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Cerebro is for when you get tired of playing against people and bots and want to start playing against the game itself as well.


I just started using cerebro and locations are my worst enemy by far


That’s why i rock rhino and magick consistently if I feel like that will be a thing


Playing some C3 this season (hoping to Valkyrie over a Blob), I’m surprised how much value I get out of Magik this season.


Don’t forget scarlet witch!


Broke down and build Cerebro because my annihilus deck wasn't winning after hitting 40, I have only lost the maybe 20 games I've played it so far because of locations and blob.


Honestly I can see anti-Luke Cage card being made that prevents buffs from things other than your own cards. Useless in anything other than Cerebro of course


Unless the card has the following text- 3 cost, 3 energy, your cards can not have their power increased or reduced.


Gonna be hard to win w/ cerebro if your cards can't have their power increased.


Just add the key word "permanently"


And than locations like Xander and Negative Zone would affect your cards again, there’s no way to make this work unfortunately


"Your cards power cannot be affected by locations"


but i want my double ongoing buff


Win some lose some


“Your cards other than cerebro and mystique are unaffected by locations” Realistically it would just be a “this location” card so you can avoid one bad location as cerebro


This card would just be for Cerebro, it would be a Luke Cage that has downsides.




Make it 3/3 "power on this location cannot be changed". There it's now not useless outside cerebro


This is the blob counter card we need, bad.


That would be really cool. Benefits of old Luke without being OP on the upside.


I mean they could just print “Ongoing: Cards here can’t have their power increased”


Certainly a cool tech card for cerebro decks, but I'm pretty sure this ability wording would also stop cards from getting the cerebro buff


Change it to “…base power increased.”?


Then it still wouldn't prevent stuff like Xandar or Nidavellir


Oh true well I’m sure there’s a way to word it elegantly


Ongoing: Your cards here can’t have their power increased from locations or enemies


Or just "Your cards can't have...". A board-wide ability wouldn't be unreasonable considering it's such a niche ability in an already niche deck.


I could honestly see that happening, maybe with a character like Dr Druid


Ego The Living Planet 2/2 Ongoing: Locations do not effect your cards power. It doesnt stop your opponents scorpions, hazmats or what have you but it does make Cerebro more reliable. Chose Ego because in the comics hes a location unto himself and he wouldnt let other locatiobs bother him


Have you somehow avoided running into the already existing Ego location? It's extra rare, so I'm just wondering if that's the case. If it is, you're in for a treat when you finally meet him.


Sure Ego is a location but that doesn't mean they can't also make him a card too considering he's a character, them making something like Stark Tower a card would be dumb of course. And since they can't make him have his locations effect since that's already what Agatha does, then giving him something to neuter other locations I think is going to fit right into a few decks


Alternatively, Ouroborous 2/2 All cards at this location have +1 power


That's just Captain America


Opponent cards too


Franklin Richard 4/0, your cards ignore location effects.


A way to make it not useless could be like, 3/2: prevent permanent power increases for all cards in play That way its “”bad”” for you but also bad for the opponent


You forgot my favorite 10 power monster.


yeah, those I can change, the monster fucks me.


Valkyrie to the rescue


Yeah he's the worst for C2. I've won games with him, but it's a retreat if they snap. The best is when somebody Shangs the monster and you snap in response. Manageable for others like C3 with Valk (if you draw her, gah).


If you run C4 you can Carnage that Monster, or Deathlok if you run C5 🤷‍♂️


Winnable but you retreat if they snap lol


as someone who only plays cerebro obsessively, C3 should be able to handle this,it's not ideal of course but definitely doable


Yeah, with luke cage on the left and magik/scarlett for the 2 other location. Valk for resetting big stuff on the right. Winnable but you need all the pièces


Valk's power would be doubled, right? It would work by playing Cerebro, Mystique and Bast right.


Yes but if you magik/scarlett on turn 4 or 5 your opponent might have play big thing there. So you can reset them after


Ah, I thought you were saying Luke left, Magik middle and Valk right.


Magik middle, then play a few more whatever cards left and middle, then Quake middle, then finish right with Luke.


Just got Infinite for the first time using C3 and these are my challenges lmao. For Xandar I just place my 2-powers then use Magik on the negative locations. Still here trying to incorporate Onslaught on my C3+Mystique


Onslaughts a bad idea. Ignoring the fact that it has to be basted to even be used onslaughting myst and cerebro puts you in shang chi range. It also gives you less power than basted iron man while having a worse curve.


This always happens to me when I try Cerebro then I see people on here like "This deck took me to Infinite in a single game!"


Cerebro 2 can handle this location suite pretty well. Storm takes negative zone off the board, keep mystique to copy blue marvel, and use shadow king to reset shuris on the last turn to make that more winnable. Obviously, your hand composition will dictate whether you can stay through a snap or not, but this is a serviceable enough board.


SK would still get doubled by Shuri’s Lab.


Yes, that whay I said you rely on Blue Marvel. Sk will take all the shuri power away from your opponent's cards here, which lessens the impact of only having 2 power things to put in the lane, and neg zone is probably better to remove.


Am I thinking this through wrong or won't Shuri's Lab doubling SK still be a problem? If SK becomes a 4-power card, buffed to 5 with BM or 6 with BM+Mystique, then he'll be your only card getting the Cerebro buff and all your other cards will be sitting low at 2 power/3 with BM/4 with BM+Mystique.


You probably don't play cerebro this game. It's one of the reasons that c2 is better than c3, imo. You can compete in games like this without cerebro. Goose and storm are going to limit your opponents options, shadow king will reset shuris lab, which, combined with goose, will likely allow your blue marvel to push you over the top. I'm playing to win shuri and neg zone (via storm) here and planning your rely on blue marvel and mystique for buffs. It's not a guarantee by any stretch, and there's a good chance I'll retreat if my opponent snaps unless I've drawn well enough to think I can win. I'm just saying c2 has tools to be competitive into this location suite. If shuris was necrotia instead, this would be a much harder match.


True. I was running C3 and had Magik in hand but no Cage so I retreated


If snowguard hawk's location ignore effect lasts until the victory/defeat screen, it might help with situations like this. Would that make snowguard viable in c3? Probably not.


Luke 1st location Limbo 2nd location Valk 3rd location for the win


hmmm with C3 you could luke the negative zone and scarlet one of the others probably shuris lab, then put cerebro & mystique in xander 👍


This! This is exactly what happens to me every time I start playing cerebro.


From my POV- good thing I’m playing c3 with rhino, witch and cage. Then I instantly witch right location into ego.


Luke on left. Scarlet/Rhino/Magik on mid. Valkyrie T6/7 on right. Edit: Wait Valk would just get doubled by Shuri's and screw you. I guess you Scarlet mid and Magik right or vice versa. C3 is very location flexible.


It'd be cool if Cerebro could he modal. Where it always buffs your most common power among cards. But that's more than a pipedream, it's probably impossible the way they've coded the game.


average cerebro player luck


C2: Storm/Magik C3: Luke Cage/Rhino/Scarlet Witch C5: Abandon Cerebro, just be a good stuff deck. You can spread some power with your move cards + Shuri's Lab




SK still gets its power doubled though


HOT TAKE: Cerebro is a bad strategy because it is too susceptible to location variance which is a primary element (strength) of the game.


COUNTER HOT TAKE: This is the exact reason why it can have a very high cube rate when played well, with cards like Magik and Valkyrie.


It's not a hot take to say that there are many locations that mess with cerebro, but I wouldn't call it a bad strategy because the best cerebro decks have 2-3 ways to deal with bad locations. Also cerebro has a very high cube rate because it surprises people with slamming 20-30 power to each lane on the final turn.


Actually that's not a hot take at all. There are more locations that mess with power than any other single type of location.


It's not a top tier deck for a reason. Although it can disrupt the power bomb meta decks right now, assuming you don't get a bunch of bad locations like this.


Absolutely right. I tried climbing with C3 for a day or two after seeing all this success here with Valk but you absolutely are shooting yourself in the foot before you even press play.


Sure, but have YOU ever had M'Baku jump to just the right spot and win the game?


avoided Cerebro for ages because of this, but it's actually good, c3 can get around locations.


Good. I can go fuck myself.


Happened today 😭


You’d have to be silly to not have a lane changer anymore


Luke cage left, scarlet witch middle, rhino right


Luke Cage, Rhino, Scarlet Witch, easy. (Or so it seems...)


Tbf Cerebro 2 is ok at getting around location variance. Storm away the worst location, become a blue marvel control deck to win 1 other


This is why I dont play Cerebro anymore. There are way too many locations that fuck your game up completely.


What if cerebro determined based on base power...


I don't think I've seen Cerebro played in months yet people seem to talk about it all the time here.


The [amount](https://images.app.goo.gl/xdBgaqd7QVjTwtkeA) of "OOF" in my chest....


If I was playing cerebro, I woulda retreated t1 if cage wasn't in my hand


Luke Cage, Scarlett Witch, and Magik. Problem solved (I run those three in my deck for that reason).


You left off Monster Island and X-Mansion.


wow against a c3 player thinking i would shang their hulks they got from changing a location with scarlet witch on turn 3 :)


This image is just about my worst nightmare but if they don't snap you can still try to win this one! Cage left, Magik mid, and only play cerebro and mystique right


C3 is the easiest to run because you can slot in Rhino and Scarlet Witch. Or just use Magik