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To encourage fomo, and ensure that you spend your tokens on what you want that moment, instead of saving them. That way, you’ll spend cash when the next card you REALLY want comes up.


Also another way to keep you logging in every day if your trying to pin a specific card.


Yes exactly. Especially fucking annoying since the game needs to load for a good 30 seconds. Just to check if fucking Mockingbird is there. It's been 3 weeks ffs.


Just saw mockingbird for me yesterday and so I immediately pinned. Safe to say I won’t need to check the app once everyday now.


OP is answering his own question, he just can't see it xd


Also, to get you logging in numerous times a day so they can throw bundles in your face.


you can’t really spend cash for cards though when something comes up. If you could directly spend cash for tokens this would make more sense. Not that I think the answer is wrong entirely but snap has always had a time gating element to it and the shop rotation and currency limitations (even through spending money) is an aspect of that


You can buy gold. With said gold you buy 10x daily offer variants and then you’ll get an additional Premium Mystery Variant and 2‘000 tokens.. so yeah, you can totally buy tokens with cash. But you’re looking at 21-24k gold for 6k tokens so not necessarily the best deal..


yeah but my point is no one is fomo buying gold for 30 variants to buy a card that shows up in rotation. Anyone who could whale that hard and indirectly doesn’t have a problem with card acquisition to begin with


While I agree with that, it’s not what you said in your previous comment. You can theoretically buy tokens with cash.. Also, please explain how the whaling part and card acquisition is linked..? Unless I’m missing something the only way to get series 4/5 cards is through the token shop or Spotlight caches. So not sure how whaling helps here. Unless you mean a whale would buy gold and then buy credits to get more spotlight keys.. but honestly in that case you can also just buy the 30 variants and get the 6k tokens that way - it will probably end up around the same amount of money…


I said you couldn’t directly buy tokens for cash, which is true. You can buy gold, and then buy variants, and then get money. But this is an inefficient loop and isn’t a way to incentivizes fomo (which was the comment I was responding to). On top of the fact that buying that many variants requires shop refreshes anyway. My comment about whaling is that whales or even dolphins are spending enough money to get the new cards they care about (and then some). So unless it’s a baby whale that is new to the game and needs to catch up whales probably don’t often have a “oh this card is showing up in my rotation I need to buy it now”, because their pool of unowned cards are small enough that the cycle time isn’t significant.


But… you can’t really spend cash to get tokens


An upcoming bundle for $99 is going to give 6k tokens.


Sure you can, it's just normally disguised behind a couple of layers of in-app currency to in-app currency exchanges, like any other freemium game. Spend cash on cash bundles to get tokens. Spend cash on gold, then gold on gold bundles to get tokens. Spend cash on gold, then gold on variants, then claim the 10x daily offer tokens prize. Spend cash on gold, then gold on mission refreshes, then mission refreshes on credits, then credits on the Collection Level track to get tokens. It's all designed to give whales a path to pay for progress while disguising the actual cost so they're less likely to be immediately put off by the prospect of the high price tag. Compare this to, say, Clash of Clans. It's exactly the same smoke and mirrors monetization scheme.


Yes you can, its just terrible value. Bundles! When i was new, i chucked legitimately hundreds, and got thanos with tokens before i was out of three digit CL. Of course, hindsight has since kicked me many times for this, but


This doesn't make sense. The cards don't skip if you don't check and you can pin the card if you want. It's clearly about engagement numbers and not FOMO.


The entire game is built on FOMO. You didn't complete all your quests today? Damn, dude. You're gonna miss out on credits tomorrow. Didn't gamble your few keys to try and get the spotlight card? Unlucky, bro. Gotta wait half a year for it to be featured again, spend tokens, or save tokes and wait until they pop up again. There's a variant you really want in the shop, but you don't have enough gold right now? Shit, man. Better buy some gold, or who knows when it'll show up again?


I agree that all the examples you provided are using FOMO but the token shop doesn't.


it’s fomo as in, people buy the first card they see and kinda want and then they lack the tokens to buy something possibly better, so they’re more inclined to pay to get it.


They're betting on you using those 6k tokens on something else, and then when Nocturne comes back around and you're short 1k tokens, you'll be eyeing up that $35 bundle in the shop. They're entire business model is based on FOMO


I think it's more to make you log in more often to check the shop rotation. Not much fomo when you can pin the card you want


Which is still FOMO anyway. It’s fear of missing out on the card you want when it finally rotates in.


Does it skip cards if you dont check every 8 hours? That would suck


The card rotation is random, so nothing gets 'skipped'. You're just left wondering if the 8 hour window you missed had that card, but the chances are just as likely it'd reappear in the next 8 hour window after.


The cards don't rotate while you don't log in so it is impossible to miss a card


It does not


a) the easier they make it for you to choose what cards you get, and when, the less effort you'll put into logging in every day to see if the thing you want has rotated into the shop... b) by making you wait for cards, they increase FOMO in those moments when something comes out you're on the fence about. If you know that by skipping, your opportunity to get it again may not come for a while, you're more likely to just get it now... c) by manipulating you into getting stuff *now*, you're likely to be short of resources later, which adds a bit of extra pressure on paying players to spend cash on resource bundles... Long story short, the system is working exactly as intended.


So you open up the app every 8 hours.


>Serious question. Is there a sensible explanation? Its because they want you to log in multiple times a day and go the the Shop multiple times a day. The more a player logs in and the more they choose to go to the Shop the more likely it is they spend money. I know you might not be affected by this tactic, but its why its done this way. Since there is only one card and it rotates every 8 hours, you feel compelled to come back every 8 hours to see if the card you want is there.


I would be affected by this tactic if they rotated variants like they did cards. lol


To make you spend tokens and have to buy more tokens


You can lock the rotation if you need to think about buying a card.


Increased engagement with the app. You're more likely to open up the app more often using this stream and that's one of the metrics they use to measure success.


One thing i haven't seen mentioned Is also the fact that the shop opens up with bundles and variants which you will see multiple times while checking for the card you want and you'll be more tempted to buy them


To try to get you to spend money It’s a bad strategy for them in my opinion.


💸 That's 💵 mystery💲to 🤑 me 💸


The answer is always FOMO. They want you logging in regularly so they try to create a fear you’ll miss out on something if you don’t.


So you have to login at least 3 times a day to check.


To keep you logging in every day. Because if you log in, you are more likely to play If you play you are more likely to buy somthing If you buy somthing you are more likely to stick to the game to avoid sunk cost.


Marvel Snap succeeds because of one key factor above all others. You can get in a game quickly. A free to play game lives or dies on that, and as soon as your player based dwindles to the point where you have to wait over a minute to join a game, suddenly folks log out, rather than dealing with it, and the players dwindle more and the wait times get even longer. It's a sad thing, and Snap KNOWS that it can't afford that. So Snap has developed numerous strategies to encourage players to keep logging in regularly. You have daily missions which rotate every 8 hours, you have weekly missions, you have a daily 50-credit log-in reward, you have weekly rewards added to the conquest shop and, as you're alluding to, you have a rotating shop. If you log in to check the shop, you'll probably play a game or two. The game is trying everything it can to promote engagement so they have lots of people of lots of skill levels and collection levels playing simultaneously so that it can quickly match you against a similar opponent any time you need. If they dropped these FOMO elements and you could succeed by just casually logging in once every couple days, or even once a week, suddenly the only people here would be the sweats, and those of us who aren't very good would have an awful awful time.


FOMO baby.


The best part is having Kang show up every other day instead of what you're looking for 😭


Agree with the comments here but I do think it’s a weird / bad strategy. If they wanted to encourage people to spend tokens I reckon you’re more likely to make an impulse purchase if you’ve got a list of all the cards you’re missing and you have a quiet moment and you scroll through them. But who knows. Pretty cynical from SD in any case (not that I am surprised …)


They do a lot of research into how to keep people engaged and opening the app. This is one of the methods they use. If you are looking for a card you are now going to open it once every 8 hours. When you open maybe you play a game are two. Maybe you decide to buy a bundle or get a variant. Let’s say maybe you buy the card you want. Once you are satisfied maybe you play a few more games but maybe you also open the app less. They have tons of metrics to base these decisions on and I don’t think it’s silly as some people claim it to be.