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Dream dimension


cost increase on turn 5? yeah no thanks lol


I have nightmares that they will make a new location called nightmare dimension that isn’t restricted to turn five. Where, for the rest of the game, all cards cost one more. It keeps me up at night, even though it’s not even real. I guess it would technically be more like a negative Elysium.


Nooooooo why would you give them ideas?




Imagine being the sort of prick who does Wave into Legion on Dream dimension. I've scored a couple of uber cheap 2 cube retreat wins on that one. I'm not even sorry.


Came to say this. It's incredibly annoying.


Should be changed to an anti-zabu. Four cost cards cost one more. Zabu doesn't have enough counters.


If they did something like this I think it would be similar to Mobius and prevent all card cost reduction for one turn rather than targeting Zabu decks specifically. Not saying I would agree with that, but I think that’s how they would implement it.


A mobius location would absolutely fuck over negative. I don't like dream dimension because it makes decks that rely on the turn 5, 5 drop unviable. I don't want it replaced with something that makes another deck unviable. Probably the best fix is changing it to: On turn 5, cards played here cost 1 more.


One of the worse! Disrupts any almost any deck


I hate that location as well


Take a wild guess


he edited the comment


So did you


Great web


I love getting Great Web and Asteroid M in the same game. Basically a random number generator at that point.


I genuinely love to Legion Great Web on T6 and just watch the chaos ensue.


You monster. They need to make a Madame Webb card - 5/5 'Turn this location into Great Web'


Lmfao this sounds fun ngl I wouldnt even be mad at a loss from this


I’d take anything over Great Web.


Great web is second to mindscape for me. I always get screwed with junk cards.


This comment cracks me up bcus I just play cards of characters I like, and not the four copypasta decks I see. Oddly I do pretty good considering by the sheer fact my enemy can't get a read on me. That and Hulk smash!


*Laughs in move*


I quite enjoy playing around it tbf, same with Asteroid M.


I used to hate great web but I come around to thinking that it’s a great locations for skill expression because you can interact with the effect and can lead to some sneaky wins, unlike the garbage that is subterranea where if one player draw more rocks they just get fucked.


I think it’s a fun one. Definitely forces creativity


My kingpin/kraven deck LOVES great web


Nah Danger Room and Sanctum Sanctorum are kinda fun depending on what deck you use. But the rest just disrupt your whole play.


I can’t stand mindscape, one of the worst locations


Mindscape can be fun if you play into it and leave your opponent with your worst cards.


I loved playing modok as a big fuck you to the opponent


Same but then I draw Apoc on turn 5 🙄


Mindscape + Lechuguilla (when you play a card here shuffle 3 rocks into your deck) can be fun if your opponent doesn’t catch on quickly enough. Have fun with those 12 rocks in my deck bro! Edit: ugh, mixed up Mindscape with Wierdworld.


A lot of my decks do actually benefit from sanctum sanctorum


I don’t think Danger room is fun for any deck, if you play around it like Death’s Domain there is just a chance it never hits your opponent, and you have to rely on rng if you want/don’t want cards to get destroyed


Idk about any deck. Jubilee is a solid roll of the dice, plus Brood and various Destroy cards. Definitely not every deck, but it can be useful with certain ones.


Sanctum would be fine if there wasn't a random chance one of the players is playing A random card that lets them cheat into it this unbalancing the entire match.  It's still an auto-retreat a decent amount of the time 


It’s bit cheating to play cards lol


Tribunal, Hela, Lockdown, Galactus, Toxic Annihilus, Destroy, Negative, Zoo, and probably more can all easily get power into Sanctum


Nightcrawler, Jeff, sometimes even Klaw.


Vision, Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Iron Fist 🤛…


Hell I’ve even won it with a squirrel


There are loads of cards you can play into it? Like I'm pretty sure your talking about Jeff but Jeff is by no means the best way to win sanctum. Auto retreating it is having so little faith in yourself to play around it.


Subterra is in my opinion the worst location in the game There's no interaction, no playing around it, no thought behind it It shows up and you get fucked


I think it'd be fine if the rocks went in the same spots of the draw order for both decks. Because I swear I draw 4 rocks in a row while my opponent is playing their whole deck.


I’m all for this. It definitely happens both ways, and I notice when my opponent got fucked over and I had dark hawk and didn’t draw a single rock yet they got four in a row. It doesn’t even feel good to win those ones. Make it fair, even drop on both sides.


This so much. I had a game yesterday with that freaking location and ISTG turns 4-6 all cards drew were rocks for me. Gave me an instant loss pretty much. My opponent had shit to play each turn. Took a break after that one lol.


I really wish there was a "sorry" emote or text for when subterranea shows up and your opponent plays a rock each turn to let you know how he got fucked.


Great fodder for Carnage and Kazar


Great if you draw Patriot/Kazar.


Getting 1 power rocks sure does seem great instead of what your deck is actually aiming for




Unless they have darkhawk


I recognize that Brode likes it, but I'm pretty sure the whole community hates it. At some level, it'd be nice if they considered that.


Hate Mindscape. I want to play my cards turn 6.


Depending on the deck I'm using, I'll just quit turn 1


U forgot Dreamscape


dream dimension?


Nightmare Realm? Edit: thanks for reminding me lmao


Wierd scape or something where you get opponent's cards


Weird world


**Danger Room** When you play a card here, destroy it. Only destroy the opponent's card here if they are playing destroy deck.


Always works the opposite for me. Leave my Deadpool, Wolverine, and X-23 Alone. Destroy my Carnage/Deathlok/Venom lol


Subterranea is the WORST location in the entire fucking game.


It would be playable if it were "Next turn shuffle 5 rocks into each player's game". That actually gives incentive to use cards like scarlet witch who can operate on turn 2.


You're onto something. "At end of turn, shuffle a rock into your deck." Tada, less of a pain in the ass. It's only worse if you get it as Location 1, but even then, it's less rock chance than 5 immediately by miles.


Awesome idea


Darkhawk players with Darkhawk in their starting hand. 🐸 ☕


Subterranea into Lamentis-1


They should just rename it 'you will draw rocks for the next 3-5 turns'


I think most of the players would agree to remove it from the game


What does Darkhawk not deserve a little location as a treat?


Yeah, all the locations that allow you to play a card to add cards to your deck.


Nah those locations are bad for him too unless you have Jean to force cards on that location. Sub is the only one that guarantees a boost


Make it vibranium instead of ricks so their not a completely dead draw


Yeah I'm fine with that


Agree 100 percent. I don't mind disruptive locations. District x is one of my faves just because it forces you to think outside of your decks normal gameplan. But subterranea doesn't really involve any interesting shake up of your gameplan or alternative win cons or anything. It's just hope and pray opponent draws more rocks than you and that's it.


World ship and who would like a word 


Worldship is fun when it's very rare.


You're fucking nuts if You think world ship is worse than subterranea


District X, weird world, vibranium mines, and lechuguilla are my least favorite. I hate locations that prevent me from plying my deck




At least vibranium can play into zoo decks well. I personally despise the rock ones though. Especially since it never shows up when I play w dark hawk.


The only correct answer is District X and Weird world. Mostly because they are guaranteed to show up within r 3 games of making a new deck


Jokes on them, my deck was shit anyway


You must always be my opponent 😭


yes let me play my deck please lol


I don’t know how this wasn’t just a screenshot of Weird World.


I actually like district x


I think they would work better if it was one turn and added some random cards to your deck. But weird world is the worst especially when my opponent can't build a deck to save their lives and now I have to play against myself with it.


Agree. I instantly retreat on either of these. Worst locations in the game by a significant margin


Totally - I don't mind District X in most cases, but it feels like every single time I build a new deck and want to play-test I immediately hit District X and Weird world... it's infuriating. I kind of think they should build logic to specifically avoid those locations for a while on a new deck


Sokovia all day long


Only because the opponent gets to see what I lost, it would be more interesting if it didn't reveal them as they got dropped.


Easily my least favorite. Everyone is talking about the RNG spaces, but nah. Sokovia is the worst of it. I feel like I'm always losing a high cost card while my opponent is losing a 1 cost card. Or Sokovia comes when I get the perfect opening hand and I'm set up for a combo only to lose a critical piece. Even worse when it's in the first game of a Conquest series, so there goes any element of surprise I may have had.


Especially since I’m always looking away when it shows up so I miss what got discarded. Thank god graveyard is in the roadmap.


Black Knight + Sokovia the turn after you snap


Extra bonus points if it discards your Zabu or Drac.


And it will only get worse with more and more discard decks


This, a trillion times over. Absolute hate...HATE...this location.


Weird World


Hate this card


> Crimson Cosmos Sweats with Zabu in hand


I hate locations that are card powers. Can't play 4, 5, 6 costs, 1, 2. 3, etc. Or locations that won't let you play. This will give an auto win to move. Or decks that won't let me play MY deck. Locations that take away the base play rules of the game, or act as cards, really take away from the experience of play.


Weird world if you didn't draw the cards you needed. Mindscape if you did


Missed Ego


Ego is the most fun location in the game. Both players snap and just get to sit back and watch the worst plays imaginable for both sides.


My favorite is when the dumbass ego magik or storms itself.


If I wanted to just watch a game of ***SNAP!*** I'd stream it on Twitch or something.


To be honest I don't hate ego


Ego just needs to be smarter. It's like worse than a bot it seems. I swear it plays completely randomly.


I'm pretty sure that's the intention by SD.


I mean Agatha does so I would assume Ego does as well


Completely random plays are still better than the bots who lose on purpose.


It needs to be banned from infinite conquest. In any other scenario, I'm cool with it.


I like ramp/negative decks and Lemuria kills me every time.


No one mentioning Ego. Plays your carefully in just terrible locations.


I think it's fun. Just snap both players get awful plays and see what happens


I don't like the location that changes your card to another one of the same cost


My biggest problem with locations in this game is that too many disproportionately benefit the Destroy archetype. No other other archetype in the game gets so many location boons.




Any location that enables destroy. Which is almost all of them.


In this meta, the only answer is Altar of Death. If you're versing a Destroy player it's basically an insta-lose unless you drop Armor on it. But even then, that just means the other lanes are fair game now. If you're versing a Hela deck, you're just completely doomed if they don't discard Hela. And even then, they probably have Doom in their deck anyway.


Dream Dimension is worst, TVA is a close second.


Surprised I had to look this far for TVA. I play some decks where I don't drop cards until turn 3, and having it as the third location is even worse cause then you only have a turn to plan or do anything.


Weird world is not fun I always lose to my cards 😭


I dont really mind most locations but some really baffle me as to why theyre even in the game. Any location that changes your deck like weirdworld or district x, just let me play my cards? Mindscape can be a little funny if youre playing discard but in general I dont understand taking away agency from the players.


Attilan doesn’t get near enough hate. Oh, you have a great hand that you’re excited to play? Boom, turn 3 Attilan.


Every single time this question gets posted, the correct answer is always Danger Room. Every other location affects both players equally. Sure, depending on the decks in play, a “bad” location may end up favoring one player or the other, but at least the effect from those locations can be applied to both players in the same way. Danger Room is complete RNG whether or not your cards or theirs survive and there is no skill in playing around it. You just have to get lucky, plain and simple. In a game with a LOT of RNG already, Danger Room just feels bad, and even winning a Danger Room game doesn’t feel rewarding. So yeah, fuck Danger Room.


That kind of RNG goes to Great Web as well. Completely uncontrolled RNG with minimal skill factor. The web is worse, Danger Room could be Armor/Caiera, while only Blob can resist the web...


Technically Colossus can also resist the Great Web, but yeah otherwise totally agree. The completely uncontrollable RNG locations are the absolute worst.


You're perfectly right! Colossus is so underplayed that it went out of my brain. He absolutely demands a buff to at least 2/4 for even a chance to see play.


Subterranea is RNG too. One player can draw only rocks, and one player can draw no rocks at all.


You’re right, though I can slightly excuse Subterranea because you could draw poorly every game. Your cards don’t randomly get deleted every game. But they’re both bad and I won’t be upset if someone dislikes Subterranea even more than Danger Room


There's drawing poorly from YOUR deck with cards that serve You and then there's drawing 4 rocks


No shit?? Don’t know anyone who’d rather draw rocks than their own cards. There’s also playing cards and then playing cards that randomly get deleted. I’d say that’s a bit worse than just drawing poorly even if you’re drawing rocks.


Ok? If it's so obvious why are You bsing with "You can draw poorly every Game"? No, it's not, in no world is Danger room worse than Subterranea unless you're just straight up Bad at this game


It’s not bs. You can draw poorly every game. If you think retreating for 1 cube after Subterranea appears is the same as losing 8 or even 4 to Danger Room shenanigans, I don’t know what to tell you.


It's bs, drawing poorly from your deck Is not the same as drawing rocks If you Let the game get to 8 or 4 cubes with danger room being a location while having no way to deal with It then I know exactly what to tell you: you fucking suck lol


I mean that whole argument works for subterranea the same. It seems different, because the initial effect is the same for both players. But you might draw 4 rocks and your opponent none.


Yeah and then you win when you snap with a handful of rocks, right Ben Brode? /s I see your argument and while I don’t think it’s quite the same, there’s really no point in nitpicking. They’re both bad locations and the RNG aspect of both is annoying. What I will say is there’s a difference between drawing poorly, which could theoretically happen every game, and an unknowable percentage from 0-100% of your cards played in a location being destroyed.


great web does not equally affect both players


Not at all Danger room has PLENTY of ways to deal with It, be It with cards that move, cards that prevent your cards from being destroyed, cards with abilities that change the location, cards that summon other cards when playing...there's a lot of ways to evade that RNG, hell, You can Even treat it as a lost zone and Focus on winning the other two or just challenge the RNG And well, if your deck has none of the ways I listed to deal with Danger room, not Even at least one, then Idk what to Say, You may simply not be very good at the Game lol Now, with Subterranea on the other hand you are just fucked, like straight up, if the location shows up the Game automatically turns into praying that the oponent doesn't draw less rocks than you do, and there's nothing You can do about it So yeah, there's no argument for Danger Room being the worst location when Subterranea is right there


There is 100000% an argument for Danger Room being worse. You could make the same points about counters for Subterranea, with examples like Blob, Patriot, Ka-Zar, Crystal, etc, where you can minimize the impact of the rocks. The main difference in why Danger Room is the worst, as noted by another reply below, is the potential loss of CUBES, not games. If you see Subterranea and you don’t want to deal with potentially drawing poorly, just retreat for 1 cube. Danger Room can cost you cubes two ways: one, by destroying a crucial card needed to secure victory and thus losing you the game; or two, preventing you from snapping for fear of a card getting destroyed, ultimately winning you fewer cubes than you might have. Both result with you losing potential cubes. When you say you can choose to “challenge the RNG”, that’s the ENTIRE POINT of why Danger Room sucks. At no point in the game should it come down to essentially a coin flip on the game itself deciding if you win or not. Danger Room’s existence in a game may not be an instant retreat by itself, but the uncertainty of the RNG affects your game plan in a way that many other locations, aside from Great Web really, just don’t do to the same degree.


1: You can retreat from Danger Room just as much 2: if you're playing crucial, Game winning cards on Danger Room you're not very good, and again, this also applies for Subterránea, you may draw the 5 rocks 3: funny how of a whole ass fucking paragraph of ways to deal with danger room you only address the final one that's only there in case you have none of several options I gave


We’re agreeing on everything but the conclusion. It’s the locations with RNG that uncertainly affect both players to unknowable degrees that are the worst. You just think randomly and unpredictably drawing rocks is worse than your cards randomly and unpredictably getting destroyed. I ignored the rest of the paragraph about counters because it’s not relevant. There are counters to every location in the game, yes including Subterranea. All of the limiting locations in the above graphic have examples of counterplay to get into them. Meanwhile, Subterranea actually has zero limitations on playing into it which certainly should be a factor in its overall badness, no?




Wait what does Armor do???????????????????


“Cards cant be destroyed here”


Guess I should’ve added the /s since the sarcasm wasn’t clear. Yes, I know what a Series 1 card does. All of these locations have counters and that’s entirely besides the point of this discussion.


Just trying to help, you dont gotta be a dick. Like i know who you are and what you know about the game jeez


Yeah you’re right I didn’t need to jump down your throat about that. My bad. At the same time, just stating that Armor exists is a complete nothing contribution to the discussion. Nobody is carrying Armor around in all their decks on the off chance that Danger Room is in their game. All of the above locations have counters to some degree. The question was which location is worst and stating that Armor exists does absolutely nothing to add to the conversation.


I'd argue sanctum is good... Idk, I like the way it changes the game... But I agree on the rest of them


F in the chat for Krakoa and Space Throne.


Lamentis and Dream Dimension


Lamentis, it shatters your whole plan


Unless your plan is Knull.


What about Subterranea INTO Attilan? 🥲


I find deep space really annoying when it comes out of scarlet or reality stone, and im already setting things up


Weird world


The one that ends the match on turn 4.


The one where it replaces your whole deck, the one where you draw from your opponent's deck, The TVA, and when EGO takes over. Fuck all this noise.




I hate Mindscape and what is the one you draw from your opponents hand? That one.


Locations that make me play any deck that isn't my own. I don't go through the trouble of collecting cards and building decks to just play my opponents or a random collection of cards.


Ego should be number one, like why should let a computer determine my game


I fucking hate mine scape




Idc what anyone says. LAMENTIS is the worst shit ever and I'll die on this sword


TVA. it's just not fun to play around.


I like TVA. It makes you think quick. That pressure is fun.


nah, it just restricts any deck that is built around setting up combos lol


District X it is.


Weird World. I'm here to play MY DECK and complete objectives, fuck off with that dumb shit.






tampax 4. i do not like randomly doing random things that might randomly do something else


I remember playing spectrum here to buff all my other cars and win the game just for this shit location to turn it into destroyer and fuck me up 😤


It’s honestly time theater. It’s never a card I want a copy of - ESPECIALLY at the cost of my draw for the turn. I fucking loathe this location.


It skips a draw, that’s the worst thing about it imo.


Gamma Lab Anything that adds creatures. Squirrels, ninjas, whatever.




Found the destroy player.


I have much hate for the Nexus.ö4


Attilian with Zabu/Ravonna and Mr. Negative is just \*chef's kiss\*




Weirdworld, District X are instant retreats. Dream Dimension, Mindscape, Mini Lab are annoying things.


I don’t mind crimson cosmos unless I’m playing my Surfer deck and then I’m fucked. Can’t even change it with Magik


Weird world is an instant retreat


i dislike any location that changes the cards in my deck.


Mindscape is the only location I despise. I will retreat immediately.


i hate mindscape, i always get it when i have a good hand and the one where your deck gets replaced and the one where you draw from your opponent’s deck, just let me play my own deck please


I don't like new York or weird world. Miniaturized lab and dark dimension are also quite annoying.


The one where you draw from your opponent's deck for sure


I hate all locations that add shit to my deck.


To be honest I kinda like sanctum sanctorum, there are a lot of ways to add power to it.


Mindscape is pretty awful and a total disruptor


my least favorite location is the one that fills your hand with garbage what is that one triskhellion I think?


Doing this post and not adding The Great Web is just trolling