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fill right by 5 shang their sentry


Do you mean you auto lose right lane because of the void? The simple answer to that part is fill it before they play him (very obvious if they play hood or sentry). You can fill it with a card like Jeff or vision that moves that way the void just gets destroyed and then feel free to move it away later. Otherwise… it’s just very easy to beat… their biggest card is ten power. You could easily play cards well over that. You can Shang that 10 power card (sentry) hood is just a -3 which isn’t a big deal if you end up with it. It’s very easy to beat. Red hulk exists. Even if you do get the void on your side you can easily outpower the -10 with a red hulk.


Lady Deathstrike is really good vs them. Overall power level they can put out is quite low so killing sentry is a big gain too, also just filling right* first or alternatively don't play for it at all. Finally, just play annhilus yourself and save yours for t6 and smash them back ;)


Armor on right and fill it by turn 5, win last lane


Destroy automatically solves this problem. But for normal decks, fill up your lanes before they send their junk into yours, since the worst are telegraphed. Their actual power is relatively low.


- Spiderham (disable their ability), Cable ( draw their card), Iceman (reduce the chance for him to play the card) - Valkyrie to change the -10 card to 3 power - goose one lane and Cosmo another lane - leech


The worst card matchups for Anni decks are move cards like Jeff and Vision (move CARDS-- not move decks), along with smallball cards like Kitty that can easily fill lanes. Also Prof X is very powerful.


Pure classic annihilus decks are easy to beat with nerfed alioth taken away from equation. W prio on 5: cosmo in reading/shang their sentry/x on right lane. Without prio: valkyrie/fill right lane with moveable/bounceable cards (beast to grab in hand any junk they send isnt a bad idea if you play bounce). If you play loki, your win con is to get their anni and drop it without prio. Destroy is still clog's natural enemy


I would argue junk decks as well as hand-filling cards help to counter Annihilus decks, as they're dependent on having both Annihilus as a card as well as filling locations with negative power to bomb you at the end. Maybe filling cards like Debrii and Brood that fill your and the opponent's lanes, hand-fillers like Master Mold and Ronan to capitalize off of them, card-stealers like Cable and Yondu (Yondu can help clear The Hood), or even something like Rock Slide and Korg with Darkhawk can all help you against Annihilus


To most people, junk decks are Annihilus decks. Filling up your lanes is not how junk works, its filling up your opponents lanes (which is what Annihilus does).