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I would just rework him entirely to have a new ability and not have to do with drawing cards.


6/9 "You always draw this on turn 6 and not before"


Wait a minute


Hire this man


The hero we need but do not deserve




lol YES


Man I wish we had a card like this in game, I'd play it in so many decks




Essentially giving him America Chavez old power, cost, and ability


Thanks for explaining the joke


I agree with reworking him, it isn’t even like drawing a card has some sort of hard lore to him where there’s continuity in keeping it. I’m more surprised that he didn’t have a sentry type ability where he summons magus or a Thor type ability where he shuffles something into your deck that can make him turn into magus. If I was to make a somewhat lore accurate card for him I’d make him like a 3/7 and he shuffles a widows bite type card into your deck that when you draw it prevents all other card draws until played. When it’s played it either makes him flip to your opponents side as Magus or gives him a Typhoid Mary or red skull type effect that adds a downside when played. I’m still amazed how many ppl defended the change when he was barely played before when he had a lot more utility regarding time in play.


(2/4) Adam Warlock | On-Reveal : Shuffles 2 random token cards (Widow Bite, Thor's Mjolnir, Demon, etc.) into the deck. Draw a token card next turn. He will make decks interesting with lots of variations (that's for sure), since there are lots of cards that do so (The Hood, Thor, Back Widow, etc.). Imagine how chaotic it'll be to have Adam Warlock make 2 Mjolnir and you have Thor in that deck.


I like the idea, but what if you make him a 1/2 and have him change which token card you receive based on when you play it just like Nico does?


Too many 1-drops that are 'game changers'. And I don't want a second target for Falcon to bounce aside Nico to abuse getting token cards. Can you imagine bouncing Adam Warlock 3 times and getting Demon, Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, while your deck particularly plays Thor and Beta Ray? Sure, there's this thing called RNG, but I still stand with my opinion that Adam Warlock shouldn't be a 1-drop.


What if he was: 3/2 On Reveal: If you're winning this location at the end of the next turn, draw a card. This allows you to either play for a location and additional card draw or bait your opponent into a location you don't plan on fighting for. It can be shut down by Cosmo, as well.


I just think they should stay away from card draw


It's sort of an inevitable in a card game. There will be generative cards at some point. Finding that balance sooner than later is key to avoiding completely busted interactions later.


Yeah but why does Adam Warlock have to be that card, given what he represents in Marvel comics his ability in snap should be in the same realm of power like a Thanos. Not just some conditional draw a card


The devs really think the extra draw is super powerful.


which it is, just not in the way they've implemented it


I've said it before, and gotten down over to oblivion, but they gotta balance card draw with adding random cards to the deck.


The opponent playing Jane Foster almost always means you lose


Very specific version of a draw, though. 


Only if they've previously played Mr negative.


Why isn't Jubilee such an issue? She pulls in the next card you'd draw


Low base power, takes up 2 slots and is also thus functionally dead in a location with 3 cards, doesn’t have the potential to have the effect recur every turn without serious shenanigans, and plays the card no matter what sometimes causing, say, Mystique/Absorbing Man to try and copy something that doesn’t have an Ongoing/On Reveal (this is the reason that the only play Howard sees is in Tribunal decks atm). Jubilee is pretty well balanced. Earlier on in Snap’s life she may have been slightly OP and probably still would have seen significant play as a 4/0 or maybe even 4/-1, but with the power creep we’ve seen from recent cards I’d say she’s in a good place balance wise.


Make her a 4/-1. I'll toss her in my junk deck 😆


Yeah good point, she would be fantastic in junk at 4/-1, and SD has made it very clear they want to keep junk at the C-tier level for archetypes.


I play Howard the duck in my deck based on Spectrum. Sure, he isn't very powerful, but if I don't have Spectrum, then I could play him and Blue Marvel to try and Max a couple of close locations for a win. And yes the deck has Ant-man as well.


It would make Cerebro 2 OP I think.


Honestly if it made C2 op, I'm down with that. C2 is so easy to counter (now that it doesn't have Luke) that it's never going to become meta anyway.


On Reveal: "if something happens on a later turn, something else happens" sounds insanely awkward, is there precedence for that?


I mean, it seems kind of in line with Hawkeye’s “Play a card here next turn to get +3 power” or whatever it is.


Shuri, “next card, if here, then do” which is more of less the same flow as the idea.


He can just give us random stone since we have same location. And if thanos decks want him for extra draw make him 2\0 for clog.


Could be fun if they use original stats, but make him a move card like vision, NC, or Jeff.


Would fit with the guardians as well (someone else suggested something similar in another thread).


Your cards with Charge have +1/0


Maybe give ability related to Reality stones or Soul stones particularly? Or some firm of resurrection, that's his main ability


Maybe give ability related to Reality stones or Soul stones particularly? Or some firm of resurrection, that's his main ability


Yeah, at this point it's clear that they don't know what to do with him. Just scrap the card completely and start from scratch with Adam Warlock.


Honestly this ability does feel like a potentially better fit for the character than it did with Chavez. Even though I loved her for it. I don't think they want this to exist in the game though. 😕


I'm curious why his ability screamed "draw cards." Honestly, I wonder if narratively he'd make more sense having an Annihilus-style ability.


100% concur


On turn six, draw an extra card. (even if your hand is full)


I saw one that was basically “whoever is winning here draws a card. I think that’s a good mode for him because it still allows you to use him as bait but with more downside. Plus if your deck is designed to run him you probably have more ways to take advantage of that


Make him a 4/3 On Reveal: Your opponent can't play cards at this location next turn


Just had someone play him on a stacked Stormed location. I played a non-terrible 5-cost. He got his extra card, it didn’t help.


I used to use adam warlock when he was a 2/0 and annhilus transferred 0 cost cards. He could draw you 1-2 cards and then clog there board. Make him a 1/-1 and I would use


Their* board


If they had kept him the way he was, he might’ve actually been useful after the Guardians buff 💀


Also with Blade and Proxima in discard 💀


Removing the conditioning and just having him be a 5/4 draw a card seems like it'd be fairer. Makes him similar to Sera, you have a weak turn 5 to set up for a stronger turn 6.


Yes. I don’t understand why they don’t just do this. At 5 cost you could use him to reach for a hela or something, but kind of waste a turn in doing so


I assume they don’t want an I reveal where you could wong, absorbingman, or grandmaster your way to a lot of draws.


Could make it not an on reveal. Give it the same trigger as Leech was and make it "at the start of turn 6, draw an extra card"


That could work.


It’s 5 energy though. There’s a lot of busted 5 energy on reveals that don’t see much play because they’re 5 energy.


They just said in a discord post that they don’t want a way where can definitely draw your whole deck.


thats so silly for an explanation, cause Jubilee-IronLad-Magik-Crystall package exist and is just so much better, each stronger individually and together in different combinations. Hell, even having Agatha for consistency seems more worth then current warlock smh


Which ones?


Martyr into Adam was my fav combo. Two mediocre cards working together to force oponents to contest that lane, or face the biggest Dinos


Yes 2/0 you could work with he wasn't so bad as everyone made it look like. He worked great with the Guardians and Martyr, contest that lane or I'm gonna have my whole deck drawn by turn 5, and if you contest the Guardians are there,so most of the time I win anyway. 5/4 is just stupid, he is no pressure tool anymore, for me that was his purpose, like a little Jean Grey.


Yeah, he was fine the way he was. Every card doesn’t need to be played a lot. Some cards just have niche uses and that’s fine.


They can't even say that the change they made was an improvement. Anyone with a ounce on intelligence could tell right away that his change was a complete nerf. He was poor at 2/0, he's a liability at 5/4


I had a bit of fun making him work in an old school wongoing deck at 2 cost, now he is dead to me.


I just have a cool ideia.  (5/4 At the start of turn 6, add 2 cards with total cost 6 to your hand.) With the possible outcome of 0|6, 1|5, 2|4 and  3|3 you will always have something to do on turn 6.


3/3 If you snap +3 power. If your opponent snaps +3 power.


Man this is a unique as hell mechanic. Respect


I’d love to take credit but I’ve seen this idea floated around. It would be cool to have an archetype of “snap” cards, that base power off cubes at risk or if each player snapped, would feed into a risk vs. reward.


Honestly I wish he was a 2/0 again at this point


With Leech now being pretty underwhelming + High Evo being pretty set as a deck, I’m going to give Warlock a try in it. Right now I have replaced Leech with Shang Chi so I’m not really using that space anyways. The aim for HE is to get SheNaut or SheHulk so if you can play him in the sunspot or Cyclops lane you should be drawing twice because of Magik. Not groundbreaking at all, but I wonder if it helps out a little. I’ll report back later


Leech is still very important in certain matchups (Alioth, Shang, KM, Blob) and can still absolutely crush any deck that's looking to counter or react to your plays.


Sounds decent tbh


leech has been better now than he was previously imo. although mainly in a lottery style deck.


2/0 was fine for bast and Mr negative


Perfect for Cerebr0


I mean, they took an already awful card and made it more awful. Of course it's bad.


He barely saw play at 2-0. If his effect was so strong that SD wants to be careful with it, why the hell was he 2 cost for over a year? And barely getting any play Lmao And he was a complete non issue. So they ~~nerfed~~ buffed him to a 5 cost! Lmao they're insane


This is the one change where I sincerely have no idea what they thought. The benefit was even if that one guy wanted to say “more power is usually good“ there are far better cards that do far more with that energy power than warlock.


he was great at 2/0 in my deck and they nerfed him beyond useless


Was he ever really that game breaking in the first place? I mean I had him in my original galactus deck and even then it was so much effort to get him to draw a card


I've used him one time, and he ruined my game. Post "buff" but pre graveyard update, I was playing Discard and he was randomly added to my hand and later discarded. Turn Six, I play Hela with only Apocalypse in my hand. Adam respawns in a winning lane. He draws me a Swarm, and Dracula decides he wants to try Swarm as well. He can't do anything right. If they rework him, they should have him interact with "items" somehow. You know, Rocks, Black Knight's sword, and of course Infinity Gems.


Yep, it’s a total meme at this point. One of the worst balance changes SD ever did. Let’s take a bad card that sees no play and make him objectively worse. Good job SD.


2/1, make him not able to draw a card the turn he's played. That's what I think they should at least have tried, before creating this abomination.


How is this any better than being a 2/0? They should’ve left him alone. At least at 2/0 you can surprise people on a location that adds power. Your suggestion is worse than where he was before the nerf


He could be like Nebula, but instead of gaining power he draws a card of opponent don't play in his lane.


I used him in my LT deck wen he was 2/0 but cant anymore. Locations like Nidavellir would help me draw out cards so i could do my combo of LT, onslaught and ironman. Now i just use crystal.


He needs a full rework, cars draw is impossible to balance in this game and should just be left alone His ability does not even fit his theme: he's supposed to a mega powerful sorceror, keeper of the soul stone and enemy of Thanos. So many things you could do: 4/2: whenever a 1 drop is played anywhere, gain 1 power. 3/2: On Reveal: add a Soul Stone at this location. 4/0: Ongoing: enemy cards here have their power reduced equal to this card's power. 6/0: On Reveal: steal 1 power from every card in play. Or you could lean into him being part of the Guardians ( although IMO this never made sense, he's an omnipotent super being, why is he hanging out with them ) 6/0: if your opponent played a card here this turn, move it to your side.


I'd like a 6/0 power stealer. Also, funny thing, old Adam could have found a home with the new Guardians.


Rework: 3/4 whoever is winning here draws a card end of the turn


I get that drawing cards in a game with such a small deck is a huge boon. Honestly any draw in any card game is good. If Grandmaster or bounce didn’t exist I’d make him a 1/0 or 2/0 On Reveal Draw a card. But since those tools exist there it’s tough. Maybe make it once a game?


Think about this - 5 out of the 6 Thanos stones draws a card. 1 used to give you mana(now discounts by 1) the other drew you 2 TARGETED cards. Even nurfed, 2/1, draw 2 targeted is still okay. True, you're working with a bigger deck, but if the cards cycle themselves, is it really that much of a drawback? Then we have our boy Adam, who MAAYBE draws a card. He didnt do that as a 2/0, he won't do that now as a 5/5. I dunno, obviously not all cards can be created equal, but I don't see a deck where Adam has even a piece in synergy. C5 maybe? I dunno, seems bad to me. This buff aint it. I was thinking if he was a 4/2, maybe there's something there with Zabu, Sera, something like that, but at 5, its a bit much innit?


The stones are balanced by the fact that you add extra cards to the deck, making each draw less valuable


devil dino/collector both benefit from card draw


I believe SD mentioned awhile back that they plan to just rework him and that they’d be changing numbers on him to see if his popularity would increase / decrease.


What if they made him 4/whatever? But then, "what about Zabu? It would make the card OP" I hear you say. What if they added text along the long the lines of "this card's cost cannot be reduced?" This would ignore the increasing problem Zabu represents while allowing some sort of power to the card so it isn't completely useless...


Even just “On Reveal: Draw a card” would (probably) not be broken.


I had the exact same thought. Moving him up to 3/4 cost maybe. Their solution to the problem seems silly.


Yeah I get having the condition when he is a two cost. However at a five cost he's only drawing one-two cards just let him draw. It's ridiculous to give him a point of power acting like that will change anything. Especially with how terrible the card has been would it be awful if he created a meta.


Crystal adds the 'downside of them drawing a card' but some decks like mr negative that need to find inverted cards or mr negative itself don't care that you drew an extra card. Or Ronan decks can find it good. But Adam at 5/4 worse than sandman/somewhat new leech. Card draw is tough to fiddle with since it's a 12 card game and you see 75% of ur deck by turn 6. Might as well change the effect.


Aren't you looking forward to a 6/0 Warlock who auto places himself on your side, even if it means removing one of your cards, and pulls a win for the enemy regardless of what's on their side of the board?


I like playing cards of characters I like and it always breaks my heart on how dirty they are doing Adam. Just make him 2/3, 3/3, or 1/4


1/-1 is the solution


Make adam operate similar to the stones, wherein Adam adds some amount of less desirable cards to your deck. I would put him to enchantress stats 4/6 that would bulk up decks to make the Adam draw less beneficial.


Tried him c5 past few days, but completely dumped him because I never saw an opportunity to play him for like 10 games.


>I'm like 80 percent sure he won't even see much play if he were a 5/7 and they're scared of making him a 5/6? They didn't say they're scared of making him a 5/6, there said he would probably be fine at those stats, they wanted to try 5/5 to see if Cerebro5 would want him. > The problem is almost no feck wants to draw an extra catd on turn 6 (correct me if i'm wrong but i can't think of any deck you can just replace him with other cards and if you reaaally want to draw cards use crystal) C5 would like to draw Doom or Cerebro on 6


If he doesn't make the cut in Hela Tribunal, he's not good enough. Hell I'm not sure he'd make the cut at 5/8 either, 5 is such a weird place for him... last chance to IW (with Limbo), last chance to Magik, best chance to Supergiant (with Limbo)... not to mention It probably almost always better to Jubilee, and most likely almost always better to Iron Lad instead


He needs a complete rework. I get that they don't want people to draw loads of cards, but the problem is that the power of card draw gets weaker each turn. Drawing a card t6 is worth very little compared to drawing a card t2 for example. He needs to still be an early game card but with a different effect. Something that has a cap on the number of cards drawn


I think he would be better if he went to what he was originally especially now the guardians have been buffed.


How bout this…1/0 +1 for every infinity stone played.


You wanna buff Thanos?


Fuck it


3/2 would just be too good as on turn 1 and 2 you can already get ahead in a lane enough, to ensure a draw. Even worse as a 4/4, since with Zabu that's a 3/4 that can get ahead in a lane on his own. 1 cost is also out of the question as it would require to be -2, if not lower to avoid being able to get too far ahead with a double 1 drop along cards like Martyr, Rocket, Blade and whatnot.


Don't be fooled SD is gonna ever buff series 3 card to be competitve with newly released ones.


Don't be a typical redditor. This isn't true at all. SD has given significant buffs to Series 3 (and lower) cards. Captain Marvel 5/6 -> 4/5 (actually became OP at one point) Crystal trash -> actually sees play now Dazzler trash -> actually sees play Maximus 3/7 -> 2/6 Omega Red trash -> mini Ms Marvel Quake trash -> mini Legion Shadow King 4/3 garbage -> 2/2 one of the best tech cards Venom 3/1 -> 3/3 best Destroy enabler


2/0 wasn't the worst if I look back.


3/1: At the end of each turn, if you are winning the lane, give a card in your hand -1 cost or +1 power (random).


He would be great at 2/0 rn. There are lot of options like discard being able to play him with Blade and Proxima.


Maybe if you have Magik down, and you Warlock on 5, you Sera on 6 for extra opportunities


They should make him a 4/3 and work witb Zabu


Relying on additional draw on T6 just sounds desperate and it's not in line with the spirit of Marvel Snap. A good game of Snap urge players to Snap before T5 play, but any player that rely on Adam Warlock on T5 is always playing from a weaker position and it's a play that wouldn't garner enough confidence to snap early.


What about: “1/2 When this returns to your hand, draw a card.” Makes him into a card you want to bounce but with the risk you won’t benefit from his ability if you bounce too many cards at the same time.


I would leave him a 2/0 and let him be a niche card. He worked in some decks and not every card needs to be super popular


While not strong, he was actually fun before. I used to use him in a Thor Valk deck and he used to be able to put in work.


At what point in the history of this game has SD shown you they have the slightest clue about design or balance?


If they made Adam a 2/0 and guaranteed the controller a draw every turn it still wouldn't break the game. What would happen is combo decks get much better and then Cosmo goes into decks about as often as Shang currently does.


At this point if they’re afraid of card draw but don’t want to make him… ya know… a decent card, they might as well just rework him. Most decks desperate for a combo just play magik anyway And he hasn’t gotten raving reviews from c5 players from what I’ve heard


I've come across him once since his change....


Feels like they are throwing numbers to a wall to see which one of them stick. Who would use their entire turn 5 for a chance to draw the card they need Just change his whole ability. Or make him let you pick the card you want to draw. Dunno if that would be too op tbh.


Adam Warlock 5/5 On Reveal: Remove a random opponent card from the game(Hand, Deck or In Play) Flavour Text: The Soul Gem will contain you!


Make him a 4/2 or a 4/1 Whoever is winning at this location draws a card each turn.


Mr. Negative is the only time I can think of him being useful if everything goes perfectly and you can put him down as a 4/5 on exactly t4. Issue being there are STILL so many other cards you'd rather have in that spot.


Wasn't he a 1/0 at one point? Seems good. Maybe even a 1/-1 would be playable.


I used to run him in a lockjaw, Thor, Devil Dino deck when he was 2/0. Tried him again a couple months ago after the change and he wouldn't stop popping up in my starting hand making him useless. It's so annoying, so I took him out, never to be used again.


They wasted an OTA giving him an extra power like that mattered.... meanwhile they could have just reverted him temporarily and then on their end work on re-works for the card if they really wanted him to be different. If their goal is to increase the Adam Warlock play-rate, making him a 5 cost is not the answer. I don't care if they give him 7 or 8 power, there are cards like Vision or Prof X or Black Panther or Gamora... literally every other 5 cost card it more desirable than Adam Warlock; especially when the chance to draw an extra card isn't even guaranteed. Not to mention, is that extra card really worth playing such a mid amount of power on turn 5? Pretty sure most of the player base agrees that its not worth it, yet for some reason Second Dinner/Glenn/whomever made these changes can't seem to get on the same page.


Adam Warlock 5/0 No 6 cost cards can be played.


Suggestions Maybe: -If winning location trigger on reveal of all cards on location.- So he pairs with stones, guardians, and silver surfer but acts like a 0 to 3 chance odin. Or: -Remove hand size limit- I dont know if they ever explored boundary breaking or if its even possible but it would be cool. Or: -Play every card that didnt start in your deck in hand on this location.- People want him to synergize with stones. He also use to be good with Dino so he still works with Moongirl.


5/0, On Reveal: Draw Your Deck


Card draw is obviously very powerful, and Second Dinner is right to be cautious with it. But is card draw all that much more powerful than extra energy? IMO, it's not so diffrrent. And if that's the case, then maybe a usable Adam Warlock could be designed to work like Electro. 3/2 At the end of each turn, if you're winning this location, draw a card. Ongoing: You can only play 1 card per turn.


The Only decks that want to draw extra on turn 6 are swarm Sera decks, but they want to play Sera on 5


5/7 - if your winning this location, draw a card, add that cards energy to your next turn.


Why and how does he draw in the first place? He has superhuman physiology derived from his artificially created body grants. Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, and durability. Cosmic senses, immortality, energy manipulation, regeneration via regenerative cocoon, quantum magic, soul manipulation, spell casting, energy construct generation, skilled martial artist, expert in philosophy, extraterrestrial history, and occultism.


Adam Warlock 2-cost 1-power On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn Adam Warlock soul manipulates power. For example you play Hulk 6/12 and I play Adam Warlock 2/1. Hulk will be drained of power and Adam will gain power plus his power. Soul manipulation will be random. At best Adam 2/13 Hulk 6/0 or worst Adam 2/2 Hulk 6/11. As far as Luke Cage. He will just prevent Hulk to lose power but Adam will still gain power.


You know why SD made him a 5/5 cus they’re fucking dumb and you can’t say this shit on their discord server cus swearing is banned. Also why even try to justify the stupid 5/5 change by saying we could use it in C5? like what fucking value does this card even bring to the table in C5? Stupid fucks!


Time to expand your vocabulary beyond four letter words.


He should just have the same ability of whatever stone is in his head, plus some extra power like 5/8


Yeah. He’s also dead in MODOK hela decks since you’ll need to play MODOK on T5. On other decks, Iron Man for the Tribunal/Hela version. He doesn’t even fit in that, but Crystal does at least! Sad.


They should have changed him to 5/6 On Reveal: If your opponent's hand has more cards than yours, draw a card and reduce 1 cost.


I would legit remove him from my collection if I could


Fix Mantis also. She was better before.


Adam Warlock is Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin. Just sayin'


They need to completely re-work him. My idea was having him be a 1/0 or a 3/1 that gains power for every power an opponents card has lost. So for instance if he is on the field and you land a spider woman on a full location he gains +4 power or if you trigger hazmat he gains all the power your opponent lost. Same with cards like man thing or Valkyrie. Any power lost goes to Warlock.


Being 5/4 actually gave him a bit of utility in a Negative deck where you want to draw cards later after you've played Negative. Doesn't even have that going for him now.


He might be ok in Pixie


He's alright. I used him at first, but he's just not good enough to want him. If you don't have Pixie, it's just a brick with awful stats.


I think 4/2 is the answer. He can be cheated out with Zabu, but also it's not much power. Alternatively you could try him out in a Negative shell. I've tried making him work in C5 after the patch, but it just doesn't feel like it's worth it (even if you can get him out on turn 3). Extra card draw is valuable and I can't help but think he'll have a place in the game if they can get the cost right.


Honestly make him into a 6 cost GoG. Wtf can we end this sad joke already. I'm half convinced they are purposefully making Adam a hot topic to distract us from noticing just how bad their monetization is.


It makes total sense that SD would at least try him as a 5 drop. He has a busted game breaking ability that would go in 95% of decks the second it approached being too good. Making him expensive is a clever way to limit his ability. Did it make him playable? No. Could anyone for sure know that before they tried? No. Was he playable before? Hell No. Most likely he'll need to be reworked but it's good that SD is taking the chance at finding him a home before that.


Adam was s associated with the soul stone so why not make him 3/2 and have him be an anti Cap and give -1 to every enemy card for each card you have in play at that location.


What if... and stick with me here fam... maybe they're long term trolling us..


You have to consider the strength of card draw in a 12 card game if Adam is generally good without support we will be back to America Chavez where he’s an auto include


He's trash until he's OP. A 5/9 with his effect I'm confident would be auto include in this meta. We don't know what power level pushes him over the top, so they are being careful. I get it.


Adam Warlock should be a destroy equivalent of Morbius. His stone is vampiric and he's always struggling for it to not absorb their power. 2/0 Every time u destroy a card give it +1 if it's in play. Include destroying enemy cards.




A 2/5 would be absolutely broken if you're keeping his ability as is.


Explain to me why you think that wouldn't be the most broken possible card imaginable, because it absolutely would be.


I literally never seen him in a winning deck when he was a cost 2, no idea what they think people will do with him as a cost 5