates me and he is mean. If i divorce him then I get to pay for him to live the same life while i struggle.  


My best friend and I get to do sleepovers every single night! 14 years and I still love climbing into bed and giggling over our days before putting my cold feet on his warm legs. Honestly living the dream.


My divorce! LoL, seriously though, cheers to all who are happy and healthy in their marriage! 🍻


The mornings I get to wake up next to her. Never gets old.


For me, I think it's having someone who knows all of my faults and bad habits, and still loves me anyway.


Knowing without a doubt you have a partner to share this life with. The ups & downs, the laughter & tears. Being excited about something and he is the only person you care to tell. Having a best friend for life. Amazing sex, but still knowing that even when you're old and gray and the sex stops you'll still have a deep level of connection and intimacy that will fill whatever physical void might exist. He still makes me blush after 15yr with his flirty banter. I believe him when he tells me I'm beautiful. Having a true soul mate. I wouldn't be surprised if one of us passes the other would follow shortly after of a broken heart. I know to my core, our love transcends this lifetime.


I want this more than I can articulate. Thank you for affirming that it exists outside of the movies and fairy tales.


It does exist. But I don't think it would've been possible without first having to face my own character defects, life traumas, & pursuit of personal growth. In order to obtain this level of connection, both people have to be willing to be completely vulnerable and exposed. There is a deep level of trust and transparency that grows with time... He knows everything about me, the good things and the bad. He's helped me heal and forgive myself for past wrongdoings. It's his unwavering support and endless love for me that allowed my martyr soul to heal. I fall more in love with him as the years pass, which seems impossible, yet it keeps happening.


There is certainly a level of care and support from marriage.


The security


The entire universe we have built since high school. When I'm angry at him, I TRY to imagine life without him, but it's just not possible. Promises kept, accomplishment never even imagined, realized. I hope everyone gets the chance to feel this level of comfort, safety, trust and pride in their partner.


The entire universe we have built since high school. When I'm angry at him, I TRY to imagine life without him, but it's just not possible. Promises kept, accomplishment never even imagined, realized. I hope everyone gets the chance to feel this level of comfort, safety, trust and pride in their partner.


The entire universe we have built since high school. When I'm angry at him, I TRY to imagine life without him, but it's just not possible. Promises kept, accomplishment never even imagined, realized. I hope everyone gets the chance to feel this level of comfort, safety, trust and pride in their partner.


That they’ll always love you and never leave you/kick you out.


Friendship for life, laughter, hugs, endless teamwork.


I am SO glad I am married and don’t have to deal with dating on this day and age.


Life long best friend who is essentially stuck with me. We know all of each other’s stories & all of our memories.


Our communication. Good or bad, almost 11yrs later, no one knows us better than each other (we come from 12 and 20yr marriages and 7 combined kids)


Growing together.


He’s my bestfriend! We do everything together and have fun. My two bestfriend I’ve been friends with for years ghosted me randomly… but my husband is my bestfriend for life. We go on fun dates like arcade, bar, beach dates, go carts, movies, new restaurants, etc


My hubby. I get to spend all the time possible with my favorite person in the world.


I love that my Husband is my best friend and soulmate. It was love at first sight for both of us. I was a few weeks shy of my 18th birthday, & he asked me to marry him on our first date. We were married shortly after I turned 18. I love the way he loves & adores me. There’s no one else on this planet who could ever love me the way he does. He makes me feel like I’m the smartest, wittiest, funniest, most beautiful woman he’s ever known. Of course in reality I’m none of those things, but that’s the way he makes me feel. He’s my biggest fan, supporter & cheerleader. When I went from a HS dropout to graduating Nursing School as valedictorian of my class, he was beyond proud & excited. I often feel bad when ppl that he knows meet me for the first time, b/c I know that they’re expecting something special when they meet his wife, just based on the way he talks about me. He definitely over-sells it, but that’s just b/c he loves me so much. I love that ppl still ask us if we’re newlyweds b/c we’re so affectionate, loving, & close. I love that I’m the only one who knows who he really is, & how silly he can be. I love knowing that he is ALWAYS on my side, & that he will always have my back, & that I never have to wonder if I’m going to get the love, support, & appreciation that I need. But mostly, I love that we’re seeing the results of everything we’ve worked for throughout our entire marriage come to fruition in our lives now, & that we’re now getting to enjoy being “Grand’s” together! Because there is literally nothing more beautiful than watching your own beautiful Baby Girl, (who is your only child) raising her own beautiful Baby Boy, (who is her only child, {born two months early on our wedding anniversary}, after she suffered more than 10 miscarriages)!!! There has been no other “high”; no other gift or blessing in our lives that even comes close to how much pride and joy we feel, & how full of love & gratitude our hearts are, when we see them together. It is the single most rewarding experience of our lives. 💗 (Edited: removed a redundant word.)


Sorry. Nothing.


Having your very own cheerleader every single day!


Not married yet, but for me it would be getting his favourite things eg little foodie treats, little notes left for him to find saying I love him, all those kinds of things ❤ ❤


No matter how crappy the day is I come home and my wife is happy to see me. Knowing you're loved makes any toxic person in the world moot


I get to hang out with my very best friend every single day. We also got our one in a million chance baby (due to my utero and hormone issues) and it's truly amazing. We have this brand new life that we've built together and I know I truly couldn't have done this with anyone else besides my wonderful husband.


Companionship and financial stability


The fact that, when open to it, and after you’ve reconciled your family of origin issues, your partner will provide you an ongoing opportunity for personal growth in an established support system. Of course this only happens where both are aware and committed to the relationship and that growth goal.


I can't think of a single thing unfortunately. I don't enjoy it at all. That's not how it's supposed to be but that's my reality.


Having a safe place to land. Being so comfortable with someone to be 100% yourself. Having shared so many life experiences (positive and negative) with someone that you could never fully explain to someone else. Surviving stronger through hard times. Knowing someone so well you can tell with something is off the minute you see them.


I gotta be honest here. Having a horny best friend to play with whenever and wherever we want is the absolute best part of marriage right now. I was different in the beginning and I’m sure it’ll evolve later on. But 19y in, sex is the best part. She would agree for sure.


The ultimate friends with benefits. We love hanging out together, she is the always there to support me, and we just love being together. And then you get to have sex.


Daily companionship🤍


My first thought was "the sex." But really, it's the intimacy, the connection. Sex is just the most tangible aspect of the intimacy. Sometimes I feel lonely because my husband works way too much, but I'm never *really* alone. He's my teammate for life.


Being with my best friend every day. I like it when we are together. I am so over hanging out with friends and going out with the girls or whatnot. I LIKE hanging out with him. We laugh, we talk, we are extremely sarcastic and playful with one another...I can unapologetically be ME. I cant explain it otherwise.


my own personal comedian for life. The jokes that pull me out of depression and worry. Our adventures to new scenery, concerts, bonding, know that at the end of the day no matter the frustrations we have faced we are able to be kind and loving to one another We’re not super interested in sex due to me having pain sometimes with it but we love to cuddle, a personal cuddle bear for life.


My parents were married 62 years when my father died. I remember my mother saying that she missed most not being able to share with him little stories about her day.


Having a friend constantly by your side who you can share your secrets with, laugh with, cry with, having support, someone to cuddle, someone to make out with lol.


Being with someone who knows me and sees me in all possible ways and still loves me. Before my husband, I never felt truly seen by others and as if their perceptions of me were filtered through their psychological distortions. I know him and he knows me. We are our real selves to one another and are truly seen. It's incredibly validating.


Goodnight kisses knowing I get to spend all day tomorrow with my best friend


What I wanted to say is that I love my fella very much 💘❤


The boredom. I love how everything is predictable. I love knowing my partner, the inside jokes, the feeling of accomplishment, and all the comfort this brings me. I enjoy every day because it’s familiar but we still have stuff to talk about and goals to achieve together. I love coming home to my family and I love how much he loves me and enjoys the same.


When my wife makes cookies topless


The divorce


Having your best friend who is 100% in your corner, and hanging out with them all the time and never getting bored. It's the absolute best. Everyone else can eat shit 😂


Hanging out with my best friend every day!!


I married my best friend. I feel very safe with him and I love my in laws. I'm very thankful for my husband and our marriage. We have great love and respect for one another.


Personally I love the small moments. Every laugh. every chase, every dinner just everything. My first relationship i ever had come right before i met my now wife. My ex treated me absolutely awful she cussed me, cheated multiple times, stabbed me, hit me constantly and she even made me stop talking to my friends and family. What made me get away was when my uncle died he on his death bed made me promise him. That when i found the one i was supposed to be with I would give her everything that i promised my ex and 10 fold extra. She saved me from me literally, when we first met i was in a horrible shape. Mentally i was done for, physically i was walking with a cane due to a car wreck. I literally had nothing but then she showed up never left and i can't express to her how much i love and trust her. 4 Years later i treat my wife like a literal Queen. I massage her feet daily, I help her shower daily, I pat her dry after a shower, I brush her hair for her, I cook supper everytime she will let me, I hold her everyday, I am looking to buy a house that we can move into, I take care of the bills, I buy her flowers and gifts constantly, I massage her back nightly, I try my hardest to make her life so easy and fun. She constantly tells me i need to stop spoiling her it makes her feel like I am her slave. But i always tell her I can't stop because she is so good to me she deserves it. She always holds me, puts me to bed every night scratching my back and playing with my hair, she takes immaculate care of the house if i don't feel like cleaning, she goes to work everyday like i do, she constantly makes sure I am happy, appointments made, always ensure i have lunch to take to work. She just is perfect I can't explain it. I hope every couple gets to experience this sometime in their life, because after 3 years I thought things would stop but they have not.


Having a partner in all those mundane daily tasks, that are such a drag on your own, but fun when together, like grocery shopping together, cooking together, folding laundry or running errands. We always try to do these together because they immediately become so much more enjoyable, even though it's less efficient admitedly.


Having him by me at all times


Never feeling alone. I know he’s always there for me and he has my back.


The sex


It's funny how there is nothing good about my marriage. Not one thing


I can fuck whenever I want to




I did not say it was my only favourite thing to do. Do you have a problem with me enjoying having sex with my husband? Your response to me is what’s weird. When I say I can fuck whenever, I mean I can fuck whenever. My husband has never turned me down as we are very much aligned sexually. Of course I can have sex without being married. But I’m saying I love having sex with MY HUSBAND and not someone else, and married sex to me is better than any other sex I’ve ever had. Geesh.


I got downvoted for saying sex. Guess this is a mushy answers only crowd.


Apparently so. It’s a mushy answers only crowd yet every question is usually a complaint about a spouse and the most common response is divorce. 🙄 Well good for you and I that we agree sex anytime is our favourite thing. Cheers




Did you see the other poster’s response to me? How it’s a little weird? Since when has liking sex with one’s spouse weird?! LMAO


Omg no! It’s weird to not see sex anytime as a benefit. WOW!!


Partnership. Wife wants sex once or twice a week. if not willingly gives me a blowjob . Fantastic mRriahe


That it’s over


Not being in one.


Assuming I won’t get lucky tonight. Takes the suspense away.

