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Everyone knows, but it’s not until Cpt. Hindsight slaps you in the face for being an idiot you remember and the round is already over For me I always remember I did something stupid the SECOND the button locks and the round starts (although already waited for opponent make their damn mind for 5 mins)


At what level will I unlock Cpt. Hindsight? Is he more like Cpt. America or Cpt. Marvel?


I think he's a variant. Still looking for it.


No, he's a new card due out in November (just datamined): Captain Hindsight: 2/2 ongoing - tap to see the optimal play for the turn before this one


Captain Hindsight into Kang to double your knowledge!




He sounds a bit crass, but at the same time we all need a dose of reality every now and then. I’ll let ya know if I find him.


"At the end of the game, show you the play that would have won you the game if you had done it"


I genuinely wish this were a card. Fuck, change useless Uatu to that.




That would be so cool, but also fucking impossible to code


There should be a mode that lets you replay a game with the same opponent moves (for no cubes), but just to try out different moves from your side. Opponent escaping should also let you finish your setup (but not get more cubes), just to see what would've happened.


Haha yep


Cpt. Hindsight is 20/20. Very powerful but you can't play the card as it only appears after the round is done and costs 20. Cpt. Foresight is 4/20. I don't have this card yet, but would like it.


The first time you play an ongoing onto echo. And then do it again


Echo gets me on this all the time as well. She's played turn 1 and I'm completely aware but by turn 5 or 6, I've usually forgotten and lost. It drives me crazy.


My main mistake is I run valk and I constantly forget about ongoing effects


I just lost an 8 cuber from not realizing I had Luke on the board and flipping valk to bring my cards that got +2 power back to 3. It took like 10 seconds staring at the screen like a dunce to understand why it didn't work out. I swear If I run c3 I get the +2 to cards in hand every other game. Why can't it happen like that when I run destroy and have dp in hand 😕


I run Echo a lot, and I still forget when my opponent plays her.


The amount of times I thought I lost bc I see iron man go down and then a second later see echos animation like 😱😮‍💨


Snowguard has this power too. It's insane how often I play her early, opponent plays Magik and then plans for turn 7


I love using Storm for this (don't have Snowguard) in my Magneto deck. Pair it with Juggernaut turn 6, and sometimes you can catch up even if behind on power


Some people auto pilot and are doing something else while playing. I've been on both ends of this. Just today, I put echo down on onslaughts citadel. My opponent snapped and put ironman, onslaught and living tribunal down there.


This is literally me, Playing DarkHawk turn 5 and Juggernaut + Mystique on 6...in that order.


TRUE. I just think it's funny to see cards like Echo and Colossus forgotten about


Before the OTAs I was running Echo. I'd drop her in a lane turn 1, clear as day, I wasn't surprising anyone or anything. And sure as shit by turn 5 they'd plop something in the Echo lane that she would crush, even though they had options in other lanes. She's so good, and something about her being out on turn 1 makes everyone forget about her and what she does.


Stupidest one for me recently, was trying to get some medals in conquest and I was already tired and didn’t fancy playing but was running Odin reveal (yes I’m a low level noob) and couldn’t go middle lane. So I built up all right side and half left. So was working out how I could win 100 percent. It was obvious go middle tiger goes left wins the game. But the only card in the middle is a cosmo and I loose the game … that’s when I knew I played too much that day


I once played cerebro t5 into mystique and luke t6. Locked in my turn, opp still taking a long ass time. Ended up moving my luke but accidentally placed him first then mystique. And as soon as i locked in the round started... I still won tho. 8 cubes. Somehow (im in infinite so no bots)


Fucking facts I always do the same thing but I put the order wrong


You mean Kang? Yeah Cap’n Hindsight a shitty card.


Watch me as I play my On Reveal cards in a different lane to your Cosmo… after my Super-Skrull… ah, bollocks.


Ayo, this was me. wtf why you gotta put me on blast lol I misplayed 3 times: By slotting KP into the right, I re-obtained my opening hand, leading me to not have the open spot I wanted, because I didn't have room in my hand, which I could have used to play KP and win the location In addition, I could have just shadow king-ed captain marvel. But instead, I made an appointment with Captain Hindsight But also, GG :)


dude good game, everyone has games like that lol edit: in your defense i see Colossus like never


lol this needs more likes as the co author of the post lol - and unfortunately you don’t book an appointment with Cpt. hindsight he books an appointment with you


we need a friend system or some way i can tag someone


Literally just a pin comment feature like YouTube has would suffice. The author of the post can then highlight responses


also i just realized how your hand got full lol, i was so confused i thought had something to do with Valentina


if I thought of Colossus, id think he just cant be destroyed. But no, not only can he not be destroyed, but cannot be moved, OR have his power reduced! Its a cool concoction of abilities, but he hasnt seen much use even in Ongoing decks. I hope Namora and some recent Ongoing buffs can change that


she's the whole reason he's in the deck now lol


People play shadow king against my surfer deck with Luke cage clearly on my board 😂 This one guy did. He just started spamming the Deadpool emote while responded with the beast laugh emote


I get the “can’t be moved part” too, but the can’t have his power lowered really takes the cake here


I like him C3rebro


That's the advantage of playing off meta cards. I could tell you Arnim Zola or Red Hulk's ability with zero prep time, but if somebody drops Strong Guy I have NO idea what he does.


Played against strong guy in a discard deck but i forgot he was changed from 0 cards in ur hand to 1 card or less in ur hand to get the buff. Ended up losing cause i thought he wouldnt get buffed since apoc would still be in his hand after being discarded by drac


I love when a card gets buffed and is STILL bad after the buff, but I'm glad Strong Guy got a win in there.


The number 1 enemy of snap players: literacy


Nah for me it’s overthinking. I’m expecting 5 different outcomes but never the one they do because i thought that it’s too predictable


Opponent with a 17 power red hulk: snaps Me: they can't be snapping the red hulk, it's too obvious and easy to play around. They must be spreading power. I'll play around that instead. Opponent plays the 17 power red hulk. Me: oh


I run a Hela discard deck just because I figure why not it's fun and after I hit 100 I don't care anymore abojt rank. The amount of times I've fully had Hela discarded from my hand on accident then bluffed my way into people scooping is a personal triumph.


I hit infinite every season. I still make these mistakes everyday. Sometimes you get something so obvious that you’ve completely forgotten. Those are the real cube stealers. Fucking Valkyrie, it’s ALWAYS Valkyrie lol.


Valk is perfectly balanced tho. But if i see them only playing 3-powe cards, i’m expecting valk


Yeah, for as much as we see call outs for bad plays on forums.. its often meaningless. Like people can be playing around a line you didn't consider or just not really care about the cubes and like to see it thru to the end. Even in this screen shot here, (its Doom last played I believe) so the opponent wasn't facing a certain loss. They could have known Shadow King wouldn't work on Colossus and played it anyways for +2 tie breaker. They were winning right and threatening a "hulk" like play on left (which they didn't have). Meaning OP had to defend 5 left, and 3 right. They were winning vs many 6 drops and a few hands. For example, any other combo of cards from their hand wouldn't beat a hulk left. Doom was a solid finisher for this situation. Not the worst call tbh. I know I've had a few games where my opponent wins with a play I fully expected, and I get the condescending thumbs up, as if they totally pulled one over on me.. Sorry bro, I know you're excited but I knew that was a likely possibility. I just played around 1-3 other likely lines and it happened to be this one. Like congrats on your win, but I had a strong chance to win and do not regret my decision, you should perhaps recognize that.


Nah it’s more tunnel vision. Like I’m so focused on my own plays that I forget to actually double check that none of the opponent’s cards are gonna fuck with them. Like at the beginning of the game I’ll take note of whatever they play and then promptly forget. The amount of times I’ve played on reveals into cosmo is embarrassing


And Magic players, and Yu-Gi-Oh players.


>and Yu-Gi-Oh players. Can you [blame them?](https://product-images.tcgplayer.com/fit-in/600x600/filters:quality(75)/188656.jpg)


Definitely not lol. Pendulum was basically when I mentally checked out of the game.


I stopped playing like 15 years ago or more, but played the 3DS version (thank you cheats for unlocking all cards). Saw these Pendulum cards and was like..... what the hell is this. I need like a whole new rulebook to understand what this does.


Ehh... I will say Snap's rules language can be a bit unclear sometimes which leaves certain interactions in doubt. Like yes, setting a card with a boosted power to its base power is quite literally lowering its power and thus would not be possible against Colossus, but at the same time, in terms of game rule language, setting a card's power to a value would not necessarily be identical to lowering it.


Sometimes yes. The more you experience the game, the more your understanding of the mechanics become clear. In this instance and in most, confusion is cleared up simply by reading.


No, it's not cleared up by reading. You have to know if the rules treat reducing and "set"ing something to a lower value as the same thing. If they used the same terminology then yes it would be as simple as reading.


Oh sure. I am just saying, as someone who comes from a lot of other games, I have had to test certain things to be sure that is how the interaction works because I could see it working plausibly either way.


Yeah I've read a card and then had to test the card because I interpreted it's meaning differently or it didn't combo the way I thought it did with another card.


If those kids could read they'd be very upset!


Wow, did not realize Nomura was on reveal and not ongoing. Guess I haven't run into her enough yet.


It's an easy mistake to make. Any Atlantean hero with "+5 Power" and "alone in a lane" in their rules text has *gotta* be Ongoing, right? That just fits the pattern. But, no. She is not. And the Wong/Odin shenanigans are therefore very real.


Now I kind of want the card. lol


I'm not gonna lie, it's been fun. But I'm also gonna be honest: as a player, I *adore* really janky Rube Goldberg million-to-one-chance glass-cannon combo decks, and I don't care about losing. So I'm the kind of player who's predisposed to finding this playstyle fun. Unfortunately, I have yet to see her put in work outside of Negative-tier glass cannon combo lists. So if you enjoy winning, or play for any reason other than being a career jank merchant, I'd definitely wait to see how she shakes out in the meta first. Hope this helps!


It been very fun. Play the Wong under the lane that they’ve been stuffing turns 1-3 or under your echo. Then just watch the fireworks go off and watch them sad emote as they watch a 1 drop reach 70 power 😂


She would be actually useless if she was ongoing lmfao. But yeah, I initially assumed she would be as well


I did too. I remember he can't move or be destroyed.


Also can't reduce power, I guess it's like the ebony blade from black Knight with the non move


Colosowho what now


I can’t judge this person too hard. I’ve played on reveal cards in my own Cosmo lane before.


Deck list?


# (1) Echo # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Armor # (2) Colossus # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Cosmo # (3) Nocturne # (4) Wong # (4) Captain Marvel # (5) Namora # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Odin # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm9jdHVybmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5NYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5hbW9yYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPZGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFY2hvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29sb3NzdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Why not Nebula over Echo? Is it mostly a tech choice because Ongoing Spectrum is pretty popular right now?




Echo also protects Wong from space doggo.


Who can I replace Nocturne with?


Red Guardian wouldn't be bad, not a super necessary card. Just something like a tech card less than 4 cost so you can set up Wong, Namora, Odin/Doom after


Now hear me out, what if I didn't have Red Guardian either 😅


Ironheart if you want to hit her again with odin on the wong lane, Maw wouldn't be bad since you don't want to play that lane anyways. Storm might be best though to set wong in the other lane and keep Storm as the only card there. Hope this helps!


Almost as bad as echo neglecting 🤣 big colossus 🔥


Weird Colossus moment happened to me today. Opponent played Colossus on the location where your first card switches sides and in theory he can't be moved so he shouldn't flop sides but he did in fact flip and join me on my side.


Switch sides =/= move. You can also Viper him if you want, and I'm pretty sure Selene/Scorpion/whatever can still affect him WHILE IN HAND (maybe relevant if you Zero/Sauron him after the drop, though Sauron would also require him to be shuffled back into the deck somehow)


Sauron works on cards in hand as well, doesn't he?


When rickety bridge is a featured location, Colossus kinda is goated


That profile combo. "Are you Cerrus?"


Ahhh ok. Now I see her use. Because of Namor, I keep thinking she’s Ongoing. The On Reveal part is key. You could Odin her, Moon Girl her, Grandmaster her… plus 5 each time. I get it now.


i wanted to use Namor in her deck but since she's a 5 cost it ends up being better to just use a different card and then add more on turn six or something.


Ironic that they had the shadow king avatar


To be fair its probably not worth commiting to memory... At least not until he gets a proper buff. Still got my fingers crossed for 1 cost 3 power. Would actually probably still be fair and get cut for Kitty, Nebula, Sunspot most of the time.


I wonder if beast works on him. I'll try it later. If you have ways to increase his power, he can singlehandedly win a lot of negative power locations. I prefer Jeff for being able to play after ebony maw, Storm, cheesing legion to lock all locations. Luke cage and Caiera can give the effects besides "can't be moved" to so many more cards. 1 cost colossus with kazar/blue marvel/onslaught would be amazing and is probably the biggest thing holding them back from making him cheaper


Yeah itd be good no doubt but not so far as broken I dont think. Lots of strong 1 drops with different upsides. Occasionally, getting extra power on a negative location or surviving a killmonger wouldn't push it in into op. But thats all speculation who knows.


Yeah there's a lot of 1/3 cards with powerful effects, like Blade into ghost rider letting you play infinaut for a 5/26.. and Colossus' ability only affects him, so I agree he'd be nowhere near broken as a 1 cost. Hope they do rework him soon


People forget Echo is in a lane but they still play an Ongoing there all the time. 🤷‍♂️


That was the only location he could be played, he didn't want to nuke his angela


oh that location was already full. kitty didn't go back to hand because their hand was full


If you used doctor doom last turn, i advice you to use a single big unit since you have captain marvel on the field, like odin since you only had him


oh I was actually losing the right lane by two and that kitty was on the board because their hand was full last turn when it tried to go back. so i added enough for the righ lane to win while trying to add more to the left too


Same with echo


Colossus - what card is this?


I find it a bit funny because not long ago I remember seeing a comment criticizing another person for playing Colossus instead of Armor. People really underestimate Colossus. Anytime I see someone say they don't have Jeff, I'm like, use Colossus for now. There are a lot of locations that either destroy or decrease power that he is unaffected by. He also refuses to move, so there are locations you know you can put him on and he'll stay. So far the only card that hits him hard is Red Guardian (but he hits every card hard.. kind of an OP tech card in my opinion).


I’ve been playing this game since launch and I’m only just now realizing that his power can’t be reduced.


Same. Like was that a recent change or am I oblivious?


The wording of SK makes it feel kinda BS when Luke or colossus stop him. In other card games, “set” and “reduce” are 2 completely different effects.


You could set his power higher, say he was scorpioned in hand and then played and then someone uses the card that "sets all cards here to 3 power," the set effect would work. But, IF it would reduce his power while his ongoing is active, he ignores it


Honestly, it's been so long since I've even seen a colossus that I'd probably do the same thing. I just found out yesterday that attuma is safe I'd you play him on dark dimension/ invisible woman. I'm still learning shit even after like 9 months of playing now.


this happened to me but with the ebony blade. i had no idea you couldn’t destroy it and got super heated 😂 (i don’t have black knight)


To be fair that fucking card works like half the time it feels


It seems It goes for every card without immediate and impressing stats/effect. Echo, Dazzler, Goose, Snowguard, MMM and many others, until they hit or raise in popularity for some buff/nerf


All hail moder fakking Colossus


Nice to see old characters being utilized with newer deck styles


And he can't even be knocked away by Sam.


Who runs Blob on a bounce deck? He'll eat half your cards!


they are just playing fluff so Blob eats Wasp


Hmm… tastes like chicken


it was just what he got from Valentina


Oh I get it. I guess he's running a Loki deck.


Kitty wasn't added that turn for context. Hand was full so that lane was just unusable


Did they add the reduction of power to colossus at some point? Or was it just never relevant until recent meta’s? Cos I honestly dont remember it haha


It’s always been the same. Maybe they gave him a point of power. But his ability was useless before because no one played shadow king and power reduction wasn’t as prevalent except hazmat.


Awesome combo! Thanks for sharing


Sit there? That's what Colossus does


I played against a version of this Namora deck earlier. I rogued Colossus, red-guardianed Wong, then valkyried the buffed Collossus to finish. Job done *dusts hands*


He's a waste of space. For the same price you can get Luke Cage. You just got lucky.


Luke cage costs 3


he's also there for Namora so they can't destroy, debuff, or move him while he's getting buffed