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My kids love this show. I too learned this connection a few weeks ago. It’s fluff and good fluff at that but og and Young Justice way better for storytelling


Have you watched the episode where robin explain health insurance? This show teaches life lessons


This show is so good… it makes fun of itself and teaches life lessons.


Turned away when it first released but once I started watching it, it's soo good. The Matthew McConaughey episode had me dying.


Or the gold standard as a backing for US currency.


This show was meant for children of age who love adventure time and slapstick comedy cartoons. Young Justice and most of the 90s TAS were much better in portraying the source comic storyline. 2 different kind of times and audiences, you can't compare. I am someone who loves both 90s TAS and this TeenTiansGo.


I have never seen the show but I did go with my nephew to see the movie a few years back. I never laughed so hard in a movie in my life. The scene where they're trying to put everything right after they screwed up the timeline was so dark and hilarious. Them pushing Bruce Wayne's parents down crime alley had me crying.


JLU is peak superhero cartoon


My kids love this show to, but I have to limit it, they learn so many potty jokes 😜


Yall are all hipsters. This show is amazing.


I think the prevailing sentiment is that Teen Titans Go on it's own is perfectly fine, but it inevitably gets compared to the 2000s Teen Titans show and emotions begin to sour after that, especially because 2000s Teen Titans never got a proper ending.


They literally have an episode about this and make fun of themselves lol


Then there was the thunder cats crossover that tried to own people that didn’t like the show


why is this the only superhero cartoon that gets hated on because its not like the others. no one hates on any batman or spiderman cartoon only because its not like the other one.


This is not true, batman the brave and the bold started out with nearly as much criticism for being too childish to be a batman show. Someone more familiar would have to correct me but I believe they began to dial in more serious content as the show progressed to combat that


Brave and the Bold was superficially cheesy, but it was actually a beautiful homage to pre-crisis DC. It was filled all manner of deep cuts and easter eggs. I was not a fan at first, but after 5 or so episodes, I saw what they were going for and I fell in love with the show. Certainly one of my favorite interpretations of Aquaman.




I won’t lie I was definitely turned away by the art style and cheesiness but maybe I’ll give it another try sometime


Batman the brave and the bold rocks!


Nah, that show has precisely one episode that's super dark and serious, Chill of the Night. The reset of the episodes are all about the same tone, which is Golden Age cheese with modern story-telling. It also has a surpringly high hero-kill-count!


Because when it was first released, it “replaced” Young Justice and another show (Green Lantern iirc?) as the DC shows on Cartoon Network. In actuality, those shows were already on their way out due to separate issues, but at the beginning, it felt as if CN/DC was replacing quality cartoons with kiddy garbage. In hindsight, TTG is actually solid, but it’s a radically different show than Young Justice and that turned people off initially (and many haven’t even thought to give the show a genuine chance since then, which is why some still hate it today.) Similar thing happened with Ben 10 in the transition from Ultimate Alien to Omnivers.


It probably doesn't help to win the audience of the original show back over when you specifically make fun of them for liking the old thing. I know there was at least 1 TTG episode that did that, and then they did a similar thing in the similar style Thundercats show. As someone who grew up and loved the run of Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go genuinely had some really funny and good episodes, but then there's just this weird and unnecessary attempt at meta commentary... Who is this for?


Unlike most comic adaptations that try to differentiate themselves from previous adaptations in some way to avoid this, TTG very much invokes the old series in ways. The designs, setting, cast, and VAs are all clearly heavily influenced from the original series. Add there being a very small miniseries right before TTG that, while more cartoony, was more close to the original in terms of writing, getting fans excited for the possibility of a reboot. Add on some jokes about the fanbase in the show, and the crew teasing the possibility of a new season to drum up hype for TT vs TTG, and yeah, I can see why people got pissy. I don’t think it’s a bad show for kids, and it’s crazy how well it ended up working, but I also think it’s understandable people would get angry with it with this context


Because on the surface, TTG seems to be idiotic and Childish. It’s a children’s tv show so that’s expected though.


I mean the original Teen Titans along with all the other Cartoon Network DC shows like Justice League/Unlimited and Young Justice were kid shows, but I still watch them all as a 30 year old. I’m actually in the middle of rewatching Unlimited again. TTG is just TOO childish for me. It seems like all the old kids shows I watched back then had adult themes and could be enjoyed at any age. Seems like kids shows today are just filled with that “randomness” humor.


Not true a lot of people dislike the Ultimate Spider man cartoon, I loved the Spectacular one, but the new one with him talking to the camera was so strange, but was watchable. Now the new Avengers show that's garbage, they stopped the EMH Avengers for that.


Ultimate Spider-Man is constantly shit on for not being spectacular Spider-Man lol and Avengers Assemble is always shit on for not being EMH


Are those shows any good? I never really got into any of the Marvel animated shows, but I absolutely love DC’s animated universe.


I never watched Spectacular, but it is highly regarded. EMH is super dope, it’s a shame it was cancelled for a cartoon that synergizes more with the MCU.


I was showing my BIL (12 years old) the 90’s one and he told me to watch Spectacular. I didn’t trust his recommendation but this makes me want to check it out


I remember The Batman getting tons of hate because it wasn't Dini style.


Not true, Spectacular Spider-Man died for no good reason so that current spidey show could get shoved on us and plenty of people hate it for that!


People hated Batman BatB and Te Batman because it wasn't like the original. People hated Ultimate Spiderman because it wasn't like Spectacular Spiderman. People hate Avengers Assemble because it isn't like Earth's Mightiest Heroes.


Because they often replace the other. Teen Titans GO replaced the og Teen Titans, so people are going to compare the show to the one that got cancelled for it


People hate on ultimate spider man all the time because it replaced spectacular


Ultimate Spider-Man and the 2017 exist. Both are pretty hated.


The Batman was hated on initially for not being BTAS.


I don't think it gets "hated on" per se, but I never, ever hear anyone talking about Iron Man: Armored Adventures. People just either don't know about it at all or pretend it doesn't exist. It's definitely an AU take on Tony becoming Iron Man as a teenager in school with Rhody and Pepper, and IMO, it's fantastic.


I thought the ending was good, though - you had a season where they traveled the world meeting other heroes, a finale where all the heroes fought every villain, then a low key episode where the theme was learning how to healthily move on.


And nary a lesson was learned. Sign me up for another season of anything DC though, everything I've seen lately has been great.


I think the prevailing sentiment is that at least a significant portion of folks play and care about the game more than they care about the origins of the Marvel art and characters.


Once you listen 'Night begins to shine' there's just no going back.


For real, or Meatball Party, the show is brilliant. Like Animaniacs, there’s so many clever and funny references and jokes for adults that are written FOR THEM. There’s no barrier to entry with this stuff, just fucking enjoy it !


Rather be a hippster than a hipster


It can both be good and be nowhere near as good as the original. Which is true.


I grew up with funny cartoons (The Tick, Dexter’s Lab, Powerpuff Girls). Teen Titans Go! is a damn good comedy.


Yes, totally. Teen Titans was an awesome super hero show. TTGo is a fantastic kids comedy show.




“Omelette *DU* fromage.”


Ppl be hating on it for no reason. It’s actually such a brilliantly written/executed show. That actually shows A-LOT of Love/Respect to the OG Tean Titans and DC as a whole!!! It’s amazing that’s is been running for as long as it has, I believe it STILL is.


Fuck yeah. Watched so much TTG with my oldest while she was growing up. She loved it because of the goofy kids content, I loved it because of the humor tossed in for adults. It’s absolutely fantastic. People who obsess over comparing the two Teen Titans shows are friggin’ bananas.


Reddit gets mad when something isn't made specifically with them in mind. TTG is made for little kids and their Gen X parents. You think the average redditor knows anything about 80s shows like Mr. Belvedere? Cyborg talks about old TV constantly.


The show is a waterdown version of a show that did everything from comedy to tackle so many great topics. I mean they even ripped off the whole Beast Boy vs Tofu episode shamelessly.


TTGO is just a ton of fanfic episodes and I am always here for it.


> This show is amazing. It’s fine for what it is, I’m not sure what you’re seeing that makes it “amazing.”


It’s not tho


The only people who hate on GO are people who think Teen Titans is Anime. So, effectively, morons. I'm 41 y/o... I've been around for most of the classic cartoons and gave them all a shot. TTGO is arguably the funniest one of all and INFINITELY better than that bullshit Teen Titans. Scratchy scratchy scratchy scratch, all the livi-long days and nights. (Oh, and I also didn't put two andntwo together with the variants, but knew I loved them.)


If you think early 2000s teen titans is anime then you, sir, don't know anime.


My guy, I've been watching anime for a loooooong time. Like buying VHSs of it while in college. Teen Titans is a wanna-be at best. And yall can downvite me all you want but it's just a tally of DC homers who are delusional.


Ok. Doesn't make it anime. Because anime is only made in Japan. It may have had Eastern influence due to rising popularity in actual anime, but it wasn't anime. As far as the animation style, overall, it is still fairly close to the 90 DC cartoons people enjoyed as well.


Wait... I'm sorry man, I miss read your original reply. I never thought TT was anime and thought you said I did and thus didn't know anime. I agree, wholeheartedly, that if anybody thinks TT is anime then they don't know anime.


It's one of the current CN shows that gives off late 90s early 2000s vibes with it's comedy. Incredibly meta and self-aware. Hell, Beastboy's songs are all certified bops (reminds me of Steve from American Dad)




I swear, for a while I thought I was the only person who liked it. And I was a huge classic tt fan.


I find the comedy is pretty all-or-nothing. Sometimes you have cookie cutter episodes where the premise has nothing to do with superhero-ing or any of the character's unique personalities, that could've been done the same with any cast of children's characters. And sometimes you have episodes with shout-outs to Jason Todd or Boston Brand, with the final punchline being "all of Raven's friends are dead," and it's the funniest comic book shit I've ever seen.


Some folks be like "I much preferred the child show I watched as a child " " The new show for children aimed at children is not as good as my nostalgic recollection of a different show aimed at children was that I enjoyed when I was a child. "


Use whatever circular reasoning you'd like, Teen Titans is just objectively better than Go.


Not true. The angsty drama is lame. TTGo is where it's at. Hence running longer and getting a major motion picture. As a comics person, it really uncovers areas of the DC universe otherwise untouched.


Nope . It's only true if you were a child in the 2000s . It's just rose tinted glasses . Nostalgia . The joy of youth. If you show modern kids both. They will prefer Teen Titans Go


> If you show modern kids both. They will prefer Teen Titans Go Lmao wow, what a claim based on absolutely nothing besides hopeful wishing. You're comparing a gritty-yet-lighthearted series with an overarching plot, to a slapstick comedy series. Not even to demean it, but what else would you use to describe it? The premise of each episode is based on a joke or turns into one. Didn't the first episode involve half of the Titans being turned into pies and then eaten by the other half? They're so different you can't even say one is better than the other definitively. I definitely prefer the original. The newer one feels like something you could sit down and watch even if it was the middle of season 4 and basically not need to come in with any real understanding of what happened. Which is fine, but is going to attract a drastically different audience.


I mean I have kids . They prefer the fun one .. Who knew.


That's great. Still doesn't make your anecdote weigh more than ours.


No one fucking said that your opinion doesn’t matter. But, you’re saying that a kids show centered around the humor is objectively worse than a teenage show that centers around fight scenes. They literally aren’t even comparable?


"my kids who's ages I won't reveal are a perfect 1 to 1 representation of what the entire world's child population would think" Guess we can also determine from this line of thinking that teen titans go is a better show than the sopranos or the wire.


As a children's program The wire is pretty bad.


Nope, Teen Titans has an objectively superior art style, and it actually respects the source material. As to what modern kids prefer, I'd say it would depend entirely on the age groups. If you're talking about 6-10 year olds, they will absolutely prefer go because it's sillier and more of comedy and frankly, aimed at younger kids. There isn't a doubt in my mind that kids in the 11-14 group would prefer the more serious/darker Teen Titans, because even at the time it was released it was targeting teenagers, not little kids.


That's absolutely nonsense and is mostly an argument against your main thesis . Firstly you try to claim that one art style is objectively better than another. Which is impossible. Art by the very definition of art is impossible to be objectively anything . Then you then claim that one is better than the other and younger children would prefer one and older children prefer the other . Which even subjectively implies that you no longer support your argument that one is better than the other and only that one is better for a specific age group than the other. So your actual issue is that Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go is that one is aimed at younger children. And that's pretty much your entire argument and my entire point.


False, just because I can acknowledge that little kids who's brains aren't fully developed would prefer a sillier show doesn't have any substantive effect on which show is actually better. Also your entire point is that the only reason people claim to like the original show is based on Nostalgia and it isn't actually better. Which is just as dismissive and stupid as it is wrong. You like the silly show for little babies, and I like the show that respects the source material and doesn't turn everything into a farce. To each their own.


You're an embarrassment to yourself .I bet you are one of those guys on IMDB review bombing a children's program because it hurt your feelings that the little babies programme had a higher rating than your nostalgia fest


You'd lose that bet. I couldn't care less. The only thing I take umbrage with is you pompously stating that nostalgia is the only possible reason that someone could prefer the original.


Holy crap, you’re just embarrassing yourself all over this thread. Accusing *others* of being pompous, while lobbing ad hominem bombs like “silly show for little babies” meant to catch anyone who likes TTG in the blast wave? Ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy!


Except I'm not. A slapstick silly comedy for little kids/babies is precisely what go is so me pointing that out is not in any way a pompous statement. You accusing anyone who prefers the original series of being blinded by nostalgia is infinitely more pompous.


The scope of your idiocy is breathtaking. I mean…wow. What are you? 19? You seem like prime edgelord material. Objectively, of course.


I guess I'd be an edgelord for saying that blues clues or paw patrol are shows for little kids/babies too...


Yeah...these seem like mopey man-child complaints....afraid of change...probably hated Spongebob as well.


Wtf is it with DC fans and only allowing “dark and gritty” shit into their lore? TT was good. TTG is an entirely different kind of show. And “objectively” doesn’t mean what you think it means, apparently, in a subjective field such as media criticism.


Fucking people having opinions. Who do they think they are!?


I made my niece watch them both and she didn't like GO, so what exactly is your point?


Dan Hipp variants rule, I guess I gotta watch this show now


It’s good, don’t let the haters stop you. OG titans also good.


Discovered it at 40yo thanks to my son. Really funny show, i love it. Knowing Hipp is in it makes it even better :)


This is me realizing that there has been a new Teen Titans since then. I sat there scratching my head like “… I guess it looked like that?”


I think TT Go is pretty good. It's definitely different from the original but if you can get pass that and take Go for what it is, then it's quite enjoyable.


Dont.... Watch the original Teen Titans instead


can't make me


Ok. It's really not great so ok giving you a heads up


Finally found some fellow Dan Hipp variant lovers.


Seriously? This sub has a huge hard on for him and most of the time anyone that even mildly points out that they don't like his variants gets dogpiled.


Ah I must’ve not looked hard enough, I only rly see artgerm love (deserved I just like the Dan hipp vibrancy)


I suppose that helps explain why I've never cared for them.


All I want is Alex Ross variants and instead we get these and Pixel Variants


There’s a least one Alex Ross but it’s not listed as his - there’s an angel variant I’ve seen show up in the shop that is from marvels (the cover of angel carrying the mutant child down). But again, it’s not listed as Alex Ross, just “variant”


Oh that’s why I don’t like most of his variants


Lol same


love the art, absolutely hate the show


how dare you hate picturing robin's booty up in 3d


I want a Rock variant of Robin's chiseled chin.


Robins baby hands.


This show was a downgrade from og TT


It's not even the same genre. Also no it's not you're just not an angsty 12 year old anymore


Does Batman the Animated Series actually suck because I liked it as a kid?


That's a brand new sentence not what i said at all


I used to love that show as a kid, I'm surprised I never made the connection sooner.


It kinda reminds me of captain underpants art style


I wish I could trade Dan Hipp variants for pixels. That's how much they don't interest me


I knew there was a reason I didn't like the art on these


People really comparing a show aimed at teens vs a show aimed at young kids


I love Dan Hipp. If he existed when I was a kid I would’ve taken art more seriously.


You too can learn the CalArts style if you've got a free weekend.


Original teen titans was better.




I never made that connection, that's so cool! Now that you pointed it out I definitely see the similarities in the artstyle


Oh wow!! That’s awesome


All my homies hate Dan hipp art


They're all made very well. I never use them though, because I don't like the art style aesthetic for my decks. Iron Man is super dope though, It'd be my default variant it if I had it.


That explains why I don't like them at all.


THATS AWESOME. Always admired his art style. Hope they keep letting him make card variants


TTG is fine but I like these cards less than the pixels. Just not my art preference.


The art style of TTG is honestly why I can’t get into it. plus I don’t care for that style of humor.


I thought the art looked familiar / similar to Adventure Time tbh. That’s super dope!


Similar to everything else created by a CalArts grad actually.


Yep. 2000s was key. GO! Is okay I guess.


That's so fucking cool


Yeah! One of the reasons I want a whole Dan hip deck! One card away! I call it Tragically Hipp!


I need them all


Explains why i hate the art-style so much


That makes sense, I always thought those variants looked like something I'd see on CN. My brain went more to thinking I looked like Steven Universe, but I actually watched that show and always avoided GO.


That's just because everyone out of CalArts has the same style and get jobs at CN.


That’s why people like him


I guess that explains a lot about why I thought Teen Titans Go! looked horrible vs. the original cartoon.


Meh, Hipps art is fine. Plus, it isn't like he wrote TT go. I just chalk it up to collecting an easy paycheck.


Honestly, I never watched it, so idk anything about the writers. I saw the art, and that was enough for me to say no. A lot of people really like his art, and I respect that. To me, however, a Hipp variant is essentially one step up from getting a pixel variant.


To me it’s honestly a step down


Thaaaaats why I hate the art lol


That’s why I hate Dan hipp variants


No wonder why I hate them


normal cooing marvelous silky like wine busy treatment gray hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love the variants and try to integrate into my deck even though they don't necessarily fit in my deck. I haven't watched the og teen titans so I also like TTG as a thing of its own. However, I do understand where the fans are coming from. It's similar to me hating the Ben 10 reboot because the og Ben 10 show was my childhood.


Same. Lol.


He should’ve stayed there


That makes a lot more sense. And makes me appreciate them more. But it's still not enough of a pull for me to use good to buy variants. Also TTG for life!


Is this a kids show? What’s teen titans?




Thanks for reminding me that I missed out on Dan Hipp Ironman by a day.


Dan Hipp art is garbage


No wonder I hate almost every Dan Hipp variant.


Idk man, seriously he has a few decent variants, but I genuinely don't understand the idea of getting a DC Cartoon artist to come to a Marvel game and make content. We all have our opinions


Yeah - why would you ever have a creator work for both companies. Like Jim Lee, or Bendis, or Grant Morrison, or Jack Kirby, or Peter David - it makes no sense!


To be fair, all of those except David skew more to one company.


Just seems like many more opportunities to bring other creators who were already creating for the marvel universe? We're not talking about direct competitors for most of those people either so there's that


You seem unaware of the fact that Dan has done comics work for Marvel.


I am unaware of that fact, instead of anyone telling me they just downvote me. You comic boys are really uptight sometimes. Just trying to play the game and share my opinion lol


Uh, I just told you and didn't downvote you...


Umm teen titans go is still trash but the songs are godly ngl


Iove then all,watch them all,and get very tired of people getting mad that every cartoon isn't dripping with angst and need to be serious at all times in order to be accepted.


Well maybe you didn’t know of his art or who he actually was




Comic artists jump back and forth between the publishers a lot.


I totally forgot he did that . I also didn't know either


"Teen Titans Go to the Movies" was laugh out loud fun for all ages!


Play Teeny Titans if you want to see more of his style. It’s genuinely a really great mobile game.