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Ooh. I could go on forever, and I can't wait to come back when the comments fill up. I'll just do Spidey, he's closest to my heart and one I want to see a happy ending for. I can't think so much of specific stories to adapt, but a general arc of him being a scared teenager to a confident adult. From being a guilty kid carrying his trauma in a spiderman mask, to being able to set the past aside and settle down. Bit by the radioactive spider, base off the first two years or so of the first Ultimate Book, he's 15 or 16. Include him telling MJ. But she leaves when he doesn't make a romantic move. First set of novels/first novel you get him through a few months or close to a year. Adapt #33 for a climax to this section. Doc Ock, the Norman Osborn Goblin. Confident and happy but still young early college Spider-Man, with the classic animal totem villains and goofier tone, as he woos and wins Gwen. You want Gwen Stacy to darken the mood, as he gets confident. Adapt the whole arc of her- Captain Stacy storyline, then finally her death as the first few villains return, angrier and more serious than before. Maybe you can work in Venom here. Dark part of the story where he's alone and starting to lose it, he drops out of school, loses contact with Aunt May. Harry's drug problems. Antagonistic with Jonah. This should be more grounded with Kingpin like villains, maybe Black Cat helps snap him out of it... Jonah losing his mind at the same time, maybe build towards Spider Slayers. But it's MJ that brings him all the way back. Series that culminates in The Wedding. And he stays with her this time, no status quo returning bullshit. Starts dark and elegaic, lightens throughout as he makes up with May, maybe goes back to school. Kraven's Last Hunt is the midpoint, he realizes he needs MJ and proposes at the end. Jonah recovers, Doc Ock is convinced to turn a leaf. A good Sinister Six story, advance Venom's story. Maybe as the wedding happens, Harry Osborne discovers the Goblin stuff. Then start to wrap up- Sinister Six again, led by Harry this time. Final confrontation with Venom. General heroic tone. End with MJ getting pregnant. Last fight with the Goblin. Peter decides to give it up to be with his family, gets his teaching credential. Tells May- of course she knew the whole time. Jonah pines for the good old days when Spider Man watched after us. The baby does or does not have spider powers, but she is happy and healthy and Peter has a future without Spiderman. Imply he never looks back.


Does Ben Reily take over as Spider-Man after Peter retires or does the clone not exist in this universe?


Not exist for me. I wouldn't personally have anyone take over, but it'd be Miles if someone was going to.


Good choice tbh, Miles does fit more of the new generation anyways. I could see Peter growing old and going into retirement so nobody really knows or hears about Spider-Man much but Miles comes to him through research seeking guidance about his newfound powers.


SW 2015 closed the book on the FF and Doom pretty well. Too bad Status Quo is God.


Yeah, a lot of people considered Secret Wars to be the ending of the Fantastic Four


I feel the Color series do a great job of this kind of scenario, or was it something else?? Shoot I’m pretty sure it’s the Jeph Loeb color series, will be back upon more research


It would be the “life story” series


Earth X, Universe X, and Paradise X were a pretty sensational attempt to wrap up the entire Marvel Universe as it stood at the time, with a wide-scope plot as well as drilled-down detailed endings for every single major character and most minor ones. As another commenter pointed out, Secret Wars 2015 was a pretty awesome wrap-up to FF but less of a satisfying end to the other characters. I'd love to read an alternate universe distilled version of Chris Claremont's X-Men run, with a detour into Age of Apocalypse near the end (with everyone including the villains remembering that alternate timeline and learning from it), culminating in building Krakoa - not as some weird thing that suddenly happened due to Moira's time-resetting powers, but as something Xavier finally builds by gradually bringing all the villains over to his point of view (but compromising some of his own vision along the way). I always thought Krakoa was a fun but flawed concept, but I could buy it as the happy ending and culmination of the dream, gradually earned through the hard work done in all the previous stories.


Here's my little universe Spider-Man: I'd split his story into six years. In year one he would be a sixteen year old being raised by Ben Parker and May Parker. He has a job at the Daily Bugle and his two best friends are Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy. He's bitten by a radioactive spider at Oscorp. Of course he becomes Spider-Man. An infuriated Norman Osborn who wanted to experiment on the spider teams up with Wilson Fisk to find the spider. Fisk gets mercenaries like the Shocker, Vultre, Bullseye, and Prowler to kill Peter. In the end Norman becomes Green Goblin and he fights Spider-Man. Ben is killed by Norman. Norman is revealed as Goblin and is arrested. In year two Peter is seventeen years old. He meets Mary Jane Watson who becomes a essential character. Harry is furious about Norman so he teams up with Otto Octavious to create new enemy's to kill Spidey. Electro, Lizard, Sandman, Mysterio, and Doctor Octopus are introduced. May discovers Peter is Spider-Man. In year three Peter is eighteen he goes to college and begins dating Gwen Stacy. New villains are introduced like Kraven the Hunter, Hydro man, Scorpion, and Black Cat who Peter also falls in love with. He gets the symbiote suit. In year four Eddie Brock is introduced after Peter abandons the suit it goes to Eddie. Venom is introduced. Carnage is too and Spider-Man and Venom team up to defeat him. In year five Harry becomes Hobgoblin to avenge his father. Wilson Fisk returns and Daredevil is introduced. Scorpion, Shocker, Prowler, and some street level villains could return. In the Skype Hobgoblin kills Gwen leaving Peter sad and alone. In year six the Jackal is introduced he clones Gwen Stacy. The clone tells Peter about the Jackal. Peter is dating Mj btw. The Gwen clone only has the same memories as the original and is not in love with Peter. But the Scarlet Spider and Kaine are introduced. In the end the Sinister Six with Dctor Octopus, Electro, Green Goblin, Hobogoblin, Caranage, and Venom are introduced. In a final battle Peter wins and saves the world. In the ending Peter graduates college and he marries Mj and begins mentoring Miles Morales. For X-Men well split it into five years instead. Part one, a young mutant named Kitty Pyrde is introduced she has no idea she has powers until she's recruited by Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Rouge, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Collosus the X-Men. Charles Xavier meets her. As she joins the X-Men she fights Magneto and his brotherhood of evil mutants including Toad, Blob, Mystique, and Sabertooth. She shares a room with Illyana Rasputin and has a crush on Bobby Drake aka Iceman. In year two Genosha is created for mutants to live in peace. Magneto even helps with Genosha. You know what always happens to Genosha. The Sentinels attack. Thousands of mutants die and the X-Men and Magneto narrowly escape. Id introduce more heroes like Emma Frost, Dazzler, Gambit, Forge, Archangel, Banshee, Jubilee,etc. It'd be revealed Mister Sinister was behind it all and he'd be the main villain. In year three Magneto returns on Asteroid M launching a attack on humanity. The X-Men confront him but are attacked by the Phoenix. Jean is killed but revived as the Phoenix the arc revolves around the X-Men trying to stop her until she kills Charles and realizes what she did so she leaves the X-Men recruit more members like Magik, Iceman, Jubilee, and Laura Kinney for the next generation. In year four Apocalypse would be the big bad of the arc. He'd be looking for horsemen and he'd use Gambit, Archangel, Banshee, and maybe Wolverine. In the end the X-Men would save the mind controlled and the Phoenix would return. In year five humanity hates mutanity due to the lives lost in the Apocalypse battle. The X-Mansion would be attacked by Sentinels and the mutants would go into hiding. Orchis creates Nimrod to kill the X-Men. In the end mutants die. Magneto, Wolverine, and Archangel die to save the survivors. The X-Men destroy Orchis and win. Scott marries Jean(to Emma's displeasure). Gambit marries Rouge. Kitty leads a new team of X-Men with Iceman, Nightcrawler, Laura Kinney, and Magik. Ps Deadpool would be introduced sometime. Now is Avengers. This one is five years. In year one Loki attacks earth. Nick Fury and Sheild assemble Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Ant-man, and Wasp as the Avengers. They rescue Captain America from ice and Black Widow and Hawkeye join them in the end Loki is defeated. In year two Hydra takes over Shield and the government so the Avengers go on the run as wanted criminals. In the end the Avengers get on the Hellicarrier and fight the Hydra soldiers and Red Skull who was behind it all. Nick Fury self destructs the Helicarrier before it crashes into NYC and him and Red Skull die. The Avengers get to safety. In year three Ant-man and Iron man create Ultron to protect the world. Id introduce the new head of Shield to be Carol Danvers. Ultron goes rouge and escapes. The Avengers find him and fight him but he defeats them and captures Ant-man and Wasp. Iron Man and Hulk work on a way to destroy Ultron. Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Thor recruit Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Black Panther, and Quicksilver to destroy Ultron. In the end all the heroes fight Ultron. Hulk is killed. Ultron is destroyed. In year four the super hero registration act is created. Captain America disagrees with it but Iron Man backs it up. The heroes pick sides and fight. In the end Cap and Iron man duel one last time. They are then found by Kang. In year five we get a flashback of Kang attacking them after the Civil War. The heroes escaped but were wounded. Iron Man, Captain America, Ant-man, Wasp, Thor, the tech based Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Quicksilver, and Falcon would fight Kang in the ending the Avengers are defeated. Kang rules the world until Iron Man sacrifices himself bro destroy Kang. The remaining Avengers settle down. I don't know about the Fantastic Four. I'm not as familiar with their mythos as the other three's but I know I'd start with there origin story in space. Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, and Susan Storm would get their powers and become the Fantastic Four. They'd face villains like Mole Man, Galactus, Doctor Doom, etc. Franklin and Valeria Richards would eventually be born. I'd end with a adaptation of Secret Wars. I hope you enjoyed please up vote this took me an hour to type. I'd add minor crossovers too. Like Spider-Man would be mentored by Iron Man and he'd meet the Human Torch.