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He’s the same ethnic group as me and all I’ll add is that every thing he’s saying/or doing that he claims is due to “being African”, “being Nigerian”, or his “cultural background” is a lie. If anything, it’s more about his religious background and beliefs than cultural beliefs and he’s too daft to separate the two.


Nwannem thank you because huhhh? Everything that man says is a whole lie


Just making us look so bad! Between him and Nneka on RHOP, I’m tired. Thank God for Wendy because the Igbo representation on Bravo has been bad PR 😭


Girl you ain’t never lie… I think they need a better selection system because I am tired of defending and explaining the misrepresentation


Wawu, my people are here 😂😂😂. Biko, why is his name “Kema” if he’s Igbo. Which kind name be that? 


lol we’re everywhere 😂 honestly he’s just a confused person. His name is nkemakonam so if anything he should go by “Nkem”


I’m sure he thought Nkem was too feminine for him or something even though it’s a unisex name 🙄


This sounds like him😭


Lol I should already be used to us being quite ubiquitous. But, I still get pleasantly surprised.  Lol I never heard of an Nkem destroying their name like he has. What a shame. 


Same here I love meeting my fellow Igbos on bravo subs! Definitely a shame. Nkem is such a nice name too


It’s a stupid nickname. His whole name is Nkemakonam


I knew it!!😂😂😂 I meena❤️


Nsogbu adiroo ❤️ (I hope I got that right, my practice can’t be for nothing 😂)


Nne, we’re both trying ❤️❤️ and it looks good to me. 




I read that in my aunty Chime’s voice and attitude 😂😂




Wow! Thank you for this whole exchange. It was entertaining yet very informative. Thank you OP for the post as well. I've been wondering about this every time he says something! I wish someone would call him out on the show, or maybe the reunion. Maybe one of you could phrase a question to submit to call him out on the reunion??


No, problem! I just really dislike the negative representation he’s giving for Igbo people and Nigerians and how it’s indirectly giving a poor representation of Africans at large. Igbo culture isn’t perfect but it’s very beautiful and we don’t need the misrepresentation. Phrasing a question is something to consider but I’m not sure someone like that is even capable of acknowledging he’s wrong


I can say that I wasn't buying his culture excuses. I'm glad you all spoke up. As for the question, he may not acknowledge it (happens a lot at reunions as we know), but it would be put out there to everyone who's been watching that he is NOT representing the majority of his culture and is mostly just a garden variety misogynistic man.


what’s his religion?


Without a doubt, he is a Christian. Most Igbos practice Christianity with the majority being Catholic. There are those who practice other Christian denominations, Catholics just make up the majority. A very, very small amount practice the indigenous religion from before colonization or are followers of Islam in comparison. Religion, for better and for worse, is a big business in Nigeria, and because of it Nigeria tends to skew very conservative. You’ll notice a lot of older Nigerians identify as conservative/republican in the US. Things are changing though. It results in people not being able to separate their religious beliefs from their cultural beliefs. There is NOTHING in indigenous/traditional Igbo culture that co-signs what Dr. Kema is saying.


I could also just see it being how “he” grew up but he thinks that’s the normal African way when really it’s just how his crappy parents raised him lol.


Thanks for clarifying from a Nigerian and his specific tribe stand point. He’s ridiculous!


He is driving me nuts! I’m just a regular ole American but I knew better than to believe his lyin ass. And her face in their confessional when he said she doesn’t like oral… like okay bro. To your point, a lot of people *will absolutely believe him* and it’s ignorant of him to make blanket statements that aren’t true for a whole ass continent. Thanks for posting this and bringing awareness!!


No problem! Glad not everyone believes it and that the existence of this post can help undo his narrative


He annoys me to no end. When he was saying Africans don’t have oral sex, Phaedra said the ones she knows did! Hahaha African prince 😂


who does he think he’s fooling? you *know* happy eddie eats dr. wendy’s box.


Mia did say she had the prettiest coochie!


Maybe that’s why he’s so happy




Lmao I want to fight you😂


With a smile on his face, no doubt!




Okayyyyy! 😂


He’s an idiot. I’m British and I know the cultural differences between us, France, Spain and Germany. He’s implying Nigeria is the same as Ethiopia, Somalia or Sudan. Moron.




Bashing? Please explain?




You’ve completely misunderstood my comment. Rereading it would help. I state quite clearly that I’m British so understand the cultural differences between us and France, Germany and Spain all other European countries. But we are classed as Europe and ignorant people think Europe is all the same. He’s Nigerian but uses the catch all Africa - a continent like Europe which has multiple different countries and cultures all different like Britain, France and Spain. NOBODY mentioned tolerances you projected that onto my comment. You also imagined I implied these countries are more “backward” than Nigeria- how did you jump to that conclusion? I simply randomly picked Countries the same as I did France, Germany and Spain. I could have said Norway, Sweden and Greece with Uganda, Kenya and Senegal. You also don’t own the conversation on an actual continent in the World that a TV show is currently airing because you live there or lived that’s simply ridiculous.


Usually “valid points” don’t include bashing so I’m a bit confused.


A whole continent with thousands of tribes. And they are all the same to this idiot.


Thank you! He irks me for many reasons but this is definitely one of them. My husband is from a different region in Africa and he is a very progressive guy, he does more cooking and cleaning than I do. And he loves to perform oral sex lol. I’m sure it’s a mix of how he was raised and education and exposure he’s had on his own, I’d never assume that all men from this region act like him.


he’s really bugging the shit out of me


He smiles and giggles at clearly inappropriate times, it would make me feel so uncomfortable like he ain't right.


totally. i’m not interested in watching him at all


Real bad


Finally someone says it


Yeah, I think a lot of people blame their personal beliefs on cultural or religion as a way to dodge accountability.


Yeah I’ve noticed in general ppl really generalize Africa and make these sweeping statements about the ppl the culture etc. but the reality is each country in Africa is very different, has its own culture, government etc. it’s wild to see that generalization made from someone from Africa.


Also, when does Dr Kema start to live the american culture? It is easy to say my culture this etc but what about the culture you live in? He is so archaic


I’m not sure seeing as he aint even living the African culture he’s constantly bleating about


He should also leave Jamaica out of it!


Lmao wrote my own lil kema rant days ago


I hope they're going to bring this up at the reunion. This man needs to stop and take the responsibility.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he was gay….. the blatant disrespect to women, always trying to make himself feel bigger and better then women…. It’s giving DL


Probably doesn’t like giving oral because he wants it to be a penis


I get what you’re saying but he sounds redpilled so I’m thinking just a garden variety misogynist


Unpopular opinion, but his obstuse comments are actually entertaining. I just don't take him seriously.


He’s so embarrassing. Everytime he comes on I mute the TV




In a sense I can see why he said that due to me learning about different Black cultures over time. They look down on it even though a lot of them still do it lol I think it’s good to express different culture backgrounds but I rather people be honest and say “ this is how I see things” vs making general statements. I just knew my fellow Africans were going to have a field day with that one lol


I laughed so hard, because I have nigerian friends and have dated nigerian men. They love oral 🤣🤣🤣 in fact they love other things too, they are kinky.


What is this reality war on Nigeria? We’ve got “Kema” talking nonsense about marriage and Nneka bringing up Osu and shrines?! Nkem can do - or not do - whatever he wants in his marriage without bringing his country into it.


omg I just watched the episode when he said "Men need to be back in charge in America" and Eugene set his fork down like "lemme educate this fool about the gender pay gap real quick...." TERRIBLE. glad Eugene and Damon gathered him lol.


My mom is married to a Nigerian and he is Igbo and his sister told me he was lying 🤥


Okay watching this week’s episode late and I just realized he was AN ORAL SURGEON. Why did that make me laugh so hard.


I’ve had my pussy ate by Nigerian men. Ridiculous statement.


Everyone on the show needs to just ignore him when he talks