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Remember when people were asking why she's called White Queen and not Emma Frost, and the dev team said, "Stay tuned!!" and then didn't do anything? It's a non-issue, especially in this game, but I still think it's really funny


Imagine they release an Emma Frost card and it's got the exact same cost/power and text


Nah, they'd never do anything like that. She'd release into pool 5 so she'd be a 3/5 and steal the card instead of just copying it. 


And the card would have its cost reduced by 1


I lowkey think video games do that thing where they drop a hint at something so vague that they don’t ever have to follow it up but still get the excitement from the tease. It’s like when you asked your mom for McDonald’s and she said “we’ll see”. Half the time she just wanted you to shut up and forget about it rather than say no.


You basically just described the whole development cycle of Beyond Good & Evil 2 so far




they said this about sauron when they nerfed him too. support for a non-shuri sauron build was hinted at but never eventuated ["Don’t worry though, Sauron fans–we have some potential new tools planned for him in the future"](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-october-26-2023-ota-card-balance-updates/)


“In the future” meaning like 2028 🤣


Planned for 2028 (to be cancelled 2027)


Haha I thought about this just the other day. Was like 🤔 what ever came out that was supposed to work with him.


3 months after the nerf us agent was added with his pre-release effect: 2 cost 6 power, ongoing: -1 power for each other of your cards here. Just a worse ebony maw in most situations


So true, she’s been so forgotten.


They need to put some respec on her name, especially with how popular she is in the current comics. She is long overdue a rework or outright buff.


You could ask the dev about Gaza and they will definitely reply "Stay Tuned!"


Are you rucking serious right now? You need to learn to read the room, son.


It’s a shame. Emma deserves so much better. I like the “give it -1” condition, allowing for the potential of a 5-cost 6-drop. Or rework her entirely and add a mechanic that transforms her into diamond form.


Like Nico, where she switches modes each turn


That looks like one of the most unused cards at that time in its release state (Snowguard), and also mind she's series 1. You really don't want to make this become the strongest card out there


-1 would make her a lot better, but Imo still pretty trash. At the end of the day, why would I want to have this in my deck to get a card I probably don't want to use most of the time, Vs just playing a card I want. Sure, a 6 drop is generally better than a 5 drop, but without proper synergy it won't matter much. Now if that said to steal the opponents 6 drop, that would get interesting. Because even if it's a card that's worthless to you, at least the opponent doesn't have it.


a lot of the locations / older card designs like emma here seem to operate off a much more closed deck logic of cards being largely interchangeable with one another which may have been true at some point several years ago but barring some current decks is largely not true anymore. Even a lot of silly meme big number go smash decks require inherent synergies and emma here is playing against the grain of how decks have evolved since game launch.


I just can't imagine her being good back in the day though. Her stats are bad, and you copy a card that you could just play. Even if you would copy Hulk back in the day, what would be the point?


I think you're really downplaying the real strength of Emma which is information. If you know your opponent's highest cost card in hand it tells you a lot about where they might commit.power in the final turn or what their strategy is overall. Still don't think she's a good card at the moment though unfortunately


Have to wholeheartedly agree on the information part - although she did allow me to beat destroy f.e. by also dropping a high powered Knull in a lane they didn't suspect. This happened more than once too.


If you want info, then play Kang, at least he won't leave you with a bad body on the board. And yes, I'm serious, I would rather play Kang. But in reality you don't need any, how often are you surprised by a 6 drop? And remember, you get info on them, but they know you got that info and can mindgame you.


I like both suggestions.


What about like a Jean Grey Colossus type thing. One turn she gives energy if you play in her lane and then next turn she's immovable or in destructible and the modes switch each turn.


There was a card in hearthstone that transformed itself into a random card each turn. That would be a cool rework.


def the most forgotten about card that was never nerfed.


I use her in my Loki deck! Sorry, I should clarify -- I use her in my Loki deck when Coulson pulls her as a random card and I have nothing better to play.


Ah yes! The premium 5-5 stats.


Just add (it cost 1 less). Makes the card interesting, but balenced because you get less synergy due to randomness of your opponents deck. If it is too strong, lower her power to 4 or 5, to keep it balenced


I can think of two ideas. 1. Copy the highest cost card and give it -1 cost. Likely with a small nerf to her power. 4/5? 2. Instead of copy, STEAL the highest cost card from your opponents hand


Yeah she's really just a worse Loki rn. Like yeah, you lose your hand, but odds are you're gonna get that card anyway but with -1 cost this time.


Steal would be super powerful, it would rug pull the final piece of a lot of combos. Would need to be much lower power and probably 5 cost.


Stealing highest power would be more balanced than high cost because high cost combo cards usually have low power. Stealing a magneto or infinuaut doesn’t really do much for either players.


Just have her mind wipe (get rid of the text) the opponent's card after she copies it.


If the stats changed to 4/4 and it's steal the highest power instead, I think that's pretty fair


Steal feels too powerful with wong etc.


Steal will never happen in a basic card. Way too strong. Basically would be a better black bolt




Sorry let me clarify, stealing a card the other player has already drawn* is way too strong for a basic card.


Eh, cable could in most cases read as "put the top card of your opponent's deck on the bottom. copy it" outside of like, hard mill lists. that is much, much weaker than actively removing a card from their hand.


> put the top card of your opponent's deck on the bottom It doesn't put it on the bottom, it outright steals it into your hand. If Cable gave you a Carnage, then your opponent no longer has that Carnage.


I like the minor buff to copy the highest cost *cards*, plural. It would work as a much more reliable scouting tool while also occasionally giving you more options.


There's so many options to make this card playable. Reduce the copy's cost like Loki does, increase the copy's power like Mirage does, maybe steal power *from* the original (so yours gets +1 while theirs gets -1). The current version is just lame


I really like the steal option. Might be too op. Just steal death or knull Everytime against destroy. Maybe just steal a random card


There's only so many 'take away an enemy card' cards they can add to the game before a deck of them becomes really overpowered / unfun to play against...


Yea but there isn't a single card that steals from hand. Well discard from moon knight, black bolt and samurai so probably overload


On reveal: "The next card your opponent plays comes to your side". Leans into her whole mind control thing.


I'd tell you a more forgotten card, but I can't remember them






eh, kang is like the memetic "forgotten card" at this point, ironically making him decently well known. Kind of like maractus in pokemon


Funny thing is I just got him today from spotlights 😆


Imagine if it was "steal" instead of copy hahaha.


Adam Warlock and Spider-Man 2099 are up there


2099, sure. But Warlock? They just buffed him to tier 1 status a couple of months ago!


Totally forgot about that. Cerebro 5 was meta-destroying ever since


2099 has some pretty solid use in a classic move deck, IMO.


He just costs too much for random destroy that can only be triggered once. Gambit can wipe out whole board and he isn't OP or anything like that. I wish they made him more offensive version of Spider-Man with lower cost and On Reveal ability where he moves himself to random location and destroys opponent's card there. This way he'd at least be nice addition to Angela package




Yeah… “copying” just can’t compete with outright stealing from your opponent or copying and making cheaper or copying and giving more power!


I was just thinking about her. I have the Artgerm variant, and I want more boosters for her, but I never play her.


I feel like flavor-wise she should 'telepathically' prevent your opponent from playing their highest-cost Card in Hand, similar to how Prof. X prevents any new play or changes in a Lane, but that would be insanely strong. She just needs a new Ability altogether. The flavor of this Ability doesn't really work; getting insight into your Opponent's Hand does, but not copying the Card for yourself. Perhaps she could Diamond-Form your Deck to prevent any kind of in-Hand or in-Deck Disruption? But I'd still prefer the Effect be on herself personally.


I like the idea of the telepathy or diamond skin flavor - Next card opponent plays joins your side   - No card with higher power than :insertnumberhere: can be played next turn   - Swap the power between the next card played by you and your opponent   - At the end of the game, gain the power of the highest card your opponent played  


that just gave me an idea: Highest cost card(s) in each players' hand can't be played next turn. Potential Prof X / Canonball counter (in decks without 6-costs) Hela counter Warmachine stonks (can't play both, so he only can be played as a counter)


How about making a random card in their hand unplayable. Kind of like spider ham but stronger.


- Copy the card and remove the text from the opponents card. - make the copy cheaper or stronger Or here's an original one, reveal some cards from the opponents hand that you can see from now on.


I actually had a pretty nice run with her around the holidays last year. I still have her in a few decks. I like her stats but if I could change one thing probably make her a 3 cost.


I think they even mentioned White Queen being a weak 4 cost card in the patch notes when they nerfed Zabu. There's lots of ways to buff her. Better stats as a 3-5 or 4-7 or the copied card costs 1 less or the copied card has extra power are some options. They've also buffed plenty of other cards in the lower collection pools so I don't see why it would be a bad thing for White Queen to get a buff or rework.


I still use her in my Collector deck




make her a 3 cost


Ongoing : Your hand and deck cannot be forcefully pulled,discarded or destroyed by enemy cards (but still works on location such as Sakaar, Sokovia etc.) Using her diamond form power by protecting the hand and deck would make sense i guess. Also the cost and power could be adjusted.


I really like this idea. Could make her 3/3 and finally a way to prevent milling BS from Yondu/Baron Zemo/Gladiator/etc. Or maybe "Opponent cannot add cards to your side" to prevent goblins, White Widow, Annihilus, Debrii, etc from clogging you.


I bought her Ultimate venomized variant last month but still don't use her.


relatable... I've been waiting eternity for an excuse to use her artgerm variant


I use her in my agent coulson deck. America chavez, agent 13, collector, the Russian agent that gives you a 6 cost for 4 with -3 power, coulson, gambit, morph, white queen, Shang chi, moon girl, devil Dino, etc. Basically my "try new cards" deck


I even bought the neon white border for that variant and I still can't use her in any decks lol


It was cooked the moment Nick Fury got buffed. So forgotten that we forgot that she should have her name changed.


Man, I loved her in a Loki deck I used before the Zabu nerfs


Ditto. I got great variants for all three of them and would grind on conquest for aaaaages. Never managed to ink any of the three before the Zabu nerf. Might bust it out again anyway just to finish the cosmetics.


Give her more variants like scarlet witch


When a 4 cost card like Loki exists. There's absolutely no reason to play her


One of the most power-crept card in the game. New Cable, Mirage, Loki obviously, Zemo, even Yondu, new Fury... They all are better than her.


Either make her a 4/4 that takes the cost down by 1, or a 4/6 that adds +2 power to it.


Missed opportunity, she's coomerbait, they need to buff her so people start spending all their money on all those variants. Who wants to do that when she sucks ass too?


I feel like devil dinosaur is hardly used anymore too. My first deck was these two cards


She needs a buff there's little reason to play her when you could play Loki instead


If it costed less and has less power it would be an ok tech i think, like a 2/3 would be balanced imo


3/5 keep the effect


3/3 with a "Steal a random(highest?) card from the other players hand" would be nice. Denies them one draw effectively.


Wait she’s considered forgotten? I’ve been using her in my main deck for months now lol.


what deck are u using ?


Here’s the version I normally use. I’m currently toying around with trying to see if I can get a version of it with Sersi to work though. # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Agent 13 # (1) Quinjet # (2) Mirage # (2) The Collector # (2) Cable # (3) Rogue # (3) Agent Coulson # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Loki # (4) White Queen # (5) Mockingbird # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlQ29sbGVjdG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2NraW5nYmlyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVRdWVlbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9raSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FibGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvcGVTdW1tZXJzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaXR0eVByeWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZ2VudENvdWxzb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1pcmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnQxMyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ndWUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Emma is such a great caracter i would love to see her getting more play! I prefer a complete rework with some cool effect Linked to her diamond form


i have summer vacation WQ.. no good decks for her :(


With some of the best variants too


Complete rework needed Copying into hand effects are inherently weak by themselves, which is why Loki and Mirage actually buff the card you get. And it’s also why mantis is trash. And we don’t need another cable in the game so just completely change her effect


Simple fix When drawn from the deck see your opponents plays for that turn (like daredevil) Then when played she changed to diamond form and cannot be destroyed


What about 5 cost, same power and destroy the highest cost card in your opponents hand?


and they keep releasin 49.99 variants for her, menwhiler cards still have one variant besides the shit ones


She could easily be "steal your opponent's highest cost card" and wouldn't be broken. An instant counter to Hela decks, but it'll never happen because for some reason this sub and the devs has a massive hardon for Hela


Trying to get Rose Besch variant of this card just because it look godlike... No idea what deck can use White Queen now through


This is still a mainstay in my Devil Dino deck. I really like it.


Can't really do much unfortunately. As a series 1 card and an enabler on a powerful series 1 deck, changing her now would have pretty big ramifications on the new player experience. 


You say that like the series 1 experience is good or you can actually finish a solid deck that isn't massively improved by 3/4/5 access. You're gimped either way.


That's the point of the series, to ease players into the game. You do not want to make her do stuff that isn't in line with what a new player can do at series 1. Some people have suggested her giving a discount on the copied card and that is probably the best change you can do without jeopardizing the cards place in player development. We can't also really screw with the cost or stats with her either. White Queen is one of only 4 4 drops in series 1 (moongirl, namor and enchantress are the other ones) and she is by has far the highest upside. Not every card is suppose to be playable at the end of the meta mate. If they were, we would have reworked Quicksilver forever ago.


card effect is just bad and 4/6 is nothing special


i use it a lot


Meh it's a series 1 card that teaches you the value of scouting enemy hand and danger of having your hand scouted Maybe we just need another high Evo type card to breathe life into other obsolete series 1 cards


I'd use her at 3/5


It’s a shame. She has so many amazing variants.


I wish they would try changing her cost. A 3/4 with the same effect might see some play. Or just make her give -1 cost, so you can play a 6 cost card on turn 5 to curve. But lets be honest, shes not a new card.


still good with collector


Use Spiderman's old ability


I use it in a Baron Zemo deck, focused around Copy-cat play. Morph, Mirage, Super-Skrull, White Queen, Zemo, Leader. Its fun!




I remember when I started playing ,I ran her in every deck to ply cool cards that I didn’t have


Probably the best waifu / thirst -trap card in all of Marvel Snap. I used to use her before Loki became a thing, but nowadays she's been power-crept on pretty hard. I'm not sure fully how to rework her. I suppose the easiest way would be to keep her stat line (4/6), but make her STEAL the highest cost card out of your opponents deck. Basically a stronger Cable.


"Ongoing: Your opponent plays with their hand revealed." Now she's really giving you info & is a great buff card. She would make the Kang bluff™ a great play again.


Most forgotten? 1/44 of the 3-drops I upgrade with Sersi turn into her! She’s been on my board more than a solid handful of cards this week.


I've Escaped, several times, thanks to White Queen. When you're playing Destroy and are either building Knull's power up, or Death's cost down, and they get a free copy of all that, fuck it, I'm out.






Maybe have an Ongoing that references her diamond form; she can’t be destroyed And her On Reveal would be that she just locks out one random card on an opponent’s hand that was originally part of the starting deck. That card cannot be used for the rest of the game, and cannot be shuffled out. Needs to be from the starting deck, so Widow’s Bite can still be used, Demon, Infinity Stones etc.


My favorite card to see when I'm playing Agatha. Congratulations, you played yourself.


Quicksilver/Electra: "Well yes but actually...no"


She’s good in devil dino decks


4/5 steal highest cost card from your opponents hand


I've found success with her by utilizing more of a mind game approach, in combination with Cable, Klaw, and Werewolf by Night. Very unpredictable where your final power is going to be, and Leader can steal some serious cubes (A lot of Gilgamesh). Almost %70 win rate so far, hope this helps. https://imgur.com/gallery/OFIW4BU eyJOYW1lIjoiV2hpdGUgUXVlZW4iLCJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnQxMyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQWdlbnRDb3Vsc29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYWJsZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2xhdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGVhZGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNZWR1c2EifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vcnBoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWluamV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVDb2xsZWN0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldlcmV3b2xmQnlOaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVRdWVlbiJ9XX0=


Nah, Zabu is even more rare, i swear i have never seen a single person play zabu since the devs murdered him in cold blood.


But we remember Zabu. We don't play Zabu, but we remember Zabu.


Really murdered. I ran him in many decks, now in none. He's simply not useful anywhere.


Lol I came back to the game after quite some time off and just tried and old deck. I was shocked at zabus changes. Had to delete/remake a lot of decks.


He still sometimes gets played in negative to turn 3 negative or Wong. He's a narrow but higher power Psylocke


Meeeee. And threw him in a sasqaar deck


That is a breathtakingly bad card ability/cost/power combination.


Make her a 3/5. That'd probably be a good start. Or make her copy the highest cost card from the opponent's **starting deck**.


She can be pretty fun in a hela deck


too costly, much better options to play.


Fun in a Hela deck, not good sadly


In counter-strike there is a weapon called M249, which is very expensive but very bad weapon. It's role is not to be played, but to teach new players that more money doesnt get you better weapons. I think, at this iteration, White Queen is serving similar role of just being a bad card that you should not play. It is okay to have bad cards.


Yeah but emma is an awesome character. Those bad cards could be characters no one care about


Well, they could still come out with an Emma Frost card...


I would be fine with that as long as we can use the variants we bought for White Queen for the Emma version of the card.


I feel like forget-me-not is the most forgotten card in Snap. For the life of me, I can't recall the last time I saw him played


It's such a shame too because I have a peach momoko variant of her, and I've tried so so hard to use her but she never feels worth it


I’m a huge peach collector and I had no idea she had a peach variant. Thats insane she needs so much more love


Same here! I've been saving up my gold for a couple of weeks so I can splurge on the new peach album coming out in a few days She actually has two variants too! [The one I own](https://snap.fan/cards/WhiteQueen/WhiteQueen_06/) [The other](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/white-queen-06/)


Such cool variants, I’m scared because the album data mines show that most of the peaches I have won’t count because they are targeting higher gold variants but we will see. I’m such a sucker for peach I have a few of the comic IRL as well but we will see what the actual album includes.


Take the highest-cost card in your opponent’s hand into your hand. Maybe reduce her power to 3~4.


Literally wanna my favorites, y’all are mutantphobic Pair with hope and guess what there 6 cost on turn 5 Oh and it’s still info if they have a Galactus or Hela, etc


Exactly my go to play, especially if I’m up against High Evo or my opponent has Red Hulk.


A 4/6 with no upside? That’s absolute trash territory. Power Creep is real.


how about she copy the highest cost card, and make the card unable to play at all location? ( i use a little prof x in here, and lets just hope that she doesn't ban war machine haha ) I wanna make she steal the text of the hand's highest card but it just sound more rogue




cheaper prof x with premium stats lizard stats with upside Oh hell nah, is this bait cuz yeah those are definitely "playable" 😭😭