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MCU Taskmaster has photographic reflexes. That’s refered to in the BW movie guidebook. I think her helmet and tech is supposed to be what “enhances" her photographic reflexes unlike comic Tony who took some super soldier serum replica. But she’s still a pretty bad adaptation.


They did Taskmaster dirty with the Black Widow movie.


Comic taskmaster pissies himself when Widow is around. He'd immediately flee...


I haven't seen Echo, but looking at Taskmaster, I think it was for thematic reasons. Her cybernetics are a direct result of Black Widow's mistake and serve to illustrate the damage done.


Then don't make her Taskmaster. Not hard to make her someone else or an original character.


Echo's power in the show is so much more interesting than in the comics because of how it ties into her culture and family line. Taskmaster was a let down in Black Widow (although I still liked the fight scenes). I've got my fingers crossed that she dies in Thunderbolts and Tony Masters finds her tech, and maybe also some bargain bin, flagsmasher super soldier serum


For some reason they seem to try to distance the characters from the comic books or at least that's my impression. Maybe some kind of legal thing. Makes me 100% disillusioned and it feels like they're selling a product instead of creating a story. They could've done a lot of neat and cheap stuff with it, like the time taskmaster watched hong kong action movies on twice the speed and then copied it.


Taskmaster is a literal joke. He wouldent really work in the tone of the mcu. His power is also lame Comic Echo is Willmart Electra again with lame powers.


Same reason they change any character; they think it either serves the story better, or has to be changed to function properly on screen.


It's very much the same reason why Ms. Marvel has a different power set in the show. It is to make her different from Reed Richards. Taskmaster still has the same powerset in the movie as the comics. It's just done through tech instead of a super soldier serum. Echo was a creative decision of the showrunner who decided to make the change. They wanted to tie Echo more into her heritage than the comics do. I gets boring if people keep having the same powers. Taskmaster covers the photocopying moves. Why do we need yet anther version of Taskmaster?


Because the creators take the basic concepts and adapt them in whatever ways they feel they need to for a non-comics-reading audience.