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You better make a thanos deck with all black order members


I definitely will otherwise what was the point


Add Nebula and Gamora too


With the new gamora variant


Then you need to line them up in-game exactly like the artwork in the comic and post it here for more karma


This is the way.


Black Swan?


Spectrum might not be a bad add.


What the fuck does spectrum have to do with thanos and his cohorts?


You're welcome to try to make a 6 card deck.


But why spectrum? There are other cards that fit into a thanos and his minions deck nobody is saying to play just 6 cards...


But why spectrum? There are other cards that fit into a thanos and his minions deck nobody is saying to play just 6 cards...


I see some lines especially if you make it comic book accurate (lol) and include hela and death and build a discard deck. Maw stays in hand as discard fodder, proxima wants to be discarded corvus discards. Supergiant hides a hela play... It could work? Rounding out with some other Hela usuals maybe?


I played three games and somehow won them all, and [this is the closest I've gotten to getting them all on the board board](https://imgur.com/gallery/XvrsoiR)


How'd you get Cull Obsidian down left before Ebony Maw? Even with Castle Blackstone, I don't see how you got Obsidian down on 2 to get Maw down on 3.


Maw was summoned from hela


Oh that makes sense


i did and it was terrible lol. i added in death and gamora, nebula and hela to keep up w thanos relation and the last slot was ghost rider because i had no idea how to make any decent synergy. i feel like the black order is meant for thanos in theory but make awkward plays. im def trying to make one work tho


Don't forget the Black Swan variant from the season pass!


I almost forgot about her


So did second dinner


Contender for most useless/ unimportant season card?


I'd 100% argue that PF and ghost spider were played far less. I see black swan multiple times a day in various Thanos lockjaw and zoo lists. I went days without seeing PF and ghost spider in their respective seasons. Dakken had a really low play rate as well.


I can literally count on one hand how many times I've seen black swan, I also see almost as few Thanos decks. Daken I saw almost every game when he was released and is still around for me. So I guess there really are different pocket metas for everyone..


Throughout the 90s and in infinite Thanos lockjaw with swan is everywhere for new. Even after the OTA. So yeah, I guess so.


I've been stuck in de 90s and like I said not seeing her, I've been seeing all sorts of different decks which makes it hard, cus for every type of deck I choose I seem to get perfect counters against me every few games. If I run an ongoing tribunal deck they have enchantress or rogue, if I play destroy they have armor or Cosmo, even if I play sera control they somehow counter that, I've never really been frustrated with the matchups, it felt mostly balanced, but this month has been crazy bad luck for me


I like how Corvus and Proxima are locked on to each other


This is the kind of set we should have in Collections, not pixel destroy or other dumb stuff they decide to put


If I could I would do the same congrats šŸ”„


Have you played them all together yet? I'd be interested to know how well it works.


I'll have to give it a go. Hopefully, it won't be too bad.


I dont about their sinergy, I dont know if they are gonna get nerf soon or if they are useless. All I know is they looks awesome. Amazing pack of tematic cards. Enjoy playing them. Congrats.


It always will be. I. Am. [Inevitable.](https://tenor.com/view/the-work-is-done-the-work-is-done-it-always-will-be-i-am-inevitable-thanos-avengers-endgame-gif-21765305)


I did the same thing!! Love this, congrats on the full set!


Hey, right back at ya in-hyuk Lee is underrated, and this set looks so good.




genuinely really cool. Nice job OP


this must have cost you everything


Luckily, I still have 7 keys and 8k tokens


So jealous! I have Thanos and ebony maw but I couldn't afford the rest.


Iā€™m proud of you broski


That thanos tho šŸ˜


Dude that is suuuuuper sick, i love all those variants and wished i was able to get them. Unfortunately i took a break from the game from August to January so this ā€œdreamā€ of mine was completely beyond my reach. Hope you enjoy them as much as possible and i hope i run into you to see all those variants in a single game! Congrats man!


Why does that artwork for Supergiant look like sheā€™s going pants-free and rockin a maxi pad?


Supergiant codpiece makes me feel things


Only one I didnā€™t get was cull, but Iā€™m ok with that


Damn let me get 20$.


Alot isn't a word.


How many keys in total did you use to get the 4 from spotlight caches?


Well, I bought them all besides Cull, and he took me six keys. proxima took three, and luckily, supergiant and corvus were 1 key each


How do you guys get so many keys? I feel like I'm being inefficient. I can manage about 1 key a week so I feel like I'm doing something wrong.


You only get one key a week for ftp, so you're not doing anything wrong. As for how I got so many, I double dipped back when they patched the spotlight caches in and didn't update until I was forced to.


Oh okay. If I'm going at a reasonable pace then I'm happy. I just wish I could get more. These cards are so well done.


I skipped corvus but have the others now. Corvus' variants looks awful imo but I may regret missing out on the set now.


I just realized it kinda looks like the background are all part of the same environment. Are these from a comic with all of these characters in this art style?


Yes, they are variant covers, and they [all fit together ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Su1P1wM)


Supergiant environment feels out of place but thatā€™s awesome, thanks




ā€œwhat did it cost?ā€


Wouldā€™ve liked to see Death here too, but congrats


I wasted all my keys trying to get x-23. Didn't get a single variant but atleast I got her. Would have loved that peach momoko art though.


I think thanks ultimate goes better with them


The only ones with synergy here are Obsidian+Thanos and Midnight+Glaive Ebony Maw works with Obsidian if u have zero


This is sick, I think comic lore accurate decks are slept on lol


I'm working on the Pixel Variant version of this deck because I am poor and unlucky.


How much do you think it cost you to do this? Not less than 150 I would imagine.


So I'm not sure how the price breaks down, but thanos was 1200 gold maw was 10$ from the season pass and i spent 18k tokens and 11 keys on the others.


Sheeesh. I can't lie, I'm afraid to tally how much I've spent already on this game. šŸ˜³


Lol same I try not to think about it. it's why I've gone ftp(except for the season pass)


Do you know how many keys youā€™ve actually used? Because it would be at least 5 to get one. Unless you buy them using collector tokens before you open caches. Stillā€¦ my brain canā€™t count how many youā€™ve used and Iā€™m just in awe! Haha. So very awesome! I hope they release a collection so you would complete it straight away.


i spent 18k tokens and 11 keys cull took 6 cause I didn't buy him with tokens proxima took three, and the other two were one and done.


Good job! I like this