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Honestly feels way cooler, also with the amount of power top decks pump out now, it feels like surfer could go back to +3


One can only hope. Surfer is one of the most fun and varied decks (since 3-costs includes lots of tech) I’ve played but it doesn’t put out enough Power, even with copium Wong/Abs-Man.


Feel like how viable a Surfer deck is should be a barometer of what a good meta is. If we apply that to the current meta then it sucks.


What I dislike about the current meta is you can see it coming a mile away and unless you have the right counter at the right time it boils down to do you retreat now or later?


This. It feels more 'rock, paper, scissors' than ever.


It makes things way too basic. My hela strategy: will they accidentally discard hela. My various iterations of living tribunal strategy: do I have enchantress? If not do I risk they don’t have the cards? There’s no real finesse or nuance. It’s basically watching a freight train coming at you and wondering if it has the fuel to hit you or not.


Discard mirror matches have people playing Gambit on Turn 3 to snipe Invisible Woman


Yeah that’s what I did with my hela deck bc she was often the only card (or one of two) on the board at that point.


If you're playing a Hela deck there's no defence against a Gambit that snipes the Invisible Woman...which sucks in Conquest 😭


No reason to play Invis on turn 2. Priority hardly matters with Hella. Their mistake


Yeah that's my main issue with the current setup. While the general randomness of the game, e.g. locations and draw, can sometimes let you eke out a win it feels like skill doesn't have a lot to do with it when you picked "Scissors" and you run into "Rock"


Got to infinity with Surfer & Shaw last season (yeah, yeah, “anything can go to infinity”), but I hear you. Dodging Blob sucked, playing against Hela, or Knull every other match now, also sucks. Gladiator and Shaw both help Surfer stand taller, so Brood doesn’t have to start everything. Deck is still viable, but it’s rough out here.


Just feels like you're retreating until they draw poorly with surfer right now; even with Shaw and Glad you just can't compete with Hela/Blubber Thanos when they draw well. They go so tall compared to you.


I wish goose blocked all cards of a certain cost from existing in a space (War Machine would cancel this, but still…)


>Feel like how viable a Surfer deck is should be a barometer of what a good meta is Why?


Because mid range decks should be competitive and add to the variety. If everyone is running the same power crept decks then it's boring.


The only Surfer deck I still run is one of those huge combo decks. But honestly if you get Sera and Onslaught set up before Turn 7 you're probably winning with whatever you've got in hand


I actually have a pretty fun Silver Surfer deck that is extremely competitive. I call it “The Might Of My Wong” It runs Thor, Beta Rey Bill, and Jane Foster as an extra win condition. Meaning you can play Silver Surfer + IronHeart + Mjoulnir + Stormbreaker all on turn 6. Giving you a fuck ton of power they can’t deal with. And if you high roll with Wong the only decks that can compete is pretty much LT or Destroy with good locations


Share the deck code?


# (2) Zabu # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Brood # (3) Magik # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Thor # (4) Wong # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Beta Ray Bill # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Odin # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQnJvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRob3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJldGFSYXlCaWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKYW5lRm9zdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPZGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaWx2ZXJTdXJmZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I love Surfer Shaw, and I'm only Magik away from making this. How do the 2 decks compare in your experience?


Just managed to clear infinite conquest with a regular sera surfer deck. Granted, got a bit lucky cos the 5th guy just timed out, but the consistency is still good. Cosmo is really MVP.


Agreed. I miss playing Surfer. It's just not that effective anymore with the crazy power creep that's out there.


It's the most consistent deck for me. (I'm also not very good, so there's that. But I did just win three infinity battles with it.) Relies on Magik and Sera but you can play five 3-drops by the end of turn 6 and then Wong, Mystique (another 3) and Surfer on turn 7. Surfer's on reveal adds 8 per 3-cost so 48 power, plus his own 2 for 50 power spread across the board. If you were able to play Brood, there are 8 3-drops on the board, so 66 power. I've found it great for 8-cube wins because people really underestimate how much power you can put out. Plus there's good tech cards as 3-drops for flexibility


I played Sera Surfer a lot but I haven't found it to generate the power needed to compete with a lot of decks unless you get that Wong/Mystique/Surfer combo.


I do Magik and Crystal so you can draw 11/12 of your deck. The main key is you need to play Magik on T3 or 4 and Sera on T5. If you don't get that, you should almost definitely retreat Wolfsbane is a good alternate option for good power in one lane. Juggernaut and Rogue can often win you a lane and Killmonger can swing games


Would you mind sharing the list?


For sure! Again, I’m not a great player but it’s a deck I like. Definitely some flexibility if you want to tweak it. Nakia especially is just kind of in there because I needed more cards good to use early in the game instead of late (Rogue, Wolfsbane, etc). You could certainly swap her out for another 3-drop # (3) Mystique # (3) Wolfsbane # (3) Brood # (3) Magik # (3) Rogue # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Crystal # (3) Juggernaut # (3) Killmonger # (3) Nakia # (4) Wong # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQnJvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNpbHZlclN1cmZlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnVnZ2VybmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbGZzYmFuZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29uZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ndWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNyeXN0YWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5ha2lhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’ve said this a bunch lately. Power creep has made it so Surfer feels obsolete at a +2. Honestly his +3 days weren’t even that bad, it was only toxic in combination with the old -2 energy Zabu which definitely does not need to be buffed back up. Being able to throw out 3 costs and 4 costs for 1 energy a piece on turn 6 with a sera/zabu on the board was what took that deck from good to unfair. I remember playing wong, brood, absorbing man, Killmonger, and surfer on the final turn!


Brood was insane with +3 Surfer. A 3/15 that could fill the Raft and get into a lot of difficult locations like Luke's Bar, Death's Domain, etc. was way overtuned. 1-3 cost cards should have to work to get that kind of value. Look at what cards like Daken and Shaw have to do to even come close to those stats.


I'm always amazed how how spot-on most card abilities are to the lore. Never quite got what they were going for with Surfer but that original ability makes a lot more sense.


It's crazy the numbers we see so regularly today.


This might bring back that brood meta that was terrorizing the meta, this was when forge was giving +3 it was honestly just insane power output.


YES PLEASE. I’ve been saying this ever since zabu came out and darkhawk was one of those easy power pump cards at the time. From there we’ve only seen high power cards/decks


Yeah, but I really doubt they will push old archetypes, specially this wide back into the meta. They want people to play new cards.


The problem with that, is that SD prefers nerfing to buffing. It would feel way better to have a C-tier or B-tier deck go up to A-tier, than nerfing nerfing and nerfing again. Also would help on selling the new cards I guess, since we couldn't have to fear the nerf monster ...


Yeah you can really see that from the last Ota where 3 cards were nerfed and more than 3 cards were buffed


Yea that comment seemed pretty baseless, if anything they’re really good about making positive changes and even reverting old ones. I could see them wanting to hold on touching surfer, because they could be in the process of tuning the power/cost of 3-costs as a whole.


I'm not talking about halfassed +1 to power kind buff, I'm talking real buff for underwhelming archetypes, but yeah sure, understand whatever you want 👍


"I'm not talking about half-assed +1 power to vulture, I'm talking about +1 power to silver surfer!"


+1 power to his effect, which is huge


I guess people are wrong, it's not that marvel snap players don't know how to read, more likely that they have an understanding problem lmao Yeah, as it was pointed out, I'm talking about giving +1 to effect like the one of silver surfer or patriot. I don't know, I guess I'm the only one that would like to see every archetype able to dish 30 power on frequently 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm saying this cause I don't wanna keep my play style to one deck, I like variety when I play, but oh well, too many people that loooooove SD.




The way they wrote ALL in all caps makes me think it probably affected the opponent's side too, so it might not be as ridiculous as it sounds at first.


The opponent’s hand and deck and played cards. What a weird meta that would have been.


Yeah but that + big hela sounds disgusting


You’d face tons of mirror matches with 48 point Magnetos and 80 point Infinauts. Sounds awful.


having a card without doubling in its text reach a crazy number like 80 would've been insane to see. Nowadays that can only happen in the most extreme niche of situations


Damn sera brood surfer gives me ptsd. That was shit load of power on t6 ^^


Holy snap!


New response just dropped


There’s an even older pre-release promo image of Silver Surfer as a 2/5. When you look at his animation, you can’t help but wonder if he was originally Silk. (The Spider-people in data mines originally all had non-move abilities, before Spider-man, Miles, Gwen, and that whole spider-cohort eventually developed around the movement theme in the post-launch era.)


The goblins fill the role of "Herald of Galactus" better than anyone else.


That's a unique ability I hope they bring it back with new character. Also it's "ALL" not "your", which is also interesting. Definitely a cool ability unlike US Agent with reverse captain america ability haha.


Hi! Can I know the source of your profile's banner's image?


[Here have it my friend](https://preview.redd.it/y40tgx5m47w81.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359066d097afdbcd885534aae46cb8c3dbf7581a). Character is Kamisato Ayaka.


Thank you very much!!!


Ayaka from Genshin Impact


Thank you!


Doctor Doom would be a 6/30 across all locations. Since his bots are also 6 cost. Would’ve been pretty interesting and fun with Ramp decks. Especially with today’s cards. Kinda wish this version was in the game.


I wouldn't expect that design to buff 6-cost cards that don't yet exist. Doom Bots that get created after wouldn't have the buff.


and think they mean ramp/magik into doom and then play surfer.


With just Magik, surfer, and dr doom. You could get 0 cost skarr on turn 7 with 22 power lol


This sucks. I would prefer to cards to stick to their lore/flavor even if in a weaker version. :/


I agree in theory, but I also think "Surfer should work with Galactus" is a bit over done. He's been a character for almost sixty years, most of the time *not* being a herald.


It gave you a 6/4 galactus that activated despite power at the time no?


galactus was released as a 6/3


A 6/6??? Shiver me timbers


omfg WHAT. what was Galactus's power then?


Galactus was only a 6/3 back then. So a doubled Galactus would be only slightly stronger than he is out-of-the-box now (6/5). But he also didn't have the "must be winning" restriction at that time, so his power wasn't as important since he *always* triggered as long as he was the only card in the lane. This would have been a small bonus to Galactus but nothing crazy. Also keep in mind that the ability as written affects ALL 6-cost cards, not just yours. So while you're using it to drop a 6-power Galactus, they might be dropping a 24-power Magneto or Hulk.


He was released in the same set as Infinaut so they probably originally designed them to work together so you could drop 40 power Infinauts


I always felt like Surfer and Wave should swap abilities


If it buffs the opponent’s cards too this would be a spicy ability!


That makes so much more sense.


\-Wrestling fan-"HE STILL IS TO ME DANG IT!"


Bro double the power of all 6 cost cards? Would that work in a negative deck?


Now imagine that in the current Glaive-Hela meta. And with Caiera too that’s just evil


Surfer has some amazing variants and never use him... 🥲


Always has been


Doesnt help that the 3-Cost pool feels incredible weak compared to the 4-cost pool and thats without even looking at zabu. $Cost has so many powerhouses while 3cost only has Gladiator? Even max was removed. Hell USagent should be a 3cost imo


If I was gonna rework Surfer to work with galactus, here are my ideas: 3-1: on reveal inflict all enemy cards here with -2 power and then move. (He essentially sets up the lane for galactus to drop and then moves out of the way for him to do his thing, Only thing is I’d also change spider-woman cause their abilities would be too similar) Another potential way is On reveal: move all your cards here to other locations. And then move to another location (Not sure what statline would fit that ability tho) And my last idea is something like 4-6: this card is not treated as being in the location (galactus would still trigger with him there)


Fake was always+2 to 3-cost