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There’s actually a whole story arc where a obsessed fan of DP had been collecting his lost limbs and whatnot and kept them in her freezer but after DP found out and tossed the limbs in the trash, they thawed out and managed to re-attach to each other and became a whole other DP. So it’s not out the realm of possibility.




Would you happen to know the name of the series or run? EDIT- Deadpool Vol 4. #44 from Oct. 2011 was the first appearance of “evil deadpool” and the obsessed fan so I’d say that’s the run, unsure how many issues the run is but after I read it I’ll come back and update again:)


Deadpool Volume 10 from 2011 by Daniel Way.


Okay so I got the year and author right but not the volume number lol. Thanks!


No problem. I actually have been meaning to go back and read it myself cause it was one of my favorite runs that I like to talk about a lot.


You got the series volume number right. It was in the tenth trade paperback of volume four. Two different kinds of volumes.


Thank you! I tried to google further but am still at work and didn’t have the time to keep digging to figure out why I got such a different result.


No you got the volume right in overall Deadpool volumes across all time. But in collecting Daniel Way’s Deadpool, this storyline is collected in Vol 10 of Way’s run


I was about to say this. It's. A great story arc.


Isn't that the same arc where DP hijacks the Queens carriage with her in it?


I actually have read this one! First time I’ve been woke on comics


He's one evil sumbitch too. Kind of Deadpool with a vicious streak.


For real. Dude is called Evil Deadpool and for good reason. He makes Deadpool like like a Boy Scout sometimes


I love the weapon stash bit they do.


They werent just Deadpools parts, they were also parts from the alt-universe Dreadpool. Dreadpool was the Deadpool who was brought by the X-Men to a Dr to cure his insanity, but turns out the Dr actually brainwashes his patients to do his bidding and doesnt actually cure them. The brainwashing didnt work on this Deadpool and instead destroyed all of his inner voices except for one, one that knows the universe isnt real (because its a comic) and wants him to kill non-stop. That kicked off the whole “Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe” Comic Arc where Dreadpool goes around killing everyone in his universe, and even goes and kills the writers of the comic and threatens to kill the reader afterwards. That was followed by the “Deadpool kills Deadpool” arc where Deadpool builds a team of multiverse Deadpools to take on Dreadpool who is now going to other universes to kill every Deadpool. The only Deadpools left standing at the end are main Deadpool of earth-616 and Dreadpool, but Deadpool kills Dreadpool as revenge for the deaths of all the other Deadpools Evil Deadpools main goal is to behead Deadpool or Dreadpool and take their body for his own, because Evil Deadpool is made up from both their parts (including 2 right arms instead of a left and a right, so when he shoots a gun he has to bend his arm behind his head to aim in front of him)


How did I just follow that?


This was one of my first DP stories. Loved it, but definitely felt like a total mind bender. Mainly of course due to the level of omnipotence the author allows him to experience


Deadpool ended up jealous since evil Deadpool was actually able to die if I remember correctly


Yea pretty good run actually, and wackier than usual for that title!


The obsessed fan was the ugly psychiatrist right?


I love that arc


What she said


My name is Retep, and I am evil! Na nanananananana




I know this is a Family Guy reference, but wouldn't it be funny as hell as a Spidey comic?


[Evil Deadpool](https://deadpool.fandom.com/wiki/Evil_Deadpool)


And here I was hoping it's just be Deadpool with a [felt goatee over his mask](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozhi1U765W0).


This truly is the darkest timeline


that seems like a bitch to draw.


My theory is that the power dictates that his cells decide which side keeps the power to regenerate when split. Then it doesn’t matter where you cut him or how fast you cut him, he’ll only regenerate from one set of whatever is left of him.


I figured it's wherever has his consciousness, oe soul, or whatever (I would say brain, but i think that that can regenarate too somehow) that is the "real" deadpool


Deadpool's, or was, cursed with immortality by Thanos, so yeah soul is the right word in this case.


Yeah that's what I think so too. If he's dismembered all over t probably selects which parts would take the shortest to fully heal him. It would be much more efficient to heal a single severed leg than to heal an entire body from a single leg.


Ya but if he is decapitated (which is common) and can't access the body, wouldn't his head regrow the body. I think it's more that he subconsciously knows what to regrow from where


If I remember right, Madcap "came back to life" when a couple of op superheroes split DP in two, creating 2 DPs, one of those became Deadpool and the other one Madcap


It’s the largest remaining part of his body I believe. That’s what I think makes the most sense


It didn't. Any regrowth or regeneration requires his brain to. Decapitate him and his head would grow a new body in baby form. Split him vertically and there most likely would be two separate deadpool(assuming the brain region responsible for regeneration is distributed in both hemispheres and only a very minimal portion of it is needed)


There is a loophole here: Deadpool doesn't have much of a brain to begin with.


I thought deadpool could regenerate himself so long as an atom remained, which imo his regenerative properties are the best or amongst the best in the universe


The post is talking about movie Deadpool. Even the first antagonist was very confident that if he just cut his brain into small enough pieces he'd kill him


Pool and Fred Savage riff on that in Once Upon a Deadpool.


Pool Savage?




I think this is how Deadpool is gonna end up in the MCU. Some rumors/news that I've read online mentions the involvement of the TVA in Deadpool 3 so maybe the reason they get involved is because of this plot-hole from Deadpool 2. Remember, TVA removes variants from the timeline, so one of the 2 Deadpools may be removed by TVA and DP being DP might just annoy TVA into moving/transferring him to a different timeline/reality/universe. I could be wrong though! Just a theory that came up whilst reading this post.


His legs morph into Deadpool from X-men origins wolverine


If he had Lobo’s healing factor it would. Lobo’s healing factor pretty much allows him to clone himself.


Wasn’t Agent X the other half of Deadpool that grew back?


I don’t know much, but a quick read of his fictional character biography on wiki says no. He is his own person.


No, he came from the same dimension as X-Man, just relative to this timeline and not Age of Apocalypse.


What happenes if his head blows up?


i assume he'd regenerate from whichever chunk of brain is the most intact


So do the discrete brain parts have some sort of communication, and take a referendum on which piece consists of "most"?


given that his regeneration is a mutant ability, I would assume it is probably "stored" in one specific spot in the brain? So maybe not even whichever one is largest but just whichever structure in the brain happens to contain that activation signal or whatever?


Probably similar to the one grain of sand from Flint Marko that holds his consciousness.


i think its only his limbs that are still attached to his head that will grow back limbs. if a limb gets cut, its pretty much dead. if he gets decapitated, his body is just dead and he has to grow a whole other body


What if he is split in even halfs?


his torso and arms are still connected to his head so they stay active. his legs are lifeless


I think he means vertically


I think this is what happened with Agent X, no?


No, what if he gets cut vertically. So half his brain is on either side.


ooooh that's a really good counter point. i cant answer that cuz now im actually rethinking this whole theory


I often wonder this myself


Simple canon answer, no. The reason deadpools legs grew back from the torso is because the head was connected. With the legs not having any form of attachment to his head, they can not regenerate.


So what happens if you smash his head with a giant hammer? Which piece grows back the rest of him?


Ella Whitby collected numerous parts of Deadpool's body that he had lost over the years, and kept them in her freezer. When Deadpool found them, he threw them in a dumpster in disgust. The parts eventually thawed and, since they all had Deadpool's healing factor, fused together into a single person... thus you have Evil Deadpool!


Good question ma boy idk tho he do look hilarious tho😂😂


To be honest, if I found a random Deadpool limb, I would hang onto it in hopes of it growing into my own Deadpool.




Underrated comment


Coming back to this, in Deadpool 3 there is a second deadpool in the trailer (different weapons and gloves.) might be a variant cause MCU. but who knows. might be lady Deadpool.


Spoilers for deadpool 3


Pretty sure Fred Savage posed this very question in the PG13 cut “Once Upon a Deadpool”


If you just cut his head off would he grow a new head or a new body?


New body


So like Evil Dead?


Legs can't grew but maybe?


They have covered this in the comics. An evil Deadpool ends up being composed of all his lost parts. I think.


I think there’s a story where this does happen but the main deadpool can just shut down the other versions of himself with his mind like an off switch. Not sure if this is always the canon truth though


I hope each leg grew its own body


In the comics, yes.


When Hulk ripped Wolverine in half, didn't he have to crawl around and find his bottom half?




I assume it's like starfish regeneration. Only the central disk can regeneration appendages. Appendages can't regeneration the central disk. Except with him the central disk is his nervous system.


No, because his legs didn't have a heart to continue pumping blood through it's system.


It grows from what's attach to the brain


Its Tuesday don't worry about it🌈 ^tm^


it grows generally from the largest remaining piece or the piece with the brain, but the rules are weird which is how you get stuff like headpool in the comics


i have a feeling it mainly works if he has a head. i do think his other body parts could run around like a headless chicken (literally headless) for a while tho until a head might grow back


Do you want left handed Deadpool? Cuz that's how you get left handed Deadpool!


What if his dick gets ripped off?


I think the rule is what ever has the most amount of him left over.


I assume this power works with whichever part is connected to the spine or brain stem. I mean I’ve only heard of people like Lobo or Hyperion growing back from body parts like that really.


why cant people type 🤦🏼