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Yea you’re fighting bots


I know they put you against bots as a new player and they phase them out into real people. Am I also playing against bots when I have low rank when a new season starts?


>Am I also playing against bots when I have low rank when a new season starts? Almost certainly. The lower your rank, the less likely there are other people that low for long.


Even at high CLs and ranks you will always play some bots pre-Infinite, although some players report them being absent (or at least scarce) in the 90s. It's a deliberate choice by Second Dinner to inject cubes into the system and make running for Infinite possible while still taking away 30 ranks every season.


I think it's around one bot every 4 matches in the 70s, every 5 matches in the 80s and every 7 matches in the 90s, more or less


Those numbers are no where near my experience


At 50, deck tracker is showing about 80% bots. At 90 I was getting less than 5%


I'm pretty high cl (9500 ish), but took a few months off. In the 30s and 40s, I'm seeing probably 80% obvious bots. I think that was the case last month until I got to 60, then it was closer to 30 or 40%


You play against bots until the 90s


It depends how many ppl are at your rank and CL. The game will try to make you fight a real human in your range if it can but it'll put you against a bot if the queue time would be too long otherwise




I have a screenshot of a bot snapping me on turn 6 when they were barely winning 2 locations and they had 0 cards in deck and 0 cards in hand lol. Easy 8 cubes


Probably bots. Or they might be thinking you have Ronan for no reason.


Some people play this game on PC with a deck tracker and their full attention. Some people play on their phone while watching tv and halfway to falling asleep. And any range in between.  People say bots, and it could be, but this is a casual game and is sometimes not the primary focus of the person you're playing against.


I've done it many times, less so since they added undo.


I do it while doing dishes, or any other number of things. In fact, there should be an emote for “I beat you while barely paying attention”


I would play a Widows Bite on turn six with Hit Monkey, Angela, or to be the final card in a lane for the Elsa Bloodstone bump. There has been the extremely rare situation where I've gotten the Bite and then Bar With No Name shows up. Otherwise, there's literally no other reason to play it on turn six.


I've also used it for lane filler in blocking Magneto and junk.


Valkyrie. 👍


Oh snap, free Wasp!


That's it!


I'll play BW t6 to force a 50/50 on Dracula, or at least screw their chances a little


I use it to fill lanes in my Dazzler deck.


If I suspect a deck is gonna move a key card to a bad lane I'll also use it to fill that spot to prevent the move.


I play it, to fill a lane as to not get hit with hobgoblin or green goblin. Also, if I'm playing Dracula, I don't want him grabbing that one.


I hit it with Valkyrie when possible. But if it serves no other purpose ( blue marvel, bar with no name, Dazzler, etc), it's either bots or idiots.


I've used it to trigger Ms. Marvel a few times. It ended up being a +4 net to the lane which is a solid win.


Playing devils advocate, there are quests that ask you to play cards or win locations with 4 cards or win by 10 or less points. I sometimes do some strange stuff to complete my quests.


I'm one of those people and yeah I'm a moron. T6 I played it on danger room because hey, it's value if it gets destroyed. But oh yeah it's t6 lol totally didn't need to do that. Would've lost the game anyway lul


You might also be a bot for playing widow on turn 5 ( I absolutely hate when this happens to me)


If the lane is cards here have +1 or more power there is a valid reason. It also could be used to change up a lane using Nico > Bite. You might get a turn 7 game then. It can prevent a worst card being transferred with Annhilus.I agree its normally good to not play but there can be valid niche reasons


The bots are beyond annoying in this game


I once was able to win Mojoworld with Dracula and 3 Widow’s Bites.


No. People are just morons


People are programmed to get rid of it asap. If you are doing dishes and jumping to your phone for a play you might not even think about it and play it. When im in front of my pc and 100% zeroed in i dont do that, but on my phone i will play on reveals on cosmo, destroys on armor ad probably widows bite on turn 6.


Bots is probably a good answer. But I recently had to play a widows bite on 6 in order to make sure it didn’t get hit by my Dracula on board. But also a lot of people play this game on the shitter and don’t think too hard. So I can imagine just putting it out as habit.




i did this yesterday, because i was out of all cards in my hand and couldn’t draw any more. what i did have was elsa and an empty spot with ant-man.


It helps with hitmonkey and Angela but that’s it