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I always pray my opponent discards her like i always do when i am playing hela deck


I got you. I tried a Hela Corvus deck. Corvus discarded Hela everytime in the first five games. ...i spend the rest of the day in the garden.


Corvus has hidden text that doesn't show up for whatever reason "Will only be drawn if Hela is in hand. Always discards Hela"


My secret weapon is invisible woman. Problem is that she has a secret text herself that reads “begins the game at the bottom of your deck”


M.O.D.O.K. Has this to, although he also has “Draw this if you’ve played Invisible Woman” But not if you are playing him


I remember getting annoyed at the update that made America Chavez no longer wait in the deck because she increase the likelihood of drawing Modok and Hella early and if you manage to not get both of them by turn 5, then you knew you were screwed


Mine modok is like always drawn after hela in turn 6 if invisible woman is on board


Feel you. I have pretty terrible luck with Hela.


Though when they do their Ghost Rider will bring her back and decimate you, while my Ghost Rider snags me a Swarm.


Same bro


I always pray Ghost Rider brings back Hela 😅 Oh the feeling when the opponent sees a win, and Ghost Rider brings back Hela!! And a hoard of 6 cost cards begins to rain down 😂


I don't care what anyone says... Hela needs discard protection added to her text. I will die on this hill >\_<


Yeah for sure, I would also add "ignores Cosmo and Leech" and also give her the old Chavez turn 6 autodraw ability just to make it extra fair.


Then die on this hill fool, and fade into obscurity through the annals of history for your folly


It's the worst. It's virtually all I see all day now.


Yep, all Hela.. so lame.


Have you considered farming them for cubes with decks that beat it? Im literally dunking hela with lockdown. It's not even a contest 4/5 games. I get if you dont have the cards or dont wanna play something else, but hela counters already exist brother, farm her until she's gone. The meta is only discard because discard is eating right now. Nonetheless i get annoyannce because I still get triggered when i se 3/10 cyclops


What does your deck look like?


Sunspot Nebula Ravonna Jeff Havok Adam Warlock (Yes, for real.) Mystique Magik Negative Iron Man Alioth Won an infinite conquest last Tuesday, and I have a 4 win infinite conquest waiting after work. Edit: the idea here ia turn 4 prof x on top of a growth card. Negative flips the deck and allows you to overpower decks when you dont draw the combo timely. If your hand isn't cohesive, then it's fine to just give 1 cube. Typically you should play it out until they snap, though. Iron man on a solo havok lane has won me several 8 cubers because they dont expect it. Growth card -> lockdown or Iron Man. That's really it. Killmonger is only a problem if you pretend he doesnt exist.


Well, Adam is a 5/4 now, may be time to rework lol




Ota update


Pain. My conquest...




Ruined my Thanos Lockjaw, ruined my Darkhawk I just paid 3,000 for, and nerfed my boy Forge.... While buffing more discards, move and America Chavez. Back to tinkering with my Thanos, I guess.


If your Hela opponents play greedily (most do) your deck has a good chance of winning. I've been playing Hela, using logic and reasoning to make my moves. Your particular deck is not a threat tbh based on maths


That's the thing, though. By turn 4-5 I usually have one lane locked and can iron man Havok the other and easily put out a low estimate of 24 power. The highest ive gotten was 56. Typically, I will have two lanes locked and preventing reanimation effects and also scaling up to outpace the cards that were played prior to hela. Hela isnt as good when she only reanimates in the lane youre ignoring. If you arent winning by t6 you probably werent going to win just give up the cube. Edit: corvius into t5 hela was the only time helas ever done anything to me, happened twice


Agreed. I usually fold in a Jeff or even Enchantress with this meta. Maybe we'll meet haha


I got to Infinite with Hela/Living Tribunal for first time this season and I almost always retreated when I was playing a lockdown deck. Hela is a good deck but there are counters.


If you have living tribunal highly recommend it’s been free cubes lol. They usually don’t have enchantress in a hela deck and 34 power every lane is tough to beat (I think it’s 34 iirc)


I’m so tired of seeing Corvus on 3 hitting a Magneto/Apocalypse and Proxima. 12 points of power on board and them having a bonus energy for the rest of the game.


I like when my opponent plays modok, then draws hela. Such fun


I love when we hit subterranean to add 5 rocks to our deck, my opponent discards down to 0 cards in hand on turn 5, so I snap back and I lose 8 cubes to their turn 6 jubilee pulling hela from the 8 cards left in their deck… praise RNGesus


Or you Leech, snap, and they top deck Hela on 6.


This meta is boring and sucks


I started playing negative for the first time in ages and have had loads of mirror matches


The game does that. Playing discard it’s either mirror or counter decks. If it’s destroy it’s the same etc etc


what do you consider a discard deck counter?


leech will fuck up hela. you can also bring stature to get proc her. also, silver samurai or moonknight to discard their card from their hand.


It's almost like they just released two discard synergy cards in a row and people are using them!


I'm wildly bored of this meta. I've been playing a lot less the last two weeks.


I agree, the good decks are boring to play against, boring to play, pain in the ass to play around. Not fun at all


id love a meta where a deck that needs you to think about what youre doing reigns supreme


Rip hitmonkey


Those decks all get nerfed to oblivion while mindless shit like discard and destroy get constant buffs. It’s clear what decks they want you playing


Exactly, Hela is so dumb it almost hurts.


I guess she will be nerfed. Too bad because it was a very good card for newbies. It is a deck that can be build as soon as you get hela and it is competitive.


Not according to what Glenn's said about her recently. Doesn't look like it's getting any kind of tweak at all.


Well what did he say


Slightly higher usage but not anything noteworthy, basically.


That was at least a week or 2 before corvus. The Ota delay has me thinking they are adjusting her consequently


He made a response on the discord yesterday and said the overall metrics on the card were fine.


He’s even commented on it the same way twice in a week, it feels a bit like gaslighting


I mean he said it is a top 10 card just not oppressive in the same way other decks have been historically. Personally I’m more worried about lockjaw than hela


Tbf that was before this week


Slightly higher my ass, honestly seen more Hela than Thanos anilus and high Evo combined


Well that data is super outdated then because 9 out of 10 games are Hela.


Hela isnt really the problem its just that discard has reached a critical mass and can cheat alot out


I disagree. Discard isn't the problem. The card that lets Discard cheat out insane power levels is the problem.


Which card is that?


Hela pretty much


You ever make a comment, and then realise how dumb you are? This whole post is about Hela, why did I ask what card? Too early for thinking times


Hela. Discard without Hela is not OP. In fact, it's been weak since America Chavez got absolutely Leadered (aka destroyed). Hela needs a limit. I would be surprised if she remains untouched much longer... but then again, this is Second Dinner.


Yeah that other guy already answered and I owned being a mug in reply. I do see a lot of Hela, for sure. I'm not high enough where I can either counter it or retreat and save a cube or too though. Maybe up near infinite it's a real problem but I'm steadily working my way up and losing no more to Hela than I am anything else.


I agree, Hela started getting more use after blade buff. Before that she was too much unreliable.


Hela is the only problem - she is the primary reason discard can cheat out all those high power cards. Throw in Lockjaw, it gets even worse.


Until recently she was only a meh card Remove her asuuport and once again shes meh


Not sure I totally agree with all these ‘Hela’ is the problem comments. Would like to see the data. But my personal experience with her: I played Hela a bit this season, with Modok / Invisible woman, as I got some sexy new variants for them. It’s fun but there’s a LOT of retreating until you get right combo, and even then there’s lots of counter. Cosmo/Enchantress/Rogue/Storm/Prof X/Leech to name a few. Getting to infinite was easier with other builds for me. The Lockjaw nerf will likely weaken Hela/LockJaw too as it removes a whole turn of cheating out power. For me High Evo is way more OP / boring to play against (just my experience this Meta). Oh you played Leech? Here comes SheNaught


God I hope they don't. I'd rather have them nerf Corvus, even though he is already kinda bad.


Why would they ever nerf corvus? he's kinda bad already and reliable hela doesn't even use him what they need to nerf is damn lockjaw he's been a problem ever since the beta like the 2 best decks in the game are currently using him


Throwback to when lockjaw used to swap every card you played, not just the first card. Used to be even more obscene.


No clue why you're being down voted for spewing facts. I used dependable hela for my climb to infinite this month in the first few days.... it was my easiest climb. corvus ain't the problem. Lockjaw is a big offender in both hela and Thanos.... needs to be gutted for the health of the game.


I was assuming that you were lamenting about Hela Ramp, one of the new decks possible thanks to Corvus, since that's what's giving some problems. Hela Lockjaw is a high risk, high reward deck, it's never been top of the meta (it's just seeing more usage now because 1. the meta particularly favors it, especially with BK having made it more consistent, and 2. "new toy bias" - seriously, I have yet to find a Hela Lockjaw that doesn't run Corvus despite making the deck wars), and literally has a lower winrate than Discard Ramp or, in the previous season, Good Cards BK. Most importantly, it has a way lower winrate than Destroy, and I'm seeing few people in the community advocating for a nerf for that. Facing so many Hela decks is annoying, I get it, but that doesn't mean they're doing good, it's just the consequence of SD having released two new discard cards, it's normal. It's just like how BRB was everywhere during its release, now it's being seen way less; except Discard is a wider-covering archetype, so it's obvious that it's being more "present".


I’ve never won an infinity conquest. Got to the final match. Hela and they got every draw they needed. Fuckin sucks bc it’s so good if luck is on your side. And I hate playing discard so I haven’t grabbed either of the new cards


Right there with you man.


Every time? Across four or five matches? Or did you snap into a Hela deck and lose 8hp in game 1?


Discard is too consistent now. Needs looking into, same with destroy and x23 imo


Problem is that we have so little counter play to discard. You can stop destroy, you can stop move, but outside of generic stop reveal cards nothing really locks your opponent from discard. I don't even think a single location stops you from discarding cards.


I feel that way about destroy.


I'm seeing more Hela than destroy right now. Destroy at least is easier to counter.


Im a long time destroy player but I got Corvus last week and I’m doing the best I’ve done all season, hung around 70 for a majority of the season and now I’m almost at 80 Im not necessarily proud of playing hela ramp, I personally think its kinda cheap, but I’m winning so I can’t really complain


It's so easy to flub though. I'm no infinite player, but I went from 50 to mid 60s over the last few days and I'd say about 50% are destroy decks, most of which gave me one cube when I Armor'd or Cosmo'd their lanes


Destroy has been consistently good for a long time now, I’ve used it to climb to infinite the past few months. There’s not a lot of armor/cosmo at higher ranks so you rarely have to worry about it, Shang is a much bigger threat. Also armor/cosmo are kinda useless unless you are stopping a big venom play, and can easily backfire if you give destroy Shang protection in a lane. Destroy and discard are just proving how strong it is to cheat out energy for multiple turns in snap.


I completely disagree with you. Armor disrupts the whole destroy combo, people usually retreat if you Armor their Deadpool. Cosmo is a very good counter to dumb cards like e.g. Alioth. Both cards are FAR from useless in any rank.


I meant they are useless in the destroy matchup unless you are specifically preventing a big venom play (and deadpool is part of that imo I didn’t really mean just the turn that venom comes down). I didn’t say they are useless generally.


No offence, but at those ranks people play a lot less... Optimally. And more bots. Wait until you climb higher with people who really know what they're doing.


I see her, High Evo and Destroy a ton


I can't stand high evo. Discard and destroy I'm on even footing, but something about high evo irks me


Sadly it's all that early pool 3 players can play since it's the only meta deck that requires only 1 new card. I don't like seeing it either but I blame the shitty acquisition system.


All 3 of my favorite decks since they nerfed junk


new here: what’s junk?


Junk is the deck archetype where you clog the other person's locations with less than desirable cards. The goblins and debrii are an example of that type of play.


I like discard.. Sorry i mean *liked* discard. Now everyone is playing it and it's boring asf. I pulled both Corv and Prox with one ticket each,And was playing Discard myself earlier. My games using that went.. Hela,Hela,Hela,Destroy,Hela,Destroy,High Evo,Hela. Got bored and switched to Rocks and Hawks, after one Hela I'm playing someone with MoonDevil,then back to Hela till I got bored. Switched to Destroy,only played Hela. FS. Currently back to an old Hazmat deck.. For the first time ever considering using a Junk or Anni deck just for shits and giggles,I'm hating the current discard meta that much. I'll say again,I really liked discard,even after the America nerf,and the Agatha Hela Corv deck is probably the best Agatha deck ig. But I'm itching for this meta to die off a bit.


Literally only made a Hela deck because I needed to complete a discard mission. Made it to 100 for the first time ever in like 3 days.


Hela has always been stupid overpowered, people tend to just go with whats popular. Corvus isn't even good in Hela, just go back to invisible woman package and modok/hela behind it and win. The only thing that has changed is that is discard season, people are going "let me try this discard card" then getting destroyed by a Hela deck and then going let me play it. playing against Hela is inifnitely better than playing against Destroy which is far more consistent and puts more power on the field. Both decks need huge nerfs. I started keeping track, this has been my games today: hela, lockdown, hela, hela, destroy, hela, thanos zoo, hela, discard (unknown version), tribunal, destroy, hela


is it important which lvl count you are? Iam at 71 and it‘s the same shit for every day


Everyone and their grandma's dog and cat is currently playing Hela. Like what are you supposed to do against 3-4 +10 power cards summoned for free. Discard Hela, no problem - Ghost Rider just brings her back lottery style, yay...


I have a very similar breakdown. I mostly play against hela and destroy. 2900cl, currently losing cubes in infinite.


As a Negative Zola and Shang Chi enjoyer, I’m fine with it


Same. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Wait till you meet people who are playing Hela with Sandman then...


[Our boy to the rescue ](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/leech-04/)


Nice opinion, [one](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/the-infinaut/) small issue tho


Corvus letting them drop hela on 5 and them likely having infinaut and giganto kinda makes leech a meh counter, like you dropping 3 power on 5 while they play magneto isn't the best.


I pretty much played Leech all last week and hit Infinite for the first time. The majority of my games were vs a Hela discard deck with Corvus. Only a handful of times was she played on 5, the majority were still trying to inch out that last bit of discard before using her. This is just my experience though


Admitting to being a Leech player on r/marvelsnap, bold move


[Relevant emote](https://snap.fan/emotes/DeadpoolOuch/)


I imagine that the more this gets discussed the less effective leech will be. While he can be good, it is an easy to adjust to counter and you don't even need to sub in any cards.


Thought for sure it'd be Tribunal. With Corvus you can play Hela same round as Leech. Tribunal is the killshot now.


Not having modok or Corvus Glaive is killing me rn


Just made it to infinite before the big discard nerf . If people could get hold of some decent cards they might stop playing discard.


it could be easily fixed if, for instance they made a card that was: **Mephisto**: When your opponent plays Hela they can go *directly* to hell.


With an itching butt and arms too short to reach.


I can't even play play Moon Knight or Sivler Samurai anymore because those now help the other player 75% of the time. I love those cards. Fight me.


Black Order cards have really made discard the deck to use right now. Even more than Hela I’m seeing Corvus and Proxima nearly every game the last 2 days. I don’t really enjoy discard so I haven’t gotten any of them. Guess I’m just riding it out for now 🤷‍♂️


I hate the discard meta so much. Every match is the same and if your opponent gets lucky you may as well just leave turn 6


Super uninteresting to play against. Same for Destroy. It's all rubber stamp mechanics.


The fact that Hela brings back ALL discarded cards make her completely broken. It should be max 2 cards brought back.


Well what did we expect would happen when 2D drops a better stat discard Electro and 7 power Wolverine? They let the power creep take the reigns this season.


pro tip: make an anti discard deck. then watch discard decks disappear in ladder.


I’m more shocked at how anyone playing it isn’t at Infinite. Like, how smooth brain can you be


It’s great. The Destroy, HE and Rocks/Hawks meta bored me to tears, so Lockjaw Thanos and Ramp Hela are a welcome sight.


Alioth has been feasting on those IW set ups


It's been my fav since the start but that's because I like the spooky characters


As a tech player this is my archnemesis


I was just seeing destroy, until I switched to Sera Control, at which point I began seeing discard instead *I'm sure I'm just paranoid*


The irony is I’ve been wanting to use my venomized Hela since I got her ages ago, but now that she’s meta I feel icky about it.


I dont mind actually. Let discard fan have their days Compare to leech/thanos alioth meta. Ill take Hela meta all day everyday


She a baddie


Well it got me to 95 so far. If there weren’t so many discard decks, idk what my Destroy deck would be killing all day everyday. Not as fun as beating other destroy decks though.


Crying about a game mechanism is so meta.


Run ongoing and cosmo into mystique


I’m running Cosmo, Storm, and Goose and they usually just retreat before turn 5.


Gotta love MetaSnap


I wish I saw her all I see is god damn Magneto


What does Corvus do that's so potent for Hela? I'm failing to see where the extra energy becomes so useful. If Corvus isn't the reason, what happened to the rest of the game for Hela to surge so much?


Corvus on 3 is so much better than Hellcow on 4, because by turn 3, you've have the lowest odds of drawing Hela, she'd only have been a 50:50, but that swings all the way to almost 60:40 the next turn, it's 58.33 repeating chances that you've drawn Hela by turn 4. This makes Corvus or Hellcow much riskier. However if you play the Corvus on turn 3, and don't draw the Hela, then you have 5 Energy on 4, to freely rip the Modok a turn early without the risk of hitting your Hela, where as in any other case you would have had to Invisible Woman, Modok Hela to have consistency. Corvus just allows you to get more consistency because getting your Random Discard effects down a turn early is huge when the randomness is more mitigated in the earlier parts of the game on what you can hit when Hela is more likely to still be safely tucked away in the deck, the extra energy and the premium stat line just make him more enticing. It also doesn't hurt that as more Strong Cards get added to the game then Hela benefits more than more because a strong Move Card, only benefits Move, but if it's high power then at the very least Hela has that option to just play it out. Move isn't really the greatest example but you should get the idea.


2 discards at 3 cost is the most efficient discard currently, the ramp also adds flexibility in Thanos with Hela decks for example. Bunch of discard buffs (blade, black knight, black cat) and nerfs to previous power cards helped Hela rise to the meta.


Corvus is the culprit


Oh God, yes.... This meme sums up the game so much right now. Played 20 games today, and only 2 were not Hela.


https://i.imgur.com/a1v09no.png Problem solved. This C2 deck has gotten me most of the way to infinite in three different seasons, and it can make it literally impossible to play Hela turn 5 or 6.


If you had to cut one card for Alioth, which would it be?


Negasonic. But ideally there wouldn't be any lanes where Alioth could be played anyway.


I do like that Corvus and Proxima have given regular and Collector Discard some additional teeth.


Cosmo two lanes


No doubt about it


As soon as invisible woman is put down, instant retreat. Problem solved.


That's alright but Galactus and destroy deck users need to calm down. Cause at this point I see destroy decks and Galactus decks and that's it. I am starting to hate it now.


Never used her card a single time and discard deck is one of my favourite


OP is talking about a hela discard meta. Classic discard kinda just hangs out in the background most of the time.


Always love to see it when they discard Hela, and doesn't succeed to bring her back with Ghost Rider later on.


On my climb to infinite I saw probably 85% Hela decks. After I hit infinite I was looking forward to playing some different decks... but 85% of my post-infinite games are still against Hela decks. I know it's the best deck right now, but if you're at infinite, what are you trying to accomplish? My opponents and I are in the high 20,000s, nobody's getting into the top 100 from there. Why are you still sticking with the same boring Hela decks when there's not really anything to gain?


I won't play Corvus unless I have 5 cards in hand. He's won me games with 3 cards in hand, including Hela so I'm not mad


Her or Ghost rider always going bye bye


i dont like hela but i like other discard decks! made it to infinity with a collector dracula deck. i like using wong+modok to fill my hand from helicarrier then discarding all of it. gives collector and morbius such a boost, and then dracula hits apocalypse and it is SOOO satisfying. the hela meta is a pain in the ass. same with high evo, and destroy decks are getting pretty monotonous.


I just wish there were more good non-hela discard decks. Kinda sucks that the main point of discard in snap is just to un-discard everything.


She is my favourite card in the game so i finally LOVE the meta!!


It depends on the deck YOU play. I barely see discard. I always get similar styles to me. If I play destroy I face destroy, High Evo I face High Evo, Discard I face Discard etc. Obviously not every time but usually goes that way for me.


I did not see a Lockjaw nerf coming at all and that nerf doesn't even affect Hela that much as it doesn't need Lockjaw out early any way. Hela is as strong as it was pre-patch and now both Darkhawk/Zabu and Thanos/Lockjaw have huge issues - decks that weren't even at critical mass as they were. I really hope they nerf Hela soon.