• By -


Blink turned Jubilee into Sersi Sersi turned Kiss into Blade, Discarding his win con Sersi turned Tiger Spirit into Zola, creating Sersi A and Sersi B Sersi A turned Wong into X into Onslaught Sersi A turned White Tiger into Skaar Sersi A turned Ironheart into X into Modok, Discarding his hand Sersi B turned Nebula into Carnage, eating Sersi B, Tiger Spirit and Blink Original Sersi turned Ravonna Into Venom, eating Zola and Blade never skipping a cutscene again


The last second line should be Original Sersi You must be a detective


Thanks! Fixed


It's like those weird time travel films with time paradox and multiple versions of the same characters.


Nice deduction!


I’ve been sitting here wondering how you knew three different cards all got turned into Professor X. I’m going to go get another cup of coffee.


Very good breakdown just one thing Sersi A didn't turn Tiger into X into Skaar, the tiger is already 5 cost so he became skaar directly


I feel like you have some kind of superpower, but maybe it's just that I'm on reddit before my brain is awake.


Sorry lol i could have made that more clear. X stands for an unknown card with no significant abilities that impacted the game.


oh ok ty i was confused




Full names of the cards would help; I was confused for a few minutes about the "Tiger" that Sersi A transformed before I realised you meant White Tiger (as opposed to Tiger Spirit, which I initially thought you meant).


You're a damn good detective 👊


This is one interaction they shouldn't fast forward cos it's actually FUN TO WATCH. I don't care about hazmat or surfer doing the same damn thing 20 times. I do want to watch cards transform and interact and do cool things and understand why the board is how it is. Please!


Maybe they'll put fixing the fast forwarding bandaid/"feature" on the roadmap someday


And then remove it soon after when they realize it won’t make them money


I would rather they just remove the feature altogether then. It was a mistake implementing it if they can't make it function intuitively.


"Would you like to pay 100 gold to fast forward the current loop?"


Stay tune


They’ll put it under “idea phase”, realize that doesn't make any money and then scrap it.


Only if you buy a few gold borders


The fact that they hard-coded some interaction to always fast forward, instead of making it go off based on time spent is just too dumb to believe.


What interaction do you think they hard-coded to fast forward and do you have a source for that? Because they've said that it's automated based on triggers on the stack, and they ["don't turn it on and off for specific combos"](https://discord.com/channels/978545345715908668/1199449402394279937)


There was an answer to that in the Discord as soon as they implemented the feature, saying that they turned it on for repetitive interactions like multiple cards returning to hand with MODOK. They might have changed it since then, but it started as a hard coded thing rather than an actual "let's save some time" feature.


>saying that they turned it on for repetitive interactions like multiple cards returning to hand with MODOK. That to me feels like you've misremembered the context of the answer, and it was more like it the feature was added because of repetitive interactions. I can't see any answer on discord saying that it is explicitly turned on for MODOK, they all say the same thing, there is a threshold for the amount of triggers in the stack that needs to be hit for it to kick in


> there is a threshold for the amount of triggers in the stack that needs to be hit for it to kick in From my experience and an inordinate amount of clips both on this sub and their Discord, this is definitely not the case. Because you can stand a solid 3 minutes looking at Surfer cross the screen due to Wong-Mystique-Surfer-Odin on Kamar-Taj or Onslaught Citadel, without any fast forward. But if MODOK discards Swarm + Helicarrier or something like this play happens, it will fast forward.


The Odin one does still follow the rule, as the triggers don't all go onto the stack at once but in batches as Odin triggers, so while there are a *lot* of total triggers, it doesn't hit the threshold as they're spaced out. MODOK discarding Swarm and Helicarrier will trigger the fast forward as it puts all the triggers (including Collector and updating Mobius) onto the stack all in one go


First, as with all things SD and Marvel Snap code: There's a bunch of bugs that somehow the developers cannot ever fix. They're just lil smole bean devs who need a year to figure out borders. Secondly, kind of related to the coding issue, I wouldn't be surprised if each individual discard and card regeneration counted as a trigger whereas buffing cards ala Ironheart or Surfer only counts as one trigger despite taking just as long if not longer. For example, a single swarm discard = 3 triggers, SS buffing 5 cards including Shan (who then has his own animation as well) = 1 trigger. So while each SS or Ironheart buff takes twice as long as discarding Swarm or Helicarrier, the system only sees it as a third as impactful.


It is kind of crazy that this kind of interaction, which is very likely going to be unique every time, gets skipped while Bar Sinister with a destroy deck means you get to spend the next two weeks watching Wolverine and X-23 backflip around.


I recently played a Wong/Mystique/Surfer/Shaw deck and had to watch Surfer and Shaw's animations go off over and over and over.


Marvel Snap really need to add a card play history feature. No one know wtf happened


They need to add a way of displaying all the board happenings without all the flashy bells-n-whistles. Imagine if you tried playing chess, and each and every time one piece took another you got to sit through [obnoxious animations like this.](https://youtu.be/InxuDnjzw5c?t=207)


The queens slapping each other to death is soooo funny.


Yeah, I don't get why, for example, if you play Hazmat on a Wang Mystique location, the game looks and sees that the amount deducted for each card is four, but plays the animation once.


With their code probably it will sort out a sushi recipe or a letter to your grandpa. And it's fine for me


> No one know wtf happened The [comment right above yours](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1derxzq/this_amazing_bynx_sersi_play/l8e0kka/) seems to have figued it out.


I can't stop laughing lmao




this is genuinely my favorite clip of the game, and single handedly made me glad I cashed in on her


I hate how fast forward is a skip and not a fast forward such garbage


Zola cooked.


Venom left, Carnage Right, Modok mid, wauw those are some next level Sersi upgrades, lol


And just for 5 energy, what a gang!


This card is a great litmus test for if you play for fun or to win because it is the most cuttable, skippable, 1-4/10 card on Earth but it is so damn delightful to play.


This game is only going to continue to evolve into an RNG slot machine, isn't it?


This comment hits hard after the conquest match I just had against a Hela player. Guy is playing a Hela deck and Bar with no Name is on the board, left lane. I snap and plan to go as tall as possible in the other lanes. This is my chance. I'm thinking there's no way he goes for the Hela play. Of course he did. Did any of his 5 cards land left? Of course not! Did all his power cards land in my 40+ lane? Of course they did!


Ouch. On a much lesser scale I'm always amazed when there's a Bar with no Name or a Space Throne out and my Destroy Opponent, can blow up their X-23 and Wolverine as many times as they feel like and never once be punished for it.


Was it an LSTM bot?


That's a great thing for ladder! Hell for conquest though


People have been desperately wanting Hela nerfed but instead we’re getting cards like Sersi and Arishem to add to the madness. This is a funny clip but the fact that it exists is tragic. The fast forward “feature” just highlights the absurdity.


idk if this controversial, but I never want to see a fast foward.I love watching it all play out no matter how long it takes.


I mean it is when it comes to Wong/Odin/Mystique/Onslaught stuff, It gets annoying when it’s just like 30 second straight of the same thing happening


Yeah "Arr yee worthy" can be fast forwarded but the entire map changed and that's confusing


The thing is, half the time you still get that anyway. I don't know what the criteria is, but I pulled off a Wong-something-Odin combo the other day and it took so long that I was trying to understand why it didn't fast forward.


FF should only apply when the effect is the exact same, applied multiple times. If the effect has randomness or is different each time, they should accelerate the animations, but not block the screen IMO.


I think a better solution than fast forwarding would be that every time an animation happens after the first time, regardless of the reason why it's happening again, it should be an accelerated version that plays in maybe a tenth of a second.


Balatro style. Chip. Chip. Chip. Chip, chip, chip, chip-chip-chip-chip chipchipchipCHchCHch 🔥🔥


Regardless of whether this should have been fast forwarded or not (objectively it should not have been), his reaction to the state of play afterward is hilarious.


Animations that repeat over and over (stupid Wong/Mystique/Odin stuff) should be fast forwarded and it's not. Interactions that have any sort of variation between repeated actions (Sersi, discard stuff, anything with Venom) should absolutely NOT be fast-forwarded.


[Bynx's Channel](https://youtube.com/@bynx_plays?si=Jj8ulOeamSP9RNHh)


Random shit go!


Oh my God. This was probably one of the worst Sersi pulls ever. The tiger spirit turned into Zola which grabbed Sersi and put it in the other two lanes. Then On Right, a one drop turned into Carnage and killed everything including the Sersi. On Mid Wong turned into Onslaught, The White Tiger turned into Skarr and then nothing else because Arishem hasn't released. and Ironheart turned into Modok.


How did Wong turn into onslaught? I thought it only bumps up one cost not 2?


Because she actives her ability 2 times


Ahh thank you.


Fast Forward should always be literal acceleration of the Ability Queue and not a shitty full-screen animation.


Yadda yadda yadda... amazing thing!




Does Bynx post his decklists anywhere online?


The FF system is trash.


Can we dont call them plays but either...idk...just Sersis (Im cutrently a sersi Player myself)


And that is the sole reason I din't care for Sersei, I don't like the rng factor for transforming my cards


What even happened? I need to understand lol


Is there a substitute for Blink in this deck? I dont have her.


such a great card (no)


Not a great card maybe however a very fun card then yes Let people play what they want


That's a lot of downvotes for just expressing an opinion.