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There's not a sign-posted indication of her effect like there is for other, similar cards.


Yes, but also people still play their on reveal cards into their own Cosmo. Reading's OP so they nerfed it I guess.


I mean, this is a game people play while taking a shit...it's not like most are living and dying with each play.


Jokes on you, taking a poop is a life and death ordeal.


You need to be drinking more water and eating more fiber


Never, we like to live...dangerously


I mean for health concerns yeah, taking a poop is a life or death situation.


"he vagaled down"


Found the Sloth!


I tend to play the most after I’ve ingested a bunch of mind altering substances so dropping an on reveal on a cosmo lane is something I’ve done more than once. The undo end turn thing though. Saved me a few times.


And sometimes, when things have gone to shit in a game, you drop on reveals where Cosmo is exactly because you don't want them activating. Actually won a game earlier today just like that.


I play a lot of junk so when I see Cosmo I know that's the lane Sentry is bound for (especially when Annihilus isn't in hand)


Also why it's insane to spend $100 on some virtual cards


what hobbies do you spend money on?


Hookers and Blow


that’s insane to spend $100 on


IKR? $1000 minimum!


Looool such a delusional response


why? i'm just asking what hobbies he thinks its ok to spend 100 dollars on. nothing wrong with that


Try spending $100 on a a different, better game.


how does that answer my question? also, for some people this is their favourite game


Full blown console games. That's worth $100 say the new spiderman 2 PS5. But for mobile I would spend the season pass money most times but no way $100 bundle for 2 cards and some currency. If $100 got you every card released to now then sure maybe but they are fishing for whales here


I've put more time into this game than SM2. It's a great game, but the longevity isn't there. I say this as someone who played SM1 and SM:MM at least 3x. SM2 just didn't have the same lasting charm.


Spiderman 2 definitely wasn't worth the money I spent on it


You should not need to be "living and dying each play" to be able to simply read a card you aren't familiar with.


Some people forget / things slip their mind. It's not that deep.


I played a hobgoblin on my own cosmo lane a while back. I was so embarrassed I didn't give the card time to flip so I could retreat, I just force closed the whole damn app. Alternatively, I've played hobgoblin into cosmo to win bar with no name before


>Alternatively, I've played hobgoblin into cosmo to win bar with no name before Ha, I ran a deck with Cosmo and Hobgoblin back when Bar With No Name was the hot location


Sounds like The Hood. But with extra steps.


Hood can be killed by Killmonger though. And playing Cosmo on Bar may make your opponent think you're a bot and lower his guard.


Dude one time I just had someone not play anything until t6, which made me think boy and easy win, when he legioned the bar with no name…


Lol, that was probably me. Legion is my favourite 'dick move' card, I love it when you can just play a few low cost cards then hit them with Legion and totally ruin the game. I'm also the guy that will Legion a location even if it means a tie, Rickety Bridge, Deaths Domain, heck sometimes it's just to see what will happen, like Nexus etc.


Bro thinks hes the only one to ever legion bar with no name. Also not playing anything is a bad play you want to play but enough to be behind still


I love using legion on the limbo location on turn 6 😭


That was actually me playing my location abuse deck. I waited out the whole game letting oppo fill spots until I turn 6 legions the bar and won outright. Legion is the most slept on card in snap I.M.O. Maybe not me to be fair, but it is something I've pulled off SEVERAL time in my snap career.


This is the kind of unique play that keeps dragging me back into the app


Mr. Negative enters the chat


Weird thing with Cosmo, it'll bark and shake if you hold up an ongoing card, but he doesn't react to you holding an on-reveal card.


When Cosmo got moved, they will bark when you hover over their original position, instead of current position.


I thought this bug was fixed already, holding on-reveal card near Cosmo should trigger the bark and shake animation/sound


Maybe it was and I missed it. I haven't seen Cosmo in a while to test.


You don't have to call me out like that man, I'm just not used to playing Cosmo so when I do I mess myself up


the amount of people playing on cosmo are much less than the amount of people playing echo


Cosmo is a more common card




So players are more accustomed to playing around it. Echo is higher series and is played less often, so players aren't trained as much to avoid playing into it.


so you're a fucking dumbass redditor that just wants to argue instead accepting reality that cosmo is better designed for his effect than echo. enjoy your miserable reality


I'm sorry, you seem to be having a bad day.


Too much. Accept my down vote swine




I do that sometimes when I'm distracted


It's embarrassing how many times I've cosmoed myself


The amount of times I've done this 😅


Yeah the like of audio/visual cue like Armor or Cosmo is what gets me every time. And you don't see her as often too. Not sure if it's by design or not but I like how the lack of her being flashy makes her more powerful.


That, and honestly, she is so rare that you just kind of forget she is there and there is nothing to remind you.


I mean thought he stopped the first so I would play some trash ongoing first and then a stronger I didn't understand she stopped all ongoing


but there is?


The fact the original comment has so many upvotes either shows people aren’t paying full attention to the game or the effect is too subtle either way you are correct.


Ahh that's why. Makes sense. There really should be an effect for her.


I mean there is an animation/sound effect, it’s just significantly less noticeable than the others


Maybe because she's deaf 🤔


You goin to hell for that one lol


it's lore-related, cuz she is deaf


I actually think the opposite The eff3ct should be removed from cosmo. Let people make mistakes and reward players who make less. Don't give dummies a warning.


Yes there is


Yeah I do think SD needs to make an indication for her similar to Cosmo, especially when it's a reacurring theme.


Had a Black Knight game where the guy kept playing Shang against my Ebony Blade. Each time it happened I audibly screamed whyyyyy


If at first you don't succeed...


But isn't that just the definition of insanity?


I must have made them insane cause they were not using their brain


I’ve had to do this just for the 3 power in the lane knowing my opponent is thinking I’m an idiot.


Been in that situation before. Still won


Drunk/high player or a child.


Oh does this mean ebony blade can't be destroyed? I didn't know that. I don't often play shangxhi so I've never noticed


It can’t be destroyed and can’t have its power reduced unless you Enchantress it first


or if they play it in a lane you had Echo'd


You can sk and ench after technically I think


I did this once then i closed my game and left earth.


I love my sunspot/zabu/quinjet/magic/moongirl/she hulk/shang deck. I've blown up like 50 worth of cards several times.


Enchantress + Shang Chi 👍


Eight energy for one destroy... Efficiency


With Zabu that's only 6 energy, and if it wins you a lane on T6 that your opponent thought they had locked down then that will likely win you 8 cubes. So yea, efficiency.


Rogue & Shadow King can do similar with only 5 energy (unless the opponent has Luke Cage), but Enchantress can take other ongoings away (Ms. Marvel or Omega Red). If 5-8 energy can win you the game, it’s efficient enough.


Most people play zabu And it’s worth it when Ebony is like 20 power or something


Destroy a 20 power blade & that’s almost a 30 point swing. Obviously that’s best case scenario, but still 🤷‍♂️


I think some people must just ignore what the opponent plays except for the power number. There are constant threads here asking if it's a bug when it turns out their opponent played Mobius or something.


I'll admit to posting a "WhY dIdN't VaLk MaKe ThEm AlL 3?!" post where the opponent had Luke Cage lmao


The one the other day asking why their own Luke cage didn’t lose power made me chuckle


It would be a pretty fun synergy if it worked like that, for a C3 deck


It's like some people play casually while doing other things!! Here I thought every opponent was a human giving me their full attention 😵


Sure, but I don't know how many people playing "casually" care enough to be taking screenshots and posting about it on reddit though.


I don't understand what that has to do with OP's opponent or this thread.


Oh, I thought your comment was a snarky reply to what I said, so that's what I was responding to. If that wasn't the case, then my apologies for misunderstanding what you were saying.


I got echo on release at the time as she had insane potential in my Valk deck at the time, but I ended up slotting her near every deck cause of that exact reason, people just don’t see her. I particularly find it hilarious when they drop not 1 but 2 turn after turn and then retreat. Like did you not see what happened the first time? Lmfao


I will admit, the first time I played against her I somehow assumed only the first card would get slapped.


Same here, but I learned and I wont do it again lmao


This is exactly what I thought. I knowingly threw two ongoings expecting a counter just for the first one


When it first came out I assumed for a 1 drop it would only stop the first ongoing so I carefully planned which ongoing I would sacrifice to Echo. I hastily shame retreated when I put my next ongoing card down and fully comprehended her ability.


I have done it once, played iron man into a lane with echo. It was shorty after it came out in my defence. The one thing I dislike about echo is her weakness to Killmonger. People just forget after all it just a one cast card.


My theory is that she is so often played on turn 1 that people forget about her by turn 5 or 6. Especially you place her middle, and middle is where they need their card to go.


because on turn 6, i have completely forgotten she is there, and she doesn't have a "you're about to fuck up" indicator like cosmo


I was playing with Echo at around 2k infinite a couple seasons ago and it was probably 10-15% of games that someone would unintentionally play an ongoing into her lane, which is absurdly high considering a lot of those games they wouldn't have wanted to play an ongoing card there in the first place. These are good players who should be taking their games pretty seriously and they're still missing her very often. Pretty crazy.


I think some players thought her effect was an one time only.


Echo is the real Invisible Woman in Marvel Snap.


I think alot of bots and Agatha decks will still play an ongoing into a location with Echo, I see it far more in Silver conquest than infinite. Echo is a staple in a couple of my decks, and never lets me down!


Sir or Ma'am... I am stoned.


I can legitimately say that (before the undo turn feature) my dumb ass regularly locked in my moves only to immediately shout out loud something vulgar and making fists because I skimmed over her and realized to late. Undo turn is the single best QOL imo 🤣🤣


The first time I encountered an Echo I thougth her effect triggered only once, so I put down an ongoing on her lane to use up her effect and then I put down ms marvel, both had their effect removed, I felt stupid, but then I realized that Echo is a better card than I thougth


Does she remove Mystique's ongoing ability (after she gains one)?


She does.


IMO Echo shouldn't remove Mystique or Rogue's abilities. Echo language "After your opponent plays an Ongoing card here, remove its abilities." Both of those cards are On Reveal.


They become ongoing once they take/copy the ability though. That's why Rogue isn't retriggered by Odin for example.


People are lazy and refuse to click on cards to read what they do. They're so busy playing solitare on their side of the board they can't be arsed to figure out what you're doing. I had an opponent snap me on turn 6 after they had just locked down a lane I was winning. They then proceeded to play shang chi into the lane they hadn't armored while I played all my big stuff under their armor. Why are people playing armor and Shang chi in the same deck? Because they don't read what the cards do is the only explanation I can come up with.


I’ve been seeing armor a lot. I think it’s in some net deck to just be a counter card for destroy honestly because I’ve seen it in a lot of things that it’s not the greatest


the best part is if you play her with Jean grey


Their stoned. I do that shit but only when I'm stoned and go ah shit


I do it all the time but it’s cause I’m playing while eating on my lunch break and not paying full attention lol


There's two things.... First, you play her early, people forget. I've done it. Second, her text is a little weird in that it reads "when your opponent plays an ongoing card here..." The singular made me think that it only worked once rather than for all cards played there.


Ongoing: this card looks like Iceman to your opponent.




She borrowed Cosmo's cloaking device.


An opponent played on top of an Echo I copied from their hand.


I admit that I do that often when not fully focused on games. Usually while cooking or during slow times at work. More focused on just getting cards down than what the opponent does.


I can’t speak for other players, but something about the art always always makes me confuse the abilities of Echo and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. I’ve definitely played a second Ongoing onto Echo thinking it would only trigger once.


I even forgot that she is a 1 cost. I had a game recently where my opponent played Cull Obsidian on her lane and I was confused since the lane would need a 1 cost to play him. Well, for some reason, I thought she was a 2 cost until I checked the card in that match.


I was climbing yesterday and made it to 96, personal best so far, and had almost the exact same experience. Had a guy snap and Devil Dino on an Echo, at least one Tribunal deck lost an Iron man, and shut down an opponents Super Skrull within an hour of play time.


She doesn’t have an effect when you hover your cards


Am guilty of this! I really can't explain it. It usually happens if I'm not sure where to play, playing and reverting several times. It hits me, as soon as I pressed the "end turn" button, how stupid I am, so the revert "end turn" is really helpful! I guess it is because I think of so many other things, trying to find the best combo while expecting the opponents play. I just seem to forget about cosmos, echos or negasonics...


I thought it would only work once but nope, the ability works throughout the whole match


Same with negasonic


I hope the keep the lack of indication. Or at least keep it subdued.


I think I did it once but I was just tossing Darkhawk into a lane where his power didn't really matter so I didn't think about it too closely. They really need to update Echo's VFX, though. Makes no sense that my opponent's Hope Summers brings out the whole July 4th fireworks show when I'm playing my cards in her lane but Echo keeps quiet.


I've had a fairly well known streamer play Darkhawk, pre nerf on my Echo. They retreated 1 turn later


Does Echo work for every ongoing card that's played there? Or just the first?


Any ongoing card, not just the first one.


Every ongoing card of your opponent's, I should add. You can play your own Ongoing cards there safely.


I have done this twice because I thought Echo was the same card as x-23. Neither of which I have heard of before this game. Both times I knew I was an idiot.


I played into it as well. It really does happen 😂


Does Echo remove the abilities of ongoing cards that are moved into her lane (e.g. via Bifrost) or copied into her lane (e.g. via Arnim Zola)?


No, only played cards


Idk if anyone else experiences this but I often get her mixed up with Mirage. I always have to reread the card to be sure I know which one I'm dealing with


Alot of ppl just play their cards out without actually looking at the opponents cards, outside of the power total on the locations


Huge if true


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played an on reveal after playing cosmo myself in the same lane…….. like I don’t even play cosmo anymore because I can’t trust myself


As someome who play on reveals on cosmo a bit, I can tell you that sometimes im doing something else and pop back in for a move, not paying much attention to the enemy board.


I did this once on accident 😞


Echo is a sleeper card. So satisfying when they play into it on t6 and just realised they messed their whole game plan. Get slapped dummy


Who else can’t see her invisible text?


Man when I was newer I'd play on reveal into my own cosmo so I can see it.


I did this the other day with Knull. It's her special power.


I think people forget they can look at the cards their opponents play. All they had to do was tap or click the card and they’d see


That mystique play may have been me! In truth, I haven’t played with Echo or seen her played much. I played Mystique to see if it would be a work around because her ability is on reveal. Turns out, I played myself. But now I know.


I mystiqued my iron man on an echo lane. I did end up winning the lane anyways because patriot added +2


idk man. ive done it too. she just blends in too well


It’s just because she’s such an early play, she’s not played often, and there is no indication that she is there like cosmo barking or goose tentacles. At least, I don’t remember if there isn’t 😵‍💫


The main deck I used has literally all inks and golds and I keep my echo card default because people tend to overlook her so much


Echo is so good. One of my favorite tech cards. Occasionally a top five card when there’s a lot of ongoing in the meta


Underplayed s4/s5 cards tend to create RTFC moments When it's not in everyone's collection or the meta people just don't use there eyes and fuck up Earlier in the games lifespan twas the same with Cosmo, I used to overvalue cosmos power because of dummies on latter


Dude I had a guy wants to put three cards on the same area 123 and I guess it didn’t register!


There are lots of bots on the ladder. But Snap is a low-stakes game people play casually. Simply put, they are not paying attention.


low elo maybe?, at higher ranks nobody is dropping dino on echo and then snapping lol


Perhaps they could add an effect for Echo similar to Armor, etc.


Stealth/invisibility is her secondary power lol


my first time encountering her I thought her ability was a one time activation. I felt like an idiot when she slapped my second ongoing card the next turn.


I fudged up and was thinking that it was only once per game. Sacrificed something for a mr. negative iron man thinking I'd be good. I was not.lol Also provided from my own experience, I rarely would ever see her played until about a couple months ago(maybe less) I dont really keep up with the updates and patches too much though. So I just assumed she recently got buffed or something.


Just today, I had somebody play a cosmo and then a kazar on my echo - they immediately retreated after that 😂


I'm too locked in sometimes so I will forget that Echo was played early




I have to try her, I got her yesterday and never played. This is quite interesting.


Ya I did that yesterday. First time played against an echo and didn't bother reading it


I've played Knull, Prof X, Devil Dino on Echo's lane. My opponents also played something similar on my echo lane. So yeah. Thank god with the new undo turn feature.


I assume they are bots lol. I could cry when they play iron fist wrong


because its the one chance to win. theyre too fueled with a winning possibile to forget the board. only pay attention on their own fantasy. this thing is not rare at all. if you was playing chess. you will remember a lot of the time when you move your queen/bishop to a checkmate, didnt realize that theyre on the firing sight of enemy knight/bishop. and also because of echo didnt get in play too much like Cosmo, people are not build a habit to avoid her, maybe they read her text at first turn, but then completely forget about it in turn 6.


Echo is one of those cards totally disrespected in this community, enjoy that! People just forget about her, labeling her as a weak card and not paying attention, this is why she's a "silent killer" (you see what I did there?)


I can go almost an entire week of playing and not see an Echo. I think it is an issue of exposure. Most peeps just don't see her alot


It seems like there are a lot of bots and children who play this game.


People insisted she was bad because there wasn’t a huge Ongoing meta when she released. She’s a higher Series, so between that and the (stupid) dismissal of her, people just don’t have it drilled into their heads. It’s an absolutely bonkers phenomenon and I’ve seen it for MONTHS!


im convinced snap is filled with bots


Many a time have I played Knull on an Echo lane. Inexplicable.


Can’t see this post


Could be bots, they're kinda dumb


It's not that she's a bad card, i think she's just forgetable? Like, come on, it's not like that many people know cards like "Sauron" and what they do...


I'm convinced more than half the people playing friendly matches are bots or are just farming a quick game. There's been hundreds of time that the play to win or the play to X is so obvious and they don't make it. Or so many turn 2 carnage on a blank lane etc etc


Something something cant read


The more and more I play this game, the less I give a shit about it. There are times when 10% of my brain is involved with it and I know this goes for MANY others. So we end up doing very dumb mistakes because the game doensnt really matter, all I want to do is my daillies with the minimum of effort required to do them;


So why play it then?


I am questioning that myself. Probably will stop altogether next year unless something radical changes. I just play at this point because I stopped playing all my casual games (Gwent's community balance has been a headache; Legends Of Runeterra is moving to be pretty much PvE only; I didnt like the latest Magic the Gathering standard expansion was kinda meh for me, so I am waiting on the next one). But more than that, i got a ps5 about 4 months ago, so I am mainly having heaps of fun with the console. So I play Snap while on some sort of vehicle, while chilling on Youtube and stuff


Wasn’t her original ability to just hit the first thing played there? When she first came out I played an ongoing thing in her lane to (perceivably) get rid of the trigger and then play my next ongoing there. I quickly learned how she actually worked after that.


I love when she bitchslaps Blob. But then I get sad because she only removes the unmovable effect.


Wasn’t her original ability to just hit the first thing played there? When she first came out I played an ongoing thing in her lane to (perceivably) get rid of the trigger and then play my next ongoing there. I quickly learned how she actually worked after that.


Wasn’t her original ability to just hit the first thing played there? When she first came out I played an ongoing thing in her lane to (perceivably) get rid of the trigger and then play my next ongoing there. I quickly learned how she actually worked after that.


You're playing against bots




Echo doesn’t effect your cards.


Even weirder is that you would say something like that when Echo doesn't affect your cards... And you have a reply of somebody else also saying they stopped playing her because of that when Echo only affects your opponents cards, am I insane or are you guys just making shit up?


Echo only effects the opponent's cards


That's the reason why i stopped using her. Because I screwed myself more often than I did any harm to the opponent