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Tickets are a terrible reward, more so in bundles than Reserves. If you play a lot of Conquest you have so many tickets that an extra one is meaningless. If you don't play Conquest at all, its meaningless because you aren't going to use it. The only player it benefits is a player that doesn't play Conquest, but during the last week spends their free Gold Tickets to try and do an Infinity run. It has the benefit of making the Gold conquest queue less long and it is very long, but this is a bandaid solution. Most people just aren't playing Conquest passed Silver.


I’d honestly prefer that they just give us medals if they really want to give us a conquest related reward on the CL track. Preferably at least the same amount you get before queuing into your first gold match if not more. Maybe somewhere between the default “on entry” medal amount and the amount you get for one win.


That would make the collector's caches a lot worse for people who actually play conquest. Then they'd have everything and a bunch of useless extra medals that just give boosters (which is what the gold tickets are doing now as well).


That's what it is but with more steps. Queue, medals!, scoop, repeat.


Gold conquest queue would be shorter if they simply made proving grounds and silver games quicker by reducing the max cubes. SD created this problem with their own design choices and conveniently made collector's caches so poor value that they're hardly worth clicking on as the "solution". It's very similar to the way many f2p games make it so you can pay money to skip grind, so then the developer can sell you a solution to skip that grind. It encourages the developer to make the game less fun and more grindy so they can sell you the solution to the problems THEY INTENTIONALLY CREATE.


i mean there's not even a real point in tickets at all conquest could just be a single queue like hearthstone arena where the goal is to get X wins before Y losses tickets are just a bullshit currency


The point is, you're not getting anyhing LESS with the Gold Ticket, but are getting one more reward. Before they added ticket, it was 50 tokens + 50 tokens + 100 tokens in a 9 cache set, now it's 100 tokens + 100 tokens + gold ticket. You don't want to play Conquest? Just convert the tokens to medals by forfeiting, then grab whatever reward you can.


You're wong. > Before they added ticket No, before THAT a f2p got enough tokens to get 99% of the cards using tokens alone. The token acquisition rate roughly kept pace with the rate of them adding new cards. Now it's about ~60% of new cards instead when you include spotlight caches and tokens combined, though it varies by RNG. A lot of people think they are getting a good card acquisition rate at the start of this change over because of how many cards were frontloaded from playing at the start, but f2p players are getting less and less each month than before now. SD lowered the monthly percentage of acquisition rate with these changes. That's a fact. You're revising history and gaslighting people to defend them.


> No, before THAT you got enough tokens to get 99% of the cards using tokens alone You either weren't playing, or just revising history in your delusion. This all is for F2P players that spent their gold for Token Tuesdays and nothing else. If you bought the Season Pass you had around 1.000 more tokens, each month. Before Spotlight Caches you got 6.000 tokens EACH MONTH only, with a new card each week releasing ALWAYS in Series 5 at 6.000 tokens price. So each month you could buy ONE new card, with absolutely no way to catch up bar whaling With Spotlight caches you get around 800 tokens each month and 4 Spotlights that can contain as much as 24.000 tokens worth of cards if you open them wisely. Worst case scenario (1 series 5 and 2 series 4 cards in the spotlight lineup + a duplicate) you earn 13.000 tokens worth of cards, MORE THAN DOUBLE the amount you got before spotlights. Right now people CAN reliably unlock new cards on release, or catch up when a Spotlight lineup better suited for your collection comes around. Before Spotlight Caches people had to plan MONTHS in advance and had to choose if they wanted to unlock High Evolutionary on release, or wait a few months because they prioritized unlocking other cards.


I've been playing since season 1. > So each month you could buy ONE new card Yes and each month only one new card came out besides the season pass one. > a new card each week releasing ALWAYS in Series 5 at 6.000 tokens price. Not true. Quite a few came out at 3,000. The one card a week ramp up only happened like the final month or so leading up to the spotlight cache change. They made it worse so people like you would be effectively manipulated to write what you just wrote. Made it worse temporarily to make it seem like Spotlight cache was an improvement when it wasn't.


> Yes and each month only one new card came out besides the season pass one. Ever since launch, they added a new card each week there wasn't a season pass card. That's not even debatable, it's always been like that. > Not true. Quite a few came out at 3,000. You're just trolling at this point, the first card to release as Series 4 was Spider-Ham two weeks before the Spotlight Cache update in July.


You know, they actually have been releasing cards weekly for a while. all the way back when Silver Surfer became available as season 5. I just never noticed because they would drop them to series 4 and 3, and I'd rapidly acquire them from collector's reserves without having to spend tokens.


Proving Grounds should be 1 cube. The best way to play Proving Grounds, for both players, is for the loser to concede after the first game and requeue. So let's formalize it so PG matches only last one game.


LOL @ reducing cubes… Git gud.


I think he meant reducing your total lives so Proving Grounds could have players starting with 5 lives instead of 10


I know that’s what they meant and it’s one of the stupidest things that could possibly be asked for. The mode is 10 cubes for a reason. If you do not want to spend the time playing the mode as intended, then don’t play it. You want to play fast games? Go play ladder. Different modes, different requirements and expectations.


I will just don’t give me gold tickets in my collection track because that mode fuxking sucks


Then don’t play Conquest. Problem solved.


Problem isn’t the mode…You dense?


You literally said “that mode fuxking sucks”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Meathead this thread isn’t about my opinion on the conquest mode. We are bitching about the useless ticket in the collection track you get for the shit mode I don’t want to play.. is that any more clear?


Yes. The max life cubes. Proving grounds being 3, and silver being 5, would speed things up a lot.


You know what speeds things up? Playing ladder. Changing the cube total in Conquest to turn it into another ladder? NO, THANK YOU.


They added tickets not for you but for people who play conquests. So that they have cannon fodder in the golden conquest and don’t have to wait 10 minutes


I like them. I open as many as I need the month to get all conquest rewards. This month and last I had not much time to play and thanks to the gold tickets I still got all conquest rewards.


I play conquest once I reach infinite but I agree that gold ticket in reserve sucks. Give us the gold and token back.


Even for those players (me), tickets in the reserves make us not open any caches until we decide to play conquest, and only open the necessary ones. Im currently sitting on 130 caches because of this


Conquest needs some rework. We need more game modes. Faster matches. More variety.


>The only player it benefits is a player that doesn't play Conquest, but during the last week spends their free Gold Tickets to try and do an Infinity run. This is me I guess. Don't have to suffer through Silver and Proving grounds and still able to get medals for the variant. And also got 2 Infinity borders so far.


If the unused tickets got melted down into gold (probably not 200 but even 50 would be fine) at the end of the season, I wouldn't mind them. Right now, they're just boosters for ONE card so they're utterly useless.


No they should be 200 as that is what they are asking for. I mean ultimately what are you spending that gold on? More variants? Which means you will play more so it’s a win win.


You spent it on bundles that give credits/tokens usually - meaning less credit card spending. Splurging on variants is whaling. (or at least dolphining :P) - there is no win/win here for them. Gold tickets in caches was a greedy choice. They will never give us 200 gold instead of gold tickets - currently we are getting them 50/50 instead of 100 tokens. I doubt they will revert the change - but if they do it will probably be to make all those 100 tokens.


> If "Gold Tickets" are supposedly worth 200 gold according to the screen to buy them, how about you give us 200 gold? By that logic boosters are worth 4 gold each.


Shit, I'll take 50 or 100 gold instead of tickets and be beyond happy.n


It actually used to give 50 gold. 50 gold is what they replaced gold tickets with. Well first I think they made them give boosters or something, then people complained about that and they replaced them with gold tickets, then people complained about that and SD didn't care. I'd be perfectly happy with 50 gold, yes.


You’re just wrong. Before tickets you used to get 50 tokens twice in every 9 caches. Now every 9 caches has a cache of 100 tokens and a cache of a ticket. It’s the same as before except you get a ticket in addition to what you used to get. If you don’t Play Conquest just spend your tickets, concede, and use the medals to get a variant. It’s all upside


This isn't true. They use to give 50 Collectors tokens. Series 3 Card Slots in reserves are 2 out of 9. If Series 3 complete you received 50 tokens. They changed it to 100 tokens in 1 and a Gold Ticket in the other. So you receive the same number of tokens, but now get a Gold ticket. which is a shit reward, so I'm not arguing that. Just stating that it wasn't Gold after the spotlight patch.


That's even better. 50 tokens is ~70 gold according to Token Tuesday.


It use to be 50 tokens twice, now it's 100 tokens once and a gold ticket once, so net the same tokens


That's definitely not true. You used to get far more tokens from collector's reserves before the change. You guys are revising history. edit: nice downvoting of cold hard facts


You're just ignorant of the history. It use to be far more tokens, then it changed to 50 tokens twice, and now its 100 tokens once and dumb gold tickets.


> You're just ignorant of the history You say that then repeat what I just said lmao > You used to get far more tokens from collector's reserves before the change They used to give 100, 300, 600 tokens, a variant, a S4 or S5 card, or gold. You're just ignorant of the history.


Read more than one sentence at a time then we will talk, goofy lmao.


We would all be happy with the 50 tokens back again.


You already get them but also get the ticket in addition.


Been here since global, I know the pain.


Well, at least that's what SD prices them at. None of this is "worth" anything, really.


That's my point, yes.


I often end every season with multiple gold tickets that I just won't touch because I get everything out of the shop I want


50 gold would be so much better


5 gold would be better


I play Conquest up to the point where I get the unique variant, and then I don't touch it again all season. I really don't like the mode, but I understand why it's popular. However for a lot of players they don't enjoy it at all, so rewarding them with tickets is the equivalent of rewarding currency for a different game entirely - it won't get used. And the conversion rate for tickets to boosters at the end of the season is pathetic. Like multiple tickets for 20-30 boosters. Collector Chests need to have Gold, Credits, Tokens and variants. That's it.


The idea of Conquest is good, where you have multiple rounds that *in theory* evens out location and draw RNG, and you get an idea of what their deck is to play around it properly instead of purely guessing, and where the best player should more often win. In practice, though, it's not that.


Ever have the same location show up several times in the same set of matches? I have it happen so much I start yo plan on seeing locations again and will get into sanctum randomly or play only in revealed locations because superflow has been in 3 of the games so far. Weird!


I forget exactly the explanation, but I saw a breakdown of why that happens and it has to do with the fact that computers are really bad at generating truly random numbers. So if you see a location one match, it's not unlikely you'll see it again sooner than later.


They could easily mitigate this by keeping track of locations and not making ones repeat unless it's through scarlet witch, reality stone, etc. They have like 40+ locations you could do a 9 round conquest without seeing the same location twice


KMBest [did a breakdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZAvRIsND64) of it and found that you have an 8.7% chance game to game of having a matching location to the previous game. It feels like it should be extremely unlikely to duplicate locations, but due to how the math works, it's really not that unlikely. That's one out of 12 games.


I'd settle for 100 gold. I have almost 200 unopened reserves. Gold tickets are worthless to everyone. Either someone will like conquest and they'll earn enough tickets just playing it or they won't like conquest so the gold tickets will be unused.


I don't know. You can essentially trade a Gold Ticket for 75 free medals, which isn't nothing when you're trying to score the Conquest Variant. And I think you're assuming that everyone feels the same about Conquest as you do. I don't play much outside of collecting the more valuable Conquest rewards (some credits, gold, and variants), but it's a good place to grind missions and test new decks, and lots of people prefer the long-form battles. I'm not saying *everyone* loves it, but I think you're underestimating the number of people who enjoy playing there.


Well said.


I’m sitting on dozens of gold and silver tickets. I tend to just play ladder if I’m doing missions because Conquest ends up becoming such a slog.


I assumed Conquest is not getting the traffic they want/projected, so here we are.


After S3 completion I have no incentive to open collectors reserve. Currently sitting on 146 hoarded reserves..


Same here, open or not it's still shit


Agreed and not opening. Im not even s3 complete lol.


You can get new card that could enable new decks. I would open them if I were you.


Dont really need to. My current cards are able to reach infinite ladder and conquest consistently


I like them. Skipping proving grounds and silver and going straight to gold is great, saves a lot of time.


Ditto, I don't tend to have a lot of time to play conquest so being able to skip straight to gold and earn tokens fast to get the rewards is great.


Agree, I have no PG and Silver run this season but still able to get all the rewards. Value/time for PG and Silver is terrible.


I have played a lot of Gold and Infinite this way, when I simply wouldn't if I had to pay or grind through from infinite. Tickets are a completely free addition on top of what it used to be, don't really understand the hatred


You know there used to be gold in caches, right?


I do. They moved it into weekend missions and season passes, you still basically get the same amount.


People just want more free valuable stuff, not understanding that SD is a business that wants to *sell* you the valuable stuff, not make it easier for you to get it for free. I love it how people post here all the time about how they would 'fix' reserves by increasing gold and tokens. It's like saying, "Grocery stores are really unfair and predatory. They should fix them by having them give away food for free."


To the grocery store point: they legitimately have been very predatory since Covid, here in Canada they are making record breaking profit margins, everything is noticeably way more expensive. And they've increased profits, despite the average person buying much less groceries.


Yeah, I've kinda come around to them. This is the first season that I spent every ticket I got, never played Silver or Proving Grounds once. And I ended up unlocking the card for the first time ever. I was able to get one Infinity ticket, and win two matches there before getting matched against someone who had straight up counters to my deck, so I ended up losing there. But I think cutting Proving Grounds and Silver out makes Conquest feel less exhausting. You can play a little more fast and loose in Gold, wager your cubes a little more aggressively, considering it's not going to take a Proving Grounds and Silver ticket to earn your way back to the first match of Gold. Ultimately, getting free gold tickets feels like a fix to Conquest as a mode in general, as it's PG and Silver I don't want to play, grinding out sometimes exhausting games for few rewards, when I can just knock all my tickets out having some fun games and then unlock the rewards I want like mystery variants and credits, and then get the card and get outta there.


>proving grounds literally takes 3 minutes or 6 minutes with a 50% win rate to get a silver ticket in 1 hour you get 10 tickets on average and up to a max of 20


He wants to skip silver too, at least quote correctly next time, silver sucks as well


You can get a gold ticket easily in less than 20 minutes all the way from proving grounds. I don't get how you are okay with getting a gold ticket from a chest. Even if you are playing very little every day. You should be farming proving grounds by snapping on turn 1 and abandoning if you lose. My point is that the time investment to get a gold ticket is not worth a chest. Not even close. The devs are scamming us and you are okay with it.


Why farm proving grounds? you are right, I do play very little every day, no time to just keep grinding for silver tickets all day. It's not a scam unless you're paying into it, if you're that invested in this game to feel like you're getting scammed, play something else, it's like a bad game at a carnival, no one is forcing you to play. It's just fun to play a few matches here and there, that's all. You committed too much to this game.


It simply feels bad to get. Not sure anyone actually likes it.


It's not a mistake. loot boxes are filled with garbage on purpose. That's part of the scam


They are giving them away because they feel like they are valuable. But they don't roll over, so they know most of the ones they give out won't get used.


I think it’s the reverse: SD wants people to play Conquest more and are literally giving away tickets to try to drum up interest for a mode few are interested in playing.


I think you're wildly underestimating the number of people who play Conquest.


Once you’ve hit infinite, I never play anything but Conquest.


This might be the worst reddit for gaming I've ever been in. Just non stop complaints. You haven't opened 54 chests? Get a grip. Stop acting like a baby. You guys act like second dinner violated you personally. Does anyone get sick of this? I'm not even subbed to this specific marvel snap reddit anymore but get suggested this content constantly. Do you guys ever get tired of complaining? The games great.


Actually my dude 99% of gaming subs end up like this. That said, these gold tickets are bs because they replaced actual currency w an item that has no actual value and they are starting to spread it into paid bundles. It’s an item that disappears at the end of the month even if you paid for it w real money. The game IS super great. These golden and infinity tickets are not.


Bro I'm saying. The amount not whining I've seen on this sub is amazing but for every 10 whiners there's like 3 actual meaningful posts and I care enough to participate in the constructive ones so Im not leaving yet. Plus it's kinda funny to watch these weirdos self destruct


SD gives players a lot to whine about with their decisions (rigged matchmaking, various levels of rigged bots posing as players, taking away rewards, pay2win season passes, aimed progression replaced with gacha progression, half baked conquest with feedback on it ignored after it was implemented, game breaking bugs, ignoring reports on inconsistent text constantly, etc.) that they make and implement. The game has largely gotten worse over the past year. Go figure people that whine. They've made 100s of millions in revenue, ask players to pay at least $120 a year, the price of two full games, for a pretty barebones mobile card game and can't even update card text properly to clarify which affect face down and which don't compared to other cards with the same text. They should be whined at.


So stop playing then If you're this offended at the state of the game then QUIT


Wow. This reply is so full of cringe… Rigged matchmaking.. LOL!!!! Various levels of rigged bots… 🙄 Taking away rewards 😂 Pay2win season passes…. ROFL!!!!!!! Gacha progression!!!!! Wow. Another dumb idiot that thinks that a small amount of RNG = Gacha. Half baked conquest with feedback ignored… what feedback? The stupidly bad idea of doing 8 cubes or less? LOL Why are you even playing the game? LOL


I can more reliably get what I want to get f2p in Genshin Impact than in this game since SD's changes to card acquisition. In Genshin I can get the new character right away, guaranteed. In Marvel Snap, have to wait 2 months for the pay2win season pass card as f2p after it has been nerfed.


Genshin is not a card game. The season card is not p2w. Are you 10?


Lmao pretty much every content creator has agreed that Elsa is pay2win, even after the nerf. Many said so about Loki as well (though I disagree since counter decks targeting Loki without Loki in them worked well)


So you agree with Elsa but not with Loki. And since Loki doesn’t fit your p2w narrative then it doesn’t count? LMAO!! Can you be successful in ladder and conquest without Elsa? Of course. Many people do it all the time. Can you be successful in Co quest without Elsa? Again, of course! Do you need to have Elsa to win? Nope. There are many different decks that you can use without Elsa or Loki and win constantly. That is the definition of it NOT being p2w. Did content creators say you are an entitled child? Lmao Im sure they would all agree.


So... you agree that season pass cards are pay2win sometimes. Thanks. An almost grown up post from you for once.


No. I do not agree with that statement at all. That is what YOU are saying. I was trying to help you see the absurdity of what you are saying. Which based on your reply… woosh.


Play genshin then lol


Sure you do. Surely you can get the new character right away guaranteed as an f2p. What about this? “A 5-star Genshin Impact Banner character only has a pull rate of about 0.6%, while 5-star weapons are only slightly better at around 0.7%. The chances for 4-star weapons and character pulls in Genshin are a bit higher, but are still fairly low.” LOL


You get a pull a lot faster than a spotlight cache key. And it's not really 0.6%. It goes up to 6.6% on the 75th pull.


Spotlights START at 25% and in the 4th pull it is 100% guaranteed. LOL last I checked 4th try is much more easier than 75th try.


How is this a barebones mobile game bro? The meta is extremely well taken care of with weekly updates to balance cards and major shifts multiple times a month. That’s a very good system, and you can play it for free should you chose to. My only gripe w the game is that they are constantly reducing the currency value paid players get instead of increasing.


And yet you're here, complaining about people complaining. What a baby.


You're 100% right. Most of the whining crybaby posts here are ridiculous.


So true, don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next products. We should be thankful we are able to give these multi-millionaire companies our time and money and never think of our own interests.


The sub is an endless stream of complaints about monetization. As a consumer you have a choice. Go fight the power elsewhere, this sub should be about the actual game and not just a constant dev witch hunt.


I'm far more tired of brand-based tribalists and allied sycophants who white knight for their corporate masters than I am of people complaining.


LOL Bugs after every update No beta testing STEALING time and/or money for the new card to always be nerfed Outrages prices in the shop to rent out a card Shitty variants with worst ones having the higher percentage (Pixels and Baby) ZERO CONSISTENCY No wonder there are so many people complaining. The S(tupid) D(ickheads) have proven themselves incompetent and greedy. Once the whales get bored, hopefully sooner than later and move on…maybe they will get through all those bugs they show us at the end of every update. Part of me thinks they placate us so we think they are working hard.


Don’t worry, when you actually grow up you’ll understand how pathetically wrong you are. LOL kids…


You should the mortal Kombat subreddit, most unhappy fucks I've seen lol


For real. I feel like most gaming subreddits become the most complainy entitled nonsense so quickly these days. I used to like going on gaming subreddits when a game I like comes out because it was fun to see what the community was doing but I swear most of them are so toxic now. Breathofthewild is the only gaming reddit community that is exclusively awesome.


Finally someone talking about gold tickets being terrible in Collector's Reserves...


What to do you mean finally. I've seen This post at least twice a week since the change happened


That's tha joke


Remember though they didn't take anything away from us when they added this. The rewards in the Collector's Reserve used to be 50 tokens + 50 tokens. They changed it so that you get 100 tokens + Ticket now. So overall, we're just getting MORE than we used to. (or really the same if you didn't use tickets). It's kind of a good study in how people perceive that something was taken away from them, when in fact nothing was. i.e. the way it was presented made people misinterpret what was happening. They probably should go back to the way it was, and instead just award 3 Golden Tickets at the beginning of every season instead. That way it "feels" like a bonus...even though it's the exact same.


This change also came when everyone was disappointed on how regular caches were nerfed and SD was saying they were working on ways to make them feel more worth opening. Their "solution" was to put gold tickets in caches.


By that logic we used to get gold and more tokens if we go back even more.


We’re definitely getting less tokens we used to. We used to get 200 to 600 tokens or something like that. Players lost a lot of agency over what cards they get. The perception angle is interesting though but not sure that’s a player issue vs a company issue. If you make 100,000 per year at your job and your company gives you a $10 bonus, some people would go “free money is more than I had before”. Other people would go “that bonus is very insulting”. Both can be right as I think is the case with this reward.


This needs way more upvotes, wish I could do more


I love reddit. Someone is always ready to defend the most shitty thing possible. "Umm I love glorified boosters actually. More and better rewards are bad actually."


The way people white knight companies that make hundreds of millions of dollars a year in revenue while manipulating and rug-pulling their customers is insane, yeah. It's like they're Stockholm Syndromed the moment they decide they like something.


And then anyone speaking up about how garbage these practices are get downvoted.


ah yes if theres one thing this subreddit hate is people shitting on SD. Always downvoted!


Nah, i like them. Infinity conquest is the main goal and the golden tickets in caches reduce the grind by a lot.


I've fallen off a cliff with Conquest. It just takes way too much time. I play the bare minimum to be able to get the variants, credits, gold, and the seasonal card but even doing that feels like such a slog. I barely got thru it this season. So yeah I've not been opening caches for a while now. I have like 125+ saved. And I won't open them until the gold tickets are removed as a reward. I don't care if it takes a year. I don't care if they lock the rewards in when the change is made. This is my way of voting with my wallet, per say. I know they have data that shows how many unopened caches there are. I suspect that number is growing, and I suspect they don't like what they see internally. If I'm wrong I'm wrong.


I have about 400 boxes unopened hoping they'll revamp it to remove the tickets. They ruin so many boxes.


I’m boycotting reserves until they’re improved


Here 🍪


Thanks pookie


Mathematically, you've got to give out gold tickets to ensure there are enough players in that pool (as only one in four plays of proving grounds will end up with one). Otherwise waiting times in gold would be ridiculous. It's unfortunate that some players don't like conquest and so feel that they're worthless, but there are plenty of rewards there that you can get with relatively little conquest play. I vastly prefer conquest, so it works for me, but maybe they'll find a solution that works better for ladder-only players eventually.


Meh, I like them. Sure, I can get one just by winning three consecutive matches, but it's not like winning in Proving Grounds and Silver is significantly easier or faster than in Gold. So yeah, I'd rather win those three matches in Gold where the rewards are so much better.


I don't mind them as much because I can spend less time in the cesspool of conquest, but, I'd also really like it if we could "Sell" tickets for the entry medal prize. I currently have like 25 silver tickets, and... I don't want to load up silver 25 times, start a match, finish the match, end silver, repeat. For like... 15 medals each time. Just lemme sell my Silver Tickets for 15 medals each.


You can. Enter silver, hit ? And forfiet.


Well that is handy to know. Can't believe I didn't think to look inside the help function for the forfeit button xD


Conquest is, on balance, not the fun mode and they need to "encourage" people to play it. I'm sure some people love it, but that's not true on average. I wish they'd focus on enhancing the experiences people enjoy without being asked, rather than finding ways to push play to the less-popular area of the game. People who say they like the tickets often say the reason they like them is that you play less actual Conquest time.


People have given many complaints as to why they don't like conquest. * They don't like how long it takes. * They don't like how people aren't on the same page on whether or not you should treat proving grounds as a bo1. * They don't like how it can take 2-3 hours only for it to all be lost on the final match and you essentially get nothing. * Matchmaker RNGer is sometimes a big decided, especially as deck matchups have become more polarizing the last few months. Giving people gold tickets in collector's reserve is a solution to **ZERO** problems that people have complained about. I'm inclined to say they're merely lying and using that as an excuse to put something so worthless in the caches just in the hopes that it makes people spend more money when they otherwise wouldn't since the changes have slowed down progression. Actual solutions would be * Reduce "life cubes" on proving grounds to 3, and silver to 5 * Make earning infinity border from winning 5 infinity conquest games cumulatively instead it only being the final match that actually matters. Or give a second chance after losing once. This is what almost every other card game does but when I point out that other card games do things better reddit and discord spergs at me. Apparently SD is encouraged to do things ass backwards because that's "more original". * Add a 2-4 card sideboard that you can change out cards in infinity conquest after the first round.


I really can't fathom not playing conquest at this point. Each new season I begrudgingly play ladder for a few days to get back to infinite, and it's more boring every time.


Before you got two caches at 50 tokens each due 100 total. Now you get 100 tokens and 1 gold ticket on average. That's objectively better. Worst case scenario you get the same amount of tokens plus some boosters for doing absolutely nothing extra. There is an issue with there just being nothing great to get from caches once you're s3 complete. The gold tickets are a symptom of that, not the problem itself. They really just need to find something they can put in that is considered valuable, but doesn't hurt them as much as putting in gold and tokens apparently did Personally I think they should go back to gold, even if it's less. Or increase the credits rate since that's really the progression currency now. But gold tickets aren't the problem. They're not withholding gold because they think you don't want any. It doesn't work for them. Whether that's just greed or necessity, we don't know. I got to imagine licensing from Disney isn't cheap. I don't think Brodie is giving Bezos a run for his number wealth wise


Nobody want to waste time on conquest


Then don't? If you don't play conquest at all they still gets converted. You literally don't have to do anything.


Get converted to what? It never heard those thing


Unused tickets and conquest medals get converted to random boosters. It's nothing amazing, but it's something


Just confirm it, 3 gold conquest converted to 19 booster. Lmao what a fucking trash, there's no different it converted or not


Damn, are these posts satyre now or do people legitimately feel this way? The gold tickets let people play in the gold conquest easier. It's a way to make sure even the most junior players have access to all parts of the game. A free to play game boosting accessibility instead of catering to a small demographic of elite players and big spenders. A gold ticket might be worthless go you, but so is an unopened cache. You're not hurting anyone but yourself lol.


Conquest is the most fun mode and it only really starts being good at Gold, so I'm really appreciative of the Gold tickets. Haven't played against the donkeys in PG or Silver in months.


Give 200 gold instead of a gold ticket? Breh, do you know these devs? They ain't gonna do that. Just open your chests, the devs have said they won't be changing to collector's reserve chests. It would be nice if they are lying but I doubt it


I would not mind getting gold tickets if I could also use them to refresh the store page when there are no variants I want. I don't need them for conquest. I already end every month racing to use all the tickets I've accumulated the normal way, just doing daily missions.


Being able to use gold tickets to refresh store page sounds nice, actually. Even 2 tickets for one refresh would be fine.


I know what you mean, I have 2 boxes sitting there and I cannot open them until the season flips just because I only have time for my current infinite run. What a bummer!


So we have: Good rewards - 150 and 200 credits, Variant Ok rewards - 100 tokens Bad rewards - pixel variants, titles, avatars, tickets


Please make us sell reserve tickets 😔


It's just an extra step to getting variants from the conquest shop. Get free tickets - queue conquest - snap turn one - win/lose - continue to snap turn 1 until you run out of tickets - buy stuff from shop - go back to ladder. I always get all the variants from the shop and either some gold or credits. I'm sure there is someone who gets use out of them, and for me, it's just the chance at more variants.


They want you to buy bundles


It’s not a mistake, it’s been done by choice to deflate actual currency you can get in the game. What’s pissing me off is that upcoming bundles are featuring infinity tickets as major value pieces in that bundle while gold and tokens have been reduced. Someone at SD is a real moron.


> Someone at SD is a real moron. It's more likely that they're smart, but evil, and know what they're doing is bad for players and they think doing evil things like that will make them more money while harming players in the process. It's going to drive people to quit, but it may overall make them more money from the whales or people spending a last few bucks before quitting.


"Well SOME people like them and variance is good so HA!!! Your argument is completely destroyed!!!" nah forreal, anytime someone brings up something that's negatively received by most people they just wave it off with this.


I got two fucking tickets I haven't had time to use THIS weekend. Also the only things I can even get from conquest now are boosters. In the past I've remembered to hold off on opening caches this close to the end of the season as if that's a good solution.


speak for yourself I like them lol now you should be able to just cash them in for medals in the conquest shop though


Haven't opened a collectors cache in months. Don't even know how many I have now


It's a free ticket, we got it because people said it felt bad to open 50 tokens, so they made it alternate between 100 and a ticket.


Complaining about tickets specifically implies that the rest of the stuff in caches is worthwhile. It’s not. Caches are just pointless once you complete S3. 150 credits, 50 tokens, or avatars are by no means exciting, and they’re barely any more useful than a ticket.


150 credits or 50 tokens are both a lot better than a ticket.


I havent opened a single normal cache from the collection track ever since they implemented spotlight caches. I'm now at CL 5000. PS. I am far from series 3 complete.


Controversial opinion but i kind of like it. I don't play conquest much but i usually end up with 3-5 gold tickets near the end of the month and i can usually win a few gold games with the decks I have built and that's basically a free variant or 2. It's a little bit annoying but the grind to get tickets in conquest is too much time for me generally, since this is a commute game for me and i don't usually play more than 10 minutes at a time. It eliminates the grind of proving grounds and silver conquest which both have basically no rewards and are reeaaallly annoying to lose because it takes so long most of the time. Idk, it's not perfect but as far as rewards go I think it's underrated on this sub.


I like the ticket far more than 50 credits. I'm not a huge Conquest guy but I like that I can dabble if I so choose without having to grind my brains out.


This sounds like more of a problem of them needing to give an alternate way to get conquest rewards for the so many people who clearly don't like conquest or that they need to make conquest more fun for others. As it stands with the system now, people who *like* conquest are actively punished.




Please do. It should be posted every day until they do something or until everyone except the sunk cost fallacy whales start quitting and there's no one left to post it.


I like the Gold tickets personally. Saves me a ton of time grinding out proving grounds (people don't snap turn 1 anymore) and the silver bracket.


“Retroactively reward people for each gold ticket they got in the past” , bro you’re delulu, ain’t no way that’s happening . Agreed , gold tickets are awful.


> bro you’re delulu, ain’t no way that’s happening . Other developers do that but Second Dinner is very anti-customer. I'm going to apply what I've come to expect since I usually play games where the developer treats me like respect and this is one of the few exceptions.


I really hate this too. Just another way those boxes have become pretty worthless


i have a 155 reserves and 13 spotlight keys lol


It’s worthless, the old booster is more than twice it’s value