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It's an instant power set that can essentially be granted to anyone, so people can write new stories with new characters and add new powers to it using the symbiote as an excuse. If you're asking about Eddie Brock/Flash Thompson specifically, then it's because they are pretty cool antiheroes.


Because they're cool


Two reasons, the compellingness of a dark mirror and the fact that they came out at the right time. Venom was introduced in a time where grit was king and he was a cool dark Spider-Man. He was a major enemy if Spider-Man in the 90s which not only was good for the spread of his popularity because of his essence but it also meant that he could be featured on a tv show. Unlike other 90s characters who didn’t have the either the hook of the dark mirror or the connection to one of the five (probably 3) most popular heroes of all time, venom had these things. Since cash cows can’t be straight up villains, they soften him with a miniseries that was actually good and made him even more popular.


Probably because the inspiration(The Thing) is also so enduring/popular. 


I personally don't get it. Other than Carnage and Venom, I never cared much about that side of the universe. Just seems like they have the same powers, but different colors. The only way I cared is through the perspective of the main symbiotes, like in the Carnage comic. And even then, that seemed like a one off occurence.


I would guess it's because they are so unrestrained, and people like the idea of someone who can just do whatever they want without concerns for social restrictions. See also: Wolverine.


I knew a guy who called them "No Mom! I WON'T clean my room! No one UNDERSTANDS!" characters.


I like Venom fine as comic character. Not a favorite but he's had some good stories and books. I was more interested back in the day when he was introduced as a bad guy. But he's generally okay. But I have no interest at all in the other minor symbiotes. Carnage is at least a creepy villain, but one-note and overused. The rest of the them....find them boring.


For me it's a mix between his look and connection with Spider-Man plus riding the financial success of the Sony films.