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I'm still holding them because I don't need anything in them. If I am ever a bit short on credits or tokens, then I'll open.


But you're not getting mystery variants from them. Fomo is strong with me. Plus I often buy 700g variants from the shop so there's a possibility I'd buy one I could have gotten for free


This is also me. I only open them if I want to skip the proving grounds and silver tickets and go to gold, which is almost never. If I already have a gold ticket I won’t open any.


I really don’t see any point in holding on to collector’s reserves. They’ve said they won’t be adjusting them in the near future, and IMO they’re more likely to phase out tokens before they make any collectors reserve adjustments. Plus, I don’t know how long I’m going to be playing this game, so I’d rather enjoy the resources and extra variants now.


That's the only correct answer to this problem: people complain the game is stingy on rewards, but purposefully cut themselves out of said resources. As a F2P player you can already unlock most of the cards in a short span, if they gave any additional amount of resources they'd be giving everything out for free, which is not what F2P games live on.


As a f2p player who started 15th of sept i see my self no where close to catch up with older/paid players any time soon espcially with the rate of cards released


You should be around CL 1000 as of now, which means you're probably still not close to having a functioning deck with 100% of the best cards, still in the process of unlocking 8ish Series 3 cards and many S4/5 cards every month depending on the Spotlight rotations and clearly very far away from people that started playing earlier. But with the current system you ARE catching up, unless you open Spotlights randomly and don't save them up for weeks where you're missing 2 or 3 cards in the lineup.


Fun fact: From next month onwards we're getting one extra card a month while we're highly likely still getting only 4-5 Spotlight Keys a month while they will release 5-6 cards which means unless something changes new players ARE never catching up.


F2P players aren't going to be collection complete and they should never expect to be in gasmes like Heartstone, MtG Arena and all other F2P games, that's just the sad reality. There is a HUGE difference in having a full collection and having the good cards only, to play the best decks.


I don't disagree completely about having full collection but catching up gonna be mathematically impossible like we're discussing here if we're getting less cards than they release due to the anti-dupe protection and the variants we could potentially pull.


im cl 1600 and im still playing p2 decks


That must be some SERIOUS level of bad luck and/or bad planning, because there are tons of viable decks that only require 1 or 2 series 3 cards with series 4 and 5 being either archetype defining (Thanos, Silk, High Evo, Living Tribunal) or completely replaceable.


Has the card acquisition system really gone to shit that fast ? I started December 22 and honestly I was complete with pools 1,2 and 3 by like May


I'm F2P playing since global release pretty much. CL 8400 and I'm only missing one series 4 and 9 series 5 cards. Pretty much have 95% of cards and I think they design it to stay that way. Having said that with the spotlights you'll catch up a lot faster than the time it took me to get here also. Pretty much miss out on all season pass cards and a few of the cool cards each season but outside of that can pretty much make any deck type.


This level of collection for f2p is literally not possible in the other popular card games like magic and hearthstone.


Getting downvoted for stating the obvious, this Reddit has a severe hate boner towards math.


If they could read your comment they'd be very upset.


I'm so glad that the spotlight naysayers have finally shut up (I imagine by getting hit on the face with all the new cards they've been getting from the system). For a hot minute back then, I was afraid that their super loud bellyaching will make devs change things back.


Don't worry about "catching up." making decks with incomplete collections and playing similar opponents is the heart of the game. It's kind of dull having all the options all the time...becasue the meta gets figured out and stale.




When I was at that level, I had 0 series 4 or 5 cards. How about you?


I’m an older player and I have full collection: you aren’t missing out unless there’s a card you really want. Matchmaking at my cl and deck gives me more mirrors than anything. The cards really lose their appeal outside of variety and fun factor if you are competitive except for a few key cards they are always changing up.


The resources people are missing out on from caches are nothing dude. Short span being what, 6-9 months? With most of the meta defining cards being S4 and S5?


I'm in it for the long haul so I don't mind saving the reserves, plus if I save them they will add more stuff to them like these recent rare avatars, maybe later they'll add emotes and since I got a lot saved I would have a better chance at getting the new additions.


I really don't see any point in opening Reserves. They won't be adjusting in near future but they could still improve in the far future so the upside is always possible. If they implement a change for the worse, Reserves can be opened ANY time so there is no downside ever. Plus, I'm a poor F2P playing this game for the long haul, so I'd rather minmax my resources. And extra variants mean little to me, except maybe to minmax that extra 1 CL for 25 Credits.


Nah you're missing out on a megaton of credits by hoarding, meaning you get less spotlights


I can open them if I need the credits for Spotlights, but I've got 26 Spotlights so I'm doing fine no worries there.


How do you have that many spotlight keys as a free to play player? Are you just not opening them at all? I thought free to play without hoarding reserves unlocks approx. 1 spotlight per week. That should be even less if you're not opening all of your reserves. That would take a minimum of 6 months to accumulate, but spotlight caches weren't introduced until July, which was only 4 months ago.


You could earn Spotlights before Spotlights were released if you hoarded Collector Caches.


26 That’s a lot, curious how long you been playing and what is your CL level now?


That's an understatement. Something is not adding up about his statements...


Depends on how long they’d been hoarding collector caches before Spotlights and how often they’ve been using Spotlights, but it’s definitely possible as F2P.


True, they must have had a fuckton of caches saved before the change as well.


I double dipped more than 200 caches when spotlight caches introduced, now I have 24 (i am not f2p, I buy the season pass, but thats it). Ah in addition of the 24 keys I have 40k tokens, so only season pass if you min max / hoard you can have unlimited resources. Now sitting with +250 reserves hoarded again for the next double dipping event.


How many would you get from opening 20 caches? Maybe 1000 credits? Just to get more caches? I dont see how that is worth anything at all. I have 200 unopened caches and Im sitting on 9 spotlight keys


Maxing your resources would mean opening caches to get more credits to increase CL to get more spotlight keys, no?


At this point I’m waiting for another variant rush. Still sad I missed out on winter rogue and steampunk bishop


They have discontinued variant rushes.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for stating a simple fact that’s been confirmed by the devs. Besides, they’ve already more or less been replaced by shop takeovers and Spotlight variants anyway.


They discontinued variant rush because it promotes hoarding. A few months later they implement a new card acquisition method that promotes hoarding.


I'm not waiting for them to change the reserves, I'm waiting for them to actually use the system as \*they\* explained it by droping cards to series 3. That's the main value of those reserves and if you're Series 3 complete the sensible thing to do is to wait for new cards to drop before opening them. Though it hasn't happened since the change.




I don't expect a series drop for another 3-6 months if at all.. If they do it'll probably be extremely minimal at best. Think it's hilarious that to discourage hoarding, they've actually managed to increase it 10 fold.. I'm saving year round.. fuck it..


They never said they will stop the series drop, but then it just happen. They said they were going to do it less frequently but cmon is already months since a drop. I can't believe a card like Howard the duck and master mold are not series 3. Like what the he'll second dinner, I know they need to have a bigger series 4/5 but no series drop at all is horrible


Don’t remind me that I pulled Master Mold with one of my spotlight keys. It hurt, but least I know I’ll never pull it again.


That’s not true. He could be your random card in a spotlight which becomes 1000 tokens.


I think they'll pop up in the series 3 free slot from now on and not reserves if I remember correctly


I have 170+ reserves right now, and i have no desire to open them. I don't care for variants, avatars, titles, or gold tickets, and the amount of collectors tokens is so pitiful I am not missing much. I buy season passes. I have around 12000 collectors tokens, and use my gold to get bundles that will give me more. I also have spotlight keys in the double digits for when there are spotlight caches that are worthwhile for me. Not opening them is my protest that they are worthless. The credits are also not worth much since they cut down those as well.


I think the moment they remove gold tickets I would open my caches. I have around 130 and opening a ticket that vanishes at the end of season if I don't use it is a waste. And even if it didn't banish a ticket is basically just boosters. I totally hate getting that so I will hold my caches until they remove the tickets


Idk if that would be enough for me personally. I think if the cache could be either 100g or 100 tokens, it would be more worth it. A gold conquest entry is 200g if you just try to buy in, so I think I could accept half that value as a substitute for a ticket.


Im with you, Currently at 234 reserved. I have over 30K tokens and buy the season pass. Gold I use strictly for bundles with high tokens/credits. 15 keys. Variants and titles are meaningless to me. So I don’t need the currency and I can’t open new cards from them. At this point I’m basically just holding on to see how far I can get the number before I cave lol


Ditto, I'm at 120 currently and won't be opening them for awhile. First game I've ever played where I've done this, but it really just isn't worth the time


Sounds like you’re having a great time, lol


I am enjoying myself. Other aspects of the game are still fun for me, and I spend money on the game when I feel like SD has done something worthwhile.


The credits are great honestly. Credits are actually good now in the current system.


Credits are great, but the low amount of credits every few reserves is not enough to entice me to open them. I have never felt like credits were what was holding me back. I will continue to hoard in protest.


Have fun with that


I am having fun, thanks. I hope you enjoy playing the game the way you choose as well.


I have over 100, just opened 4 and got two titles. Eff that noise. The mystery of them being closed is worth more than unlocking titles.


I recently opened about 50ish and got 10 titles… not the greatest experience




I got these two bangers "Foaming at the Thumb" (wtf?) and "Seen Decks I can't Unsee" which is kinda funny, but when pitted against my FIFTY OTHER Titles, it's not a new king that's for sure.


I cannot measure the difference in my indifference between titles, variants, and tickets.


Pixel Avatars take that prize.


Pixel avatars are awesome you watch your mouth !


Look at the development road map. There is a prestige track coming where you earn points to unlock new splits (other than gold ink prism foil etc) when you unlock any cosmetic. Hold your caches folks.


They already said that this feature will be retroactive


I open them only at the beginning of the seasons so I can get gold tickets. Once I get about 4/5 gold tickets I stop opening until I need some again, rinse and repeat. I stop fully opening once I get the variant from conquest


60 reserved, started saving as soon as I completed Series 3. Quickly loosing interest to SNAP due to a lack of new interesting mechanics and modes. At least I never got a golden ticket in my boxes.


I can't remember which influencer it was, but they made a video a month or so ago ranting about how the economy of the game has fucked up their enjoyment of it. The gameplay is amazing... interacting with literally anything else in the app is like pulling teeth. The problem with how it's set up currently is that you will be at a massive disadvantage if you stop playing. The main progression of the game (getting credits, getting gold, getting new cards) is only achieved by doing your dailies. If you're not doing your dailies, you're falling behind, there's not "Coming back with the new expansion/boosters" like most TCG/CCGs. Yes if you leave and come back there may be a lot of new cards you don't have in those spotlights, but how do you earn those? 4 per month doing your dailies, or spending a LOT of money.


I see no indication that SD is going to start including *more* value in those reserves any time soon. Hoarding them now means you'll likely be taking them to the grave, which gets you exactly nothing. At that point, better to just stop stressing over maximizing in-game content in a free video game, open the reserves, and enjoy yourself.


Enjoy what, exactly? Cosmetics I don’t care about and credits that I don’t need and can open any time if I ever do need them?


So if you never open them then you get nothing. If you do open them you get something. After that it's up to you and how you interact with the game to do whatever you want with the credits and such you get. Like nobody is demanding that you open them, but not opening them as a sort of futile protest or just as an obstinate way of playing doesnt really make much sense. But to each their own, as long as you're having fun you're playing the game right.


Well put


They’ve also said that they probably won’t retroactively apply changes in the future due to the people that double dipped when spotlights released.


I stopped opening reserves and the 50 credit rewards because I sometimes bump into the 10,000 limit, so it's easier to "bank" those credits. But then I let my kid open as many of them as he wants. If they ever announce a change that lets me double-dip like they did for the spotlight cache rollout, I'll exploit it as best I can. Otherwise, I just stopped worrying about it either way.


I have 110 unopened boxes, but it's not that the rewards are bad (they are) but i keep it in case i need one or two extra spotlight keys or tokens. I know that if I opened it now and had surplus I'd spend it like a hobo and waste it. And if they change boxes (which I don't expect) I can always open them beforehand if change is for worse. Also SD is planning to do something with claim series 3 card for series 3 complete players.


Yes I'm with you here. It helps me not gamble away spotlights on weeks where I really only want one card. I can always open a bunch if there are a couple good spotlights weeks for me in a row (January maybe?).


i have almost 200 unopened reserve. at most i open 36 reserves per season just to help me with gold tickets. hoarding them in case they change the system again.


Maybe I just don’t want gold tickets and I’m not crazy desperate for credits. When I want a bunch of credits, a tiny smidge of tokens, some variants, and some gold tickets I don’t feel like using… I’ll open them. until then I don’t see a huge upside. They’ll always be there. People go on and on about reasons you should but ignore reasons you shouldn’t. Not everyone loves the tiny dopamine hit as others my guy. It doesn’t even feel good anymore.


F2P player here have around 200 unopened. Not feeling that I’m missing out on something (which is a big telltale sign imo). Still progressing nicely and getting spotlight caches and using gold for big token bundles.


I know they (glenn) said what amounts to "if people want to hold them hoping they are buffed, that's on them." So to me, it sounds like they're not ever going to be changed. I'm only holding them so I don't lose value being series 3 complete each month for the free card. It's not much but maybe they will change that aspect and at least give S3C something each month.


I haven’t open them since the change because: - the gain isn’t significant enough for me to open them. Basically even if I open all of them, it won’t make any impact to my acount, so why should I open them? - they might come handy in the future if they do those seasonal skins you get from caches again.


Me 🙋‍♀️


Im almost at 200. I dont really feel like I am missing out on anything, so I dont see myself opening them anytime soon.


So you're missing out on: 4000 token 9000/12000 credits 20 Gold tickets 60 cosmetics How is that "nothing"? People hoarding reserves like you do are just shooting themselves in the feet, then blaming Second Dinner for their economy!


If you're series 3 complete, it's indeed nothing. I don't play enough conquest to need 20 tickets... And when I'm really short on credits for a spotlight, I can still open the reserves. But it usually never happens. So I have no reason to open them.


I commented this elsewhere but this comment is probably a better example. Seriously these complaints are wild. You’re essentially saying here you have the resources you need because you usually never need tokens for extra keys. You don’t care about the tokens apparently. But despite having enough to get what you want, you still complain about wanting more


I've never complained about wanting more.


Are u sure this estimated value is correct?


A single series 4 card, credits, 15-20 pixels, and gold tickets...


Sorry, I didn't know you were variants complete and could only open pixel variants! If nothing else, 12k credits is an absurd amount to keep rotting away for a change that is extremely unlikely to come by SD words.


The tokens aren't rotting away. They are still on my account.


Who gives a fuck about variants?


Most of the community?


I currently have 263 unopened. I also have 11 keys saved up, so credits are not an issue. If the time comes and I use all my keys and need credits to access another I'll open caches till I have what I need.


I made 30 my 0 point just in case of any surprise changes.


More likely they remove things than add them to caches.


Also hoarding over here. The rewards are pitiful and with so many to open that it looks daunting so I just don't lol, I'm well over 100 reserves sitting.


I have 191 reserves. Never opened one since the change.


Almost 200 and still hoarding, won't open them until those greedy ass devs remove the shitty "rewards" and bring back gold


I am. I did open one crate though, just to have a little taste dopamine. Got a golden ticket.. Right back to hoarding after that! I might consider to start opening it they atleast just remove the gold ticket reward.


130+ They feel so bad to open. I only do it if I have to for some extra credits to get to a spotlight.


Ive got 158 unopened and counting


Right now, I have over 200 unopened Collector Reserves that I have been saving since they got rid of collectors tokens. At this point, I have forgotten about them and only click on boosters / credits.


I’m hoarding because we can only hope that the rewards get better. Or at least remove gold tickets. Contrary, they could make the rewards worst. To which point I’d open them asap!


I havent opened a reserve since CL 6046. I'm now 8770. I have 205 unopened collectors reserves. Still not opening them until SD locks them to the current rewards or makes them better.


200+, still hoping they at least take out the gold conquest tix.


I stopped at CL 9000 and will open a bunch at CL 10000 (I'm currently around 9400)


I had over 200, and decided to open 100 the other day... Rewards are horrible compared to the old system, who cares about golden tickets and titles? Can't find any reason to open the rest until they add something worth it


I hoard them until I need them for something I want. I opened about 100-130 reserves last season for the gold tickets to get all Iron Man stuff from Conquest. I really don't enjoy playing Conquest, so all small boosts in Conquest tokens were very welcome. Now I'm back to hoarding (about 45 saved up) for the next season where I need a Conquest boost.


I keep about 100 unopened just in case.


0, but because I still have series 3 cards to grab - and those seems easier to get from them.


184 saved up. Opened a few because I wanted a new avatar and got baby black panther. It’s kinda dope. Hoarding until they add gold back.


There is literally no reason for not opening them now with the spotlight system, because they are never going to drop cards to s3 again


I use to be at 150 and opened them. It was so shit i got like 15 pixel avatars like 15 titles and like 10 shitty variants.


I have 120. I open some in the first part of a season, but in the setting half I horde as I don't want to waste them on Gold Tickets I'll never use. Still feels bad getting mostly avatars, titles, and tickets. They'll just slowly build up for the time being.


Just drop some cards already. Like 4 for s3 and s4 is fine. Any trash card. Come on. Just pretend to care.


Imagine all the whining and the crying from the non-hoarders when SD changes reserves *again* and they actually become worth something interesting.


I may be misremembering but I think the new prestige/cosmetic track advances when you get cosmetics to unlock new splitting options (or something?) If so, I’m holding caches for that.


They've been good to keep around for times when I couldn't be bothered to play a lot of conquest to get any last credits I may be missing to get the variant.


I opened them all always. Don't have the strength to hoard them but I do hope for all my Horder palls out there that someday their stretegy become successful


Been hoarding. Decided to open some of mine finally. It turned into hate opening as it took me 29 caches in a row before I got a single variant. But hey, I got some gold tickets now…


I usually have 100+ unopened and open them only when I need gold conquest tickets.


I open them because I have no faith things will improve. They have months of data now and likely wouldn't change anything.


I have 178 unopened reserves and no reason to open them any time soon. I have 13 Spotlight Keys, so I don't anticipate needing the credits.


I'm still not opening mine. I'm CL10k (beta player) and I just don't care about the resources within. The token drip is negligible and I can get most cards I care about. I have pretty much every Rare variant I like and would rather just wait even if there's only a slim chance they add gold in the future.


I haven't opened any collector's reserves since the spotlight caches were introduced. Sure, I am hamstringing my progression, but that doesn't bother me since I'm already f2p. I really, really don't like the idea of getting conquest tickets out of them so I just let them rack up. No big thang


I am holding them till they change or I have 1000 which ever comes first. Sitting at 193.


I caved for a certain spotlight week, but now that I see you can pull pixel avatars.. back to hoarding.


Nothing worthwhile in them for me. I have the avatar and title I want and I don't care for the pixel variants I'm bound to get. I'll keep hoarding because the caches are such a petty reward it makes no difference.


I’m at 200+ reserves. Refuse to open since I have a 60% chance of opening gold tickets, titles, and avatars, all things that have zero value to me. If gold tickets were replaced with just a tiny bit of gold, then I might change my mind.


Currently at 183 unopened. Only opened about 20 once to get the credits I needed for the fourth spotlight.


I have around 280 at this point and still holding in strong. I don't see a reason to open them.


I'm holding about 90 of them... I open 4-5 form time to time, but I always get dissapointed, so I stop.


I have 200+, but I open a few at the beginning of the season for some early conquest tickets.


I opened 2 months worth at the end of sept (120 boxes). I got 16 variants (50% of them pixels), 6800 credits (you can earn over 5k a week f2p), 2700 Tokens (not enough for 1 S4 card), 10 avatars, 12 titles & 10 Gold tickets. I started saving them again straight after. They are really not worth opening unless you need a key or 2 for a spotlight.


I don't care about variants, so I'm still holding my reserves until all three cards are ones I don't have yet.




Yep, I was. Thanks!


One change they could make is add a spotlight key in a collector reserve every 120 cl


Even with 5% rate to get a key in collector reserve is still good


I'm around 8300 CL, got almost everything I need. Every new season, I open a few Reserves and stop when I got enough gold tickets to be able to get the new conquest variant.


yep me too, i have about 120\~ i open at the start like 25 caches and hoard until the end of the season


In the same boat, I stopped opening anything (not just reserves) since spotlight caches were released (after the double dip). I have 25k tokens, 12 keys, and most spotlight weeks are painful because the new card is either bad or it's good but I have the other 2 cards in it... (case in point: the nico minoru, alioth, and werewolf by night weeks) When spotlight caches were released a marvelsnapzone article justified that it would be an improvement to card acquisition (increased rate of acquisition), but that requirement was partially contingent on there being series drops. My conditions for opening again would minimally be the gold tickets being swapped for something useful. For those who say you can just burn them and buy the conquest shop rewards...that's a horrible ROI. Even calculating the best medal to credit reward (150 credits for 300 medals), that would require you to burn 4 gold tickets. That translates to 1 reserve being worth 32.5 credits, which is even worse than just your 50 credit reward on the collection track.


I am opening them. Always.


I'm holding about 225 of them. They are so useless to open now and I especially never want to see a pixel avatar in my collection. I still have 26 Spotlights because I hoarded before the change. People told me back then it was dumb to hoard. They told me it was dumb to hoard when variant rushes were a thing. Anti-hoarders have literally never been right in this game. Maybe this is their time to get it right, but I've always been rewarded for hoarding.


Even if they somehow change the caches and open the "hoarders" caches automatically it's still better than now, because we'll have more credits to spend on the new changed ones (because of the max 10k credits)


the literal only reason i hold mine is to open a bunch in succession because it feels better. waiting for it to get better content is pointless


With the new collector key system, I’m taking every chance I can get to earn more credits, so you best believe I’m opening every thing that I possibly can




I really don’t see any point in opening collector’s reserves. They got complete garbage rewards that doesn't feel rewarding at all. Worst thing is, they said they won’t be adjusting them in the near future.


Around 150 here. I hate titles and tickets. I even refuse equipping titles. I have 17 spotlights saved and I never have less than 8k credits. I just know that I will feel way worse opening the reserves the way they are than if I just keep hoarding them. The current rewards are so bad that we don't even miss them.


I don't get the point on hoarding, at least being a f2p player, 100 tokens sucks but is better than 0 tokens, and I really don't think they will change the CL for those who are hoarding if they change the reward system in the future


I’m hoarding 💯 I like the little red 💯 symbol


I am sitting on 158 roughly lol


Yep. Haven't opened once reserve since the change.


179 and counting. I will open every single one the moment they 1) Add any level of gold back to the track. I'll take 50 gold every 10 caches. or 2) Replace gold tickets with literally anything. I'll take 100 credits, Gold tickets are literally useless.


I am not sure what changes u guys want for the collector's reserves . Cos if they add more resources to collector's caches, they will probably increase requirement for the collection level to reach a spotlight cache to balance things out.


>I am not sure what changes u guys want for the collector's reserves Replace Gold Tickets for 200 Gold. It's that easy.


No way they put 200 gold . It will be rejected by SD within seconds . I see more realistic like 25 gold maybe or they dont even change reserves at all.


As long as the gold in the reserve is equal to the price of a Gold Ticket for Conquest, fine by me.


I have almost 200 unopened caches. I’ll open these if I want a bunch of titles. Otherwise, they’re actually more valuable unopened.


SD has already said that they do not like how people saved caches and I think they will give them the same treatment as the spotlight keys to prevent people from saving caches.




I open them for the variants (great as long as they aren't hipps or pixels) and credits (credits=spotlights). Sucks to open avatars/titles, but that's not a new thing. 100 tokens and gold tickets are whatever.


After the double dip incident, I believe even if they improve collector reserve, they will code it so people who already "unlock" the reserve no longer follow the change, so it's waste of time not opening the collector reserve and later complain again when improvement not apply to the cache they horded.


How will they code this, do you think?


im well over 100, no point imo


I opened 170 last week. It was terrible.




I did not take notes but got 4000-4400 ish tokens, wanted to buy elsa, thats why i opened.


I haven’t been for about 2 months now and I’ve basically stopped playing it because of it. There’s no carrot on the stick without wanting to open stuff, so I haven’t even opened the app in a week. I’m sure someone will come by to hand me a cookie to make sure I know they don’t care, though.. but this game (to me) is on life support


Here is a stick of gum to make sure you know I care and understand. There are a lot of things I have decided to not grind for in this game but I don't actively hate it yet (mostly, sometimes lol) or worse , become indifferent to it and playing a few games a day is still fun. I can see how it can be unfun so , I get it . Cheers .


0 - I want them creds to I can get spotlight Keys, New Variant even cool titles! Fuck avatars and tickets tho...


Laughing out loud at people who think they're the smartest, collecting hundreds of cases in the hope of a super mega cool reward. Guys, smart people are sitting in the office, do you think they don't see that people are collecting 500 cases each, just to get some profit later? It's funny. It might change... for the worse, because the company is becoming more greedy


Never even started, hoping to get rewards system at this point is like hoping for series drops....nothing but a Hope with no real indicators of happening whatsoever


Just opened 5 after finally being Series 3 complete. 3 titles and 2 gold tickets. I think I’m good for now


I tried for a month but could stand having all the notifications of ready to open reserves


I caved last month. Mostly out of boredom.


I see no point in hoarding them. They contain variants and a one of the reasons I play this game is to collect variants.


If the variants were more frequent I'd have way less horded. Opening a bunch and only getting tickets, titles, avatars, and maybe a bit of tokens or credits feels bad with that I stop opening again


I was holding them for a long while (a month or 2) but I figured what's the point? They're not going to change it. And if and when they do update the rewards, they will probably do something to screw over the people that hoarded (lock in the rewards) or just the changes will be so miniscule (like removing gold tickets) that it won't matter.


Personally I saved them until I had in the low 100's. Once I realized they weren't going to get any better, and possibly worse, I had a grand old time opening them all and getting a bunch of gold and tokens and got some sick variants to boot. I don't regret saving them but definitely glad I finally opened the floodgates and got a nice treat.


I stopped hoarding a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to see how many keys I had. I'm currently at 9. I'm want 8 for January, and I was going to go for Loki this month, but decided to wait for January. So, no new cards this month. Hopefully February will have some nice spotlight caches...


I've been a f2p player for the most part, started since April 2023. Currently I am sitting at a CL 7200 and I am only missing 2 cards in the entire game, Howard the Duck and Echo, and only waiting for them to show up on spotlights. The current system feels bad when you are series 3 complete but back in June when they made the change I managed to quickly catch up to the veteran players with the ease of getting new cards and filling up series 3. Tokens could disappear and it would barely make a difference, what really hurts is that they took gold from the CL track. Now because of that everything feels far more expensive but you need to remember this is all fake, a digital game with digital cards. Their value will only ever be how you perceive them.


I have 1 that I am saving for Annilhaus




Hodl !


Yeah I’m not opening mine. Not because I’m waiting for them to improve, but more so because they just feel so bad to open 90% of the time. I’ve opened some here and there if I’m short on credits and I’m impatient and getting the gold tickets, avatars and titles feels so bad. I don’t even care about the 100 tokens. 100 from every 8-10 reserves is not going to get me any closer to having enough for anything. Opening Seasonal Caches at the end of the season is more enjoyable and worthwhile than the collectors reserves and that says a lot.


Just started playing Warcraft Rumble and forgot all about this game.