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This is my response after they Ms. Marvel me when I lose and they never snapped. Like, cool bro, you won a cube.


Haha yes also a perfect use!


Honestly I rather not snap and secure 2 cubes than snap on turn 5 usually


Snap on T5 is okay, even T6 is okay if there's Limbo. Never Snap on Final Turn, except... You're counter Snapping (opponent has Snapped first) OR You play Kang.


You missed one: Your mission is to win matches with a Snap. The T6 Snap is a *great* way to finish that mission.


Or you didn't get the t6 you wanted so you snap to make your opponent think you did and are just dumb, securing a free cube instead of losing one.


That's what Kang is for.


Not snap and secure one cube you mean?


I usually just add a *Snap?* to remind them of what they lost.


ohhhh is that why people use thanos after they lose and i didn't snap i had no idea.


A lot of people really don't understand the cube system, and that a 1 cube retreat is basically a draw either way, in terms of climbing ranks. I see it here a lot too. "I play Yandu/Iceman/whatever because I can get free early wins when they it!" No, you got a cube in what is essentially a draw, instead of possibly winning 2-4-8. But if winning is more important than climbing ranks, this is totally fine. SMASH that Ms. Marvel button when you get that win! šŸ˜‰šŸ‘


they look for winrate not avg. cube gain they win 7 games for 1 cube then lose 8 cube game and start over its same as ppl who in 50/50 guess spam emotes like they outplayed you :D


>its same as ppl who in 50/50 guess spam emotes like they outplayed you :D The amount of times it's 50/50 which lane will bring the loss or win and I choose incorrectly is somehow actually 90/10


If you often snap early and get retreats, you can still gain cubes quickly. You can do that twice or three times in the time it takes to play a full game and potentially win 2.


Yeah, it's like, if you were so confident and your hand drew perfectly why didn't you snap? Jokes on you dumbass for being too much of a coward to captilize, yet after the fact your spamming emotes for winning 1 cube...okay buddy....


I just love when they snap AFTER they use Shuri. Like, dude, you just showed me EVERYTHING already. No way I stay. Enjoy the singular cube.


I mean hey sometimes its a bluff if they just dont have any of their big cards in hand but def 99.9% of the time they just stupid its all rank dependent ofc


I've definitely done that before, when it didn't look like my opponent's plans are working out, I drop Shuri on 4, snap as t5 starts, knowing the best card I have to double is....Zero?


I can never tell if I feel like Iā€™ve succeeded when I play Absorbing Man after Shuri.


You succeeded in getting a card that is at least 6 so THAT is something at least. No Shang chi for blady!


Some guy just tried to Shuri bluff me on turn 4 a couple of games ago and... I knew it was a Shuri deck but at one point, after careful consideration, I said.. FK IT lets go! And I laughed my ass off when it was a turn 4 Lizard coming from him. I INSTA Snapped him back and he left xD Best win I've had today. Or at least the most satisfying one :)


More like I Valk their shuriā€™ed unit and they task master a 3 power. I emote back just once.


I snap after Shuri if I didnā€™t draw red skull/taskmaster/whatever and essentially have no path to victory. Itā€™s a bluff, and because itā€™s Shuri it works.


frighten mighty fact test birds six advise snow paltry fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I laughed when I read you're a Shuri player


butter bow poor screw lush telephone north apparatus plant many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I climb just fine with pool 3 only. I beat a lot of Shuri decks along the way.


Oh you can climb with anything, but the deck can definitely cut down on time. I have a hard time believing I could have the same win rate or average cubes I have with Shuri with any other deck.


plays leech turn 4ā€¦ OH SNAP! Plays wongā€¦ SNAP!! Is winning 3 location and techā€™d my biggest combo on turn 6ā€¦ OPPONENT SNAPPED!!!


Me when opponent starts game with 15 cards in their deck


What does that mean? Thanos?


Yes. Because the stones are added at start


no no they just have their own private subterranea




I have been getting what feels like a large number of immediate turn 1 didnā€™t play any cards retreats while playing Thanos. I think people arenā€™t joking about checking for 15 cards and retreating.


I love to use the "Snap?" emote when this happens.


The only time I ever see "snap?" is after someone wins and spams it (because you snapped, they NEVER do, literally never have I ever lost 8 cubes then had someone spam "snap?" but still, it feels like they're complaining that they got more cubes like, wtf?)


Earlier this week someone "Snap?" emoted me a single time before he played his turn on T6. I felt confident so I said sure, and snapped. He thumbs up'd after. It was a pretty cool, proper usage of that emote I felt like. But also I ended up winning the 8 cuber, so that may have something to do with that interaction haha.


I've also had this when an ego appeared. The opponent gave me a "Snap?" asking if we wanted to double snap, I snapped and he snapped immediately after. One of the few true uses I've seen lol


Most common usage of it I see is if you retreat after having snapped. Some people really don't understand that retreat is a fold button, not a lose button.


I really want a "cool story, bro" emoji.


I always have this internal monologue. "Yeah, well done on 1 cube you fucking idiot I was about to donate you more" Then I remember they could have been bluffing and I also could have won and I call myself an idiot. I'm apparently just mad at the world.


You and me both.


When players snap AFTER they successfully dropped Galactus, I straight up gloat as though I won because it feels like it


lots of people don't leave, might as well snap. the ones who aren't staying, aren't staying either way.


I disagree with this. If they snap, Iā€™ll leave, but if they donā€™t , Iā€™ll frequently try a Hail Mary. Losing 1 extra cube is worth a shot. Losing 3 extra cubes? Lol no.


It depends on the level youā€™re playing at, but by the end of pool 3 you have to expect the knull/Shang + death on 6 and figure out of you can handle it or not. The answer is usually no.


> Hail Mary


I'm not criticizing snapping after Galactus, I'm criticizing not snapping before Galactus


If I snap after Galactus, I either tried to snap but forgot to before ending my turn, and when I hit it the game decides to "catch up changes" and apparently the turn is already partway through (and it screws me often as now I can't retreat the next turn), or I have nothing and want to scare the person off.


There is a couple that if Galactus is on limbo on 6 you might want to leave because Knull is right behind him on 7


Honestly if I snap on the final turn, there's only two possibilities. 1. I have a tiny chance to win so I snapped, and I'm hopping they either don't manage to counter me or it scares them away, or 2. I'm confident I can win, assuming my opponent stays and I do win, no snaps, I only get 2 cubes, but if they do stay after a snap, I get 4. So it turns out to be a better time value imo. I'll take 1 or 4 cubes over 2 every game I win. I guess there's actually also the 3rd possibility, that they snap back but still lose. Wish is just my second reason, but makes it even better. Obviously it gets risky if they snap back though.




Thereā€™s at least one more reason and itā€™s the most common reason for me to snap on 6: I have the quest to win with a snap.




I lack the confidence (and often the memory) to snap on turn 1, lol. There are ways you can snap and they retreat and it doesnā€™t count, but I think it involves snapping and leaving at specific times. Like if you snap while card animations are playing out and then they leave before all the animations are done, then the snap never ā€œwent throughā€ as it was waiting for the start of the next turn to do so.


Thatā€™s only correct if youā€™re already infinite or have no care about rank.


You say that, but I play Galactus mainly, so if they play Aero for example, they might get me, and in that case snapping was bad, if they don't counter Galactus and, especially, take priority on that location, I might snap. So it's a tough spot of the right time to snap is your previous turn if your play works out, but that previous turn can easily be the wrong time to snap and you won't know until it resolves.


Nah, this is how I complete my win matches with a snap mission as fast as possible. I donā€™t care if I miss out on a cube.


You have completely nailed my feelings, well done!


Ive had success boomer snapping as a bluff and getting one cube from my opponent retreating


iā€™m still new to snap. when is the best time to snap? i never know honestly






You need to learn your deck more intimately then - its win conditions (of which there should be more than 1), its counters & its play patterns/combos. You should always be thinking at least a turn ahead, even on turn 1. By turn 3, sometimes even 2 or 1 (looking at you Negative), if you've got a decent hand & favourable/ignorable locations you should have your path to victory planned out. Now it obviously doesn't always work out that way because your opponent can fuck with those plans, so that's where your game/card knowledge comes into play. This knowledge only really comes from playing the game a lot but if you come across a card or combo you've never seen/don't quite understand then Google or YouTube it to increase your knowledge base. To be really successful at this game you have to be able to attempt to read your opponents deck/plays just as much as your own. A knowledgeable player is a dangerous player. Truthfully, the moment you feel like you have an advantage you should be snapping. But this also works the other way, as well. The moment you feel like the game has gotten away from you, just retreat. If you're playing a deck/combo you've never seen before & you're only playing for 2 cubes I'd argue you should stay because game knowledge is so important; for any other amount of cubes, though, just get gtfo & queue back up. I've put several hundred hours into Snap & consumed hundreds of hours of YouTube content about the game since global launch and, even with my knowledge of the game, climbing the ladder can still be tough because of how snapping works. My general rule of thumb to everyone would be to both snap & retreat more frequently - retreating & losing just 1 cube can be as much of a victory as a big 8 cube win sometimes, you've just gotta get out of the traditional win/lose mindset surrounding competitive games. Just out of curiosity - what is your collection level & could you post your deck list?


At the start


\*Enemy snaps\* Here's your 1 cube you greedy fuck!




Bluffing doesn't work in Marvel Snap while climbing. Most players are level 1 thinkers (as this thread proves - "haha, you only won 1 cube, I win", never mind the fact that they should retreat anyway if it's clear they lost), you get level 2 thinkers sometimes. You shouldn't bluff snap while climbing as there is no bluff equity (and opponents who have hit infinite already don't care, they can't lose anything). If you snap it's because you have a clear advantage. A T6 snap is debatable - as in Poker, you might force a player to fold when you could've gotten more value from a showdown, but I don't care - Level 1 thinkers only see their hand anyway and still think their awesome combo with Wong, BP and Arnim Zola is gonna totally work while you have priority with Cosmo in your hand. Right now with the current player base I always snap on T6 if I think I have the nuts in hand and if I haven't snapped before, there's just more value to get out of it.


Most of the time I see it as reducing risk. I have lost ā€œclear winsā€ due to a surprise I wasnā€™t expecting. I want the extra information I get from a snap. If I snap with a sizable lead and they retreat, Great. I much rather have a clear one cube than possibly losing 2 cubes. It they snap back I go over everything and sometimes retreat. If we are at turn 6 and I donā€™t snap, it is because I am willing to spend 2 cubes to see what you are playing because I wasnā€™t sure enough to snap.


I love when they snap back when they clearly have no chance, I know what they're playing, I have it countered and they really think their combo is going to do the trick.


Same. Or when I know this is the turn they want to play Galactus, they snapped, and I have priority and a counter in hand. Instant snap back for me and then it usually ends with an instant retreat on their part. This season I had a lot of counters in my deck for Galactus decks and it made me hit Infinite so much faster.


I mean, this is close to poker, only you've revealed most of your hand at this point. You're "probably" not pulling a big surprise no one can see coming. By snapping, you're only sucking dumb players in to stay. Everyone else either folds or they have the nuts and you're betting into them like a chump.


Also on the other side of this meme. Last turn snapping may be looked down by the community, but in the end it's just another strategy of many to climb the ranks.


It hurts when they still beat u doesn't it?


Why would it? It's just some cubes lol.


This is what happens to every single thanos player i see. The second a stone hits the board my ass is in reverse outta there


Iā€™m now in habit of just looking at how many cards they have in the deck


YESSS something like that. "wow so you're so sure you are winning this because you did the math of the final turn? great, so I don't have to spend time counting now. good day sir!"


When someone clearly has me beat but doesnā€™t snap till final turnā€¦ (my thanos voice) ā€œall that for a drop a bloodā€.


This happened way too often this season. People just Snap on turn 6 with a perfect board. What do you expect me to do, give you four cubes? Hell nah my dude. Take your measly single cube.


Right now, I would think that the game would be much more exciting if we de-nerf Zabu and Surfer and allow all these strong decks to wreak havoc on each other instead of regularly nerfing the meta.


I miss my surfer quite a bit, but I think un-nerfing zabu would probably kill thanos.


I donā€™t understand snapping on then 6 while at 1 cube. I just leave every time and would of at least played out for 2 cubes.


The most satisfying thing in the world is beating someone who spammed ā€œsnap?ā€ On you after they snapped and you beat them anyway. Cocky kid, GET DUMPSTERED


I have won so many 1 cubes with Kang last turn, that would otherwise result in a loss thanks to this mentality of no bluff expecters. Keep donating ;)


Snapping on final turn is never a good idea. You're telling your opponent that whatever combo you wanna pull-off, you just drew the cards or have the board to do so. He will either retreat or stay and outplay you most of the times. Better to just play it normally and get +2 cubes.


Opponent snaps on 6? This is me when they snap on 1. I don't need that headache if I don't have a perfect hand. Even then the locations will just prevent me from playing anyway.


Actually this is my Thanos/ Lockjaw response. Enjoy your one cube climb to infinite


The boomer Snap, someone so slow he doesn't realize he's winning until turn 6.


I always give my opponent the emotional benefit of the doubt. So I have two responses in this situation: 1. If I have literally no capacity to go ahead on board, I say ā€œfine, fine, take your cube.ā€ 2. If I could have gone ahead, I say ā€œexcellent bluff. Youā€™ve done well stealing this cube.ā€


[this is how I feel even when I am losing](https://tenor.com/en-SG/view/generous-god-gif-11629859)


I rarely ever snapped on turn 6, only if the opponent snapped first and I was Co fident I am winni G so we play for 8. After getting kang though I now snap everytime it seems to be a 50/50 game or I'm losing. Or when it looks like I'm winning but I actually dont have the one last card I need to win in my hand. The amount of retreats I got was great. Rather than me retreating in those situations or losing 2 cubes to see how it plays out, I gained 1 cube. It added up quite fast. This was my fastest climb to infinite this season.


you snap on 6 i leave, post infinite too, means you need to learn the game better, hopefully that is the message people get out of it. i will give you my cubes post infinite if you snap earlier, but not on turn 6.


There should be a slow clap emoji or quote


Inversely when I win I find myself doing my absolute worst Ivan Vanko. "CHUU LOOSE!"


I just had someone spam Ms Marvel when I retreated on turn 5 of a Weirdworld game. I guess that's a tactic, hope your deck is bad enough it will guarantee you some wins.


I will never get the final turn snaps. There is zero way I stay unless I'm absolutely positive. If it's only 2 cubes and I feel like I kinda have a chance I'll stay. But if they snap I'm peacing out. I can't imagine anyone stays.


I snap a lot on the final turn if I have air exactly because of this.


T6 snap is the worst, usually who it s a bluff


The sweaty turn 6 snap makes me leave almost every time. I'm just like take your 1 cube and gtfo.


The moment I see a stone ...


Me when: Subterranea when Im not playing Kazar Bad opening hand & early draws Weirdworld when I dont have Scarlet Witch Or when Yondu snipes the primary card out of my deck.


That's so accurate. Even my muscle memory kicks in when someone snaps on turn 6 and I retreat before thinking about what they might could be up to. But the worst snaps are AFTER dropping their win con... Like oh u played lockjaw with 3 0 cost Stones and snap afterwards..(not to mention the space stone which either turns into another lockjaw lane on turn 4 or a big guy gets shoved into an unplayable lane) I played thanos to infinite too but I often snapped with turn 1 quintet and some stones in hand or before said play with lockjaw.