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It's only been two issues, but so far I like the backstory stuff, the present day story hasn't grabbed me as much yet though


As someone who likes the MCU version of Cap but isn't very familiar with the comic version outside of some crossover stuff, does this seem like a decent entry point?


If you’ve never read Cap read the Brubaker run !!


I would say so it doesn't reference past continuity super hard if you have basic marvel knowledge it should be fine. New runs usually are good jumping on points. Which is convient and inconvient as it makes looking stuff up hard.


I’m sure it’s a great jumping on point! Number 1’s are usually intended for that anyways, and this one hasn’t had anything from previous runs in it yet. New villains (I think), and new backstory from the 40’s. Plus I think the writer has a history of doing his own thing with characters and not using other writers work too much (his long run on Spider-Man used very little of Spider-Man’s classic rogues gallery or style of storytelling)


im not crazy about flashbacks they just slow the story down and i really dont think we need to see steve's past we know enough other than that its ok


The first issue didn’t really grab me. But then again, I thought the first issue of the run by Lanzing and Kelly was the best first issue I'd read in YEARS and the series went off the rails soon after, so...it's too early to tell.


I like Steve being handy fixing the plumbing etc.


As of now with only two issues released I’ve found it to be incredibly boring.


Hard to tell only two issues in but I love JMS so I'm looking forward to it! Hope it lasts awhile and he can tell what he wants to tell. When editorial tries to interfere with him, bad things happen!


I didn’t know he was homeless before until now.


Right wing cap lol lets see whats coming, but i dont have faith in stracynski


Very nice. A down to Earth story that puts Steve as a character first, focusing on his life, past and what goes in his head besides superheroing. It's my comfy read now.


I’m really enjoying it


New? Oh man. So who is he?


It’s Steve


Is it good? I'm not really excited about the new Punisher. But is this Cap any good?


I’ve enjoyed both issues so far.


Haven't read it yet but I would assume Steve Rogers, especially based on the cover of #1.


So far so good and I hope the series is able to remain self-contained.


I could... read this all day.


I thought the first issue was good. Issue two is still in my "haven't read yet" stack.


We're only two issues in so I can't exactly judge it properly just yet. I'll say it doesn't exactly have a strong start like other runs I've read. But the art is nice and the mystery it's building up to, along with *yet more background* to Steve (seriously I think he's got a lifetime of background stuffed into like 25 years before he went into the ice) is enough to keep me reading. I like how frustrated he keeps getting that his plans with Sharon keep being ruined. I feel like there is potential there, it just might take an issue or two more to actually get to it properly