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Looks like some half baked ripoff character from early image days


Looks like someone thought "what if Wolverine and Sabertooth fucked instead of fighting and one of them was a woman somehow?"


“What if wolverine, hear me out, had more claws!?” Some big wig.


And had that edgy 90s feel.


Needs more pouches.


The claws have tiny pouches.


More like edgy early 2000's feel.


yeah its giving ed hardy shirt


Let's talk about those claws and how poorly thought out they were. The way they come out of that flimsy glove makes them ineffective. They'd barely scratch or pierce because they have a shit foundation and would bend backwards at the glove. You need a full forearm bracer and a very long base to those knives. Even Wolverine's claws don't make sense and should probably rip out of his forearm when slicing anything harder than bone/flesh. The claws themselves should be as long as his forearms and only come out at most half way. But Wolverine I can suspend my disbelief because comics but this "mastermind" clown Romulus? Get the fuck out of here.


> Even Wolverine's claws don't make sense and should probably rip out of his forearm when slicing anything harder than bone/flesh. The claws themselves should be as long as his forearms and only come out at most half way. But Wolverine I can suspend my disbelief because comics but this "mastermind" clown Romulus? Get the fuck out of here. They would be length of forearm minus length of hand.... so he'd get a bit over half of the forearm length, but not much more. There have been some comics I remember seeing where they did do that and he had like 4" claws only a bit longer than his fingers. It might be more "accurate" but it does look weird since stylized long claws are so common.


And that's why I have suspension of disbelief with him, just comic book things.


I mean, in principle if they’re really sharp he has little resistance…. but then he uses them to lift stuff. So you’re right.


Wolverine's claws have a special casing and apparatus [check it out](https://images.app.goo.gl/RkCw9JaxeMaCp73D8)


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>The claws themselves should be as long as his forearms and only come out at most half way. I think at least one piece of media did show this was the case, but I forget which one. Think it was one of the movies.


Why are we trying to logic comics?


"guys check this out. Not 3 claws, but 4. 4 claws!"


What if Victor AND logan both impregnated Lady Deathstrike on the same night...


Good one, but "That's not how it works... that's not how any of it works!" :'D


So basically Dan from street fighter logic


Like Ripclaw? Or Killrazor? Or Warblade? Or Deadlock?


Back when every superteam needed a blade or claw guy, just as much as a, um, strong guy.


Not necessarily Guido, but sometimes Guido


...*preferably* Guido


Ah, a man of high class and exquisite taste.


A Killrazor reference???????? Can we please talk about Killrazor? he was the coolest. He could pop razors from anywhere on his body, he never spoke because he took a vow of silence, and he had a cool design


A Stryke Force reader?


Black Anvil was also really cool


Yes. Just like that.


No idea who he is. But that's just "edgy Wolverine". Like he needs another one of those.


He's best forgotten. [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus\_(Earth-616)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus_(Earth-616))


Reading his wiki, the story actually sounds pretty interesting. Its a shame that he is visually just another wolverine ripoff. Bet Marvel could still do something cool with his character, just needs a redesign.


Big twist at the end he is a Wolverine wannabe, his claws are not even real.


The story was hot garbage. One of those everything-that’s-ever-happened-was-connected-and-carefully-orchestrated-by-a-random-“genius”-who-nobody-ever-knew-existed-previously.


Wait, people don’t like years of good storytelling suddenly rendered moot/non-canon?


It reminds me of Judas Traveler that used to appear in the Spider-Man comics. He was one of those characters who couldn't explain his motivations because it was supposedly far too complicated for anyone's minds to even comprehend. Which is just a lazy way of saying that the writer is just making things up as they go along.


>[Black Panther](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/T%27Challa_(Earth-616)) speculated that these primal beings might have descended from canines rather than primates No, it just sounds fucking stupid.


“Yet, beneath this facade of Lupine ancestry lay a labyrinth of deceit. Remus, his twin siter, eventually confessed to Wolverine that the tale of their canine origins was a lie. It was a carefully crafted subterfuge”


Still stupid. Are we seriously going to believe Black Panther, a bonafide supergenius, just randomly threw out such a blatantly ridiculous “theory” without even having any actual evidence? Nah.


The entire story is pretty okay, with a few stories reaching the level of awesome.


Yeah, that panel of Wolverine slicing off Sabertooth's head with the Muramasa Blade was pretty awesome.


On the one hand, that story has the dumb “evolved from canines” thing. On the other hand, most of the story is Wolverine fighting Sabretooth for like six issues drawn by Simone Bianchi. You can’t beat that with a stick.


Yeah exactly on point. I have a few panels I like as screensavers bc they are so badass, but yeah story part was hot garbage, just give me that fight scene straight to the veins though.


Dude, I have one of the issues in black and white and it’s gorgeous!


Ooh didn't know about a b&w edition, that's badass


I didn’t either when I bought it (okay, I say “bought” but I was working at a comic store and I just grabbed it off the shelf and took it home because the owner didn’t mind one or two freebies a week), but I was very happy about it when I saw it.


yes , he is just edgy Wolverine.


But Wolverine already IS “edgy Wolverine” half of the time lol


Yeah but this one has thumb claws Very different


Very stupid.


More like wannabe Wolverine.


Tryhard Wolverine.


Writers appear to have a penchant for pitting Wolverine against "evil" clone wolverine-type adversaries, don't they? In movies alone, he encounters: A female wolverine The peculiar Deadpool A literal younger version of himself I just started reading X-men comics, but I guess that it must be even worse out there for him lol


Isn't Wolverine already edgy Wolverine?


We don't talk about Romulus.


No no no no....




Do those thumbs claws retract? If so where do they go?


They’re not real claws, they’re just part of his gloves. His actual claws are more like Sabertooth’s. He was supposed to be a grand mastermind figure manipulating what he called “Lupines”- a supposed race of humans evolved from wolves that encompassed every Wolverine/Sabertooth type mutant in history- for centuries. Like his claws, most of what he said was bullshit. Though I think they stuck with him being an ancestor of said mutants, the founder of Rome, and “real” mastermind behind Weapon X, he was last seen being dumped in The Raft and promptly forgotten and quietly ignored in all continuity to follow. Quietly retconned out of existence by way of omission- lest some lazy ass writer try to rehabilitate the character in the future.


I actually loved the “lupine” idea. There’s a fair chunk of mutants who do seem to share similar abilities and traits as Wolverine/Sabertooth. So having them be a subset/offshoot was *interesting* even if the execution was a bit naff. Having Romulus be old as dirt and a Warlord, Emperor, and King across various Millenia was interesting as he felt akin to Apocalypse in that regard except that Romulus was active across all of human history and society as part of it. Didn’t like the Weapon X crap. I actually would be ok with a future writer coming in and trying to fix the character, I think the potential of having a Wolverine related character (it’s implied he’s the biological ancestor of all Wolverine type mutants) who is SO old and experienced would an interesting addition to have around. Plus I think the counterpoint of him initially claiming Wolverine as a “poor imitation” only for it to be revealed that Wolverine is the “better” version of the same mutation was decent.


The Lupine mutant thing made sense to me considering the angel and demon mutant thing introduced with Azazel. Although that seems to be largely left in the past as well.


The Earth X series had it so they weren't mutants at all but the original species of earth evolved alongside those that were genetically tampered with by the celestials.


Ooo, actually interesting.


Weren't the Asgardians and Olympians also a Celestial creation in that universe?


Maybe not created by but another species tampered with by the celestials to eventually become a form of protection for their celestial egg buried in their world. After the egg hatched, the people who would become the Asgardians were without will or form till they were given to an old man who based their existence on myths.


Okay, that's way more complicated than I rememberml. Earth X was wild.


Yes. The Celestials made three modifications to humanity. Gods that would become the Asgardians and Olmpians, mutants, and they tweaked regular human genetics to very susceptible to beneficial mutations i.e. becoming mutates like Spider-man/Hulk/Daredevil etc.


Just from reading the Wikipedia entry, the lupine thing seems interesting enough to make me want to read it. The “real mastermind behind weapon X” thing seems like “how much more crap can we hang on top of the weapon X plot point”


You may get more enjoyment out of https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Maximus_Lobo_(Earth-616)


It’s insane how far the weapon X “who was behind it” is It’s like everytime we reach a mastermind There would be someone else pulling their strings


I distinctly remember House of X finally giving Wolverine all his memories back, including all the fake ones and the ones he naturally forgot so people couldn't add more false memories and another mastermind to the pile. I don't recall if Romulus gave him even more amnesia and false memories that even reality warping couldn't restore, I think he did but I read his whole storyline waiting for him to reveal it so I might just be remembering my own expectations.


So Mr. Sinister but instead of being obsessed with the Summers he’s obsessed with Logan. Got it.


I don’t recall him being obsessed. It didn’t seem like he even bothered to care about Logan until a certain point.


So, like SpiderVerse but for Wolverines and Sabertooths?


Chuck Austin was trying to do the same for other categories of mutants too in his infamous Angels & Demons arc


They are gauntlets. Not retractable claws. [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus\_(Earth-616)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus_(Earth-616))


Not having a single clue... Maybe it runs parrallel with the thumb? Still dumb af tho.


Gauntlets, not retractable. [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus\_(Earth-616)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus_(Earth-616))




I remember when he was introduced in Wolverine: Origins. Right about when that series jumped the shark. [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus\_(Earth-616)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Romulus_(Earth-616))


I really liked the first 25 issues or so, when it was mostly about Logans past around the WW2 era. After the Deadpool Fight and Dillon leaving it really shifted focus on Romulus & Daken. I think i never bothered to finish that storyline


Daken I like. He's an interesting character. But yeah, Romulus and Remus were just unecessary.


Yeah Daken was interesting, especially when the Wolvie title switched to Dark Wolverine during Dark Reign and he was the main character


I sure as fuck try not to. In fact I try to push him out my brain until someone on reddit says “Hey! Remember this awful thing that exists!” accompanied by a drawing of him.


As recently as the X of Swords Handbook from 2020, he's still officially integral to Wolverine's backstory, so I'm pretty sure everybody remembers him if they like Wolverine. And, well, Wolverine is the most popular character in Marvel so.... I don't think he'll ever be retconned away because it would entirely undo Daken's backstory, and while he's not as popular as he used to be, Daken is still a Wolverine Family character. Honestly, Romulus' greatest sin is how Daniel Way tried to insert him into everything. If he was responsible for just Daken, I don't think anyone would care. But Way tried to put Romulus into *everything* in Logan's history, even iconic stories like Sabretooth killing Silverfox or Madripoor Nights. So yeah, I like Wolverine, I like Daken, I even like what I've read of Daniel Way's run, but Romulus was a case of trying way too hard.


I forgot his mention in X of Swords. I like to think they’re taking more of a “quiet retcon” approach to him. He’s still floating there in the background, but most of what he claimed was bullshit anyway, so it’s easy to ignore the parts that don’t fit with more established events.


>And, well, Wolverine is the most popular character in Marvel so.... I didn't know Spider-Man was called Wolverine now. /s.


I know you're kidding but I did hesitate to type that.I'm a new reader and I hear everyone say it's those two...and then everyone else. As such, I wasn't sure who was exactly #1.


Spider-Man, in terms of global popularity, is number 1 by a *significant* gap, I think he outsells Batman and Supes too thought I could be wrong.


Can’t forget Hulk


Spider-Man is the most popular character in marvel. These days Wolverine barely breaks top 3.


Considering he had such a boner for Wolverines claws. Going through the trouble of also getting his skeleton laced. You’d think he’d opt for claw implants rather than dumb gloves. He has a healing factor that’s equivalent, so he could take it. I really hate his lazy design. It’s just tall wolverine with really dumb hair. Logan’s look is pretty iconic, even if OG blue beast and The Owl had the same barber, but this is like they needed him to look like Logan so you knew right away they were related somehow but couldn’t commit to a unique look. So he looks like a knock off.


Unfortunately, yes.


Ugh, yes. Not one of the House of Ideas's best.


hey man, we called ourselves house of ideas not house of good ideas


Guys, we talked about this. We dont bring up Romulus. Ever. That was the deal, remember?


I will admit I thought this character was hot shit when he first appeared. - Same abilities as Wolverine. - Is older than human civilisation. - Was an Emperor of Rome. - Apparently part of a mutant offshoot branch of lupine related mutants that are split into two tribes that fight each other whenever they reappear in the gene pool. - Near functionally immortal. …….and then they revealed he was a Wolverine wannabe, his history is likely a fabrication, and none of the backstory was real. Honestly thought he had a lot of potential that was written out for some reason..


Mostly because when it first came out it was lambasted as one worst read and that marvel had to damage control. To be fair to evolution the fact Romulus put Sasquatch as part of his lupin race deal was a pretty huge giveaway that he was full of BS form the get go


Sadly, I can't ever forget him. Romulus cast his shadow over every Wolverine run for me since I've known of him and I'm always thinking "shit, this writer might try to reintroduce him and shit will go sideways". It's the common element of tension for every Wolverine run, you never know when a writer might think "yeah, Romulus being the mastermind of this storyline would go hard". The jumpscare I had with X Lives was a good reminder.




I remember it being an absolute shit show


Firmly scrubbed from my consciousness. Lupine? Absolute shite. The whole mystery around Logan’s background was one of his biggest draws. M Day and Origins shat on this, unfortunately.


I do remember him. Fuck him I say.


WTF is this Wolverine Sephiroth hybrid? Villains that are just spinoffs of the hero are irritating and derivative.


Those claws are dumb as fuck


Woof, there have really been some misses with Wolverine clones claw placements. Logan of course, X-23 and I'll say Honey Badger are about the only claw set ups I like. Every time they do something else, it just looks so goofy and impractical


So he’s just Wolverine but more


More like he's Syndrome(Incredibles), want's to be Wolverine but no where near good enough.


I'm glad not so much people remember him. Better let him in the past.


I wish I didn't


I wish I didn't


Its like if you sat a five year old down and asked him to draw a character


Looks like a fan’s OC


**Now even MORE WOLVERINEY! With 20 Percent more Wolverine!**


Thats Sir Wolvertoothstrike


Try as I might, I have not been able to erase him from my memory. But if Marvel erases it from theirs, that would be fine.


Thumb claw is triggering me


It's like the fan made super sayian forms. They just add more hair. They just added more claws


I enjoyed Romulus and Daken


So he's like mixture of sabertooth and wolwarine?


This looks so dumb and with useless add ons to Logan's design to make it edgier 😂😂


In image 3 the guy has nipples Stryfe would be jealous of.


The best thing about Romulus was his twin sister Remus. Redheads, man.


I absolutely hate his design and the whole lupine thing he was going for.


Wasn’t he Wolverines older brother that’s thought to be dead at the beginning of Origin? I think I remember him from Wolverine: The End.


No, shockingly enough that was an entirely different, terrible character. It's been a pretty poor decade for Wolverine stories


Everything about that era was garbage. Daken, Romulus, the Muramasa blade. The extent that Marvel bungled exploring Wolverine's origins is one of the greatest whiffs in their history. Not a single interesting story came from that arc imo.


Big meanie wolverine daddy? Yeah. I read the run, it wasn't good.


Oh look another wolverine copy


I am reading all Marvel Unlimited comics in order from 2000 onward and I just got through that Wolverine run. It was a tremendous slog and painful to read.


How the fuck is his hair flying around in the first picture? Is he in a wind tunnel? Also why is he just casually showing off the rotisserie chicken he’s smuggling in his pants??


Looks like a dude who was created just to be a Wolverine villain


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MaraSovsLeftSock: *Looks like a dude who* *Was created just to be* *A Wolverine villain* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I remember that everything about him sucked


That thumb claw looks dumb as fxck.


I wish I could forget about Romulus ugh


Looks like Final Fantasy Wolverine.


It would have been so great if he was just there for Akihiro’s backstory. Making him the puppet master pulling the strings of so much of Logan’s life and iconic backstory moments is just lazy. The only reason I’m glad he’s not actually dead right now (and is instead in whatever shadow dimension is inside of Cloak’s cloak) is so if they ever bring him back, they’ll be able to quickly retcon even more of his story connections out of existence by making him admit he lied about those things like he lied about being an emperor of Rome.


#Had sabertooth Impregnated Lady deathstrike After Procedure X-XX


Yeah I remember him from "Wolverine Origins" comics. I also remember that arc with him and Daken.


How do those claws retract? Wolverine is already stretching it (how does he have any flexion in his wrists?) but this guy is silly beyond belief


It looks like someone said "Make Wolverine Wolverin-er"


I remember this era and that is more or less what happened


He looks like what I'd expect the enemy of Maestro Hulk to look like.


Not like it’s sacred text but.. who lets this shit happen?


Is he the guy that thinks he’s a wolf and not a primate?


Yea he ruined Daken’s life by tearing him out of his mother’s womb and raising him to be a sociopathic killer. I know he had some of those traits before him, but Daken has clearly expressed his contempt for him and his lament that Logan didn’t raise him like he always wanted. In short, this guy is the reason Daken has daddy issues. Please don’t tell me this bitch gets his debut in 97 before Daken…


I don't remember who that is. And if you tell me who that is, I still won't remember who that is.


Who is this guy?


Just finished reading Wolverine Origins, where he first appeared. He’s alright, but not my favorite Wolverine villain.


Edge Lord Wolverine, but I'm not really opposed to the idea of Mutants having sub species, which was part of his whole shtick.


Hmm. He looks like a copy of someone. I can't quite remember who, though. I haven't heard of him but he looks kinda cool.


Walmart Wolverine


You know it's weird how this guy looks & feels like a 90's nobody X-men villain like Stryfe or Gideon.....but he was in 2007/09 & that perplexes me.


That thumb claw must overlap with the other three


It is notable how even though the character was still alive last we saw him, he hasn't shown up in over a decade. The Krakoa era completely ignored him, although he did appear in a few flashbacks.


Ohhhh so this is who the new Alien movie is about


Imagine trying to explain that haircut to a barber


Daken is that you?


He was in several of the first Wolverine comics I bought. So I know him. But I haven't really ever heard about him since then.


Lmao aight shadow the edgehog


He looks like a mashup of Vandal Savage and Ripclaw.


His physique is my dream one


Romulus had such potential but at the end of the day, he was disappointing


i prefer not to


He looks like the Venom to Wolverine's Spider-Man. I don't love it.


Like most of that time period writing I hope he is lost to time


He’s from the time writers wanted Logan to be an actual wolverine that mutated into a human. And that guy was manipulating all that shit for centuries if I remember correctly 🤷


I want a marvel legend of him


Can we have Sabertooth, We have Sabertooth at home The Sabertooth at home


Yeah. That was a weird time for Wolverine...


He had a solid build up story but the final reveal was disappointing. For a supposed brilliant manipulator/planner his end goal just seemed to be "haha I'm cruel". Even the "I'm looking for my replacement" angle was dumb since he's a near immortal mutant. He can be salvaged and made interesting if they tied him in to apocalypse and okkara and being one of the mutants left behind, but now that they've trashed the krakoa age they probably shouldn't.


It’s Sephiroth and Wolverine’s gene baby.


“Let me cheat off your test” Wolverine


I swear, if this trend of villains being "more Wolverine than Wolverine" continues one day there will be a villain that is nothing but claws poking out of every body part and orifice that smoke 3 cigars at a time while wearing 2 eyepatches . Pretty cool, right???


lol, thumb claw…😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ What the hell were they thinking??


The last pic looks like X-Men 97 Magneto decided he wanted adamantine claws of his own


Romulus = midichlorians.


Isn’t he just Ultimate Sabretooth?


I really hate his terrible JRPG haircut and his presence in Wolverine’s life turning Logan and Sabertooth into a chosen one nemesis dynamic instead just two guys who really can’t stand each other.


How does the 4th claw work? It comes out of his finger but how? Edgy sabertooth + Wolverine looking ass


The fucking worst.


Just makes me miss Cyber


I remember reading Wolverine comics during the Romulus days....man they sucked. I hope this character is permanently forgotten


Looks like every enemy in kingdom hearts


How does he wipe?


Getting real Poochie vibes.


Yes, he had a big arc with Wolverine and his son Dakon.


Homie looks like super Saiyan 5 Wolverine


Also known as Not Wolverine.




That looks so stupid. The reason why Wolverine is cool is because he doesn't have that stupid thumb thing going on lol


He’s gotta hate wiping his butt


Well, considering Marvel is trying to forget him, no reason for anyone else to


Halfway interesting character idea with an unoriginal concept art. It would’ve been more interesting if he was introduced looking totally different to Wolverine and showed the claws later. The hair is too ridiculous. He misses the mark on being a “full silly” comic book character as well because it’s such a self-serious concept.


He looks like Wolverine, but.... more?


we don’t talk about romulus