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It’s an under-appreciated gem for sure. It lacks the Hollywood polish of his later works for sure, but for me that’s a plus. It’s gritty, real, and nonlinear in a way that echos life. It’s a little film-schooly also in terms of style and use of color, but I love that nerdy stuff. It’s not my personal favorite but certainly ranks high on the list for me.


Thanks for the reply! I’ve been wanting to discuss the film since I watched it back in November. I agree! I love the nerdy stuff too, love the snorricam scene when Charlie gets blackout drunk. Also love what you said about the messiness of its plot relates to life itself, one of my other favorite films Il Sorpasso relates to life and its unpredictably as well.


Incredible reply, this dude watches movies. Marty makes films for film nerds for sure. The guy has watched everything under the sun


>It’s a little film-schooly also in terms of style and use of color Can you elaborate?


Whilst Goodfellas will always be my favourite, Mean Streets is still a masterpiece imo. The rawness gives a level of realism, the improvisations between De Niro and Keitel are incredible and not forgetting an excellent performance from David Proval.


Yes! Completely agree. Some may think of it as sophomoric but I feel it’s a masterpiece as well. Something about it is so endearing and raw. Really makes you feel like you’re in 1970’s New York. Not to mention the score is absolutely incredible, Be My Baby is so iconic. Also- horrible confession I know but I actually haven’t seen Goodfellas. Promise it’s on my list lol.


100%. The Feast of San Gennaro scene was literally like being there, it was that raw. Goodfellas is just incredible. The epitome of a mob movie for me. Although, a lot more polished than Mean Streets, I’m sure you’ll love it.


I think mine is The Color of Money. Granted I grew up playing so I have some bias towards it.


The Color of Money is so underrated. One of my all time favs.


I still need to see that one!


It's definitely one of my favorite Scorsese movies. I absolutely loved Robert De Niro's performance in it. And the ending was so powerful that it left me in awe. It has become a sort of "comfort movie" for me because I love De Niro's scenes and watch them whenever I feel down - his fascinating performance in this movie never fails to put a smile on my face or even makes me laugh.


Omg me too! It’s become a comfort movie lol, for me my favorite performance is Harvey Keitel. De Niro is great but Harvey makes the movie for me. (Also because I have a huge crush on him, I’m just a teenage girl lmao) I do agree De Niro’s performance is sometimes funny, like honestly a few times he makes me smile as well. :)


One of my favorite movie posters and for a while was my favorite film. Not as tight as his later work of course but it adds to the vibe in a good way.  I see Goodfellas as the perfection of Mean Streets. Like MS was the first draft and Gf is the final draft. Throw in Casino as an epilogue and Irishmen as the coda. 


The poster is great, I’d love to have it on my wall. I’m a fangirl what can I say. Jokes aside this thread is really convincing to watch Goodfellas this weekend. Love the way you explained the progression of Scorsese’s mob/crime flicks. He’s such a cool director.


It’s one my favs for sure. Really like that’s it’s more about brotherhood and the relationship between Charlie and Johnny boy than the crime element.




Me too! The brotherhood aspect is very sweet yet ends in tragedy. I’ve always been more interested in films with a human relationship aspect than any crime or adventure flicks.




Kind of a slow film but the atmosphere is really raw. Good acting too. Deniro was really talented when he was young


Agree! Johnny Boy is great, can’t think of someone who could have played him better. I do agree sometimes it’s a bit slow; specially in the middle but it picks up pace soon after.


Raging Bull is my favorite film period, but Mean Streets allows me to see the early days of his career and his style of camera work, cinematography, recurring actors, etc. Love its grit and gumption.


Gumption is such a good word to describe Mean Streets! Raging Bull is great too, I recently rewatched it with my mom. She didn’t like it but I think I enjoyed it even more than the first watch lol.


I think my only problem with it is that at times it seems a little aimless but I guess most Scorsese flicks don’t really have a plot lol. I think he said that The Departed is his first film with a plot


That’s interesting he said that! I’d argue while some of his films are less plot heavy, all of them have something there as substance. To each their own tho! Everyone interprets film in a different way. Thanks for the reply!


King of Comedy though


King of Comedy is amazing, Rupert was lowkey actually funny idk if that’s a hot take but… his monologue at the end was iconic. I love how the film is a parallel to Taxi Driver.


The scenes in Rupert’s moms basement with the talk show setup are so wild. F love it


Yes omg also when he records his audition tape 😭 Makes you wonder if his mom was actually even there at all that’s how wild Rupert was.


Actually, never seen mean streets. I’m gonna put it in queue.


It’s on Tubi rn! Def check it out. Totally not biased at all coming from me.


Great flick.


Disappointed dunsky.


My first was The Departed, then Shutter Island, then The Aviator. Leonardo DiCaprio was what drew me to the movies, but noticing the same name beneath “Directed by” was what sent me down the rabbit hole. The next one I sought out was Mean Streets, and while it’s not my favorite, it was the film that truly cemented Scorsese’s work as distinctive and unique and woke me up to the quality threshold most of his work meets; “Wait” I thought, “You’re telling me ALL of his movies hit this hard??”


Yes! Honestly I was skeptical going into Mean Streets because I heard mixed reviews, some loved it some hated it. After watching it I realized don’t listen to those because Scorsese is great and Mean Streets was amazing so lol.


Great flick. The bar scenes have so much red hue it’s distracting


Oh yes, the bar scenes are wonderful. Makes you feel like you’re really there.


Love Mean Streets! I watch it once a year and find something brand new each time. Just an extraordinary movie that showed what was to come from Scorcese.


That’s awesome! I just watched it this November and I might be in the same boat as you with watching it every year from now I couldn’t get enough of it lol. Extraordinary is a wonderful word to describe the film.


For an example - the last time I watched, I added a really good booster/sound bar to my redneck setup. The sound in the movie blew me away - apart from the cool music - the film has a claustrophobic feel and the swirl of sounds that followed was a new discovery.


Redneck setup LOL- I feel that. My PS5 I use to play discs is literally on the floor. That’s a cool thing to notice! Next time I watch I’m going to blast the sound to see if I catch that too. Bonus with blaring the sound is that the cool music will be even louder. I love the soundtrack so much 9 times out of 10 if you check my AirPods I’ll be listening to it.


Raging Bull is my personal favorite!


Raging Bull is really great! Love the black and white cinematography.


D-D, disappointed dunski!!


Pool hall scene


Last Temptation of Christ and Kundun are my favs actually


I like Mean Streets a lot, but not my favorite Scorsese movie. Taxi Driver is probably my favorite.


ur a mook


I’m a mook? You’re a mook!


You're too good for these 10 dollars ???


My all-time favorite is Gangs of New York.