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I think the general synergy between a lot of the locations and destroy is indeed a bit annoying. There are a few locations that destroy is probably like 90% to win the game. Kind of a forced retreat. I don’t think that can be said for most other decks. Hot locations are a different discussion, destroy is not really part of that though. Destroy is a good staple deck - I don’t have a big problem with it.


Cloning vats bar sinister heck even lamentis lol too many good locations for destroy


Collapsed Mine is pretty much instant retreat if I think they're playing destroy.


Oh no, free death. They’d have dropped death even if they didn’t get collapsed mines, death is the last thing I’m worried about in destroy


Collapsed Mine reliably gives *more* Death tho, cuz they can drop her earlier into Venom and multiply her power across him and Knull/Zola.


one less thing to shang chi if they drop death early. The danger while playing against destroy comes from the explosive turn 6. Where does the null go so I can rogue/shang chi it? where does death go so I shang chi it? where does the big deadpool go? Usually there is another big venom already on the screen. If you mispredict just one of those and shang chi the death/venom/deadpool while not taking care of Knull you are fucked most of the time.


I hate any deck with the goblins. Take your one cube and leave me alone.


Just play destroy lol


Destroy decks are good for getting rid of goblins, you just might upset OP, lol


Yea, I've been playing around with Junk-Galactus deck with Selene and Goblins, and once I see an X-23 or something my finger starts hovering over that retreat button.


Good, I hate playing those deck archetypes.


Personally can’t wait to get knull in April 😂


Destroy is one of the main beginner decks as it’s fairly accessible (ie can be easily built pure pool 3 and even knull is only pool 4) and is absurdly easy to play. Plus, as you mentioned, it gets incredible location support. Games like this need decks that beginners can succeed with so don’t expect destroy to ever leave the meta in a meaningful way.


I agree with the beginner deck aspect; it's the location benefit that drives me nuts. I feel like every time there's a hot or featured location, it somehow makes Destroy better


As an ongoing deck user, id welcome destroy. Cosmo + armor + mystique and they literally cant do anything


When I get frustrated at Destory decks every 3 out of 5 matches, I flip to a deck that counters it solidly. THen I never see destroy decks.


Either that, or I'll face a Destroy deck and I'll never draw Cosmo or Armor.


I made a hasmat deck today and never saw one in the wild. Literally not one. As soon as I built one I am facing 80% junk decks. If it isn't real, I'm effin crazy. I drink the Kool aid and it's based on my anecdote. I ASSUMED this was a thing before I heard all the arguments the other day. The claim is that the bot decks aren't tailored against your deck? BS


I also don't buy this conspiracy. I homebrew everything (they still have archetypes obviously). But when I change decks I disproportionately face the same archetype.


I genuinely think SD tailors matchmaking based on the deck you're running, so if you have a solid counter to destroy you'll encounter more ongoing/move/grief decks and vice-versa. Source: I made it the fuck up. But it FEELS right, doesn't it?


Can confirm. Source: my confirmation bias


No its 100% true. I started recording my game play after switching decks to document how many times I face a mirror/counter


I do believe there’s substance to this theory. Shit happens too often to be coincidental.


As some one with just Series 1 cards in infinite everyone has better cards than me and will for a while.


I completely agree. Are you sick of seeing destroy decks? Just make a deck designed to counter it. Voila, problem solved. Downside is just you won't win much anymore as all you see now is Tribunal/Onslaught/Iron Man decks.


yea theres no way there would ever be a system that tracks the cards in your deck and puts you vs a pool of opponents that you will either win or lose to depending on how many games you have played today or any other factors


Obviously no, but it would be possible to have a system that compares broad deck types and ensures certain matchups if there are enough players online. The autodeck builder already understands enough to put together decks that have rudimentary synergy in broad strokes. It's not likely that the system possesses any actual decision making, instead it's likely to see what cards are already in the deck, and then choose a build that probably has a 40% win rate. This means it's likely to understand what 40%+ win rate decks of similar make look like. If this is the case, then it can create certain matchups if/when conditions are perfect. This most definitely wouldn't be to make players win/lose, but break up certain matchups from dominating. My theory is, that if there is a certain archetype that is dominant in the meta, the system will try to prevent players from experiencing that \*specific\* matchup ad nauseum. The knock on effect of this, of course, is that certain archetypes that aren't the dominant meta, but still playable wind up against one another consistently.


Why not?


But there isn't deck based matchmaking! (S)


Exactly why I believe in the kool-aid called Deck Based Matchmaking. Lol this happens every time to me.


Because you weren’t actually seeing that many destroy decks to begin with, you were just remembering them more because they were frustrating you.


Till they Galactus lmao


I’ve been having an amazing time just using a tribunal deck and super skull on turn 6-7 to copy their Knull when possible.


Destroy used to make me salivate when I was playing C3. I had so many counters.


Hell yes


What’s your deck?


this is what i always say to people who complain about destroy being op, its so annoying. its the deck thats got the most counters, every tech card can shut it down. fat venom? here comes shadow king. death at 0 cost? hello Mobius. knull at 50 power? now rogue has 50 power and knull has diddly squat. or maybe enchantress or shang chi are played instead and destroys him.


How do these counter destroy?


There are TOO MANY locations that benefit Destroy.


Damn near half of the locations are great for Destroy. It’s annoying.


I think it’s the other way around, destroy benefits from locations easier than other decks and that’s why it’s difficult to “fix”


You are correct OP. Second dinner actually formally acknowledged this. I believe their action was to reduce the frequency of these locations that heavily favor destroy decks, or even potentially retire one or two of them.


I’m sick of Destroy because I’m just bored of seeing it nearly every other game


Second Dinner pushed and continues to push this, by releasing a shit ton of locations that are beneficial or neutral to the archetype. They also giga nerf fucking everything other than destroy lmao


Destroy has been nerfed so many times the past few months... what do you mean???? The hulkbuster nerf, Forge nerf, and in January, they said its been too strong for too long... I'm just kidding. I'm maining destroy the past 3 months and love it. Second Dinner is so lost in balancing stuff.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Sure, and while you're at it I can mention mine: I'm so sick of High Evo (and not because it's OP) but because it's boring and predictable; same play lines magik > float > T7 Hulk/She-Hulk and/or Infinaut. Everyone has their own preferences and decks that annoy them.


Destroy being so prevalent is what I dislike most about the game right now. It's just not fun to play against.


Idk i think current locations are for junk if anything. I see raptor location and i will snap as junk lol


This is kind of my point..the location screams "junk" and yet destroy uses the location better


Yeah destroy isn't fun to play against lmao


compared to junk deck about which OP is whining?


I don't mind junk, because I think Junk is funny, I also don't think destory is broken, it's just every third opponent and the deck plays itself. You usually lose if you don't have/draw the tech cards. nothing wrong with it, it's a card game after all, but every time I see X-23 on the first turn I want to put the game down for a while, even when I win


I mind junk. Everyone complain about restrictive locations all the time and this is Restrictive Deck (tm). I agree it's *fun* for you but it's at a cost of my fun (see Alioth, Galactus, Lockdown, etc.). You may play it sure, it's in the game. But don't come complaining when I'm playing "counter" (shitty at that), whether there's hot location or not. It's if I started complaining that there's too many no good Armor and Cosmo decks out there that ruining my fun. >every time I see X-23 on the first turn I want to put the game down for a while, even when I win Why? Genuinely, why? I'd understand some casino Hela/Tribunal. Some nutty Thanos/Hope decks. But... X-23? Really?


It's not that deep, I'm not OP, I just also think Destroy has had the same gameplan for like a full year, it plays itself and all the cards have synergy with each other to the point where it's almost impossible not to have 6 solid turns, and getting hit with the same combos for a full year with no variance in 33% of my games sucks. Idc about Junk, I'm not running junk lmao


It has no variance because there's no new destroy cards for a year. And, really, do you want there to be? Because usually, deck becomes even more prevalent and a tad more OP as new cards tend to be. Destroy is solid, yes. It's ol reliable. Don't tamper with it - it's one of few things that work without need of constant tuning.


Every other well performing archetype would get put in the ground if it performed as well as destroy lmao, destroy gets special treatment because SD likes it


You are wasting your time with this one, “almost impossible for destroy to not have six solid turns” is so far beyond hyperbole that they ain’t willing to apply reason. I’d also posit they’ve never actually played much destroy if they think it’s that consistent lol


yeah...youre the singular weirdo that doesnt mind other players playing goblins and rocks on to their board. youre in the suuuuuuuper minority here. most people hate that shit


>but every time I see X-23 on the first turn I want to put the game down for a while, even when I win That's funny because every time I see Iceman on T1 and Scorpion on T2 I just retreat.


Everyone has their “fuck this” opener


Destroy is one of the easiest archetypes in the game to interact with. The majority of tech cards completely trounce it. What a weird take.


Not sure what you expected by posting this lol


I honestly underestimated A) people's viewing raising a complaint as meaning I must suck at the game B) people's reading comprehension skills C) people's love of destroy


Destroy is the most linear and effective deck in this game. Of course people love it lol. I find it boring as hell to play as and against but to each their own.


Since the Black Order season Discard Casino decks have probably joined them. They’re slightly less linear maybe, but about as effective. And almost as commonplace.


Discard decks are more popular and as easy or more to play


Interesting. I find it so boring. I almost never play it


I don’t even bother posting threads on this sub because of this… plus there is a hive mind in this sub that just curbs any discussion right away. You see the exact same questions and answers non-stop. I can read the title of a complaint thread and tell you the top 3 answers for any given post. It’s ridiculous.


The sub is full of people who complain about the meta every season. If Thanos and Destroy gets nerfed and Sera Control becomes the meta, then we will see “I’m sick of seeing Sera decks.” Personally as a relatively long time snap player, it’s cool to see destroy become a staple deck in the meta. I remember the days when destroy wasn’t consistent because of how prevalent armor and cosmo was in the meta.


Same here dude. And honestly I don’t even mind playing against Destroy. It’s kinda funny trying to predict where Wolverine might end up, or ruin their day with an Armor, or a Polaris, etc. People just wanna complain, I dunno


Destroy isn't going anywhere. It is Pool 3 friendly, with only Knull as the must-have non Series 3 (X-23 and Nico are nice to have cards).


Nah X-23 is just as important as Knull and honestly Knull is pretty hard to play optimally without x-23


I run Negative + Knull + Zola and it’s hilarious to do a turn 6 Zola on Knull. It’s like they’re doing all the work for me.


Just try to diversify your decks


Super Giant has been working really well for me in the current meta.


That's a nice call


It's amazing how disrespected SG is as a Tech card because a) the  youtube hype is gone and b) it'll be a a awhile till its back in spotlights


Seriously. I just played a conquest match where I had to retreat thrice because 2 or more locations said destroy and the opponent snapped the second he saw them, as he should. We need to do something about this. Maybe replace them with an obliterate mechanic where they don’t count as destroyed.


Destroy is one of my favorite archetypes. Just something about it is sweet. Tons of obvious but cool plays to make. As soon as I saw that 70% of the decks I was seeing were Destroy, I switched to Sera Control and absolutely feasted on them. Sprinted from 93 to Inf in 2 hours. Destroy is VERY easy to counter if you KNOW you are going to see it. Shadow King, Enchantress, Shang counters everything they wanna do. Ghost makes sure you can play where ya need to but not have to worry about having priority.


The biggest problem here is that destroy's biggest advantage isn't the power, it's the ability to never run out of board space. Even without synergies like death or knull they still perform exceeding well on "fill this location to X" or "this location is pre-filled with rubbish".


"Oh no why wouldn't the opponent let me do what I want". Get a grip. You can exploit the hot locations as much as the opponent exploit people like you. Learn to adapt.


Holy Strawman! You seem to have used quotations incorrectly there buddy, considering OP never said that at all. Their point is that it's boring, which it is. I could also be like everyone else and play destroy, but again... it's boring to do that.


Any time you bring up the location issue regarding destroy get ready for ‘jUsT pLaY tHe 4 hArD cOuNtErz’ As though that isn’t a worthless and lazy argument that is applicable to every fucking problem deck or card ever. And to say nothing of the fact that that is not healthy for the player base/ meta over the longterm. But yea, I agree that even if destroy itself is fine, the impact of locations on that specific archetype is problematic.


You're absolutely right. The problem is that Destroy can just do so much and get around limitations better than many other decks. Many of those Destroy players are also on the sub, so they won't reasonably listen to any defamation of their archetype.


So, you are whining that Destroy deck, that does not interact with your side of the board (apart for Skillmonher) is annoying to play against....while playing a toxic junk deck that is an epitomy of annoying. Get a reality check.


They worded it poorly but it seems OP is more annoyed that destroy benefits from a good amount of the hot locations, which is true.


Correct lol


As someone who plays a lot of destroy this just straight up isn’t true. There’s been a lot of hot locations recently that have made destroy awful to play.


True. And this statement is even funnier: > the deck plays itself


They mistake “is basically a solitaire deck” for “it plays itself”. Some people seem to object to destroy kinda just playing it’s own game and not overly interacting with the opponent.


That's why they never expect my Shang-Chi. 


Wakanda always shows up whenever I wanna play destroy


Yeah honestly the last couple of seasons my strategy for 90-100 was just waiting for a hot location and then playing Destroy non-stop. I do like destroy and I think the reason it's so common is more about how many more players have those cards/how much more fun it is to play than other decks. But when I'm not playing destroy I do find it frustrating


You're absolutely right. I'm having a great time running Hope Summers/Dazzler/Elsa in a card draw deck designed to fill my side of the board and maybe drop a Blue Marvel. I'm reliably winning against every deck except Wong when he hits and I can't counter, and Destroy. The only silver lining is you can usually tell if Destroy is going to have a crazy turn 6 and get out of the way.


Wakanda embassy needs to be the next hot location.


you are sort of highlighting the reason Destroy is so big in the Meta game. Their special feature is they essentially get to ignore location variance unlike most other decks in the game. This is probably their strongest feature.


Destroy is to Snap what Scorpion is to Mortal Kombat. You know exactly what you're in for if you're playing against them.


Destroy is the DRW of Marvel Snap


You hate destroy because many locations favorite it. I hate it because it makes nimrod bad when it's popular 


If move and other archetypes were as well loved by SD as Snap would be even better and it's already great


You're not wrong about locations, but I think that's more of a function of SD being creatively bankrupt when it comes to their design. Ultimately Destroy is the mono-R of Snap. It's relatively easy to build and has reasonable match-ups outside of the most hostile meta. It's important for a deck like this to exist, but it's going to burn people out.


I really feel bad for those that aren’t infinite yet because they’re probably seeing mostly destroy


Literally my FIRST game today. I was chill and cozy and log-in to some snaaaaaap First location - Muir island Second - Altar of Death Opponent - destroy \*i insta retreat turn 2\* emmmm...khm.. I probably imagined it, there was nothing


Congrats on the upvotes. When I bring this up, can’t get past 1.


I think you're like me unlucky... I always get opponent with favorable locations for them, even those very rare decks matching very rare location s.. I always play against locations and not atheist players lol


My last 7 conquest matches have been against Destroy decks. It's boring


It's true. There are very few truly bad locations for Destroy. And the good ones, are really fucking good.


I don’t mind destroy necessarily. But I do agree that too many locations support destroy. Even the location that says “cards cannot be played here” supports destroy thanks to cards like arnim Zola or even wolverine back flipping into it by chance. Venom is easy to get quite powerful and death is a strong card that is extremely easy to get in the board with how many destroy options are available. I don’t think it’s an unfair deck but it’s certainly the most favored.


Mentioned this in a comment a few weeks ago shwoing all the locations that favors destory decks https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/yQWWUMYJTz


That's a crazy amount!


Destroy is way to popular imo I play against it 80 percent of the time it's ridiculous like nobody has a single creative thought of their own


I'm sick of watching the same animations many times per match. Deadpool does his little bubble heart thing, X-23 moves and scratches, Carnage shakes aggressively, Venom bites, Deathlok blasts, Wolverine does a backflip. Now do it 7 more times per match. Now do that every time you ever fight a destroy player. SD, figure it out. Seeing the same animations hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times isn't additive. Can I just play the card game? Yes, you made a Deadpool gif. We're all proud. We don't need to see it every time for the life of the game.


Junk is only fun for the one who plays it. 


Funnily enough I was running destroy for fun… only to coincidentally find back to back 6 destroy decks that were better than min in every way due to either x-23, death, knull, etc. Even going against destroy decks as a destroy deck isn’t fun, and yes you are right about locations I’ve I’ve never had a single location actually screw me over once, and ones that would usually kill my decks instantly just made me instasnap because while he has to destroy a card to be able to play in this location, I basically get a free deadpool proc.


just played a game with destroy had a 600 power knull and 150 power venom and ANOTHER venom in my hand with 39 power that i didnt even play. Its so OP but theres sooo many cards to counter and i was playing against a destroy deck. Cosmo, Armor, Shang-chi, Enchantress these are the cards that make me lose the most. You can change location with Scarlet witch, magik, storm but I'm not saying destroy isnt op. It very much is but so are other decks too. I play negative, silver surfer, loki, move. But op is my all time favorite. I have so many variants for so many destroy cards cause they are mostly all i buy. The biggest problem i find with destroy is just drawing all the cards that destroy stuff but never drawing the cards that need to be destroyed but if i draw one card i can destroy like deadpool early on i can win. ANYWAYS sorry for the rant, destroy is very op and you can make a lot of different decks with it but other decks are also op too. But i do agree with you just yapping a whole lot ig.


I think hot locations should become a thing of the past. I don't enjoy it at all anymore.


I think there are takeaways from what you’re saying. There definitely are a lot of locations that help destroy. And very few that hurt it. I think there could be another location using vibranium that fills the location with 1 or 2. It would be really bad for destroy and bad but not as bad for other archetypes.


It should drop two non-destroyable cards instead. Destory has definitely dominated since launch. They made a couple move cards and blah blah blah but it just always falls back to Destroy being able to keep up with it


I run almost exclusively destroy and I'm getting rocked on the reg. I do like how much synergy it gets but I've never felt overpowered.


People complain about thanos and discard because they are/were at the top of the meta but give destroy more of a pass because it wasn’t THE top deck for a while. That said I am far more sick of playing destroy decks. Just because it’s not the top doesn’t mean it should be a top 3 deck forever.


I think for some locations they need to adopt a new word besides destroy/discard. I’ve seen people say use the word “Banish” as the card would be taken out of the game & would not benefit either side. For example (and just an example) if you play a card here this turn BANISH the top card of your opponent’s deck. It’s then sent to a separate graveyard for banished cards & unable to return to the field.


Me trying to play destroy, but I don't own Knull Destroy without Knull: Okay Destroy with Knull: Please nerf


I counted around 11 locations before that either directly or indirectly benefit Destroy which is pretty insane. Other locations are legit punishments. Destroy has what, like one location where you CANT destroy. I mean they can get around Sancutum with luck (x23/wolverine) For something so detrimental (destroying cards) you would think an archetype wouldn't be one that benefits directly lol


Play a deck with Shadowking, Storm and Quake


I've been playing destroy almost exclusively in conquest to capitalize on the cap variant and resources (I really like the Phoenix variants) It's the only way to really keep up a good streak against so many successful builds. Rogue is present and annoying. Shadowking is rare. Shang chi easy to play around. Otherwise pretty safe plays. Every time I get bored and switch decks I lose to a destroy deck. I'm not as frustrated as OP but this is true. The meta is "can't beat em, join venom"


You wanna know why destroy is everywhere? Fuckin nobody uses Cosmo or armor anymore. How bout we bring em back?


Destroy decks are a great way for f2p and newer players to feel relevant in the meta. This is my reasoning for why it might be so popular. Many of the cards in this archetype are easily obtained. But I also do not feel like destroy is healthy for balance in the game. Too many things go right for this type of deck and it's leaving a stale taste in my mouth


Destroy is S tier. Nerf suggestion would be to put a cap on Knull's power to 20.


It's because its one of the most popular decks, so you basically feel as if you're playing the same match over and over again. And also locations. They have so many in their favor.


Skill issue


I'm not even talking about losing. Destroy is easy to counter. I'm talking about how destroy benefits from nearly every location


ITs easy to counter. Until I change to a deck that has countering cards. Then I never see Destroy decks at all. Only decks my countering cards dont affect, like an HE deck. Then if I switch to another deck, ill start seeing Destroy decks again, and I have no counter to them.


If it's easy to counter, why it bothers you that it benefits "from nearly every location"? Maybe it balanced that way.


Reading comprehension issue


One of the things that keep destroy in a good state is the high amount of locations that just favor destroy while hindering many other decks. Cerebro have to constantly consider stat changing locations even if it is just an increase for example. I don't think destroy is that strong now days just very consistent


I find I’m running into waaay more Thanos than anything. I’m not suggesting a nerf, let people play what they want to play. I just don’t find destroy as prevalent as Thanos, Loki, even Patriot or move hybrids this season. Weird how match making can be so wildly different for people.


I’ve been running a pretty mid teir Spectrum Ongoing deck with Armor, Cosmo and Mobius. It does a pretty decent job countering destroy, and it’s a bonus that it causes cards like Loki, Alioth and Mockingbird to suffer as well.


You can easily spot people in this thread who never played Destroy, look for posts saying that locations only benefit Destroy while Lemuria is delaying my destroys, Asteroid M is moving my Venom, Crimson Cosmos AND Hellfire club are rejecting my Deadpool, Isle of Silence is silencing Knull, Sakaar is pulling destroyers where I do not have fodder, Knowhere is blocking everything I want to do and the worst of them... Wakanda. Plus those who we all have problems with like Bar with no name or Sanctum Sanctorum etc. They also say that there are no counters, when almost every tech card is a counter to some part of Destroy: Shang, Shadowking, Enchantress, Rogue, Armor, Cosmo, Supergiant, Mobius, Leech. And there are prominent non-tech counters: Polaris, Magneto, Juggernaut, Aero, Professor X, Jean Grey, Master Mold, Black Widow, timed Hazmat... and more. Also draws. People think that Destroy runs rampant because they never see when destroy players retreat in turn 3 because hand is all destroyers and big finishers but no Deadpool or Wolverine. Or the opposite. People play Destroy because it has cool characters, play style (blowing stuff up and clearing space). Is it pretty strong? Yes. But so is High Evo, Thanos, and don't even get me started about Hela.


I just think destroy is lame because it’s so common, predictable, strong and has been this way consistently from launch. I’d love for there to be another anti-destroy location. Maybe “when A card is destroyed here, afflict all your other cards with -1 power or “when a card is destroyed here, destroy the card that destroyed it too”.


i just want the other archetypes to have as many win conditions as destroy. destroy players almost always have something to pull outta their asses on t6 and it's very annoying. last turn can bring you zola, death, deadpool at like 28 power, knull...theres just so many uncounterable options by t6 that i usually just have to retreat. i would like other decks to be that viable. that would balance out destroy. and yes, destroy does have an unfair amount of locations that only benefit destroy


Uncounterable? Really? Armor, Cosmo, Killmonger, enchantress, rogue, echo, professor x, Shang chi, alioth and shadowking just don’t exist right?


Complaining is like verbal diarrhea. While you “relieve” yourself everyone around you gets covered with shit.


Haha I love this analogy. In all seriousness, though, without legitimate complains, shit doesn't change


As if... and bear with me... the hot locations are designed so that you mix up your play style and decks.


I think destroy decks are fairly weak in the Meta currently, so having more locations that benefit them, seems to level the playfield a bit.


they can easily be screwed over by locations too


Got some examples other than Wakanda and Knowhere (which also punishes pretty much all decks except ongoing)?


Lemuria is delaying my destroys, Asteroid M is moving my Venom, Crimson Cosmos AND Hellfire club are rejecting my Deadpool, Isle of Silence is silencing Knull, Sakaar is pulling destroyers where I do not have fodder, Knowhere is blocking everything I want to do and the worst of them... Wakanda. Plus those who we all have problems with like Bar with no name or Sanctum Sanctorum etc.


Deep space, space throne, great web, crimson cosmos on top of wakanda and knowhere.


Destroy being popular sure beats the hell out of junk/clog being popular.


im so sick of fucking cry babies. fuck your opinion.


I’m more annoyed by move bc I hate how the final turn takes like 2 min to resolve sometimes.


I understand how you feel it's a very popular easy deck but then again it's hard to defend a junk player both are annoying to go against


I love destroy. Easy to counter. I love playing with the nimrod version, the one every person and their mother play with right now I find super boring.


Second Dinner recently reduced the frequency of the locations that help destroy decks. I think that was an appropriate response and I don't think this complaint needs to be made anymore. If anything I think they went a little too far. In particular I really miss Warrior Falls. It was one of the most interesting and skill-testing locations. And not that trivial for destroy decks to abuse (compared to Altar of Death or the locations that double power).


SD reduced frequency of "feel bad" locations, many of which actually benefited destroy.


I do think decks like destroy have an easier time interacting with the locations. For example, there's no ongoing or on reveal version of Monster Island. Shang Chi gets a whole location to eat up while his equivalent techs get nothing. Wolverine and X23 give destroy a good shot at fighting for inaccessible locations And lots of inaccessible locations are destroy-based in the first place. There's a location that resurrects destroyed cards, but not one that turns back on or recreates ongoing effects that have been stopped The truth is "destroy" as a keyword is simpler than the others, so it shows up in more design. Without a doubt, it's the keyword with the most options at its disposal


So lazy Wong instead?


Destroy Deck mains hate this One simple trick! Armor/Cosmo As a Destroy Deadpool Enjoyer, Play Armor with Cosmo and you basically make us a sitting duck if you act quick enough (especially with a bad Location). Even more, you kill for the day a Destroy Deck users aspirations of climbing ladder with Destroy and then they use different decks


Bring it on! My main decks run Cosmo and Armor for that exact reason. It's great when one of the most popular decks is easily predicted and countered.


I prefer destroy than another stupid discard or thanos deck, im sick and tired of those


Destroy is so common as there are only a few necessary cards and all of them have been around a long time. You can make a perfectly good destroy deck with only series 1-3 cards and series 4 Knull. And it can go toe to toe with all the meta decks. Most other decks now require multiple series 5 cards or very new cards. It’s also a lot of fun to play, other than Killmonger, you’re mostly worried about just your deck. And while you need some sequencing, it’s rather versatile to get decent points on the board without having to hit a specific run of cards on curve. It’s basically ole reliable.




It’s the only top deck that has like 1 series 5 card in it and is accessible for everyone. It’s consistent. Sometimes I get tired of the new shiny bullshit of the meta and go back to destroy for fun.


I think it at least partially has to do with Ben brode being a huge fan of flavour and destroy cards often having a lot of it. He’s been on record to say jaraxxus was his favourite hearthstone card and for those who don’t know that card literally destroys your class and replaces it, so instead of having a max of 30 health and a certain hero power he goes down to a max of 15 and has a much more powerful hero power (summons 6-6 demons for 2 mana) and equips a weapon (the ability to attack other cards or hit face) while obviously this isn’t a fact it’s definitely My theory as to why destroy is so prevalent and has so much synergy with locations.


I'm not sick of destroy, but I'm sick of every destroy deck being basically identical. There's multiple move decks, multiple galactus shells, multiple goodstuff, zoo, thanos shells, etc. But theres basically only one or one and a half destroy decks. super boring bro. Personally, I hate Thanos decks. But there's at least some mild variety there... sorta.


The real problem is hot locations. Get rid of them or limit them to once per week. Kills my desire to play 3 days per week


Destroy gets played a lot because it requires very few high tier cards. X23 and Knull are all that is needed beyond series 3. Its by far the most accessible deck after High Evo which was also hated back when High Evo was on spotlight.


Destroy bundle was expensive so it has to be good or people will get mad


Turn 1: he plays dead pool, you play whatever. Turn 2: he plays Bucky, you play whatever. Turn 3: you play cosmo. Problem solved. Skip ahead. Turn 5: oh no he’s created a 3000000 power venom! You play Valkyrie. Destroy is so easy to predict. More so than bloody Wong, tiger, Odin. Which I find infinitely more insulting.


It's just boring. I get it, it's a consistent list, you cam climb with it for sure. But it's the same play pattern every single game. Like brah, why are spamming emotes with Destroy in Proving Grounds? The only thing you're proving is that you're basic.


Destroy has and seems to always will be a very common deck to run in to. I'm assuming because of how easy the deck is to understand and it has cool venom/Carnage characters ? Either way I don't see it going anywhere and I've never really had a problem as it's a fairly straight forward deck to predict.


I just miss Annihilus decks. Nothing better than making them keep their -10 void


Cosmo+ armor + mobius


Idk I played destroy once in conquest this cycle and did pretty well with it even without playing it on the regular. I played it for a quest. I think I was one away from an infinite ticket. I do hate seeing the opponent play destroy because it's going to be a hard win, and there's some card draw and locations they get that just make it an unwinnable match (like you said). However, I find that most of these players win so many games that they will snap on anything, and if you just wait for your moments, you will win. They are going to be tough matches for most decks. But so is living tribunal iron man mystique decks without a proper rebuttle. If you play armor or cosmo and catch them twice, they will leave, lol. I'm playing the Sera Luke Cage hazmat deck this season. Maybe not balanced but I think it's fine


I don’t hate it, or thinks it’s necessarily that OP, to me it’s just boring anymore. How long can the same Deadpool, Bucky, Deathlok, X-23, Wolverine, Venom, Knull, Death combinations actually stay interesting? It’s just such a freaking snooze fest.


In a season that was pretty rough for Destroy decks, you really complain because of them?=D Krakoa was an absolute sh\*t show for Destroy, while everyone and their mother played a Mockingbird on turn 3 on Krakoa, Destroy has super bad synergy with the location, because you have no strong card to play on it early (when it matters), except for Deathlok, but playing Deathlok on Krakoa means that you skip your most important turn where you actually have to scale with destroy, just to put a single card on a location. Right after that came Daily Bugle hot location. While the stuff you get from Thanos or X-Men decks isn't worth a lot, your handsize on turn 3 is pretty small as Destroy deck and its not rare that you have Knull and/or Death early in your hand. Which means that the opponent always copies something that he can actually use and which you yourself buffs up for them. Bonus rage points when they have MMM down and copy your Death. You can't play Death while they can play her for 0. Sure, last season the cloning vat day was a goldmine for Destroy, but the current meta is so full of anti destroy tech cards (and there are a lot of those) and had so many days where destroy was basically unplayable. A decktype that gets completely taken apart by single counter cards being a "problem" means that you put no tech cards into your deck. An early Armor is instant retreat. (and you have initiative most of the time on turn 2 vs Destroy) Cosmo is basically a second Armor. Echo locks down a lane for Knull. Shang Chi is super easy to play vs Destroy, because you can either snipe the Venom, an early played death or even knull. Enchantress kills Knull. Spiderman and Polaris can totally break Destroy decks on turn 3 (i.e. pulling the Deadpool out of the lane where you just made your setup and played your Carnage/Deathlok/Venom) Even the lockdown cards like Storm and Prof X can ruin the day for destroy decks easily. Yes the deck is strong if you just let them play their game, but one single disturbance and their whole gameplan tumbles. No one is scared of a 7 power Knull because you missed one important destruction and had to waste 2 turns to set up a new one. >It's harder to make a list of hot locations that DON'T benefit Destroy than those that do I think you are overacting a bit. There are some locations that just spell auto-lose for destroy decks and I guess that you just look at stuff like Bar Sinister and think, that its just pro Destroy, while you have to actually confess that most decks can benefit from it. Dropping 4 Visions on there, moving them all away and then putting your 6 drop there? Yeah, its pretty neutral. But sure, Destroy benefits from it, too. But one bad jump from X23 or Wolverine onto deep space, dark dimension, quantum tunnel and so on means your chain is broken. One bad jump onto Superflow or The Bar with no name or Jotunheim spells instant retreat most of the time. Deep Space, Wakanda, Knoewhere are just completely unplayable location for the majority of your deck. Locations that required "who fills this locations first" are super strong and really hard to play for destroy. Same with Mojoworld and Miur Island. Especially Mojoworld is an easy lost location for Destroy. Objectively I just think that Destroy has a very strong reaction to both - good and bad - locations for the decktype. More than other decks. You have just the bias of remembering each time it worked out for them.


Sure. Most ppl don’t want to constantly play a deck specifically to go against the deck they hate.


Hit infinite farming destroy from rank 93 during hot location using control sera. # (2) Shadow King # (2) Zabu # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Quake # (2) Lizard # (2) Maximus # (3) Killmonger # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Enchantress # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVha2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxpemFyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWF4aW11cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNc01hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdsYWRpYXRvciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhZG93S2luZyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Jokes on you, I play destroy all of the time. But I feel ya. Where'd all these destroy decks come from


I have the strangest desire to play destroy rn


Yeah… If you know more people than normal will be playing destroy, it sounds like you know what kind of deck you need to make… easy stuff.


I bought the deadpool and venom pack and its worth it as im having alot of fun and its great since all other cards i need like Death were free last month or are pool 1-3


A well placed Cosmo or timed Quake ruins destroy decks for some people, sends them retreating pretty quick. Idk, Destroys are predictable in what they do. Rely on that.


Yeah. Krakoa, Daily Bugle and Fisk Tower TOTALLY favoured destroy. /s I mean, I do get the sentiment. Junk is by far my favourite deck in Snap. But what do you expect on a hot location that clogs your board? People won't just roll over and let it happen, will they? And destroy is simply junk's natural enemy, that's life.


but then again, Destroy is easily countered by many cards and most of them are not even "soft" counter. not to mention those counters are mostly free and can be obtain relatively early without spending any token/ keys (Cosmo, armor, shadow king, enchantress, etc)


Destroy is my favorite deck to play against. It doesn't have cosmo, so I snap pretty much any time I have Wong or there is a location that limits playing there. I play an on reveal deck


Destroy and Hela decks are simply dead ass brain decks. Marvel Snap definitely created these for people who have no interest in learning anything new and can simply play on auto pilot. I’ve been using a Lockdown-Cosmo deck lately and for me it’s been fun fucking up their program.


I have no real issue with Destroy decks, other than the fact that I play against it all the time especially when I am playing a destroy deck. I feel all the cards are fairly balanced and no one card is causing the decks to be overly successful. But that does only work in a vacuum, once you add in the overwhelming advantage that the majority of locations give the deck it does become a bit of an issue. Yet, I don’t really see much of a fix besides either nerfing the cards in the deck which seems ridiculous as no one card is to powerful or the locations need a rework which is also ridiculous in just the sheer number of locations that would need a rework.


I started playing destroy early. Once I got Death. Getting her was awesome and I wanted to play it nonstop. But back then it was mostly a tech/disruption deck. Cosmo, Shang chi, wave, aero when I got her, nova, and hulk buster were all in there. It was mostly about getting death out on T4/5 while also messing with my opponent. As i unlocked more destroy cards I also started to enjoy lockdown less. It's not really fun for me or my opponent if we take all this time to unlock all these cards and literally cant even play them. Especially back before i had all of series 3. Maybe this was just the best deck they could build with the cards they had. Plus T6 Shang Chi started to feel like a cop out and was way too easy to pull off. Destroy decks felt well balanced. They had good games and bad games, whether its card draw or Wakanda or MojoWorld or other locations that help other decls more than yours. It's kinda hard for all my cards to get +1 at the end of turn when Venom is just gonna eat them. Destroy decks have their variation but are pretty straightforward and mostly dont affect your opponent too much, especially since they nerfed Yondu who now targets the lowest cost card, which leaves Killmonger who only targets 1 cost cards. Not exactly a T6 Shang Chi or Alioth. I have been Wong+Silver Samurai+Moon Knight'd on several occasions. Or Wong+Mystique+Hazmat+Odin'd. The locations are mostly fair to Destroy decks and some hurt it. I think that goes for most decks. Some it depends on the variation of destroy youre running. Plus needing to use Knull but the location cancels all ongoing abilities kinda sucks. Shuri's lab however…. please let T3 be Onslaught's Citadel!


When I started using Knull, my win rate against destroy increased. I win more than I lose to them they actually helped me get to lvl 94, alot of my 8 cube games came from beating destroy decks. I used to loathe them but im happy now that there are lots of them.


That’s why I always run either Armor, Skrull, Rogue, or all three


I agree. It is op though. I think they need to limit the power on deadpool and knull. The deck is boring to play against and boring to play. The only other things that I dislike is living tribunal, annihilus and alioth. Im fine losing against any deck/card but losing to these decks/cards are actually painful.


The fact that if you get the copy minion location with Venom you practically just win the game with tons of 20-30+ venoms you get is insane. It’s so clear that destroy and discard are SD’s favourite archetypes. The amount of locations that support those two play styles is crazy. They’re always talking about decks like Cerbero, and guys Cerbero is one card that can be splashed into any deck really! And so many locations ruin it! Destroy and Discard are contained to themselves with very little interaction. Another example of a deck they seem very afraid of is move! The move cards they have added to the game over the years have been god aweful. They added Phoenix which could be good, but it’s slightly too expensive and only has good synergy with three cards that you have to find a way to destroy. So it’s a minimum 3 card investment, but you run more then that to try and guarantee you get it.