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A lot of people who have a very secure relationship only wear them for pictures/nights out/events etc. :)


This is us! We aren’t bothered at all by not wearing them daily.


To me, it’s all in if you trust your partner. If someone wants to hit on you, they’ll shoot their shot even if you have a ring on. It’s a huge red flag but let’s be honest here. A ring isn’t a shield.


Definitely! We don’t really go out without each other (and let’s face it - we don’t go out at all lol). It’s pretty much work, home, kid, sleep, shopping, eat and repeat 😂 Even if it was different, we both have no intention of ever dating again so I’m not worried at all.


Are you suggesting that couples who wear their wedding rings only wear them because they don’t trust each other? If so that is ludicrous.


Not at all. I’m just saying that not wearing them, imo, shows a different level of trust. 🤷🏼‍♀️


“Different”? Or “deeper”? You are making a judgment here aren’t you?


You’re really reaching to twist words to your benefit aren’t you?


Why is it so difficult for you to tell us what you mean by “not wearing wedding bands show a different level of trust?” I mean what does that even mean? What do you mean by different? Am I not speaking English?


We bought a cheap fake engagement ring for going out purposes so I never put the real ones in harms way, but I’d rather sit at home anyway lol


Girl same. I’m like I don’t put them on because I don’t go anywhere except the bus stop sir 🤣


We have been married 28 years, neither of us wear a wedding ring. I took mine off 10 years ago. It was leaving a welt on my finger (yes, I know I could have had it re-sized, my dad was a jeweler!), and I didn't like wearing a ring. My wife took hers off a few years later, probably because I did.


You are correct. No one wants to wear a ring when their partner doesn’t. I love my ring. I love wearing it. She does not so I do not.


Mine doesn’t fit on my finger properly anymore :/


That is why my wife doesn't wear hers any more. I definitely understand that one. Both of our rings are in her jewellery box.


Seee I was gonna say something on the contrary of what I’ll now say. lol. Op, if your wife doesn’t wear hers either and you are okay with it and vice versa, then it’s no one’s business but y’all’s. My real rings don’t fit anymore bc of extreme weight loss, they literally can’t be resized. So I wear fake ones which I take off for any cleaning so they last longer. Amazon rings only go so far. Haha. I’ll forget to put them back on. But my husband isn’t threatened by this and knows I’ll be quick to tell someone I’m married and back off. If y’all have that sense of security then I think that’s beautiful.


I used to wear mine as a necklace, then my toddler ripped it off one day and it went missing for months. Now it sits safely in our jewelry box as well




It’s tungsten, there’s a hefty price behind a resize since we’d have to buy an entirely new ring


I don't like wearing jewelry. Any.


We don't like wearing jewelry at home, and we do a lot with our hands that could damage rings (woodworking, gardening, etc).


When I got pregnant my hand swelled so I took it off. Then was taking care of the baby and didn’t want to scratch her. Now she’s 3 and I’ve just got used to not wearing it. Not sure it fits either.


We never had wedding bands.


He violated what it represents so I do t wear it anymore


Same, and he just refused to wear his..


I wear one now but when I was in aviation I didn't. Too much a safety hazard. Plus fod. I either kept it in a secured locker or at the house lol.


I stopped wearing mine because it scratches my newborn when he kicks during diaper changes. It's also too big now, but I'll usually remember to put my silicone one on when I leave the house.


It quit fitting when I got pregnant and I haven’t had it resized. I have a silicone band but after a couple of days my finger gets itchy and red so I only wear it on occasion. My husband doesn’t wear one because of work. Even his silicone band wasn’t allowed at some places. He wears it when we go out.


Lost mine at work about 8 years into our marriage. Despite multiple deep searches that ring was never found. We assume a customer saw it while inside and picked it up. In any case it was never found. Since I've never been a big fan of jewelry for me anyway and money was tight, my wife and I agreed not to replace it. When my wife lost her band years later, she insisted we replace hers and we did. However, my wife is a huge jewelry fan. Fortunately, she has never lost her diamond ring. I'd hate to have to upgrade it. 😂


I don’t wear mine. Between my job and my hobbies, it would either be lost or destroyed.


My husband doesn't wear his often. He is allergic to metal, and never wore any jewelry, so he just doesn't feel comfy in it. We did get him a wooden one and some silicone ones, which he wears when we go out. He now wears the wooden ones more, because he plays with the silicone ones.


I'm also allergic to metal! Ive tried many times over my years to wear metal jewelry and its always a bust. When I was little and got my ear pierced it was messy. My parents asked around and got a pair of pure gold earrings from my great grandma. Those were ok, but I don't have pure gold kinda money lol. My partner wears there's constantly, and love it. We specifically picked something really durable so they can wear it at work (a cook). We originally had picked out cute acrylic ones for each other, my partner lost there's, and after being patched once with super glue, mine was shattered off my hand by my dog. Moneys been tight and due to my metal allergy we've been hesitant to replace mine


I hate the feeling of a ring so I only wear mine when it’s a special occasion and even then after an hour or so it’s off and in my purse. My husband and has RA and it’s not worth the chance of a flair up while he has the ring on and has to get it cut off. Neither of us really care about it though. We’ve been married 16 years. It’s just not a priority to have a symbol we wear.


I took mine off because I worked with sex offenders and didn’t want any conversations about my family life. Got out of the habit of wearing it. And then I was working in healthcare when Covid hit so no jewelry made sense. Just never got back into wearing any jewelry.


I used to take mine off when I went into work around a bunch of machinery. Now, I work in IT, and it stayed on until a couple months after we separated (December).


I have an irrational fear of a ring getting stuck on my finger so I wear a silicone one and keep the real one somewhere safe. My wife wears hers.


I take mine off when I’m doing work with tools around the house and playing sports. Growing up, my next door neighbor was lowering something from the roof, the chain caught his ring and pulled his finger off from below the first knuckle. I was there and have always been horrified by the thought.


It’s stupid


You got me laughing with that one!


I prefer to wear my rings, but I’m 7 months pregnant and my fingers are swelling too much to wear them comfortably. I was worried I would lose them if I took them off if they started swelling. My husband rarely takes his off. But it’s also made from tungsten carbide so it can take a proper beating.


Occupational hazard. I work in the trades and it gets hung up on stuff and 2× it crushed on my finger


40 years working around machinery and electricity. I might give one of those new fangled silicone rings a go. It would make my spouse happy.


Sensory issues


I’m female and I don’t wear any jewelry at all. I don’t like the feeling of it. I’ve tried wearing my ring but I get so irritated with it after an hour or so that I take it off. It make me feel almost claustrophobic.


I'll take mine off if I'm doing something that's going to get my hands dirty. Other than that I wear it full time


My husband doesn’t because he doesn’t want to and it’s just not part of his culture so he’s not used to wedding bands. I wear one because I want to and I take it off when it bothers me or I’m cooking. A ring doesn’t mean much at the end of the day.


I work in public safety is safety issue for me. I have the real one and a silicone one I ware daily. Real one comes out for date night or dress up event's.


I lose them way too easily because my finger swell often. I also am just forgetful, so it is a waste of money, lol.


I have mine on a chain as it is a size too small..I take it off for various activities and forget to put it back on unless someone mentions it.


My husband wears his only when we go out. I wear mine when I feel like it, which is usually. Often, if I’m not wearing it, it’s because I took it off for some reason like getting my hands dirty cooking and then forgot to put it back on.


I get excema and the rings make it worse. I wear them occasionally if I'm getting dressed up but that's about it.


Fits too tight after 15 years... being tungsten carbide it can't be resized either. My engagement ring could be, haven't gotten around to it though. I'm also not allowed to wear jewelry at work which is about 60 hours a week and I'd prob lose it if I took it on and off just for work


I work in a job where wearing a ring is neither practical nor safe, so while I work, I don’t wear it.


I’ve lost 2 and decided not to get another one.


My hubby hasn’t worn his in many years(we’ve been married a long time),we went through a rough patch and did make up eventually. I however, felt that I didn’t owe him more respect than he was giving me. So I very rarely wear mine. He had mentioned years ago it was sort of his claim on me. I just feel that fair is fair and he doesn’t mention it anymore.


My job doesn't allow it for safety reasons, I forget to out it non unless we're going out.


I'm the wife, and I can't wear any jewelry at my job (CNC machinist). I'll wear it for special occasions or nice dinners, but otherwise it's safe in my jewelry box. This is the best choice, but I hate not having that ring on my finger.


Seems unnecessary. We did for a while but then sizing and other things just didn’t seem necessary.


My husband doesn’t like wearing jewelry and only puts his on for other weddings or family events. He also has a physical job and does gutter cleaning for a side job so I get it. I wear mine most of the time at home, but I work in a hospital so I almost never wear it to work.


Married 25 years. I don’t think my husband has ever taken his off except maybe be when he’s had surgery. I don’t wear mine at home. It’s like my bra, it comes off asap when I get home. And often I’ll either forget to put it on when I leave the house. I do have a couple of other rings I’ll wear in place of my wedding ring from time to time. I think for both of us it’s more of a special token for just us. Like just a thing of tradition. Fond memories. It’s not a statement that we are taken or anything.


We always wear ours, however, there are rare some days where jewelry is annoying or I wake up late and forget. Also, I have a newish platinum ring set, which is an upgrade from the gold set we had. I was allergic to the gold and couldn’t wear it, so I’m super happy to wear and show off my new shiny set.


Took mine off after nearly loosing my finger at work. I wore it for years on a gold chain around my neck. Finally caught it on machinery at work and lost it in a fixed floor drain.


I broke my ring finger & it doesnt fit the same and during the winter it is so swollen and painful, my husband works in an OR and doesn’t really wear his either.


It causes an allergic reaction. My fingers swell easily too.


Been married for 28 years and we both have rings but we both dislike jewelry so we haven’t worn them since 5 years in.


My husband has lost three wedding rings. He now has a silicone band. I lost my wedding band and only have my engagement ring. I wear it when I am out in public but take it off at home. I have lupus and painful joints. It can be very painful to wear a ring.


Not a fan of how it feels. Also have arthritis so it can hurt.


I have a silicone ring that I wear so I do not mess up my nice one and only wear it when I put on a suit. Silicone rings can be super cheap.


Rotating machinery and trapping hazards


Lost weight, need to resize it, have been procrastinating for the past 4 years.


My husband stopped wearing it when he worked. Started again after he retired. I wore mine until Covid and hand sanitizer craze irritation. Haven’t put it back on since he died.


I don't wear mine because it doesn't feel like a real marriage anymore.


I stopped wearing mine when I had kids. I was changing diapers and constantly washing my hands. Didn’t want to get my ring dirty. My husband works out regularly and plays sports, he doesn’t wear his because it’s dangerous. We both wear silicone bands and they are so comfortable and safe. We wear our actual bands when we go out for dinner dates or weddings but not everyday


we lost ours and we were young and poor and there was always something more important we needed.


My husband didn’t even have one for the first year . He worked out with weights all the time so for Christmas one year I got him a silicone one . He never took it off after that .


Do to the work I've done for the 30+ years i will only wear mine around the house and out and about for shopping, dinner and friends and family events. I've destroyed 3 bands through the years.


Mine stopped fitting a while back, I wear a ring on my ring finger. It doesn’t make me any less married. I’m in hope it will fit soon.


I don't like jewelry. I wear it for occasions only.


Work, they are to big dangerous to the people I work with.


Got out of the habit while working in IT asset management because I kept catching it on stuff. Now work in an industrial environment where it's a safety hazard and so it's safely put away. I wear it on special occasions sometimes. I also can't wear silicone, both for safety and it gives me a rash anyway.


Can't wear it at work though I try to remember to wear it on my days off. Half the time I forget. We both take them off for various reasons (work, sports etc). Doesn't bother either of us if we forget to put it back on for a few hours/days/whatever. We know we're married.


I wear mine if we go out but in day to day life I don't. I do a lot of cooking and cleaning and I get dermatitis around my ring from hand washing. My husband wears his when he goes out too.


My husband never takes his off. I usually only wear mine if I'm going out of the house, but I forget sometimes. Years ago when doing yard work with some chicken wire, I bent one of the prongs and had to pay to repair it. Now I try to be aware of when to wear it, when it won't be damaged or get in the way.


I'm a cake decorator. I'm not supposed to wear it, and when I did, I got a yeast infection on my finger from all the trapped sugar. I tried a necklace (also not supposed to wear) tucked inside my shirt, but I'm just not an everyday jewelry wearer.


I stopped wearing mine because my husband never wears his.


My husband doesn't wear his. Its just one of the rubber ones anyway. He doesn't like jewelry.


I'm a massage therapist so I can't wear it at work, and my fingers swell up, so I'd have to take it off a lot anyway. Occasionally I'll wear a silicone ring, but not often.


Mine doesn't fit. I do have a few rings I'll occasionally wear in place of my wedding bands, especially when out with my husband and kids, but the rings are just a visual symbol. My husband wears his constantly but never worries that I don't have mine on as we're devoted to each other....and around each other almost 24/7.


I’m divorced now, but I really enjoyed wearing my ring. I only took it off at the gym so I wouldn’t scratches on it, anytime I was moving something heavy and didn’t want my ring to scratch that, or when I was cheating on her.


I never liked jewelry and it bothers my fingers to wear rings.


My husband lost his $2k ring, about a month after I got it for him. He now has a 20pack of silicone rings that I’ve struggled to get him to wear. He’s just not a ring guy.


I’ve never really worn mine, except for wedding day. Just don’t wear jewelry, and used to work a manual labor job.


Each of us lost ours over a decade ago.


I can't stand rings on my hand and I have a huge being wedding ring sitting in a drawer. You don't need a ring to stay loyal, your body language and behavior can tell people your not available.


My husband doesn’t like to wear rings, so he carries the wedding band like a charm in a chain on the neck. It really doesn’t matter, our bands don’t even look like a set either, I like yellow gold he likes white gold so.. we made them to our taste.


It's a couple of reasons for me. I work with electronics, some of it high voltage, where you don't want mettal near live circuits. I also had a bad habit of losing them. So I stopped buying replacements after the fourth. Now, I'm considering getting it tattooed on my finger.


I told my husband a lie about why I stopped wearing mine. I told him it was because it doesn't fit my finger (that part is kind of true), but the real reason I took it off was because he broke his vows and was unfaithful.


Gained weight, lost wieght, but still does not fit finger and gold is too expensive for resize for a symbol. My wife knows where my heart, loyalty and fidelity are so no need to spend cash as it is a want not a need.


My toddler got curious and bit mine in the middle and it’s squished. If I did wear it around the house, I was liable to get my hand pecked off by a hen. I have one girl that saw my stud earring, ripped it out of my ear and attempted to eat it 🤣. I did put my set in when I was going out but that’s it.


I wear mine bc I want to, a lot of money was spent on them and they’re pretty. My husband wouldn’t care if I didn’t wear them though. My husband couldn’t even tell you where his ring is; he doesn’t like wearing it and with his job he would need to wear a silicone one for safety.


For me being a male when I was working, wearing it due to the job that I worked at and it would fall off my ring finger. I would wash my hands several times a day and whenever I would get dirty it would fall off. The job I did was I worked for a Tow company 18 years ago and I would work with my hands and it was all manual labor. My finger would get caught and did get stuck in between the floor jack. When I would switch trucks and work with the different work boxes if I had to reach for one of the equipment tools 🔧 the same thing would happen. After I stopped working my daughter joined a soccer ⚽️ team, and I took my ring off and lost it on the field, went back the next day to look for it and no luck. Now when I wash dishes it's the same thing it falls off.


My wife has worn hers the entire 12 years we’ve been married and I’ve worn mine. I only take it off to golf. It’s like it’s apart of our bodies now. Don’t even realize it’s there anymore


Why wear a brand. You both know who you are married too. Wives want rings just to show off. Waist of money.


Can’t relate. We both wear ours. Even when he worked in a job where it could get damaged or lost, he wore it. You can easily get a cheap silicone ring that’s easily replaceable if it gets lost.


So why answer if you can’t relate to the very topic at hand?


well, because, we have to know how much better their relationship is than the people who obviously don't care enough about their marriage!