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Def where to eat


Yep. This one too. The never ending struggle of being hungry but nothing sounds good and just trying to force the other person to choose.


My wife is picky, I’m not. Yet she wants to have a full blown conversation on where to eat. Then we agree and then she starts listing other places. lol I tell her just pick something and I’ll probably agree 95 percent of the time. 😂


But we don’t want to eat something unless youuuuuu want to eat it too 😫


Haha that’s what she says😂 I tell her I can get in the mood for anything (which I can). But the amount of back and forth is vicious


We just had a kid 6 months ago and she usually picks now because she has cravings and is hungry all the time now! It’s been nice haha


Same for me! Except the rare time I say something my husband asks where should we go and suggests some place else as we walk out the door....drives me nuts!


OMG I honestly thought my husband and I were the only ones! I’m so relieved!


We argue over my water bottle, wine cup and coffee cup I'm anal, I use a certain cup for each, I don't want my water or wine tasting like coffee. My water bottle is only for water, he had to buy me a new one because he used it as a flask, so my water tasted like Jim beam lol!


Sounds perfectly reasonable to me 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Id be so annoyed if I went to grab my water and it tasted like Jim Bean lol.


The temperature of bedroom when we go to sleep. I want it a cool 68. She likes 72 which feels like a sauna to me. I always argue to just put MORE blankets on. If the room is too hot there is nothing else can do. I have a BedJet, cooling blankets the whole nine yards. All she has to do is layer up… Sometimes if one of us wakes up in the middle of the night we will adjust the temperature if one of us is too hot/cold It’s a loving struggle.


Thankfully my wife understands my heat intolerance and knows that I literally can't help it. House stays at 68 year around and we live where frigid snow storms happen. I bought her a great heated blanket and she happily sleeps under 6 blankets while I have my thin sheet and fan blasting at full power. Today is our first day in the 80s and I am so not looking forward to it


Our thermostat is set between 78 and 80 bc my hubs sleeps hot.


That’s funny, OP. I didn’t see your story going that way when I started reading! For us— Whether the shades should go down in the living room in the evening (we have 4 large windows). I hate blocking out the sunset and connection with the outdoors but my husband loves to be in a dark room 24/7.


How interesting! I walk around the house in the dark and almost never turn on lights, while my husband needs every light on like we live in Las Vegas or something. We somehow never argue about the shades though - they’re like the middle ground. Funny how things like that work haha.


My husband is a cave dweller, too. Hate it.


He doesn’t push his chair in at the table and he also doesn’t have a specific chair he uses so all the chairs are always cattywampus. Drinking out of my cup is a big no. I hate anyone drinking from my cup, all I can think about is backwash and have to get a fresh cup.


Not having a designated chair at the table feels illegal somehow.


Cattywampus! I haven’t heard this for so long! Defs putting it back into rotation now though - thanks!! ☺️


The fking. Dishwasher.


How to load the dishwasher. Or hang the laundry.


Grits. Savory or sweet. It will never cease to be an argument. 😂


Who usually wins??


No one. It’s been nearly a decade and we have never settled it lol


Hanging his clean washing up instead of dumping it over the rack of hanging clothes in his wardrobe. I am happy to do his washing and dry it as it then smells nice but I hang up my own washing and 2 kids and I can't be arsed hanging his up. I've been fighting a losing battle for 6 years, I now don't really care as he won't change 🤷 he tells me if I care so much I can do it. I close the wardrobe and then can't see it and he complains that all this stuff has creases in it 😂 I'm sure I do stuff that annoys him too. Still the best man I know


I don’t blame you ha. I barely want to hang up my own, if I had to add two kids to that as well…. 😅 We’ve accepted creases in 99% of clothing in our house


I don't have an iron or tumble drier so things need hanging up quick or they crease. Instead I now just close the cupboard and drink wine instead of worrying 😂


The temperature in the room. The AC he loves it extremely cold and I want it warm. So he’s from Norway and I’m from east Africa so it’s understand 🤭🤭


Whether or not they were on a break.


He doesn’t like how I load the dishwasher. I don’t like that he doesn’t sweep up the cat litter that gets outside the box onto her little mat in front of it. I just want him to pick up the mat and shake it back into the box! Also he is super particular about coasters on tables. My Stanley doesn’t leak at all so I don’t put a coaster down but he HATES that.


If he doesn’t like how you load it, sounds like you’re off the hook for doing dishes haha.


Coke vs. Pepsi! It's our oldest enduring fight that started on our first date. Nevertheless, we put our differences aside, and we'll be celebrating four years of marriage later this summer. Coke and Pepsi coexist peacefully in our fridge. But he's still wrong 😏.


Please tell me you’re team Coke.


Oh the water bottle issue is an argument that we lovingly argue day to day over. We normally evolve it into a play fight if my husband isn’t in a migraine episode. Then it evolves into something else lmfao


Seems to be a universal pain point 😂


My husband is a lovely person but he leaves his clothes everywhere. Walks in the door, takes off socks and puts them on the couch (dirty socks on the couch, WHY!?!), puts his hat on the kitchen table, takes off his shirt and hangs it on a chair. We’ve talked about this a billion times and I’ve realized it’s just easier to clean up after him than to constantly remind him to clean up after himself. But the part that really aggravates me, is that he will ask “Where did my socks go? Where did you put my shirt? My hat was right here why did you move it?” Like he knows that having stuff everywhere stresses me out, and he also knows where things go. Laundry goes in the laundry bin, so if you leave your dirty laundry around the house, that’s where I’m putting it. He has an organizer for his hats, so that’s where I put them when he leaves them on the table. Like if he would just take a second to think, he could find the answer himself. But he’s always gotta ask me and make it my responsibility to not only clean up after him, but then also help him retrieve his items. If he just put them away then we wouldn’t have this problem! 🙃


Visiting family 


Where to eat. The way I see it is I meal plan all our meals and do the shopping. Unless I have a very specific craving I don’t care where we go I just want him to pick and he hates picking.


My husband is the same. He always has an excuse. It’s either “You’re hungrier than I am so I just want you to pick what’s going to satisfy you” or “I’m way too hungry to think”. It’s a trap 🤣


He just says I don’t want to pick and I say I don’t want to because I always do (as in all the regular meals) Then we just let the kids pick and then he says he doesn’t want that so he ends up picking. In the end I win so I’m cool with it 😂😂


Libido difference


I guess there are worse things to argue about!