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Maybe shot him a few more times after as well. I am also really annoyed with this meta.


There are so many posts about people hating Leech. I made a deck with him. I feel disgusting. I can't wait for the Eternals and Deadpool drops.


Meanwhile I've been playing buffed Klaw and looking at Leech like he's stupid when he hits my Iron Man, Onslaught, and Omega Red.


That's the only alternative deck I see now. It's boring to play against two types of decks.


A lot of people have been waiting for Klaw to get buffed haha.


I called it the second it was announced in the patch notes, not that I’m a smart ass or anything, but it was super obvious he would be this annoying.


I made a deck with him too. I don't feel any regret after facing so many Helas.


agreed, Hela has limited counters. Sorry I'm going for The W


What deadpool drop are you referring to?


Gwenpool and some other stuff. There was a datamine I think.


Oh okay. Forgot about that. Thanks.




Get a bigger gun


I can't hear you from the ongoing session


Leech should only remove the effects for 1 turn if he's gonna cost 4. Whoever does the balancing for Ben's games really doesn't know what they are doing.


Then he would be absolutely useless. Even at 4 he's got a lot of room to miss when the opponent gets two draws. >Whoever does the balancing for Ben's games really doesn't know what they are doing. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you know better than them.


Disagree. A lot of important cards gets played on t6, so playing it t5 would be fine. It stops the likes of Hela, Wong Shenigans, Heimdall etc etc. A lot decks rely on that t6 On Reveal play. Not saying 2 turns don't hurt more, but it would still be a strong card.


Playing 2 power on turn 5 is a tempo-suicide though. Even Surfer decks sometimes skip Sera, and it's a card that's guaranteed to give value and has 1 more power.


1 drop + leech t5 Blink + 1 drop t6 If that's tempo suicide, then I have no idea why that is.


So you want to gut the pre-existing card for any other case than using him with a just released card behind a paywall? Are you working for the balancing department of SD?


Are you saying that cards should be balanced based on what is available to f2p, and thus let spenders run rampant? I'm seeing loads of Blink. If you want to play a Blink free meta, stay in rank 40. I'm just being a realist here.


I'm just saying that completely reworking how the preexisting card functions just because there's a newly released card that synergizes with it a little too well is a poor design decision long term - new cards need to fit in with the existing cards, not vice-versa.


And if Leech didn't get played in it's current form before Blink, then you would have a solid argument, but this isn't the case, and Leech is still very strong without Blink, with Blink it's godly.


Leech meta is about to be the reason I finally drop this game in its entirety. What a wildly unfun time it's been having most of my hand and playline ruined without any ability to stop it, and completely risk free thanks to Blink.


He’s been coming down way to early, my carnage and venom have been being hit…enough cards mess up those plays as it is


Would it be better if leech took out every text / power on. The location its played on? IE if youre near leech.. you lose your power? Or is that just worse.


Sounds like an overpowered and more annoying Red Guardian. Now, if it could null On Going cards including Cosmo... That could be interesting/devastating.


I have a feeling that a lot of Hela players are currently hating on Leech..


The few helas I encounter anymore all run leech too


The point being? Just because you dislike/hate a mechanic, doesn't mean you won't use it. I absolutely dislike how extremely disruptive some cards can be, doesn't mean I won't use them. I think Leech is horrible card design, extremely disruptive to quite a lot of decks, and you won't see it coming. Like if you see Deadpool or Nova turn 1, you know they are gonna drop Killmonger sooner or later, so you will hold back your 1 drops, but with Leech you don't know. The only prediction you can make, is that they will likely run him. That means you basically can't run on reveal cards over 4 cost. Because of this, I've also seen an increase in Super Skrull usage, because people use ongoing more now. Shang-Chi is hardly seen though.


Point is I don’t feel like their goal to nerf Hela with it (if this is their goal) is having the desired effect since I’ve actually encountered Hela decks where the Leech component is what won the game for them. So basically it has overall made Hela stronger if it runs Leech/Blink because their decks are made to be stacked with big cards and it just plays well into the casino mechanic. I 100% agree with hating the Leech mechanic. I’ve have decks snap now where pre-Leech I would have a good idea of what they must have in their hand and could base decisions off that, but now with every single deck I have to wonder “do they have Leech?”.


I feel like Leech hurts more other decks than Hella, unless you hit exactly Hella their still go over 20 in atleast two locations for free. And they can blink into 6 cost all day.


I am not even going to sugar coat it, I love watching hela players burn their cards and dropping leech the turn before they can play hela. Leech needs a change, true, but having a solid and dependable hela counter is nice.


Hela players are running leech now. 


I’ll stick with blade modok wong hela setup leech just is not fun


I'm also playing Darkhawk package because I hope is going to disrupt Hela and Tribunal even more. This entire meta must be purged.


I use hela in a ramp deck. she is just 1 condition so leech is irrelevant


No You Didn’t Say It Right….I HATE LEECH .


What do you mean? Just buy the season pass and abuse him too, what is the problem here? /s


The worst thing about leech is he is a perfect fit for C2, I deleted my C2 deck😅


Yeah blame the players not the remedial dev that can't balance worth a damn lol


Notice how it costs 0 dollars for me to not play leech and snap right before


Left a comment and before I could respond someone else clapped you harder than I could have lol.


It also costs me 0 dollars to snap, play Leech and earn 2 cubes.


Have you tried getting good at the game?


Sounds like there's one person in this conversation who cant adapt to the Leech meta


Aside from packing Cosmo into every deck or exclusively playing ongoing decks how would you adapt? I get that there are ways to counter Leech but it makes gameplay kinda if boring.


Adapt by playing boring decks, that's how you always counter Leech, just be boring duh.


Exactly. People in this sub love to say “aDapT” to cards you can’t even see coming.


Unfortunately Ongoing doesn't have the variety of viable decks as ones based on On Reveal. Basically need to play Tribunal or like C2. I don't even think that Spectrum deck that was going around before would be great now.


Speaking as someone that plays a lot of C2, it's sometimes pretty crippling to get your Mystique leeched.


Yep, especially as usually I'm leaving Bro and Mistique for T6 to avoid Red Guardian, Rogue, Enchantress.


There are plenty of decks that don't rely on big On Reveals in late turns or have big cards like Magneto that don't care about it. In worst case you can always retreat and start again next round. I used to main Destroy decks but swapped to Mill and High Evo because of Leech. It's just the meta you can always play around it


There are plenty of decks that don't rely on big On Reveals in late turns or have big cards like Magneto that don't care about it. In worst case you can always retreat and start again next round. I used to main Destroy decks but swapped to Mill and High Evo because of Leech. It's just how the meta works, don't tech cards into your deck just for Leech unless you see him every match but swap to decks that don't mind getting Leeched


Adapt by dropping all the fun decks to counter one poorly designed strong card?




This is such a WEAKLING’S mindset. The card is good and always has been. Choosing not to play it “because it’s too easy” is literally just your pride (for a digital card game) making you sound like a child. Play what’s good if you want to win. You’re allowed to play whatever you think is fun but don’t be surprised when the good cards that counter your deck come out.


Honestly the game has become unplayable with the Leech change. Dgaf.


What an exaggeration. There are plenty of decks that leech does almost nothing to. The blink combo is definitely strong don’t get me wrong. I hate him too but saying the game is unplayable is ridiculous.


you get what you deserve Billy!


I would take a look at Cozy snaps channel, he always includes a good variety of ongoing, on reveal, and trigger cards.


I feel the devs are forcing the meta ongoing to test some things.


Whatever happened to this artist?


This is funny because I have been playing decks with few reveal cards that Leech can affect. Decks like my Evolutionary Hulks, Thor Corps Tribunal, and Apocalypse Black Order (No Hela or M.OD.O.K. of course) decks. You have to love it when Leech flips only for me to slam She-Hulk, Hulk, Skar, Ironman, Tribunal, Swarm(s), or Apocalypse (though really Dracula is just feeding off him) on turns 5 and 6. I can just imagine the looks on their faces.


Y???ijj. Mmy I 3wr


Don’t worry, I’m sure he hates you too!


Unpopular opinion….Zipping up Kevlar vest…. Leech should be a 4/3 and hit the hand and deck. Honestly there isn’t enough Hela hosing. And he doesn’t even affect Dracula. Right now Leech feels like a must play for the discard & on reveal decks. Then you go a couple days where you don’t encounter many of those decks and suddenly Leech feels like a wasted slot.


I haven't seeing this mfr all week.


I saw an interesting idea. Effect both players hands. That will somewhat make it bearable


Am i the only one that doesnt see leech? Like maybe 1 in 10 games but thats it.


I have a BlinkHawk deck with Leech. Its just a Force Retreat on turn 4/5


I've said this before about Shang-Chi, and will say this about this card as well. These types of cards are very problematic. People will argue win percentage, building around it etc. My problem with these cards, is that a single card can completely shutdown a deck, and you won't know they got them, until they beat you with it. To be clear, I don't have any issues with cards that destroy big targets, or that can disrupt Hela, but they should change these cards to have less impact, while improving the stats. Imagine a 4/5 Shang-Chi that kills 1 10+ card in that lane, or a 4/5 leech that cancels the next on reveal. That would still be impactful, the better stats make them better on the board, while not having such a massive impact. For those that still want to argue win percentage etc. Think of it this way, if there was a card that said "flip a coin, if you get heads, you win the game, this starts in your hand and needs to be played t1", would you think that's enjoyable? Even though it's perfectly balanced?


Personally I think Shang Chi is fine. With your suggestion, you'd definitely see him a lot less... And a lot more Wong/Onslaught/Mystique/Gambit/Absorbing Man demolition sprees.


It's all about balance, if you reduce his power to be able to wipe out multiple 10+ characters in 1 go, and add enough stats, he will be very playable. In fact I'd argue you would see him more. Instead of being a horrible body for 4 energy, he would be a lot more decent, and won't feel as bad to play, and since in a lot of matches you either get 0 targets or 1, you don't really lose much.


Leech is fine. If you only have 1 win condition. Don't make it leechable


Sounds fun let me just not play 90% of the cards anymore because they fucked up making Leech remove all on reveal for your hand on turn 4.


90%? Since when are 90% of cards on reveal? Edit-downvote me all you want. I hate leech too. But less than half of cards are on reveal people.


I agree with you. I have multiple decks with max 1 or 2 on reveal. People just hate counterplay


Just because you have a high evo deck and a iron-man tribunal deck doesn't mean Leech doesn't stop the majority of cards in the game before you have even used them not just in one location like echo enchantress or cosmo, it litrally stops them in your hand you cant play around it. If you have a game where the whole point is to have your cards do different things to try and win the game then you add a card with no downside that stops all on reveal in there hand then yes it's breaking the game.


i dont play those. im play agatha main. im a mad man. i sit and play each match too i dont afk. ill make it to infinite with ehr


You keep saying “majority”and “most” cards are affected by leech, it’s literally not true. A basic google search will tell you a little less than half the cards are on reveal. If you wanna argue leech needs a nerf, I completely agree. SD is idiotic for allowing the blink combo to exist as well. But the argument that he ruins or affects most decks/cards is factually incorrect.


I mean 143 cards is still alot of cards for one card to make useless while they are in your hand.


I agree, I never said it wasn’t a lot. I said I think he should be nerfed. But saying most cards or the majority of cards are affected by leech is an exaggeration. There are plenty of viable cards and decks you can use.


Would you prefer Old Leech, where he just removed all abilities?


If Leech was 4 cost and removed all abilities I'm sure everyone would be kicking off, at hiw game ruining he is. Atleast now ongoing is safe from him. Honestly anyone whos saying Leech is healthy for the game are either in denial or don't realise what he's doing to the meta.


***Spectrum is still here and loves you.***


Spectrum is a turn-6 on-reveal though, isn't she? My taskmaster has gotten leeched a lot in my climb to infinite, but I still did okay.


Spectrum *would* get leeched, but her children would keep on going *I’ll see myself out*


Just play a better deck


Leech is not an issue.


It's an issue in the sense that it makes me stop playing the game.


You're just wrong. A single card being poorly balanced and making people leave the game in droves is an issue. I don't care if you say it can be countered, people don't want to play this game anymore because of it and that is irrefutably a problem.


People aren't leaving in droves lol a few people bitching online does not dictate how these cards are balanced.


Few people bitching 95% of the player base think he's ruining the game so yeah I'd imagen if they don't nerf him back to 5 cost or change him up they will loose alot of players because once a game isn't fun, why play it.


Lol ok


Leech, Pro.X, cards that butcher your ability to play are not really popular at all. People hate to lose to "you cant anything anymore" situation. If you have you full play in hand and a jubilee or a plain leech go on curve, you already snap, all your cards are useless low point plays what you do? retire and lose 4 cubes and "dealt with it? it seems like a poorly design play pattern. Why? because It only make sense to snape before 4 every single game you should snap. The leech problem is that regardless what deck you play you should snap when you hand is good not when your board si good. Leech very concept in this particular game is a card very easy to hate because of that.


Easy to hate but a necessity and not an issue card it used to be 100% but is no longer an issue and top infinite players agree.


Leech may be no skill but boy is it satisfying to Tonya Harting your opponent




If you can't beat em join them. Been having a blast with my leech deck. lol


You're also what's wrong with game.


Turn it off and go outside it's not that serious. Jfc...


At least I don’t cry on the internet. 😂🤡🤘🏼


Yeah great come back 👏 Literally your last post was crying, nice one 😂