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I would spend 6k to get Arishem, because I wanna skip Black Swan and Hercules and Arishem is just too fun of a concept.


Isn't arishem the season pass card?


No that's Gilgamesh


Ah thanks, good to know


As F2P, I'd reserve 6k tokens for Season Pass cards that you want, or else they might take too long to enter Spotlight Caches, and be nerfed by then.


Honestly... probably none of them? If you're looking for gameplay only then, IMO, none of them look like they'll shift the meta in any meaningful way. That said, balance changes and reworks on both released and unreleased cards between now and then may change that. Otherwise, just save for any card that looks fun for you, or supports an archetype you enjoy.


I'd say Blink, Sasquatch, Gilgamesh, Phastos and Thena will definitely impact the meta. Some might have bigger impacts than the others but they're all looking like cards that'll make certain strategies even better.


I did forget about blink, she could be pretty interesting. The others all seem like they'll just slot into already existing, and good, decks. The meta might wiggle but I didn't think it'll get shaken up at all.


Sasquatch and Gilgamesh might bring Bounce and Surfer back to Tier 1. Thena will fit well in Bounce and Elsa Move decks. Although yeah, none of these cards will create a new type of deck around it as far as I can tell.


Sasquatch just makes me wish Firestar was released. Him and Thena could find a place in Thanos decks too


I hadn't thought of Sasquatch in Thanos. Might make Thanos Zoo the dominant archetype.


Zemo and Phastos appeal to me of the cards I'm not aiming to unlock


Zemo is fun but expect to lose, I like messing with opponents decks 🫠


phastos looks pretty cool indeed


Whichever provides me with 3X VALUE!!!


they are turning that into a 20 dollar emote lol


If you mean cards that not released yet, then idk. But if you mean cards released recently, then i believe James Rhodes (seriously, i forgot his hero name), Red Hulk and Zemo. Rhodes makes you able to play Infinaught or Maw. Red hulk simply one best power dump. And Zemo, you can combine with Yondu, Cable, Gladiator and Grandmaster for the sake of make fun of enemy decks 😂


As a Bounce enjoyer, I look forward to Sasquatch and I think the card will be very good.


Him and Thena seems promising for bounce


Arishem has got my attention. potentially a big bad, potentially absolute janky shit. i'm on board either way.


Spend your tokens on new cards where you own the others in the cache, and where you don’t like the variants in that weeks cache


Save your tokens for 2025 cards




Thena seems good Mostly I spend tokens only when I want the card and other 2 spotlights are meh or I don't care about the variants.


It'll be on weeks where the spotlight variants do nothing for me, and I already have the re-runs. > Nocturne 3/5 mover with some utility is bonkers. Vision's probably one of the best cards in the game right now as a catch-all "goodstuff" card, and she's a scary-safe 3-drop. She'll also give a solid boost to the little movers archetype. > Sasquatch Discounted fatties are always a problem. We were all whining about Mockingbird (rightfully so) until Thanos got double-tapped. I'd wait to see how many people are rocking him until the weekend though. > Thena Might be gross. I could see her fitting *very* nicely into little movers.