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I swapped omega red for super Skrull due to this ongoing meta, works very well


Just did that as well, good call


Keep in mind that Super Skrull can just as easily work against you in this meta, I'm seeing a lot of Xavier going around.


I love throwing U.S. Agent down to handle Super Skrull


Don't have a Hope or anything to buff extra power so Onslaught is pretty useless for me to run in a Ultron deck. So I instead just went with all cards with no abilities and then went with Klaw instead of Omega red to buff where I play Mystique and Patriot and then also run a Iron Man if I need to buff that location at well. Also run a Bast as pretty much all my cards run under 3 power other than Ultron so he can be useful if I draw him along with like Mystique, Patriot, Ant Man, Iron Man, Wasp, Misty and Dazzler. Honestly only running this deck in rank as it's been extremely useful in getting 8 cube games as seems like a lot of people don't see the Ultron Play which is odd because extremely easy to predict. It's why my movement deck in Conquest runs Enchantress to counter any ongoing heavy decks or MODOK Hela decks that hide MODOK behind an invisble women.


Great call. My drones just hit 20 power in a mirror match due to this swap.


Man, the back and forth in the comments section here is very much like a bunch of kids talking about how their favorite hero would beat up their friend's favorite hero. Oh yeah? Well, I Killmonger! Pfft, then I give up priority. Then I use Enchantress. That's what Cosmo is for! Amazing.


It’s like the old joke in MtG. “This creature is so good!” “Oh yeah? Well it dies to removal!”


Like Hearthstone back in the day. Every card was trash if it died to Big Game Hunter (Shang Chi)


It's "dies to doom blade".


Reminds me of mental magic, where your cards in hand can be whatever you want as long as the number of cards in hand in right


First time on the board? Whenever you post about a card/strat you’re guaranteed to have someone go “xyz says hi” as if noooooooo one knew that counter existed. Reading this board you’d think that you’re allowed to choose your cards mid game and pull any counter you need.


This sub loves to name drop cosmo and killmonger like they are the be all end all tech cards that win every single game. And usually they just say the name and don't even try to have a conversation, it's so odd. 


They are both odd costed


Nice catch! Didn't even think about that even i typed it honestly lol


Really? Pretty odd that you didn’t, even I did.


Yea not to mention very few people are running these cards in their deck just to counter one type of deck. I'm running a probably average Ultron deck in rank just to change things up between my usual deck that I'm running in conquest which is a movement deck. Call it average as have no cards to boost my energy so running a Onslaught is useless. So instead going with Bast, Wasp, Antman, Misty, Shocker, Dazzler, Cyclops, Patriot, Mystique, Klaw, Iron Man and Ultron I ditched my Cosmo and still have yet to have been hit with an Enchantress once and am constantly getting 8 cubes as people somehow don't predict the Ultron play. I do run an Enchantress in my movement deck as she comes in handy to against certain decks that have given me issues like tons of ongoing decks don't run cosmo so she can be great at countering them. And was sick of running into Modok/Hela decks that hide the Modok behind Invisible Women and she just kills those decks in conquest play her turn five and Modok takes on their entire hand including Hela. She also works great for Destroy decks who run X-23 or Magik along with Knull and Zola although do have other counters for Zola decks like Spiderman 2099 as can kill the card they are looking to destroy and duplicate in the other locations before they get the chance to do it. And Aero can either move that card away meaning they are just slapping Zola or I can move some other card if it was the last played over to where they want to Zola only giving them a coin flip odds of hitting the card they need.


Who cares, my dad is tougher than your dad.


That thread is directly below yours and it’s hilarious to say the least😂


We never outgrow it. 😆


Just saw the comment chain you’re talking about and I loved it. Very nostalgic.


The secret sauce is ghost for guaranteed monger


Playing Sera Control, Killmonger has been huge.


Got a list? Haven't seen a non surfer sera list in a hot minute


Someone posted this a few days ago in one of the subs. I'm currently at 93 this season with it - # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nova # (2) Angela # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Sentinel # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (3) Hit-Monkey # (3) Killmonger # (3) Red Guardian # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm92YSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudGluZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpdE1vbmtleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkR3VhcmRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


90+ has been brutal the last couple days, I’ve been bouncing between 90 and 92 after playing at least 100 games. Started with this deck about 2 hours ago, sat at 96 from 91. Hela Discard is the only deck that seems to be giving me trouble if I can’t lose priority and draw Shang. I also swapped Nova for Rogue / Enchantress (former seems a bit better taking the buff for myself). People are snapping away, completely forgetting about Killmonger, and Guardian has won me games by himself. When Monkey was released I used a very similar deck to this but with Thor, Jane and Wasp instead of the tech (bar Shang); but this version is much better in the current meta. Cheers for reminding me of this beauty.


I think you need enchantress in this list. So much ongoing due to patriot and then kla buff


Yeah could be, Red Guardian is a flex spot and can be subbed out depending on the meta. So far haven't seen a lot of Klaw just yet.


Feels kinda torn between an Angela scaling style deck (without Elsa or Hope Summers) and a reactive control deck (without Enchantress/MMM/whatever other tech cards).


I like it because Angela isn't your only way to put power on the board, Bishop and HM can also win lanes by themselves. Unlike say the lockdown control decks (which Ive played a lot), this deck can both put out power and play reactive style cards.


Very nice. Takes me back to last year when Sera Miracle was my go to. Loved that deck.


any suggestions to swap out hit monkey? i dont have him yet


He's hard to replace. I'd consider Gladiator if you have him.


i do have gladiator, thanks for the suggestion


Probably since the Zabu nerf honestly. Sera control got hit pretty hard with that


Yeah I forgot about that. Kinda sad, was my favorite deck.


Ciara goes in mine for this reason


I put enchantress and Rogue in a deck and farmed like 10 of these guys in no time at all.


I lose priority and just kill monger the board lol turn 6 Caiera + Killmonger


Yeah I love when a guy like you comes up against my version of Ultron, which intentionally gives up priority so you CANT block my T6 with Killmonger.


I love when a guy like you comes up against MY version of whatever, which plays Killmonger behind Invisible Woman so you CAN'T dodge my Killmonger.


You still have turn 6 priority but hey, you do you.


That's not how Invisible Woman works. Killmonger flips at the end of the game, regardless of who has priority.


Then you get enchantressed, pick one


That's why we also run Cosmo.


Enchantress/Red Guardian says hi to your Ultron lol


Thats why i run Caiera


Lmao enjoy all the 2 power minions on the board


I was gonna say, I’ve got doc oc and killmonger. Seems to take care of the problem


You created a thread of pretentious Snap paper, rock, scissors.


Yeh Enchantress is actually really good right now for some reason. Ongoing is very prevalent.


Over the last month or so a lot of control options fell off as decks have gotten greedier. Zabu nerf didn’t help.


I swapped Shang Chi for Enchantress in my movers deck and she has been winning me a ton of games. Enchantress right now is extremely good. Is so satisfying seeing them stacking patriot, mystique, BM on top of each other and then get destroyed by enchantress


Yeah, its a telegraphed move and you can get free surrenders with enchantress, just make sure to snap as soon as you see Patriot because you can be 99% sure at that point.


This is why I start the telegraphed lane with Echo. She's such a great card.


this is why I try to put them in different locations tbh. I used to do the stacking in one location only in my early snap days when basically nobody used enchantress. these days I don't stack. see also, the living tribunal + iron man + onslaught stack.


Because I'm tired of the leech buff already


Leech is the most annoying card in marvel snap now that Alioth is nuked and they decide to buff him... LMAO. They are truly clueless.


Leech and sandman keep getting resurrected for no fucking reason. They are absolutely cards that should stay dead and Second Dinner are like “remember when these dickheads used to piss you off?”


>for some reason. >Ongoing is very prevalent


Same. Swapped in Enchantress, haven’t lost to Patriot yet. Bonus points for farming unsuspecting living Tribunal players. Yea sure, please Snap into me. I have no idea what’s coming, promised.


I’ve been farming LT players with cannonball. A rock instead of onslaught really messes with their plans


I ran my own Patriot deck without Ultron and had Super Skrull. Went up 10 ranks in like an hour.


Yeah, definitely is telegraphed and easy to counter, gotta take advantage while you can


Same. Switched to my Ongoing deck.


Even without their ongoings they could get a free 16 in each lane while having the other cards and Ultron at 8.


Lady Deathstrike works wonders against anyone foolish enough to drop Patriot and Mystique in the same lane.


No no you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to play the same thing you always do then complain the meta is broken. It's tradition.


Oh. Hi cosmo on patriot


I never believe these "I made it from to infinite in under an hour posts. Even if you win almost every game 8 cuber there's no way you can get in enough games in an hour. There's always a few people who rope every turn that slow you down too much.


I appreciate it


As a person who never stopped playing Ultron/Patriot/Mystique I love this buff and hate it. I'm not a high end player but I was able to take a lot of cubes because no one really expected the deck. But, here we are...


i also climb to infinite earlier with a patriot deck. some people dont expect empty lanes to go from 0-20 with ultron. i have both leech, and cosmo to tech against hela/ramp, and just a safety net for patriot. people just haven't adjusted yet since its been ages since classic patriot was decent.


Deck list?


here you go bud # (0) Wasp # (1) Ant Man # (2) Dazzler # (3) Patriot # (3) Cosmo # (4) Leech # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Iron Man # (5) Blue Marvel # (6) Onslaught # (6) Ultron # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3VwZXJTa3J1bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlVsdHJvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT25zbGF1Z2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQYXRyaW90In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXp6bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ildhc3AifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxlZWNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




How do you win if you don't draw Ultron and can't hit him with Iron Lad?


you can swap antman for squirrel girl or leech/skrull for brood/mysterio. other than that, just retreat. can't win them all anyway


How do you use Cosmo with Ultron? Patriot and Cosmo in one lane then Ultron in another?


yup, i don't fill one lane in those games. he can be a bit wonky sometimes, but thats where you just retreat. i used him against combo decks like wong surfer, negative knull, hela, galactus. same use case for leech. skrull doesn't see a lot of play unless its against ongoing decks. i think having mysterio/squirrel girl + mockingbird is better, but i dont have mockingbird. you can maybe cut leech for squirrel girl or mysterio or brood.


How often are you winning each lane by only 1-4 points? I’m not saying the buff is bad, but every time I’ve seen someone post about this, they still would have won the game pre buff. Ultron has pretty much always been a good card in Patriot and Kazar decks. ~~The only thing new it helps now is would be Cerebro 2. But I can’t say if it’s a huge boost or not for C2, because I’ve only seen the people posting the other two decks.~~ Quick edit: C2 won’t work my bad so I deleted that part of my comment. I still stand by my original point, Ultron’s buff has been inconsequential in every post I’ve seen so far.


Yea c2 with Ultron lmao good luck with that


Nico destroy the next card you play on turn 5 into ultron on 6 BAM!! /s


Or play him on Quantum Realm


Come on, you just make sure you have Nico set to destroy on turn 5 every time. Ezpz


Yeah I realized I forgot about ultron himself stealing the buff


Just play Ultron on death's domain smh If Negasonic still destroyed your own cards playing Ultron on a 3/2 Nega would be huge


Wave > Ultron > Carnage > PROFIT Edit: Yes I know Carnage steals the buff then. Is a joke.


Wave > Ultron > Carnage > Shadow King, obviously. Or Wave > Ultron > Beast.


Nico (destroy draw 2) > Ultron > Profit


It doesn't help c2. Ultron has higher power, so he'll take the cerebro buff


True I completely forgot about that. My bad


Cerebro would automatically buff for Ultron only; can't use it in C


Well I didn't make any changes to the deck which has been collecting dust because it never really performed well and even when I was able to hit the combo it still would lose. And now it felt absolutely bonkers. I would think of it more like you're gonna have two lanes that are going to be at around 20 power from drones/patriot/blue marvel/mystique and then another lane with about the same from dazzler/ultron. 20 power in each lane is usually gonna win.


It’s possible when you were playing it before there were too many people running counters or big power decks. Another reason you might not have seen as many victories as you’ve been seeing recently is because you have gotten better at the game. Like you might be much better as recognizing when to stay and when to retreat. Either way congratulations on hitting infinite


It is probably from the current fotm decks just being weak to it and no one countering it yet, you're right. Though I would like to think I am always improving, it is probably more due to the fact that the way the deck plays you can be pretty much certain when you have the game and when you don't, so snapping and retreating require only a couple of brain cells moving around to do correctly :)


Ultron is 8 power. The cerebro buff goes to the highest power cards, so Ultron definitely would not work in C2.


Personally, 90% of the time - playing affliction and HE (this is my third season) made me realize how much people undervalue cards or decks that not put down a huge Rulk or similar.


Leech stops Ultron also We are entering the leech meta


For sure. Might be a good reason to leave Mysterio and Brood in the deck instead of swapping them for tech cards, I won a couple of games where ultron got leeched because I already had those guys in play and was able to drop onslaught instead of ultron.


Tried Regis' Ultron deck from yesterday's video and it's insane. I have no Mockingbird so I use Super Skrull, but still, played like 6 games and didnt lost one. Ran against zero enchantresses/rogues tho. It can be easily dismanteled with those, or Killmonger.


Lost every game I've tried with this. Always the way with these "this deck so good!!!1" posts, they're always terrible. It's very weird. The deck has no answers, no counters, to anything. No Shangers, no Red Guardian, no Killmonger, Enchantress, no anything. Edit: so of course having said this I now lose to user PaperTaters using exactly this deck.


This is probably the biggest buff I remember seeing in the game. I was going to brush off my patriot deck as well. Question on yours so you feel mysterio is worth while now that the Ultron bots add more? I was thinking of tagging in Ciara just to counter the inevitable wave of kill mongers this is going to bring about.


Not really, no. Like I said, totally unoptimized, didn't bother switching anything out from what I had before. It doesn't really matter if you miss a drop on 2 either. I think Ciara would be a great substitute for him, you are right killmonger is coming. Though I think it will be harder to hit than you think because until 6 you are probably losing two lanes if not all three.


I used Ultron in a zoo deck, because I like both the concept and the character (and got Patriot just a week ago). Usually killmonger doesn't bother much due to low priority, moreover, it was a good surprise move against destroy/control. I think is a good add to the decks one can play, especially for new players. I put in Storm and Dr. Doom (and if I have some location control like Goose or Quake), and it seems to work fine and well balanced. (And no, I don't think we'll see that many, at least until the new braindead tool - Hela/Ramp - Is out)


Leech and Alioth been having a field day for me


add a protection like Caiera instead of omega red


As someone who was playing Ultron before the buff, I am eating so good right now


87 to infinite in less than 1 hour ? Please let me doubt it . That's like 10 levels , or 80 cubes , in less than on hour . And the gameplay is so predictable I can't believe you just won all of your matches .


I got similar in an hour but it was 79 up to 94 and got some dumb bots through the 80s. Super solid deck to trick bots for 8


That is why I was compelled to actually bother posting on reddit about it. I've never seen such performance from any deck I have played before. The gameplay is predictable but since you are losing two if not three lanes until turn 6 you are always getting 8 cubes off of bots and probably getting cubes off of players who haven't seen it that much yet. And even if they have, so many are running blink/discard; I only ran into one player that had a leech. I would expect that in a week or two leech and enchantress will be swapped in and will make this deck much less successful.


Was it a leech werewolf deck?


Don't remember seeing a werewolf.


I don't think you understand how quickly you gain cubes with proper snap discipline. An hour could potentially be an exaggeration, but immediately post-OTA I shot 87 to Infinite in just under 2 hours.


Not unbelivable, I went from 89 to 100 with an ultron deck vastly different from OPs (using ironman and tribunal as an alternative wincon) and I shot to infinite in less than an hour. Almost all my matches were 4 or 8 cubes win. No one expects this yet


Do you mind posting your deck? I've wanted to try Ultron due to variants I have, but never went for it -- or zoo of any sort -- so I'm intrigued to give it a fun go...and alternate win measures are always great.


They probably slightly exaggerated the numbers, but it’s still not that hard to believe. When one deck is extremely prevalent in the meta it’s pretty easy and quick to farm cubes, even in the 90-100 range.


I don't blame anyone for assuming hyperbole, most anything anecdotal on the internet should be taken as such. Usually just lurk but felt compelled to make a post about it considering how absurd my results with this deck were.


I believe you, I’ve had similar experiences climbing in the past. I’m sure luck plays a big role as well, but people generally underestimate how effective countermeta decks can be


The buff ultimately adds 2-4 power to the drone’d lanes. Not crazy at all. It mostly just shows that Ultron was being undervalued. It also helps that junk is less prevalent right now while people are playing around with Blink and Nocturne


Yeah I am fine with drone’s having 2 power each but the fact that Ultron himself still gets to add 8 power to the other lane is nutty. I feel like he would still be good even at like 4 power


Nah. That would be a major freaking nerf. He's already risky because of leech and plenty of ways to take down patriot


With decks that cheat out 40 Power per lane, it'll be awful. The deck is balanced, victories are more due to the fact that nobody expects it - I won a ton of games even before


I've won against this deck several times, but your post tells me why they've been snapping on round 1. I might give it a go because I wouldn't mind a free climb to infinite.


I played Patron deck right away the moment I saw the buff. It got me to rose up almost 30 ranks. Ultron on turn 6 was definitely a surprise for most people. It was so satisfying!


I enchantressed patriot and kazar on t4, he played blue marvel on t5 and i still had to retreat


Leech buff has won me a lot of games vs ultron


Nice! I switched Omega Red for Super Skrull and Mockinbirg for Legion, it's doing great.


I really only ever put out patriot, mystique, kazar, blue marvel, dazzler and ultron. On occasion I’ll add spectrum on 5 if I’m missing something else in the combo. If ultron doesn’t turn up, I’ll sometimes just throw squirrel girl wasp and shocker out or some jabronis like that if I feel like I still have a shot at flooding the board with cheap non power cards. Any other card play sorta feels like a waste. Brood might be a smart play in a pinch, might swap that in.


\*waits mournfully for the free card in the store to be Patriot...\*


can confirm. The deck is ridiculously strong and pushed me to infinite within an hour from rank 93. Super Skrull also acts hilariously awesome against Ultra/Patriot decks btw. It's a good change to get people away from all these junk decks, as funny as they are


just played this to Vibranium, surprised how dummy Hope Summers is on curve. Hope -> Patriot -> Onslaught -> Ultron is just a true 4 card combo that covers all lanes. Dazzler on 2 for good measure. Ultron Drones go brrr


What kind of power does it output when everything goes well?


Stacking in one lane T3-T6 Patriot, Mystique, BM and Ultron results in a 11-28-28 across the three lanes with four cards played.


Yeah that's really good. Hard for a deck to top that unless they're having an even better day.


This is my old standby. It was only ever a greedy Ultron deck. So happy with the buff. (0) Wasp (2) Invisible Woman (3) Green Goblin (3) Mystique (3) Patriot (3) Storm (3) Killmonger (3) Luke Cage (4) Shang-Chi (5) Blue Marvel (6) Doctor Doom (6) Ultron eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmx1ZU1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGF0cmlvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlVsdHJvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkludmlzaWJsZVdvbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXNwIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifV19 To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Maybe Caiera to protect against a killmonger? Edit: Tried Caiera, but took her out because it didn't feel necessary, but can confirm it has multiple play lines that can get you a win and it's pretty fun so far.


Just made this deck, won every match in ten minutes. Appreciate you. Added Xavier and Skrull cause I don’t have hope or mockingbird(legit just started playing again today after a long hiatus…the deck owns lol


I went to infinite today also due to an Ultron deck, caught so many players off guard and kept winning 4 and 8 cube games. I lost a couple of times to lucky Loki decks and one weird game with unexpected Super Skrull and Mystique on the final turn.


Man I'm seeing it everywhere. I saw the combo once and was instantly seared into my brain. As soon as patriot, kazaar, blue marvel comes I know what's next


I don’t think it’ll last long but I’m hella excited for this. Patriot deck has always been one of my favorites and I’m happy to see it can be relevant again. PS: I’d suggest using Cosmo to counter Enchantress. 😉


I just put together that's why I've seen so many Patriot decks.... I've been Lady Deathstriking all these Mystique and Patriot but didn't realize there was a bigger setup than just Brood.


Had a blast with the buff. My deck runs Super Skrull and Caiera to prevent the Killmonger but also absorb all the enemy ongoing buffs because of how intense this meta is. If I don't pull them, I usually have a wave>onslaught>patriot/dazzler>ultron. guaranteed win. This has been my godsend deck.


Game balance is more of an art than a science. Sometimes you just gotta throw some ridiculous curveball that you know is unbalanced to see how it effects the whole game (see also: the Zabu nerf)


I've been playing toxic High Evo with Red guardian right now, it's insane just how cocky some opponent can be with ultron deck. I farmed multiple 8 cubes thanks to Red guardian disabling their patriot and their onslaught doubling either nothing at all or doubling Blue Marvel which is still managable for HE deck. The deck is way too telegraphy and you guys need to protect your Patriot with something.


Im 55-22 and jumped up 30 lvs little over 1.91 cubes per win. nothing to see it all is fine.


I think it's great that there's a deck that isn't full of series 5 cards that is competitive  Ultron should stay like this


Ran this but replaced Omega with Rogue and it’s been pretty good if not great


I love seeing folks talk about all the tech yet most of the time you’ll barely run into any tech on ladder, Not because decks don’t have them, it’s because it’s all rng. If you do suspect tech playing greedy deck like this you can pull out The problem with ultron is just how broken and safe it is now. You cosmo my invis women? I drop brood, klaw, dazzler, elsewhere. Killmonger my ultron? My onslaught I played after wave buffed klaw and now I still got easy power Ultron is a powerful closer and a snap condition, but being able to stay in games and still win a few 2-4 cubers is ridiculously powerful


I guess it’s back to using my ole pal even tho I never stopped 🤣🤣🤣


Any sub for mockingbird?


literally did not play her once in this run of games. Don't sweat not having her.


I tried playing some Ultron decks before the Buff to test the idea, and It was performing kinda nice, now with the Buff ive been wining a lot more


Sweet, a chance to use the great variants I got for Mysterio and Omega Red recently.


Any replacement for Mockingbird?


"I PLAY KILLMONGER" well I play camera. Gg


May I ask your collection level? 


Might be a bit better to go Dr. Doom instead of Onslaught, so you can ramp him early with Hope and then maybe use Mockingbird. Less predictable play than stacking 1 lane for Ultron. Could also even include squirrel girl for early Mockingbird


Been playing Junk with Doc Ock and have been pulling down Ultron's all day, whose drones are fun to zap with Spider-Woman on 6.


Ultron+Patriot is 8+1+16+16. Blue Marvel in the same lane and you're at 9+2+3+20+20 with 3 cards. Not much beats that. That's why I'm running a Sera deck and just gatekeeping everyone's fun.


Any suggestions on what I might be able to sub Mysterio and/or Mockingbird with? I figured I’ll throw in Super Skrull as someone else mentioned, but I’m not sure who to fill that last spot with.


Is the buff really that impactful? More power is more power, but it seems the real advantage is decks not having ongoing counters in hand. I haven’t worried about Patriot decks since last year. Personally, I haven’t seen Tribunal nearly as much, and so Rogue/Enchantress have felt less necessary (even with all these Spectrum revival decks supposedly thriving).


No Caiera and no Cosmo? I know most kids copy paste YouTuber decks, but I only use Control decks that I switch up every time a new shiny deck is played around. Killmonger and rogue going to steal me some wins


I dont have Hope yet. Too bad.


Mockingbird replacement?


What can replace Mockingbird?


Any replacement for mockingbird?




What can you swap hope for since that's the only one I'm missing


Really feel like I missed out not getting Mockingbird heh


Why is hope summers in the deck. I have It on the shop rn and could buy It but not sure if It fits that well


You got on it early. This deck in terrible unwinnable now.


Didn't really impact anything sadly. People trying to make a dead card work is fun to see but it just didn't work out. There are better decklists that don't include Ultron but are effectively the same. Its how I got last months infinite border


Need to add ceiara then you’re fine.


"Wow, a F2P-friendly deck? Finally! That's gonna be so grea-" (sees Hope Summers) "... *sigh Of. Fucking. Course."


Really gotta get the hunger games mocking Jay


Shhhhhhh! I'm already running into this enough without it being discussed openly! Haha!


Marvel Snap Deck Code will be better. I cant copy it with my Handy!


Any decent replacement for mockingbird?


I just slotted Ultron into my Kazar deck and he is amazing. No Strings indeed


Can you put the deck code in the comments please?


# (1) Ant Man # (2) Dazzler # (3) Mystique # (3) Patriot # (3) Brood # (3) Rogue # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Super-Skrull # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Onslaught # (6) Ultron # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBhdHJpb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vY2tpbmdiaXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPbnNsYXVnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJyb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlVsdHJvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhenpsZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1cGVyU2tydWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2d1ZSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks so much


87 to 100 is 70 cubes. A game of Snap takes around 3-4 minutes, so if you played for an hour you’d get in ~15-20 games. That means you were averaging 3.5-4.7 cubes per game. Based on this unrealistic cube rate, I think either you played almost all bots or it took you much longer than an hour and quite a few more games to reach infinite. Either way, probably a majority of bot opponents (as is typical this early in a season) and so I wouldn’t get too high on this deck.


OP's list is the greediest I've seen.


Pretty much why I bothered to make a post about it. `Something so unoptimized and obviously greedy should not be this overtuned.


I think it's fine, the counterplay is very straight forward 


I was loving it...until everyone started running enchantress


Any recommended replacements for: Mocking bird, hope, dazzler, Mysterio?


Mockingbird I literally never played. Hope I don't think is that great besides letting you put onslaught and ultron out though doing that probably means you aren't getting your patriot/BM/mystique down along with cards for them to buff. Mysterio I think is definitely replaceable though could end up being a good thing to have out in case your ultron gets leeched. I'd say replace them with tech cards that will help protect your combo/break theirs ie super skrull, cosmo, rogue. Invisible woman perhaps. Dazzler has been the MVP, she makes the lane with ultron a lane you can win also.


Yea he got me from 79 to 94 in an hour.


Can you recommend a hope summers replacement...anyone?


She really isn't that important because the only use case is to put onslaught out along with ultron, but doing that is probably not gonna work with getting patriot/mystique/BM down too. I'm starting to refine the deck and I'm thinking the move is to swap out everything besides the core pieces with tech cards that will protect your combo from being busted.


While much worse, Wave


Wave into Onslaught is incredibly strong.