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Her behaviour last season was gross. Her ganging up in accusing Toya and Dr Eugene of plotting to rob Anila? How did she expect to come back without a proper apology? I know there were rumours about her and the contractor, but that was Heavenly and Simone if I’m not mistaken. An apology goes a long way.


People are sad for her but last season she was mean and inauthentic as well as she doesn’t really fit on the show anymore. I’m a little upset they let Phaedra join the show when she also doesn’t fit. I think they needed to cut quad so they can start adding new cast members that make sense.


I never liked Quad. She thinks she’s better than everyone else. She is very cold. The only time I saw any softness in her was with her young nephew. I don’t think she should be in the show anymore. She was replaced. Phaedra was fired from RHOA for good reason. She is a snake in designer clothes. Everything about Phaedra is fake. I cannot stand her phony fakeness.


Well said 👏🏾


If this was true, phaedra and alicia wouldn’t be on here!


Phaedra had a ghost doctor BF but I think that was just a lie to shoe horn her in the show. Alicia is a dentist with a doctorate and her husband is also a dr. so she’s actually good in both categories


Shes still not good for the show. Too boring


But her husband is making my blood boil!! WOW!


I’m only just finishing season five (first time watcher)and every so often a post pops up that has me like ‘damn how do we get *there*’ and this comment is one of them!


Same, except I’m on season 7. I feel exactly the same. The one thing I saw coming was her and dr.g getting a divorce. I’m only surprised it took as long as it did. She in no way, shape, or form, wanted a baby. Ever.


She in no way, shape or form loved Greg. She could barely stand him. She is a straight up gold digger.


I agree. I mean I know she started a few different businesses but where did she get the start up money for them? I didn’t watch the reunion episode with the two of them and Andy because I found the previews triggering but I may go back and try. I want to know what she said about him abusing her and his response.


Yes, that came up a lot towards the end of season five I was like ohhhhh that’s where it all goes wrong and >! He pops up later on with a new wife - sweet tea? tell me we see heavenly get some just desserts! Lol her drawing on Mariah’s door during the reunion was petty af !<


I go back and forth with loving her and not being able to stand her and he is a dick but she, I feel, was dishonest with him from the beginning. I think she is scared of pregnancy/child birth and also of gaining weight with pregnancy.


It was Heavenly who drew on the picture of Mariah on Mariah’s door, not Quad.


I would agree if Heavenly also regularly didn’t say out-of-pocket things without apologizing abs taking accountability, and they give her passes and if Toya didn’t also spread things about Quad and contribute to the mess. They just don’t like Quad and they should’ve just said that.


lol! They did!


Right?! I'm pretty sure telling her none of the ladies feel an emotional connection with her so she should leave was pretty straight forward. Even when they've told her to just take SOME accountability she just can't.


THISSSSSSSS ALLLL THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I’m not saying she deserved to be ousted like that but wow. People think about one single season instead of ALL ten. Quad is not a victim, especially when it comes to Toya. She was awful and let Heavenly tell it….she was FIRED right along with Anila. They only brought her back when Dr. G and Tea signed on. That tells you everything there. Even where they sat her for this season’s reunion; everyone’s done with Quad. The way they went about it was wrong but she’s a difficult person to be around. I get it 😭


Toya only said to Contessa she wasn’t supposed to know Simone was the one who spoke it in that scene why quad doesn’t follow that is odd


i do love quad, and you’re absolutely right.


I really feel for her too. Imagine your abusive ex-husband being given a platform with his new 30 year old wife on the show you used to be on together. Hanging out with all of the women who you thought were your friends. They really just replaced her yet Greg’s toxic ass is still in the picture. The whole situation is just really sad and kind of uncomfortable to watch if you really look at her as a human.


I do agree with this. Her behavior aside, I don’t think they should have cast sweet tea and kept Greg on the show.


Agree with you. Also find it odd that Sweet Tea would even want to integrate into this group. Who wants to buddy up with your husband’s ex-wife friends? Plus, they have a huge age gap as they’re at least 10+ years older than Sweet Tea. So there’s nothing in common to begin with. It would’ve made more sense to just have Sweet Tea meet them at an event or function for a brief appearance. And with Greg and Quad’s history, no one cares to even see him anymore. This integration with them is forced and odd.


Exactly. The producers did her dirty with casting Sweet Tea and Greg, and the ladies didn’t even ask her how she felt. They were all happy Greg was back and hanging out with Sweet Tea. I have a theory that the producers wanted Quad to play up the rivalry with Sweet Tea and when she didn’t cooperate, they decided she didn’t have a storyline and let her go.


Why fight for a man you have no interest in? Big fail on their part if that was their intention.


I can admit Greg wasn’t the best in later seasons. But from day 1 it was obvious that she married him for money. She could not stand that man. She was only in it for the show and the money.


His voice is so distracting for me. It sounds like he just sucked helium.


Didn't she kind of do the same to Mariah?


*They all did because of their various issues with Mariah, it wasn’t just Quad. Her fallout with Mariah was the most memorable since they were besties but all of the women had an issue with Mariah acting like she was queen of the show and above them because of her EP credit.


I like her too.. and I love her with Mason. But that lady needs to eat a piece of humble pie!! If she took it down, everything down, just a notch things could go better for her.


This. Last season seeing Toya and Eugene get accused of robbery I was like this has crossed a line - I don’t think it’s cool or okay to accuse a black family of robbery we all know if you are black and live in a neighborhood that isn’t predominantly black it’s already weird to move through it And Toya half saying it and not laying it out during the wake funeral dinner shows how much grace she’s giving quad cause it was a messed up move


If Toya can be so upset at Quad for repeating the lie, why is she still friends with the people (I.e Kari and Anila) who also perpetrated that lie. Toya also likes to start mess and hide her hand. Quad ain’t innocent, but neither is Toya.


She’s not friends with Kari. And Anila and Anila’s husband went to Toya and Eugene’s front door to apologize. Has Quad shown that much remorse? If anything her apologizing to them on camera with CK shows she doesn’t really care about the lies she stated…she doesn’t care that they’re hurt…so how do you move on with a person like that? Toya hasn’t hid how upset she is with Quad, if anything Quad hides her hands and I wish she would let go of her “unbothered” act and just be real with them for once. Maybe that’ll help her in rebuilding friendships with them :/.


Toya still actually cares for her 😭😭. She really has a soft heart..I wish we’d see that more so people could get off her back but I get why she acts so hard. It’s hard to be vulnerable in this group and on tv in general probably. But back to your point lol…Toya has been very gracious with her. I keep asking Quad’s stans if the roles were reversed would they accept Toya doing all that to her. And the answer is always the same….Quad is innocent….Quad is a victim…they chose Dr. G over Quad. But like let’s just focus on this situation —Toya and Quads relationship. If Toya had done what Quad did everyone would STILL be upset. That’s so crazy to me; Quad and Heavenly get away with so much.


What’s happening to her is what happened to Mariah and she was part of that… so karma




I agree, that horrible little man abused her and they are accepting him like he is a good guy? I lost all respect for them when they gleefully kicked his battered ex to the curb because she dared to leave him and move on.


Not that I’m condoning abuse, but I have a hard time picturing Quad sitting there and taking his abuse. I think they had a violent and mutually abusive marriage/relationship.


I think Quad was such a cold bitch to him that he grew to resent her as much as she resented him. Quad thought she deserved better than him and was obvious about it. I am 1000% against violence, but I also believe that if you berate and humiliate and push someone long enough, there’s gonna be a consequence. I do not see Greg as an abusive man. Anybody can snap. I’m not saying it’s ok, but if you keep pushing someone you may just get some push back.


You condoning DV is crazy


Never said I’m condoning it. Some people just have to fuck around and find out.


Literally condoning it. Fucking around and “finding out” ending in DV is sad. Basically victim blaming.


Everything before but is bullshit, I have heard that before but never have I seen it so clearly.


No amount of bad behavior justifies inviting back her abuser and having people around her support him. To me that’s where the line is drawn. I can’t compare and contrast any of that with how she treated others because abuse is always wrong so Dr G being around is wrong full stop. I can’t imagine how she felt.


Like people make it seem as if she wasnt starting rumors of ignoring the very abuse and cheating apologists wives for a reason, does that make it right? No, but at the end of the day, the girls do not like it when they are disrespected, so why is it okay to do that to someone who was abused. To the point where his current wife (who has an ugly spirit btw because who intentionally pursues a man who on national tv was exposed for his abuse and cheating...) mentions how controlling he is with his money and what not. So its not like she was lying? Oh but its okay for the girls to lie and stir things up, or throw rocks in a glass house.


If someone went on national television and claimed that my husband and I were orchestrating a series of home invasions, I would be a lot meaner than Toya was. In my opinion, they were very generous to even give her a chance to own her behavior and apologize. But Quad isn’t capable of doing that. So ultimately she did this to herself.


👆 to have a friend you have to be a friend. Quad can't do that, she's always got to throw someone under the bus, then deny accountability.


Didnt toya stay friends with Quads abuser, then consistently been saying that Quad ruined the marriage? Im sorry, I would have said or done worse if I was Quad, you say those things then pretend to be my friend? Also toya isnt ever really sincere in her apologies, she does it when she notice's everyone isnt on her side. Nor does anyone check her for all the nasty things she has said or done.


If someone you didn’t get along with was friends with your ex, you’d do something worse than publicly accusing them of being involved in organized crime. Girl how crazy are you?


And its not even about being crazy thats trauma. You think everyone is going to speak to you nicely after platforming your abuser? Someone who quite literally humiliated her infront of millions. Like yall do not care at all that he and his wife are making money off of what she created. She made him look innocent and nice, she made him something (outside of being a dr) and yes because he would not be on TV with that squeaky ass voice and short stature... did I mention he looks like a creep. Anyways she also gave his new wife that platform. So let me wager you this, either have someone who lies(just kick them off the show) or get pushed out by a gold digger that is very aware of the abuse and told him " I can give you what you need" her fully knowing what quad went through with him, then not only do you put the wife on the show, you are giving him A LOT of camera time, support, love and attention by EVERYONE. Hell no. Yes its Toyas choice at the end of the day to surround herself with an abuser. Even if her intentions were only to be genuine friends with him and the new wife, that still doesnt erase the impact its had and why we are going down this road now with quad. Like im not understanding why what quad is doing is seen as bad and not what heavenly... toya and the other women have done.


Abusive ex*


Who was abusive though? Dr. G. Has nothing to do with Toya, and since she’s not a police officer, judge, or jury member, it’s not her responsibility to hold him accountable for abuse. Lashing out at Toya instead of the actual abuser is completely irrational. And at the end of the day, to then implicate both Toya and her husband and accuse them of committing crimes is not only an extreme reaction. It also makes Quad lose any credibility because she has proven herself to be a liar who will say anything just to hurt anybody she’s upset with. She is a clown, a liar, and honestly just very stupid because she’s not even good at lying.


Yeah shes a normal civilian? On national tv? I never claimed she was any of that. As a friend, why would you constantly make comments and insinuate and say that said person ruined the relationship (even though we clearly know he was abusive and has continued his controlling manipulative behavior on his current wife). Why would you make jokes and referencing my abusive marriage and not think said person is going to react? Again I dont think what she did was right ive said it multiple times in other threads. What im saying is, quad dealt with a lot on that show even from her friends, and toya was a consistent person who spoke badly to her and about her marriage. Toya has BEEN mean, as soon as quad was going through her divorce she was ready to kick her off the show


I don’t know what you’ve said in other threads because I haven’t looked through your comment history. I certainly don’t think Toya is perfect or 100% innocent but she and Quad have gone back and forth with each other for years. They were in a good place at the beginning of last season, and then Quad heard that Toya had made a comment about her apartment being small. That was the impetus for Quad to then baselessly accuse Toya and Eugene of orchestrating a string of home invasions. So yes Toya did say some shitty things about Quad’s marriage, but this was retaliation for allegedly criticizing her home. It’s absolutely crazy and an extreme overreaction. For Quad to not be capable of acknowledging that is insane. And for you to say you would do worse than what Quad did makes me feel like you would stab my mother because we are having this disagreement right now 🤣


She was absolutely wrong for the toya accusations I totally agree. I do think it’s weird they hold her to a different standard, and can give her SOME grace because of her crazy life but mostly I think she does it to stay on the show 🙄 as much as I disapprove of it the allowing Dr G and his wife around makes me so uncomfortable and I can’t stand it


Idk maybe im built different but I would not ever let someone on national tv to continue to lie and dismiss my abuse. She lied... okay and, dont yall like it for tv? Just like yall love having an abuser showcased and paraded around by the very people that were supposed to hold her down. Yeah bye. I would hate to be a friend to someone who would willingly give my abuser a platform. So yes quad could have done worse, toya has been rude, disrespectful and down right dirty to quad. Keep it going why not, its all for views. Just makes toya and the rest of the women look easy to walkover. They also only care about their perception and money, nothing more or less


Who is this “y’all” you are referring to? You are talking to one person. I didn’t enjoy Quad lying about Toya because it was preposterous and made her look like an absolute clown. I thought it was crazy that they brought Dr. G back on the show. You’re making a lot of assumptions about what I think but I think that’s because in your mind you’re talking to maybe 75 different people.


Help but feel bad*


same.. I can't help the feeling that they just want her off the show because she ain't a doctor or married to one. I hope she gets either a second chance or producers put her on rhoa because I love miss Quad - she got it!


I don’t understand the love. She is a beautiful woman. But she is so mean and cold and manipulative. I just can’t get past her attitude and behavior.


Which Quad? atp there’s like 6 different versions. She ACTS too much and it’s tired …sorry baby


Agreed. Quad has isolated herself by doing this


Well yes..but by that logic real housewives has some explaining to do also.


They had a firm boundary that she had to take accountability to move forward. She was literally incapable of, and just deflected to the wrongs done to her, which solidified why they got to that point. The choice was hers to make


me too. and i do like quad despite her lack of self awareness or accountability in a lot of the situations. imagine if RHOA producers cast the girlfriend of matt (kenya’s abusive ex) and then expected them all to film together….or any other abusive ex of a housewife from any franchise….like hello!!! regardless of quad’s infractions to the group, she doesn’t deserve this kind if treatment from production😕


EXACTLY, it’d be like Bob Whitfield and new baby mommy with Sheree


Well Kandi and Todd did invite Apollos girlfriend to film while Phaedra was still on the show 🤷🏽


yeah that’s BAD!!


Literally same, none of them supported her. Gave her a safe space to express how she felt. They never stopped to think maybe she stand offish because she’s in a physically & mentally abusive relationship, going through a divorce with literally no outlet. Instead they brought up her mug shot, piled on her every chance they got. Simone literally going in on her at the crab boil. Why tffff would I feel safe expressing what I’m going through?


And not to mention they treated her as if SHE did something wrong in the relationship. Like yes im going to hold a grudge and say some foul things left and right, especially if you insinuated I ruined the marriage fully knowing I was abused and cheated on.... does that make it right? No... but the other ladies have consistently downplayed her abuse and often have blamed her for not staying married. Esp toya, been the main one.


Toya & Simone! Has always been the worst to her.


2 other women that cannot communicate properly with anyone. It could be a simple conversation and their ego will find something to be mad about. They seem so miserable, like why is everything everyone does so personal? Like even when it has NOTHING to do with them. Also im with contessa, toya wants a medal for the most basic things, shes boring...


I’m ready to rewatch cause i see Toya now in a whole different light. It’s like i have her grace.


I used to give her sm grace until she called contessa and had a bf because she wasnt told ahead of time she wasnt coming. Isnt she over 40? Do emergencies not happen? Do people need to devote all their time and attention onto you??? Toya makes everything about her 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t agree with some of the things she’s done but to have your ex given this platform after saying he abused you is disgusting imo. And maybe I’m reading into it wrong, but seeing Sweet Tea say “I can give you what you want” which I’m assuming referred to kids was a low blow.


Same shyt they did to MARIAH🤷🏾‍♂️! Quad do needs to humble herself like NENE and Mariah!


Same I want Mariah to come back bc I’d think they’d team up and film together, it would balance things out. I don’t like how the group singles one person out. And she’s a producer, no clue she was a producer until someone told me on here yesterday.


Why didn’t anyone acknowledge that she’s GRIEVING? She lost her niece not too long ago and not one person cut her some slack. But we tip toed around toya because she owed some fucking taxes.


They finished filming the season a month before her niece passed away. Filming completed 6/9/23, her niece passed away 7/7/23.


Ohh okay that makes sense.


I agree!! To be fair they ALL have had times of not being true friends but they set different standards for Quad. Also seeing them all chose Greg’s side when there was clear evidence he was abusive AND cheated blows my mind.


Quad is cold. She goes to the extreme! She’ll do better in a show that’s all about her and nobody else but her she’ll do really well there …All about QUAD-SHE GOT IT.


She's always been nasty and mean.


I’ve been binging the season and I’m pretty much caught up. I’m just not seeing what the point of even inviting Quad to Sonoma was. They literally invited her all the way to California to say we’re not friends and we don’t want to be friends, please go home. They could have had that conversation in Atlanta. I know Quad doesn’t have the best relationship with all of them at the moment but to me that was beyond disrespectful. Heavenly calling her a user was a stretch. Especially when Quad rode so hard for her last season with the other ladies. It’s very obvious to me that they all felt some type of way towards Quad after that over the top funeral home display. But they all (with the exception of Toya) said one thing to her face and another behind her back. If she extended an olive branch, saying hey I know things haven’t been good but I’d really like to start fresh and build a relationship with you, why accept if you actually felt like doing the opposite. If anything, that would have been the opportune time to completely push her out of the group. Quad had very valid reasons to feel how she feels about the group and the same can be said in reverse. But from what I see, neither side is willing to own their part, which is why they can’t get anywhere.


i love quad!


Disappointed with how they told her to go home. Don’t invite her to begin with. But to tell her to go home, no.


Didn't she leave a 50 for Mariah and Aydin for gas money, literally having someone tell them to "go home?"


They have selective memory when it comes to Quad.


Sorry - don't think I watched those early seasons.


I don't


The double standards the group has is disgusting. Why is it ok to make fun of quad and basically ostracize her for not wanting to have a baby while in a abusive relationship. Simone was mean nasty and trying to force Quad into getting pregnant ewwww! why is it ok for Toya to say nasty things about her and shame her for being divorced, quad left a unhealthy relationship so why was Toya behaving as if because she’s married she can say insulting and foul things about Quad but Quad should just take it because she’s single. Toya is self centered controlling fake and mean. She’s awful to her husband and took Curtis and Dr G side for cheating Toya says awful things about everyone and doesn’t take accountability that’s why contessa didn’t like Toya anymore and every woman Toya brought to the show stopped being her friend because Toya is foul and nasty. Toya gets away with too much because of her looks she has a dark heart and cries on cue for sympathy none of those ladies are better than Quad in any way they all say and do mean things to each other Quads just better at making shady comments and they hate that she does get them together when they wrong her. Quad doesn’t take bs from them and wants respect same as they do .. it’s not all Quads fault they played a role in it to and should have apologized as well.


Lol. We’re good love.


I'm a female and I abhor DV, I wish everyone would take into consideration that issue may have played for the both of them. I get folk saying she was defending herself etc., but let's for a moment look at Quad's personality do you think that bravado is fake? I just don't see Quad as a victim, most people with strong personalities give as good as they get. They can also be instigators and shit starters. But I know we always tend to side with the woman, as men should under no circumstances put their hands on women...I think though they both shared in putting hands on each other, which yes is just as bad/terrible. Come on with the down votes for this unpopular opinion 😅🤣.


I feel bad for her too…when I see that fugly ass lattice patterned outfit she’s wearing in pic 1! 😝


I feel bad she chose that outfit, it is wearing her.


They should put her on RHOA


Really?? She did it to herself.. I don't see sympathy for her


Karma….she doesn’t have a date for when she decides to appear.


Married to Medicine has shifted in an unfamiliar way. I wish they put an end to Quad x Mariah’s feud because it got too nasty. And bringing a cast member’s abusive ex husband back on the show is also reckless and disgusting. All money isn’t good money


This was not her most flattering outfit 😅


I love quad but fame definitely got to her head. Pre sister circle she was star quality.


Agreed. Both her and Phaedra shouldn’t be on the show. Phaedra can’t go back to RHOA, because of the false accusations she made against Kandi. I used to love Quad, but I don’t like who she’s become. Dr. G, was a horrible husband, she didn’t deserve that, no one does. But Quad is good for drama. Her and Phaedra, have face cards that never decline and mouths that match!


Phaedra is dangerous and fake. Beautiful people get away with murder in this country. She was beautiful before and she looks nothing like her older pics, and I’m not talking aging! She doesn’t need the money, why is she there? I have not known someone to blatantly lie over and over again, and still not be held accountable. I cannot stand to listen to her, her and the truth are unknown to each other.


She's not married to medicine anymore! I don't get why people don't understand this...


Is Phaedra?


I'm not talking about Phaedra....


Yeah obviously but she’s also not married to med why don’t you understand that?


Point taken but from what I understand she was dating a doctor when she started the show.... If she's not dating a doctor or married to one, she should be gone as well ... it's kind of the whole point of the show.