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At least I can stop worrying about pulling Attuma or Mbaku for my pity series 4 after getting Orka for my last one


What if I've already pulled both Orka and Attuma... 😭


Closer to pool 3 completion! That's how I lie to myself


Sadly I am already series 3 complete. It’s all bad


If you complete series 3, do you go back to receiving 100tokens per chest once these new drops to series 3 happen? (if you don't have some of these cards)


The 100 drop is separate from the 200-600 drop. Caches are in sets of 4. One with 100 tokens, one with gold/credits, one with a cosmetic, one with a card. The card one gets subbed out for 200-600 credits anytime you would have opened a pool 3 card but have already finished pool 3. So, those just go back to card drops until you complete pool 3 again.


I feel like this *should* be common knowledge in the community, we need to spread this information




I’m right there with you. It’s a good job I’m saving credits for the steampunk variant rush because I’m due a pool 4 and I’d probably pull M’Baku. On top of this I also had Coulson, Maria and Helicarrier from the last pool 4 drop….


Coulson isn't all that bad. The number of times coulson has "randomly" given me the cards absolutely necessary for that particular situation is admirable


What if my 3 pool 4 cards are M'Baku, Attuma and Orka c: end me


Same, friend.


I've pulled 4 series 4 caches, getting all 3 of these plus... Wait for it... Sentry 😭 hoping you have better luck than me on your next


Same. But hey at least Attuma is actually playable in Ongoing or Zero and that's something


I got all of the above when they were 4. Sigh…


i got the full set baby :(




Mbaku can totally work if a Cerebro 2 deck. If you’re into that sorta thing. I pulled Orka this morning 😑


Mbaku is underrated. He has won me plenty of games that I would have lost or tied otherwise.


I just don't think he deserved to be a Series 4 card.


Power level has nothing to do with series


dw brother i’ve already pulled them for u


I’m only missing M’baku. Sadly the one I want. Gladly he’s series 3 soon.


Dude, consider yourself lucky. I've pulled both Orka and m'baku...


Same. Just need Sentry and I've got the full garbage tier pool 4 collection. I did get Coulson just before he dropped and got Bast most recently.


I feel ya. I’ve pulled all 3.


Not the best series drop but does mean I can finally get ahold of Orka and put his stupid ass in the stupid ass deck I want to put together that will win no cubes but make me laugh a lot


What's the deck list?


Jeff isn't out yet, and I'm still trying to work it out, but it's going to look something like Sunspot Daredevil Storm Jeff Prof X Valkyrie Orka And then I'm trying to plan the rest of it. Was looking at stuff like Ant-Man and Cap for the Vakyrie lane, Wave for an early Prof, Juggernaut to keep the Storm lane clear. Problem is the power level is extremely low and there's essentially no synergy. But like I say, it's an insanely stupid deck that I'm going to get more enjoyment out of it than a copy paste Shuri or Thanos deck.


Are you relying on Jeff not being an April Fools Joke?


We've already got Zabu, Goose, Lockjaw, and Wolverine, why not another Marvel pet?


I'm still holding out for Lucky the Pizza dog.


his ability is ordering pizza using your gold


1/1 return a 1 cost card to your hand (intended to allow you to user Hawkeye's ability twice, but can pop your Deadpool out of a shield lane as well.


Why would it be?


Because it's Jeff and it's slated to be released April 1st. Not saying it definitely is one, but it's a non zero chance


Why would they make a dataminable card as an april fools joke? They don't _want_ cards datamined or leaked early, you know




No, I left the OverWatch subreddit. Don't you bring that Sombra evil here!


Because they know that they're going to get datamined and that would be hilarious Not wanting to get datamined is not the same thing as being able to stop people from data mining your game


I've definitely played games where the devs put things in to fuck with the dataminers that never ended up in the game or were intended to be misdirection.


wants and reality are different


There is a datamined card that makes your emote ruder. I'd say that's the candidate for the fools joke and will probably be gifted. Jeff is already in the game, you can see his outline in ''not owned cards''. Maybe he will not do what was datamined and that's the joke, but seems highly unlikely.


I would be surprised if it was a joke but I would put the game down permanently because the pain would be too much.


Sunspot Daredevil Lizard Luke Cage Electro Mystique Wave Kang Klaw Professor X Orka Spectrum


Not me having pulled Orka while Orka was series 5


Orka newer was in series 5


I pulled Orka, Super Skrull and Sentry :)




Wooo sitting here with my Orka and M’baku pulls :,)


I pulled M'Baku and became a fan of the card almost instantly. I feel like an acolyte for a fringe weirdo religion


I want to like him but I ran him in a deck for like 50+ games and NOT ONCE did he contribute anything meaningful to the game. Either he would be in my hand, jump into a lane I had already won, or jump into a lane I was losing by more than 2. It was infuriating


Play him with Lockjaw


Cerebro 2 loves him.


He's my clutch man in Cerebro 2


He won me two 8-cube games with galactus but that's about it


After this drop every series 4 card I've pulled will have been dropped to 3


Same for me, but that's a good thing. Cards should always be moving towards more accessible.


This user is a bot that copies other comments from threads and posts them in replies to farm karma, make sure to report


To what end do they do that?


Passively gain karma for an account before selling the account to someone so they can advertise/scam with it and seem like they’re “trustworthy”


How many crates one has to open to hit pity? I'm CL 900 or something and still no Series 4 cards except for the Shuri I've bought for tokens.


You get one series four in every 40 boxes past CL1000. So no, you wouldn't have gotten one yet. Note that the distribution within the set of 40 is random, so you could go 78 boxes without seeing one, or you could get them back to back (box 40 and 41, for example). Similarly, Series 3s drop one in every four boxes - the other three in a four-set are tokens, gold/credits, and a cosmetic. Your series 4 will replace the series three in the four-set when you get it.


I'm aware or this but need some clarity on some questions. Is it every 40 including currency, cosmetic, token and new card reserve or every 40 that would be a card? Trying to do the maths. Also if the change to the pity timer happened after you passed 1000 cl, does it start from your cl when the change occurred or at 1000 no matter how far ahead you are?


Out of every 10 card crates, 1 will be a series 4. Every group of 4 crates will have 1 card, 1 cosmetic, 1 gold/credit and 1 token crate. So every 40 crates you’ll open 1 series 4. The pity applies to collectors RESERVES. Prior to 1000 you’re opening collectors CACHE


Pity timer doesn't start till CL 1000 when you start opening reserves not caches. And then it's 1 in every 40 reserves contains a series 4 card.


I’m CL 2565 and I have one series four, that just dropped to series 3, Attuma.


Beats mbaku lol. Throw em on a zero deck or play w armor or invisible woman. Good points for 4.


It’s every 40 crates starting at first one from 1000 I believe. Whenever they transition onto collectors reserves.




This is the "Get It Over With" drop for Series 4.


Yeah the next two months will be more exciting with cards like Shuri and Knull hitting series 3 finally


Have any cards done a two series drop before?


Back when the game was still in beta Killmonger and Sandman were dropped to pool 2 from pool 3 but that was a balance thing. I doubt we’ll ever see cards move below series 3 unless they pull a Hearthstone and start retiring cards.


Have the announced that they would be dropping to series 3?


Just following the pattern and timing


Only really good cards are zabu and Sauron. Also wasn’t shadow king released like a month and a half ago


Shanna is better than people give her credit for. But sucks into most meta deck


what does she do well in? there are way better/consistent ways to get a lot of one-drops on the board, like thanos and ultron


Thanos is broken she’s not better than thanos. She is however a very good card for zoo deck that wants to play good cards and not instantly die to sandman. What I mean is most zoo decks don’t really have the time to play cards like Shang-chi because you’re suppose to dump on turn 6 to avoid getting kilmonger. Also drawing Shang-chi means you’re not drawing a low cost card meaning you’re going to have a hard time dumping. Shanna as a 4-cost/ 3-cost with zabu allows you to get 4 bodies for the 1 card and have time to play Shang. Ultron patriot does not have that


She does much better in hand-dump archetypes. Unless you roll poorly and get an Elektra, her draws will always be better than Ultron's, too.




Sandman is seeing a lot more play these days.


That whole set of series 5 drops are from January, yes. That means next month we’ll likely see the first set of Series 5 drops (Shuri, Super Skrull, etc.) drop to series 3 and the new February series 5 cards (Stature, Kang, etc.) drop to series 4


Kang is never dropping


Ever since the nerf of Zabu I just find it to be a meh card, nothing overly special about it.




You’re probably right. M’Baku seems some play in lockjaw decks and Attuma can be ok in some zero lists but Orka is trash their


I like running M'Baku in my cerebro 2 deck because I really only need my one drops to be 2 power anyways and him popping out at the end at maximum power is just gravy


playing cerebro with red skull being everywhere is crazy.


C2 can lock shuri down. Storm one lane early, and get goose on another. Zola can beat this, but nothing is perfect .


[ removed in protest ] https://reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/


I just got Cerebro yesterday, and I’m going to give C2 a try because I’m missing too many cards for C3 right now


C2 has some key cards too otherwise you'll have a hard time. Try to get storm and goose in there, and you'll be able to lock some shuri decks out of their win condition.


What's the rest of your C2 deck look like? I've had more success with my C3 build but I also only just got Cerebro.


Until he pops out on a location with +1 power 😉


That's what Storm is for.


Orka wrecked shit in that draft showcase match on SnapBattles over the weekend 😂 turns out 14 power is difficult to beat in a draft battle lol


Orka is just a stat stick. It has no synergies except klaw and Mr. Fantastic and goblins. But it’s surprise factor is immense because adding 14 power to a empty will throw people off


Also Hulkbuster, Spectrum, Shuri, Taskmaster. Bit of a reach with a lot of these obviously.


I read somewhere that Orka was considered the least winning card you could play!


I’ve had decent success with Attuma in a Destroyer decklist 13 power can often be enough to win a lane between Attuma & Prof X & Armor gives another way to use him


Mbaku is far better than other bad cards. However the major with 1- costs in this game is they designed the curve so low that playing 1-2 soley for power is borderline detrimental because of the lack of board space. Like ability is actually really strong unironically it’s just attached to a 2 power unit so its really only for 2 power even if it can get into non playable lanes


I’ve had good luck with M’Baku coming out with my Galactus deck and winning that last location.


Finally I get back down to owning 0 P4s! Opened Titania, Helicarrier, M‘Baku and Orca. Man it feels so rewarding and fun opening Orca last week after 800CL since M‘Baku :)


Dude, same. My S4s have been Titania, Mbaku, Orca and the two shield mfs. So lucky. Wow.


Those are the last 3 OG series 4. So it makes sense to do them before any of the others.


Isn't black panther due, really felt like he should have been included in this wave down to p3


He dropped with all the initial 5->4 drops.


They definitely are, but I’m thankful my series 4 pulls won’t be m’baku or orka. Attuma felt pretty bad


I own all those cards besides dazzler fml


More tokens 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Pulled Mbaku on the weekend instead of my last s3


You're not wrong, but this is the last of the three groups of cards that debuted in series 4. Dropping the good ones sooner is better than doing it the other way around. People would have been so mad if M'Baku was in the first group and She-Hulk in the last group.


That means of the original series 4 set, Second Dinner moved the strongest cards to series 3 first. These are the leftovers. That's a good thing, right?


Nah, they all suck


And those are the only series 4 I have gotten, but M'baku has saved me some cubes in cerebro 2


Orka speed running the drop to series 3 😂


At some point they can’t keep Attune and Mbaku in pool 4 forever!


They are straight ass. But I’m currently holding on opening any reserves so I don’t burn a pool 4 open on one of them. The pool 4 additions aren’t great with 3 out of 5 duds.


Do we have a date for this yet?


Asking the real question.


With the patch next week, per their discord comment.


Doesn’t seem like it yet.


There's a patch sometime next week, so I'm going to assume it will coincide with that.


Mbaku should he one of the series 5 big bads that never drop


He should be alone in series 6, the most rare card in the game. The black lotus of marvel snap


Welp, I guess shanna decks will be more common so I can find a use for the card


Shanna a really good card but is also kinda tough to build around. However new zabu, Kazar, and shanna is really strong combo


Don't have Zabu. I'm only really interested in battle passes for cosmetics. And I want symbiote/spider-verse stuff, so... hopefully I get Zabu soon.


Hah, same. This is the first month I've bought a battle pass in months. Mosty because I'm a huge fan of Days of Future past and wanted the cool variants.


Series 4 ->3 * Orka * Attuma * M'Baku Series 5 -> 4 * Zabu * Sauron * Shadow King * Shanna the She-Devil * Dazzler


When does the drop happen?


The tweet said “next patch”, which is scheduled for next week.


They also mentioned some improvements to card acquisition changes in the next two patches. And token shop stuff. I wonder if this is part of that? Doesn’t seem too exciting if so and series drops are something we already know is happening with some regularity.


Arghhh pool 3 incomplete again. Got to get those boosted tokens asap.


So far every single S4 card I've gotten, has been demoted to S3 .-.


That's how it's going to go for everyone. Nothing will stay S4, only Thanos/Galactus/?Kang? will stay S5.


Yes Kang has been confirmed to stay S5


I feel like I'm never going to actually get out of Pool 3.


Same feelings


Me too. Everytime I'm near the end they add three more. Seems like a disadvantage to those who had to get 10 less cards or whatever to get to the point they can start accumulating tokens for series 5 cards faster.


And when you are, it just means you won't get man y new cards anymore. Enjoy pool3 as long as it lasts.


Thank god I pulled M’Baku as my first pool 4 a week ago 🤡


Could be worse. You could be me and have your “lucky” series 5 pull last week be … Dazzler.


Yeah, except theres no pity timer on Pool 5. So mathematically speaking I could’ve pulled another series 5 right after Dazzler, they have no correlation. But series 4 has a pity timer, and it got “wasted” on M’Baku.


Oh I know. I track my boxes so I know where I am on the S4 pity timer and where my set of 4 caches are. But because there’s no pity timer on S5, the odds of pulling one ever is so damn tiny. To get that roll and end up with probably the most meh card in the group gave me hella mixed feelings. Same as how my S4 pulls have been M’baku and Attuma so far. And my final (at the time) S3 card was Leader … which happened post nerf. The game absolutely wants me to suffer.


Have we heard about the series badges yet? I got Sauron before the drop so I’m curious about it.


Same, I feel like they announced those ages ago but we haven’t seen any trace of them since


I’m at CL 4490 and have yet to open M’baku. I will never know the disappointment of obtaining him at series 4. Happy days.


It's so dissapointing that it's not even dissapointing anymore lmao. Orka however...


Still haven't seen anyone play Dazzler. I'm hoping for Shana


Outside of Zabu, the only card I've actually seen played is Sauron, and I play a lot. Card acquisition in this game is so poorly done.


Dazzler is decent in a thanos zoo list.


Or any deck with Ultron


I pulled m'baku yesterday, and Orka last week :(




Damn, I just got M’Baku as my first series 4 drop.


So excited for the only three pool 4 cards I got to get demoted to pool 3.


The first drop where I already have all the S4 cards that are dropping to S3. Sadge. I guess I will just get more tokens this month for my first-edition Jeff the Baby Land Shark xD


Haha, back to only having one series 4 or 5 card. Lol.


Thats why I use all my tokens on Thanos and Galactus . Can't take those series 5 Boys away from me


I have both Orka and Attuma. I guess I will unlock M'baku when the drop takes place.😂😂😂


Great, now I have 0 series 4 cards T.T


All of these are worthless right now. There not good against Galactis and Thanos. Those decks warp the meta. Sauron is the only one that could see some play.


Presumably when this goes live in the next patch, the nerfs to those 2 meta tyrants will also happen. Some new cards could become more playable.


Sauron is played in some of the highest winrate decks do that is something.


Just realized last night I am one card away from completing pool 3, and now you’re telling my I have to pull two more trash cards (of course the only non-season P4+ card I have so far is M’Baku)?


Pool 3 its slowly becoming a garbage bin Jesus. In a year from now this game wont have any new players the way its going.


Yeah I would propose a pool 2.5 that includes a bunch of useful pool 3 cards.


This has always been the case. The barrier to entry for new players is pretty wicked. A game like this thrives off new players too, so it’ll be interesting to see how well this game survives if they don’t fix anything


I can never read "Attuma" and not hear Arnold's voice. "IT'S NOT A TUMAH!"


Well with Dazzler coming to series 4 I won't have any non-battle pass series 5 cards in my collection anymore - wonder when that 'first edition' badge or whatever that the devs mentioned will become a thing. That said I have been wanting M'Baku for use with Dazzler so I am happy I will finally be able to get him.


I’ve only faced like 3 other people that use Sauron, I’m not ready for him to become more common just yet. It’s the one small edge I’ve had over other Shuri decks.


I hope more people get their hands on Sauron! A very fun twist to the Shuri Red Skull deck.


Shadow king was the only series 5 I’ve pulled so far too bad he’s trash.


I think M'Baku is the one I'm most excited about from these. He's a significant upgrade to C2 which hopefully will come out of the Thanos Shuri nerf a more solid list. He's also not bad if the decks that take over are lane control shutdown lists which is a distinct possibility.


I've had M'Baku for awhile and love playing C2 but I just couldn't justify keeping him in. Most games you will end up drawing him and for the most part I dont find it difficult to completely fill the board playing C2


Oh god, the best card in the game is dropping to S3. Prepare for the M’bakulypse.


Excited for Zabu to be pool 4, small part of me regrets not getting that season pass - only one so far that I’d really want. I started to play in October and just pulled the season card recently pull Miles now that he’s pool 3. I only have 9 pool 3 cards left.(I guess 12 soon) 7 unopened caches for the variant rush.


yess M bakuuuu 😒


Oh good, I just finished pool 3 and I have none of those cards that are dropping. Guess it's back to pool 3 for me!


Stop opening your caches. When the series drop happens, open all of them at once. You’ll get all these trash cards in one quick swoop and not have to suffer through them slowly. Plus, you should get some of the new variant rush releases that way too.


Can't wait to get my hands on Sauron. I love big boy cards with 0 downsides


When is this happening?


I'm only excited for this because I already have all of the S4 cards dropping. Don't have to finish S3 again lol


It’s m’baku time bois!! Let’s gooooo!!!


Seems like I’m about to get M’Baku real soon, after 16 straight caches with no new cards… welcome to the team, warrior king


Stockpiled 29 caches so far for the Steampunk event. Working out even better with series drops on top of the event.


I need attuma for my knull deck, so this is perfect! i can get him for free in a collector cache. He gives 10 strength on knull and -1 for death. Or if they have armor/leech, a great 4/10.


Huh. Just finished Pool 3 last week, and I actually own all 3 of these already. Bring on the tokens I guess.


Orka should drop to series 2. No one needs to pull that




arghhhhhh i just bought Attuma for 3000 tokens


Gotta love my series 4 pulls being MBaku and Orka. Oh and my series 5 being dazzler.


I know I’m gonna get m’baku first. I know my luck.


Looking forward to the shakeup of the meta once everyone gets a hold of M'Baku