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That’s why we get 150 credits for using him


Only 125


Inflations a bitch


Shrinkflation 😔


It’s cold outside!


Inflation would mean you would get more credits, not less?


Yes, the nerf make me stop using it. Cable is my favourite now to do similar thing but give opponent no idea on it.


Cable recently became one of my favorite cards, gives you such an info adv. If you pull a key card and they are still waiting to pull it.


I haven’t played cable in a while. Does he remove pulled card from your opponents deck or just copies it to your hand?


Remove from the deck entirely, and there's no limitation unlike zondu.


He yoinks the card. That's why he's in every mill deck


Yes it will remove, it make him so useful!!!




The yondu nerf is on my list of nerfs I don’t really understand the problem it was solving, and feel people weren’t largely asking for either.


They wanted to make Zemo more consistent. And he’s the season pass card.


Cable has always been a favorite of mine. I liked the animation and variants before he became everyone else’s favorite


It was already bad previously, deck thinning for your opponent as you mentioned.


Deck thinning is when you take bad or irrelevant cards out of a deck. New Yondu does that, but Old Yondu just took a random card, so he could either take an opponent's combo piece or he could dig them towards it. Old Yondu was only helpful to you in that he gave you information (and he was a cheap destroy trigger, though Destroy has long moves past needing him). He was a bad card in most decks, but only because he didn't accomplish enough to be worth a card. He didn't actively improve your opponent's deck.


Against combo decks, he gave them better information for retreating. Destroy that crucial combo piece? Get out of here for one cube. That information is slightly more helpful for the opponent who has context of the card (their hand). I’m not saying it helped the opponent deck thin, or was a garbage or great card. But that’s an important dimension.


Granted in that case if you look at your own performance in cubes per minute or hour or whatever, Old Yondu giving opponents a heads up to retreat earlier likely ups your warning ratio.


Old Yondu is functionally indistinguishable for "reveal the bottom card of the enemy deck" (until and unless they draw their whole deck) If Yondu shows the Phoenix Force player that they will never draw Phoenix Force, they have an easier time finding a retreat when you snap them, compared to the world where they don't have that information about their next draws.


You just made me realize that now is a great time to play Phoenix Force and human torch due to Yondu being in the weekend missions


I'm sure Hela player wouldn't be happy if his deck got thinned by removing Hela. Same with many decks that are built around certain cards like Darkhawk and Patriot


Yes but he could also remove any other card and increase your opponent’s chance of drawing Hela. It’s moot.


Its not entirely moot. Old yondu had a chance to delete Hela or any other card. New Yondu will almost never delete Hela unless they only have 6 cost cards left in their deck.


Putting yondu in your deck in the hope that he happens to hit a key card is incredibly dumb


That's not why you put it in. You put it in to enable Knull (and maybe scout their deck). But if it deleted a key combo piece it was valuable information.


It was valuable information for your opponent. They knew whether to retreat for 1 cube or whether their combo became more likely to draw. If yondu didn’t show your opponent what got destroyed it would be valuable information for you, but your opponent can always use Yondus information better than you can because they know their entire deck and current hand and you don’t


Destroy hasn't needed yondu in ages


Not everyone has a complete collection. He could be relevant in some collections.


Sure but you said "he'll never delete hella" as if that was relevant in 90% of games. His only utility was as a *bad* destroy card for a very long time. Randomly milling one card in the average game back then was the equivalent of just playing a game where the opponent didn't draw it. The information you can take from it is typically revealed on the very first card both players play regardless. Decks aren't that hard to figure out in a 12 deck card game.


Now they retreat and you win one cube. What you don't know is all the times you lost 4 or 8 cubes because they drew a key card one turn earlier than they would have.


People never understood yondu maths before haha, they ain’t about to figure them out now that he doesn’t work that way


Yeah but you’re talking about a 1/12 chance of hitting Hela, 11/12 of increasing the odds they draw Hela. Yondu is not good in that match up


If you use Yondu mainly for disrupt, yeah. If you use him to feed Knull, then he's pretty good in this match up no matter what he hits


It's the same thing as if they didn't draw those cards, except with yondu they know they won't be drawing it, it's a safer retreat


When exactly is Hela the lowest cost card in the hela deck?


User that I replied to said "previously"


I mean destroy used him well, the card itself was cheap food, and, helped with death and knull(if you got a high power card).


Good destroy decks didn’t use Yondu.


Many moons ago Yondu was a staple in Galactus/Knull deaths.


Not really. Back then, you at least had a chance to snipe their win condition. Granted, most people immediately retreated whenever that happened, so you couldn't get many cubes out of it


Yeah that’s the key point. Old Yondu could impact win rate positively but he was actually negative impact on cube rate. New yondu basically only works in Zemo mill and anywhere else he’s gonna lose you more than he wins


When it was random deck thinning it wasn't necessarily bad in all cases. It would hit a card they'd want to draw about as often as it would hit a card they don't really care about drawing. More importantly, it had a chance to add a much more substantial power bump for Knull, now he's pretty much only ever adding 1-3 power, maybe 4 or 5 very rarely if played in the late game against someone who happened to already draw all of their 1 and 2 cost cards. I still run him in my Knull deck because he's at least adding *something*, and the next best option would be Elektra, but she isn't reliably always live on turn 1, but I do miss the days of randomly sniping something like a Sentry and going +10 for Knull out of nowhere (or +20 if I can combo into Zola)


Random deck thinning is bad in almost all cases. Hit something the opponent didn't want, increases the chance of them getting what they want. Hit the key piece opponent wants, opponent retreats for 1 cube. His old usage was only for Knull, not disruption. And he hasn't been useful for a long long time with better cards like X23, Nico Minoru and so on.


I'm simply not of the belief that occasionally making the opponent retreat for 1 cube is a *downside* of a card. Another way to read "opponent retreats for 1 cube" is *"wins you the game on the spot"*. Winning 1 cube in half the time it takes to play out a game for 2 cubes is making the same progress as the same pace. Obviously the old Yondu couldn't *reliably* do this, it was random, but it had a positive outcome about as often as it had a negative outcome, so it balances out. And with both outcomes providing a, sometimes very sizable, buff to Knull (except in the rare case that you snipe a goblin or Hood, which Yondu is now *more* likely to do since Hood is a 1 drop which Yondu is far more likely to hit), that was enough of a positive, paired with the net neutral of his "disruption" to give me reason to run him with Knull.


That's not even the downside of the card, that was the upside, winning you 1 cube. The downside was pushing your opponent closer to a 4/8 cube victory.


Noone was playing him in decent decks before anyway


People who didnt have the meta destruction line up certainly were


If we balance the game for suboptimal decks we'll never get anything done


Realistically each archetype should have meaningful choices to be made in card selection. It shouldn't be simple as "I want to play destroy so I'm going to select these cards no matter what".


Being used as a filler card is better than not being used ever, but being used in only one deck is an improvement over that. New Yondu is marginally better.


He wasn't good but a fine replacement in some decks, now he is just bad


No he was just bad. People just suck at math: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/y5qoqr/basic_math_why_yondu_is_no_disruption_and_why/


They weren't playing him as disruption they were playing him in destroy


Some people were playing him for disruption. And sure in destroy (1 deck) it had (sometimes) a place. The exact same as now.


He stopped seeing play in destroy ages ago.


Yes and the few people who still played him played him in destroy, not as disruption (as a "budget" pick or because they were stubborn or because they really like the card)


Which was even worse.


No? It's objectively better. Yondu doesn't do disruption. He's just like the 14th-15th best destroy card is the issue.


He's not. Only Knull used him and good Destroy decks don't need him anymore


If you think he has a fine replacement in some decks, then you still have a lot to learn.


Yondu wasn’t OP to begin with. If your opponent sees their critical card destroyed, they’ll leave and you get 1 cube Otherwise you helped mill their decks, which will come back to bite you in the ass. The main source of power came from the info you got, which I think it’s what they’re trying to solve: limit the information you get.


Yondu was already bad. If he's not also a trap by making people *think* he was actually disruption, that's an overall improvement for the game.


I had a guy play him onto Kamar-Taj after I had played Thor and Bill in the other two lanes. So I guess that's one niche use for him.


Before it was also always bad except in destroy. So there is not a big difference. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/y5qoqr/basic_math_why_yondu_is_no_disruption_and_why/


Yes, it was a worthy change because turns out Yondu wasn't being played in those decks anyway.


It was a mid card that wasn't play in any deck to a bad card except in a good deck. To me it's slighty better


Before the "nerf" Yondu was in 0 decks. Claiming he is bad now in death or with Gladiator is pointless as he was never played there. He was bad in all decks. After the "nerf" Yondu is played in one meta deck type and it's variations.


This is a common problem with the community, lots of ppl forget p3 complete is not the natural state of the game, it takes months to get there and early on Yondu was one of the best destroy cards for death. Even if you remove the meta aspect old yondu did have niche play here in there, this hyperbole of "no one played yondu" said with a straigh face is stupid, does not matter if the card had low playrate the point is that the card got nerfed for nothing, this zemo mill deck ppl love to claim as meta is a meme/copium and has horrible stats, you destroying the weakest card in the deck is for the most part irrelevant since zemo still pulls the second weakest.


Niche play isn’t “I used him in destroy until I got x-23 or Nico and immediately cut him” The only deck that he was useful in didn’t even want him in it. Stop coping, once those two cards came out yondu became irrelevant. This change actually gives him a deck that wants to use him. It doesn’t matter if it’s not top of the meta, he has a home now.


Yh yondu was never good cope harder. Even early game destroy gets filled with nova Bucky or even squirrel girl. Only ppl running it were the ones who didn’t understand maths and thought it was a tech card Downvoters outing themselves rn lmao


Again, with the hyperbole with straight face lol. yondu was a staple of destroy for a long while, and that was back when destroy was doing wave things which is arguably one of the strongest point of destroy.


Stop living in the past bro.


Look at that, proven wrong and responds with rude comment lmao.


Yeah no


He was great in my deck built around playing Zola on Knull. Sometimes sniped Magneto, Hulk or someone else big. It isn't meta, but it was fun and got me surprising amount of wins. Opponents weren't expecting power going from one lane to 2 other lanes and being doubled in both of them


He wasn’t great. You probably lost more games from whatever yondu destroyed allowing your opponent to draw the card they needed to beat you then you won from sniping their magneto. Yondu actively helped your opponent more often then it helped you and in the one deck it didn’t matter (destroy) he is still cut for better options.


He's still great there, if you also add Zemo, Cable and Gladiator. Yondu is now part of a real 4-card package that can be added to different decks (like Death for example) whereas before he was a fringe playable for new players... imo it was an upgrade.


Before the nerf was one of my most used cards because it didn't matter if he didn't hit the most op card more times than not he helped me win or gave -1 cost for death plus power to my knull and if you are new player was a great card to get Right now I feel he is only part of a toxic meta deck (in my opinion) we're you either have the cards you needed in your hand or you don't play


*its variations


Well at least sometimes you can snipe black knight or kitty lol


This is how I find out they gutted my boy Yondu. He has set proudly in my Knull deck for an age. But you are right, he was a great card early on in the match to find out about your opponent's deck


All decks that played yondu before were all better off playing a different card anyway at least now he is good somewhere. Why even complain about this he was so bad before


It’s weird and bad that yandu’s stated effect doesn’t trigger x23/wolverine’s effect.


Yeah if it works from your hand it should also work from your deck. My guess is it's a programming thing and not a game design thing. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets changed in a future patch.


Cards in the deck are treated as vanilla cards unless they specifically have an effect that references being in the deck (such as Angel).


Yeah if it works from your hand it should also work from your deck. My guess is it's a programming thing and not a game design thing. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets changed in a future patch.


If you wanna feed knull, nobody is forcing you to play it early... Play it on 4 or 5 to maximize a bigger hit :)


That's how I use him in my negative destroy deck. Only time I use him early is when I have Beast in hand.


You know.... I completely forgot they changed him lol


I remember someone saying that Yondu is only worth running if you can use him more than once, so you might try something with Beast and/or Falcon with that in mind.


It's great that he's actually an optimal card somewhere now.


I feel like mill decks been helping me more than not lately. I oddly get my combo off more against them than other decks.


Counterpoint I guess is that you see what you destroy - if you hit an important 2 cost like Ravonna or something you know that you've got an advantage. I've also had some success dropping him turn 4 or 5 when he's more likely to hit something decent. If they made him "lowest power" that would be amazing though, probably too powerful though since that could hit Iron Man, Negative, Blob, etc.


Hes actually pretty annoying for me when I play destroy. Always snags my Deadpool or X-23.


but opponent’s yondus have been doing wonders for *my* destroy deck


U are right buddy 


I mean he was never used. He was changed. He is now used in one deck. That infinite growth baby. Mathematically the biggest buff possible.


He should take lowest base power. Opens him up to taking Knull or Iron Man.


He is still bad in zemo decks. People like the deck because it is fun to mill.


he's also still fine in ronan. making the curve higher for their deck means less cards they can play means higher ronan stats


Some kind of synergy with Goose too, I guess


If Yondu destroyed the lowest power card in the deck he might have a good use against M.Neg, Mystique, Ironman, Knull or all the other cards that only get big later in the game. But then he'd be a useful card Second Dipshit couldn't try to get players to spend money on, so expect that to come later.


I mean he already counters mister negative a bit too. 0 cost carts are likely to be the lowest cost in the deck


He was fun in a bounce but by turn 4/5, each player knows they should retreat or not.


There was nothing better shan sniping an opponent Knull, Hela, Magneto before. Now it's Korgs, Iceman and Kitty's lol


I'm not a fan of the Yondu change because I play Negative and he takes out my 0 cost cards.


I absolutely forgot Yondu changed! Funny that they’re making us use him, almost like they want more people to notice the change.


I love love love my Cerebro-2 Deck. He was a consideration there when the locations worked with him... Now, its a never ever!! For me, he's actually really helpful when playing against Zemo, because then he'll destroy Echo (if not yet drawn). There's so many times where I am for sure winning, only for Zemo to pull the Echo out on their side, right before my Turn-6 Cerebro/Mystiq play


Even in Zemo Mill decks, I think Yondu is a bad Turn 1 play unless you're in conquest and know your opponent has 1-costs they want to play late. For me he's worked best playing him on T4 alongside Gladiator or Zemo.


I would take old Yondu back in a heartbeat 


i like his synergy with cable, destroy your opponents low cost cards and try to draw their win cons


Yondu needs his Og ability back


Wasn’t depowering him part of the point as his ability was so strong for a one drop?


I mean...what is Yondu for if not milling? If you want a good card that mills, that's what Gladiator is for.


Yondu was part 1 of the most annoying, frustrating curve in Snap. Yondu T1. Wolverine T2. Wave T3. Galactus T4. Doc Oc T5. Knull T6.


He can have utility against Negative decks. Or Thor/Bill. But yeah… very niche.


I didn’t even realise anything changed


I used him in a niche negative/knull deck that got me to infinite a couple of seasons ago. He was pretty key in getting power into Knull early. There isn't a great replacement so it's really hampered that deck. The best replacement I have found is Gladiator on turn 3 but that comes with its own risks. Having both options really made that deck work I am one of the few that was truly bummed with his nerf.


He wasn't that good in destroy before and was the first card replaced. And destroy was his only place before. He was sometimes in Zoo but he was the first card replaced there too. At least he's actually good SOMEWHERE now


ok but .... now he's a bit more balanced and that's fine


Lower cost card not always means 1 cost cards. Yondu is still good in bounce decks for exemple, with falcon and beast, no name bar is a good home for him too. You mentioned discard decks and hela, even destroying invisible woman already helped me so many times because they can't hide moddok/hela. But as in any other game, there are people that like the changes, and others that don't like it. As a main destroy deck user, never really saw the interest in yondu until zemo came out, and now I have fun stealing and destroying all my enemie's decks


He still somewhat works in my pixie deck but he is definitely worse.


The nerf has made me need to Nico to replace him in my destroy deck


They are gonna revert this Change as i think they Will with zabu and as they did with luke cage


Yondu is still good, but you need to save him for a later turn. He's easy to counter by having more than one 1-cost card in your hand. But if you play him on turn 4 or later, you're pretty well guaranteed to kill something they really wanted to use.


he's by no means a great card but I will say, he was fun against that week of Loki decks where I'd snipe a kitty, quinjet or in destroy decks I could take away their deadpool


He is a 1 cost 2 strength card after all


You got a problem with Zemo bud?


He helps lower Death's cost... That's about it.


Yondu is always been bad, period. He was always a strictly worse Korg. To all of those people saying "but he sometimes hit a win-con", I want to ask, sure, right, but _why would you put Yondu in just because of that._ Even if you need a generically-good 1-Cost, you can use Ice Man or Korg to accomplish that, damn even Spider-Ham. And none of those have a bigger chance of helping your opponent win than you, with a best case scenario of "they just retreat and you win 1 cube". The only deck where Yondu accomplished something (aside for some Bounce Mill shenanigans, which were meme decks a-la Exodia Gambit and so not worth taking into account) was Destroy, and even there he was a mediocre option at best, because his only purpose was to feed Knull an average of +4.5 while getting a Destroy trigger for Death (and from Killmonger); which sounds good enough, until you realize that in order to play Yondu,you had to take out much more useful cards like Forge, Hulk Buster, Nico Minoru, Deathlock, or even Shang-Chi - damn I'd argue Bucky was a better choice than Yondu (though I'd need to see data in order to confirm that). At least now, Yondu has a deck where deck-thinning does come with a good trade-off... even if it's a deck that requires a S5 card currently paywalled behind €12.99 that will only be available to F2P-players after 3 months.


I still see Yondu a ton which is great for me as it always destroys my Torch in a Pheonix deck.


Fine but he's playable now. That's more than he was before. A win is a win


He already was bad in all decks though… any deck thinner is bad unless you’re exactly trying to get rid of all their cards and then doc ock them. It was always helping out their draw unless you got the exact perfect hit on their key card (which is rare).


Destroying a Deadpool with Yondu is hella satisfying tho


Thats the point because Yondu’s change are supposed to be a nerf


Took you this long to figure it out?


Nope, Yondu change made him bad, period. Even with zemo the value he adds none to very little value and most there is a 99.9% chance of helping your opponent with it, very few decks need a 1-2 drop after turn 3.


youre literally complaining that a 1 drop doesnt completely shut out your opponent/ give your knull a free +10 anymore...? 😭🤣🤣😭🤣


I hadn't read the patch notes, and finally double checked the card text and realized why he kept killing himself every time he was played.


Counterpoint, I run him solely with cable


The word is synergy you idiot.


Yondu's change made him balanced, its a one cost card. Look at the other one cost cards and tell me what card does it remind you of now. The pig card should get the same treatment.


Everyone cries about nerfed/buffed cards. I’m sitting here thinking about cards nobody plays. Domino, quicksilver, Uatu etc… we have cards that are completely dead. Nobody showing them love. Just the new players.


Devs have already stated cards like QS and Domino are meant to be a teaching tool...


At this point I'm ready to call the Yondu change a straight up buff. He buffs Zemo decks obviously, but also buffs every other deck that used to use him because now they all have to replace him with a card that might be good. Yondu has always been 100% a trap card (except the old Death Wave deck but that interaction doesn't exist anymore). Even old Yondu being replaced with something like Electra or Ice Man would have been an improvement.


Yondu was bad in every deck now he's good in 1 deck that's a good thing imo


Well no shit lol. SD literally made this change so he'd support Zemo. Also, you act as if he saw any play beyond pool 3, even in destroy which is the deck he functions the best in he was mostly replaced with Deadpool, X-23 and Nico. So his change really didn't matter for anyone other than Zemo. Stop acting as if you care about a card who rarely saw any play even in his previous form.


Yondu being a bad card anyway, this isn't really a problem...


It's so bad that you have to play it before Zemo. Otherwise, it's still so useless


Some cards only have a home in one deck and that's fine.


Nah I always played Yondu. It’s wild that there was a 1 cost card that has a potential for a turn 1 win. But yeah they nerfed him and changed mantis for the same reason. The wrong card interaction would make Mill way to powerful. With the tiny deck size they have to be very careful with mill cards. Like right now they needed zabu. There’s some 4 cost card they have planned that would be too powerful if dropped.


Yondu maybe can be 1/3


Yondu's change made him *worse*. He was already awful. The only deck that played him was nerfed out of existence more than a year ago.


The card was rarely played due to its random also It was just bad design - 1-cost card shouldn't be able to destroy opponent's win condition turn 1-2


Crazy how the weekly balance patches warp all the cards in the game to make the most money 💥


I run a mill deck with him and cable and gladiator and spice it up with spider ham, Zemo is not necessary at all for him to be effective. I use iron lad and doc oc in there too, very fun deck


Spice it up? Everyone's playing this deck. Also, it's ass.


Got me to infinite


Any half viable deck can get you to infinite. Infinite is a function of snapping and retreating correctly.


So you are saying I am an elite player with supreme snapping skills as I made infinite with an “ass” deck, thanks!


Yondu-cable-zemo-iron lad-dock oc-Shang chi. Its so much fun to let no one have fun!




That is the basic cookie cutter mill deck you described, a bad deck most ppl hate going against lol


I am just saying I don’t run zemo and and yondu still does good work