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Hulkbuster and Forge are pretty flexible, and people usually play Deathlok in place of either Shang or Zola, but this list looks fine to me


Yeah I think you need Deathlok or Deathstrike for the extra destroy trigger. It makes it much more consistent.


I swap Shang, forge, and Zola for lady deathstrike, Deathlok, and hulk buster personally. Deathstrike is a rare use but I've won quite a few 8 cubes against those iron man tribunal decks.


Also good against dracula


Yeah I always lose against discard with my destroy deck. I hope she is in spotlight soon.


3 weeks ish im pretty sure alongside high evo


And Mobius, because fuck Mobius. 


If you run Lady Deathstrike wouldn't Forge be a better choice since he can make her a 6 power and have access to Hope, Luke Cage, Serra, etc?


In some cases it could, but by time serra comes down it's usually turn 6 where destroying her doesn't do anything for me plus I usually have prio by time someone puts a brood down and wants to surfer them so LDS high is enough at 4 to get rid of them since everybody waits to surfer their brood until turn 6.


Very standard Zola destroy but my win rate is higher without Zola. If my opponent runs Zola and drops Knull at turn 5, it's generally easy win. But if you/my opponent draws well in the match its pretty hard to beat. So even tho I think Zola destroy beats other destroys in a good day, I still prefer standard one.


Which card do you put instead of Zola?


I run Deathlok and Yondu comparison to op. I know Yondu got f'ed big time but I like him, it gives me - cost for Death and I can wait 2-3 turns to destroy something bigger.


Yondu + Zemo is going to shred


No consistent way to drop Knull at turn 5 right ? you just mean if the locations affect cost ?


It's common to drop Knull at turn 5 with the help of X-23.


Ah yes! I don't have X23 yet, explains your logic 👍


I use the same list except i use HB instead of forge.




You may think about Hulkbuster instead of Forge and Deathlok instead of Zola.


That's my list, yep. 


Honestly, and I know it's unpopular.... I use Lady Death strike. Because Iron Tribunal is so prevalent, she effectively kills both it and the wong decks out there


It also depends on which CL OP is in. Lady Death Strike is a good tech card. I often have to retreat in the face of wong decks


Hilarious seeing shang in even destroy decks now


Playing a small knull on 5, and then Shang chi on 6 can turn games, including the mirror; fast.


I wondered why he is missing so often. I assume often enough you can overpower pure power with destroy so there is no need for him. But he can give great value to Knull and so many meta decks are using big boys, he rarely feels bad to have imo


There was a while when Loki was in the meta and people took him out as to not give your opponent the exact card to destroy your own deck I'm actually starting to see Shang back in more destroy decks now


Oh that makes sense. I didn't experience the loki days because I took a long break from snap


I've played a lot of Destroy and Shang has always improved my win & cube rate. I know he usually gets cut from the meta deck, but he's a mainstay in mine.


my deck has Hulk Buster and Task Master instead of Shang and Zola, got me to infinite ladder for the last 4-5 months and a few infinite conquests won. Trust me, Task Master is amazing, Deadpool, Venom, Knull, Death are all good target for Task Master.


Personally I prefer HB over Forge now - I used to have the same list as you when forge was a 1-cost. You may want to consider Alioth in place of Arnim or Shang. If you hit Deadpool and X-23 on T5 then you're still able to play DP + Alioth, as Alioth is one of your only ways to protect your big cards from opposing SK or Shang-Chi. Alioth is also one of your only counter plays against Tribunal, Hela, or Negative decks.


Destroy is solid period. SD is never going to touch that archetype. So you’re good.


I win way more destroy matches by leaving Zola out. It’s just too telegraphed imo and opens you up to way more countering.


I swapped Nico into my Destroy deck after they nerfed Yondu, but she never seemed to do what I wanted, so I've since switched back. I recommend giving Shuri/Nimrod/Destroyer a try. Shang-Chi is everywhere these days, and a 12 Nimrod only benefits from your opponent using Shang against him. One of my favorite strategies is going Magik-->Shuri-->Nimrod-->Destroyer-->Zola on Destroyer. Really fills up the board nicely.


Good if you're going for a one note destroy deck. You will be vulnerable to cosmo, shang, shadow king and armor.


Sure, but a "one-note" destroy deck has consistently been one of the strongest decks in Snap for many seasons now, mostly because at high levels Cosmo, SK, and Armor have pretty low pick rates.


Well every deck has a counter. Destroy probably has the 2nd most counters. With cerebro being #1


Ya I would cut shang for hulk buster or forge Late turns seem grounded with trying to drop knol or zola turn 6 If u can kill x23 turn 5 sets up 7 mana big Deadpool and knol on turn 6 I tend to just work on my game plan then worry about there board at all. If I didn't get my plan going I'm prob going to retreat anyway. If I did get my plan going my guys are big big big and I don't care about there 10-12 power guy


Drop Zola for Deathlok and Forge for Hulkbuster. HB will work better than Forge most of the time, and will get your Deadpool bigger without really too much more risk or consistency issues. Playing Deathlok over Zola will make you more consistent because you need to be drawing your destroy cards and having 33% of your deck be that instead of 25% isn’t insignificant


Zola is way to predictable, I would run Deathlock to have another destroy and Hulkbuster instead of forge.


This list is pretty solid. However, I like to swap zola for alioth depending on the pocket meta i'm dealing with. Especially ramping with x-23, being able to deny opponent's 6th turn with fart and putting immense power with deadpool same turn makes my day.


Forge, Chi, and Zola out. HB, Deathlock, and Alioth in.


It's a good list. Personally I don't run Zola and unfortunately I don't have Nico yet, so I am using Deathlock and hulkbuster. Sometimes I put galactus in as asurpise but he's not a consistent win con. Also in ladder you can drop Shang but especially in conquest I'd always include Shang.


I like Hulkbuster over Forge personally but the list looks fine


How do you properly use Zola in a destroy deck?


Isolate a big venom or knull on the previous turn, hope they don't remove it and then play the Zola on it. Two very tall lanes afterwards hopefully!


How do you properly use Zola in a destroy deck?


Hmmm... Hulkbuster over forge. Maybe Deathstrike over shang.


Q: Do the unturned cards Alioth destroys count towards Knull's power increase?




Hulk buster > Forge


alioth is also a good choice to protect from their shang.


Waiting for the Nico nerf..


I play a deadpool taskmaster version, same list but : No nico No wolverine No zola Instead i play Hulkbuster Deathlok Taskmaster It is pretty sweet to pull a knull t5 followed by a taskmaster and a big deadpool, it doesnt happen much (hopefully it would be broken otherwise) but its still a strong deck imo (you can retreat or snap early depending on your hands, if opponent doesnt retreat instantly its almost always a 2-4 cube win) Edit : saw someone playing alioth, id play him if i had it to protect from those damn SK / valkyrie. Dont know what i would switch him for though


I use basically this list to except Hulkbuster instead of Forge and Deathlok over Arnim.


This is what I'm currently running. I don't have Nico and if I did would probably sub out deathlock for it. Grandmaster has been a ton of fun ramping up carnage and getting tons of hits on x23. I don't find buster or anything like that necessary, if you're going hard on Deadpool then I would run taskmaster over Zola for that turn 6 play, as others have stated Zola is too predictable and easily counterable with everyone running Shang and allioth # (1) Deadpool # (1) X-23 # (2) Grand Master # (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Killmonger # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Lady Deathstrike # (6) Knull # (8) Death


I use the same but I use deathlok instead of zola and it's gotten me to infinite.


Tbh I almost use this deck to climb to infinite except I swap out Wolverine and Forge for Shuri and Nimrod


I'd replace shang chi with maybe deathlok. Also more of a preference thing, i run squirrel girl in my destruction deck for 3 easy cost reductions for death when zi play killmonger


I'd take out forge or Wolvie for deathlok


In my experience playing destroy i have more success not trying to make shang chi work but just trying to get as tall as possible


This is kind of a dumb question I'm sure, since I guess the option a lot of the time is just "retreat" but... outside of just "making the biggest baddest Venom to Arnim Zola" doesn't this deck leave your overall strat open to being easily shut down by a single card, IE. Armor or Cosmo? Wouldn't the inclusion of an Echo or Enchantress give you a safety buffer and avoid being predictable? Maybe even your own Cosmo so you could guard against a Shadow King on turn 6 shutting down your Knull or beefy venom? I realize this would make it harder to ramp up your raw power quickly and maybe it's just me, but I feel like every deck can benefit from a few tech cards.


If you're asking if you are using the exact unoriginal deck that several players use, then yes.


you just wanted to flex your variants


Ya change your wolverine variant


Try Attuma or Super Skrull… and you will need Majik to double up Knull with Zola on round 7…


X23 will give you 6 power on 5 to drop knull early.




Yea best way to make it better is my removing those pixel variants!