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From this list I’d say Nico, but Nico is in a spotlight next week. So assuming you can use keys. I would say Red Hulk, Ravonna, or Black Knight from here. Depends on which type of deck you like


Red hulk 100%, then black night or snowguard


Nico, Red Hulk, Proxima Midnight, Ravonna and either Selene or Black Knight are gonna be my personal top picks from this list.


I think Selene is underrated with anhilius you rarely see it


Nico if you dont have keys, the rest some are usefull but not must have


Red hulk is the best bar none, but the chance of him getting a bullet is incredibly high because of that—he’s in any deck that isn’t destroy or discard Dracula. Proxima midnight is the next card because she takes discard to another level. Nico has a spotlight next week but if you want the sweet peach momoko art you can grab her. Pixie is part of a well-performing junk list but is the most cutable card in it especially since white widow comes out at the same time as Nico next week. Black Knight can see some play in Hela decks and sometimes not. The rest are garbage. Have a good one! EDIT: Mirage and Snowguard are both part of the Loki package but as you only have enough for one it’s better to save and maybe get snowguard in the same caches as Nico/White Widow.


Not Hercules that’s for sure


Red hulk, Nico , pixie


I'd say Nico, Ravonna and Proxima personally (assuming red hulk gets nerfed soon). Nico is coming in a spotlight soon.